Whirlwind Marriage: Overwhelming Love of The Husband

Chapter 1362 They know, let's know.

"No, you won't know it, the headline said, you are discovered by the man, still what the crew newcomer, I said, you would rather want the newcomers, don't want me, what does it mean."


Lin Che is feeling bad, and hurry up.

Then look back pick up the phone to brush the headline.

When I saw the news of the headline, I really had a dog.

I rub, this is a gout.


It is Gu Jingze.

She was taken with Gu Jingze.

Looking at the photo, she touched the forehead, the photo was a side face, but the people who know, seriously, still recognized, it is Gu Jingze.

This Li Mingyu didn't know how long his eyes did not recognize it.

Going back, Lin Ce saw Gu Jingze have come over.

Lin Che said, "What can I do now ... you have been exposed ..."

Gu Jingze bowed, then looked at Lin Che, "If you care, I can blocked the news, but now blocked, my face has been seen, sooner or later, someone will know, this is me. "

Lin Ke looked at him, "Although it is exposed, there are a lot of trouble, but I am more worried, you will not have trouble."

After all, Gu Jingze is not ordinary. If people know their relationship, I don't know what will bring him.

Gu Jingze pulled the Lin Qing's hand, pulling the clouds, and pulled the clouds, pulled her arms, looked at her, "I have been hiding all the media and people, but I am worried about my physical and mental danger, but now I am It is no longer the house owner of Gu's family, I am worried that it is no longer a family mission, just care about us, plus, we don't know, now this world is hiding in the world, it is safe, still appearing In front of the public, let everyone see me, know who I am, is safer. "

Lin Ke looked at him, "Really?"

Gu Jingze nodded, "Since there is no way to cover up, it is better to admit it, I also hope that the world knows that you are my wife, let everyone, can't ."

He lowered his head, whispering her forehead, whispering, lingering.

Lin Xin's heart, so slowly relaxed, thinking that all people know, she is together with Gu Jingze ...

Witten by everyone.

That, it is also a very happy thing.

She looked at him, thinking that it is now in a lot of money, and has been facing the media. It is nothing to appear in front of the public. In the show, participate in the interview, let people know their own experience, becoming a star businessman.

Perhaps because of this recreation era, more people discover, so maybe more business opportunities, and not so much to be watching their lives, it seems to be more relaxed.

Lin Che thought, maybe they can also try it.

Lin Suico hit his head, and gently grabbed his neck.

"I also hope that everyone knows, you are my husband."

Leave her imprint, let everyone know that Gu Jingze is her, no one wants to.

Two people smile, slowly leaning together.

Since I decided no matter what they, then she didn't respond.

On the other side, Li Mingyu saw that she took the phone directly and hit it again.

Linx is slowly picking up the phone, "What are you doing?"

"You hang up the phone, what is it, do you have a thief.

Lin Lu, "You have a big president, how can you pay attention to these gossip news, the news is only the headline, you will see it, are you talking about gossip at any time?"

"What do you know, I am called concern, knowing all the news, in order to follow the trend, first send people."

"Ha ha."

"You haven't said yet, what is going on?"

"You have so much, care about your other events."

Lin Che hook again, this time, see Li Mingyu again, lazy to pick it up.

And the news is there to ferment, no one has responded.

Lin Ce's first microblogging has been fried, and many fans are asked below, "Who is it."

"We believe that Lin Qing, Lin Che you come out, what are they true?"

"Lin Che, you will really like the newcomer in the play, who is it, don't be used, we are worried."

"Is a small person, don't use you, Lin Che, Run, respond,"

Looking at everyone guessing, Lin Che is also helpless, but now I don't know how to say it.

Yu Yumin called, "Since the photo has issued this photo, there will be some photos, let's see what they have, let them send it, let's respond, and if there is anything wrong with it I hit my face. "

"Well, now they dare to provoke me, I have to see their own faces."

"Haha, they must not know, who will provoke anything, Gu Dahui will not give these paparaphers at once."

"No, I see Gu Jingze is not very angry."

"Yes, is you exposed, are you talking to him, if you follow others, these papases are really going to be out."

Lin Che, that is indeed.

Yu Yushan said, I just started, when this paparague is just coming out, everyone doesn't know that this work is technically, so when you come out, you are busy going to public relations and explain.

But later, they found that they had another thing in their hands, deliberately waiting for you to explain, then release a little thing to play your face.

A few times, all the way, everyone understands.

Later, then, they didn't hurry out the public relations. They all public closed, then, wait until they released all the news, confident that they can put it without anything else, and then explained together.

After doing this, I really have a lot.

Therefore, the star of the star is also slowly developed, everyone is learning, fighting each other, slow summing up experience, and upgrading struggles.

Lin Che is also nothing to say, watching them brushing the headline there.

The other party saw Lin Cahi did not respond, knowing that Lin Che is completely do not want to spend money.

I didn't expect that the church of Lin Che, still so,

They immediately start plan B, recruit advertisements, join the next explosion.

The merchant saw the clicking traffic from Lin Ce, and immediately fought, spent a lot of money sponsored.

They are very happy, soon, they exposed the next message.

Lin Che, kissing in the room, kissed in the room, the posture, the lingering look, the action ...

It's so shameful.

A video, it was put on the Internet.

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