The maid is still very fast,

Looking at the two people came back, straight, "Things pack it, you will go."

Sufen looked at it, and the little appliances bought after B is coming, it is thrown into the door.

The luggage is also stacked there.

It seems that there is no good to clean up, I will throw it out.

Sufen is angry, "What are you doing, who makes you don't touch us?"

"A few, the wife told you, you will move out today, so things will help you put it here." The maid said.

Sufen is angry, but it still can only hold ä, rollover love, "Hey, still go."

Seeing so many people, playing, not, let alone, there is still a place to be here, they will take it here.

However, Wu Jing is unwilling.

"Mom, we don't go, we don't move."

Supfin said, "You see, people are rushing us, don't go to do."

"Don't go, we don't go, you will go with Lin He, I really ... I will never let it."

"It's impossible, people have driven away us, or go."

"No, I don't want to go back to the bungalow, don't go back to our town, I want to stay in B, I want to be a star, I want to live in the villa, mom, you see, here there is a bathtub, There are so many good-looking clothes, so a good bed, the kitchen is so clean, so big, a kitchen is bigger than our home, how do you give it. "

Sufen is not willing, these days are here, feel like dreaming, this is not something in paradise, but Lin Che will use these every day.

She also wants to have a day, clean, comfortable, but not.

"Okay, we have to close, you will come."

At this time, the door closed behind.

Sufen is angry, "Hey, you can't explain, how can you call us outside, I ... I ..."

Sufen looked at your own things with Wu Dynasty, and Wu flowing directly and cried.

SUF E-fi also means, it is holding the hand, there is a lot of things to think about where to go this evening, we can not sleep on the street, think about it.


Finally, I opened this family first, and Lin Che listened to the maid at home, saying that although they would not be willing, but there is no other way, I have to go.

Lin Che is already released, saying that although a lot of things have been arranged, they have a lot of things, she has to hook their hands, can't help them, so too.

The relatives in the family must have no way to pick the wrong. After all, she is really righteous, and it is also to take a work. If you have, you can't like yourself.

Handling, Lin Che, continue to look at the script that Yu Yuyi brought.

The script is really good, how to write the gods, the story of Xian Xia, but written very much, and it is very tasted.

Gu Jingze saw her sleep to see the sleeples and sleeplers, and they were deliberate, "What do you see."

Lin Che said, "The drama is."

Gu Jingze is going to see it, the name is still the "fairy".

When you think of it is the prompt, bed, bed, ...

He said, "Don't say not shoot, why are you still watching."

Lin Ke looked up, "I think the script is written very well, you will see it."

Lin Che will hand him to him.

Gu Jingze did not want to see it.

No matter what is good, he only feels that there is a bed, he is uncomfortable.

In the past, Lin Che didn't care about it, but Gu Jingze didn't have seen it, because although I know is a job, I know is fake, but I still feel uncomfortable.

So just don't look at it, you will not think, don't think, you can do anything.

He didn't want to interfere with her work, and he didn't want to be her stumbling block. However, he couldn't control his mind. I thought that she was talking to other men in the play, and she would feel bad.

But at this time, I looked at the script. He understood that these days, she would have an intimate drama with another man, how can he not think about it.

I don't want to pick up this TV series.

So thinking, he is even more looking at her, "Maybe other scripts will be better, I think this is not good."

"But I have seen it, it is really good." Lin Che didn't know, what he was thinking in his heart.

"Where is it? I think it is not good from the way."

"Oh, I just see, you don't have this professional, of course, I don't understand, this is a rare good script." Lin Che.

Gu Jingze shows the eyebrows, deeply screwed, "So you will take this?"

"Hey, if you can, I must try it, but this drama is too big, it is estimated that we can't do it yourself, it will work together with the home." Lin Che has been accounting in his heart, because it is more, the scene is also Large, it is estimated that a company should not do it.

Then I can only do it with other companies.

So, which estimate can do it together?

Lin Che is thinking, Gu Jingze's face is already silent.

"No, this is not allowed to shoot." Gu Jingze Road.

Lin He looked at him and surprised.

Gu Jingze can never interfere with her work.

"Why don't you take it?"

"I don't know, I don't want it." Gu Jingze's drama, directly put the script into the trash can.

"Hey, you tell me clearly, why don't you throw my script." I threw into the trash ...

Lin He hurriedly found the trash can.

"Gu Jingze, how can you do this, what you throw my script."

Gu Jingze looked at her, "What is the low thing, you will take it."

Low level?

Lin Qing faces a shock.

"Where is the low level."

"Then the dog blood." Gu Jingze Road.

Lin Chen standing there, looked at Gu Jingze, inexplicably felt his tone, is in the dislike.

Yes, the domestic environment is not good, shot, whether it is a TV series, or a movie, it is better than Hollywood.

Gu Jingze is a movie drama of Wolus, then seeing domestic, just think of this low.

"Hey, how can you judge our TV series, yes, we are very low, but you have to know, we are still in development, need a step forward, the market economy, you will not do low-end Things, the industrial chain is keeping up, the funds are keeping up, consumption, you can do high-end, our film and television industry is like this, but it just started. "

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