"When is it together?

"Who is chasing who?"

"Is it in the drama for play?"

"Is two people at first sight?"

"Is it acknowledging?"

This is a congestion in it. Everyone knows that the recent topic has been hot, so I looked at the reporter's surrounded Lin Ce, and it was expected to be expected. So other artists are basically around.

Inside, the interviewed place, the microphone was surrounded.

Lin He looked at everyone. "I didn't think about it. I have been taken. Of course, we are not there. Who will not talk to love, let me think it is difficult, why do you take that picture? It's really ... "

Said, Lin Qing's face, shy red.

Everyone looked at the shame, even more, sweet home.

It's really a performance of love couples.

"Is it now?"

"When will you be married?"

"Do you want a child?"

Lin Ke looked at everyone, "I have never like to say emotional problems, because I think everyone will see my work, so ... and don't need me to say, since there is so reporter Friends are, I think they have a good ability, this picture can be photographed, let them go to shoot. "

Lin Che exposes a smile, looking at the lens, although it is light, but the provocation is obvious.

People don't commit me, I don't commit crimes, they are now gotting to her head, she does not rush, she does not match the wife of Gu Jingze.

Let's see it, this is really, the spark is too obvious.

Lin Che This is open to provocating those dogs.

Those dogs have recently been sinned, but because many artists have black materials, so, although they are dissatisfied, but they will not be so obvious, they will not be public. Going to others, but now, Lin Che is being smashed, domineering back ...

The headline title on the next day has already been.

Lin Ce domineering: Just take it, continue to expose, I am not afraid.

When the dog is watching, is this responding?

The sucking of the response, huh, oh, it is as a boss, the taste is.

"Since she said, let us go to shoot, let's take a picture."

The dog knows that the news given there side, saying that some people have seen two children, but they didn't shoot at the time, so there was no evidence.

Since Lin Che is recognizing his love, they will focus on the child.

They are professional dogs, so they tracked, and they follow the way, they will be in the past.

Is there a child, you have to go to kindergarten. There is too much bodyguard around her, it is not good to follow, often follow, but their home, there is always someone picks up children.

And these stars, kindergartens will be, must be famous in the city, they will start with these excellent young children.

After searching, you can got a grade kindergarten, then there are several, they all sent people to squat.

I really let them stand at a family.

"Boss, this family has a woman, two children, the size and the stars are similar, and it is also a bunch of bodyguards, this kindergarten is not allowed, Lin Che is still reluctant, this kindergarten, many children It is very powerful, and the special expensive, the teachers in the inside are invited to foreign countries. It is said that consumption is not general. "

"With Zhou Yu, I know such a short time, the child is so big, the child is definitely not Zhou Yu, hey, I will see what you do, there is a photo?"

"Some, you see, is it a bit like Lin Che."

"It's like ... but it is not a special image." They feel familiar, but they are not exactly thinking, who is the child.

On the same day, the dog was released.

"Don't think that Lin Che is over, the prince and the princess, from this happiness life? No, the story is high. Too, you haven't seen it yet, immediately we will take everyone Go and see the ruined three views. "

Netizens did watch and surprised, what do you mean, there is still a trace?

I thought that even if I recognized it.

Fans have just been prepared to jubilate, and I wish He Husi to find people.

I didn't expect it, I suddenly stimulated.

Is this still inversion?

There is no response from Lin Che.

In the company, Lin Ke looked at their breakdown, and the photo deliberately fuzzy, but also, it is indeed their own children.

"These people have a set." Lin Che said, "Sure enough is professional."

"Unfortunately, it is a person who should not provoke." Yu Yu said.

Lin Che, since the days I think that I have already exposed it, it doesn't matter, I don't have a tightness.

Otherwise, if you are really vigilant, these people will never take a picture.

Some of the netizens are saying, "Look at Lin Che Forest, if the artist is awkward, the matter should be fake, if nothing says, it is true, but what is the meaning of these two children, Is Lin Che, there is a child? "

When the other party saw Lin Ca, he didn't respond, and he immediately came out again.

"I thought that Lin Che was with the newcomer Zhou Yu Xi Niki? How to knot, people have a child? Is it derailed? Divorce? Who is the child's father? The entertainment circle is a big suspension, now - the mystery of Lin Ce."

Everyone is very surprised. Is this child really Lin Ce?

The child has, when did you happen?

Lin B is too strict.

Lin He continued to pay attention to it, and fans began to blow up.

"Lin Che, you come to explain it, what is going on here."

And the paparazzi is still useful to express the discredit of Lin Ce.

The crime given by Lin Che is not used to say how much.

The first is to deceive the audience, pretend to be single, the second is a private child, and contact newcomers.

Eating melon people said that it is difficult to understand, what is going on here, watching it is really a good solution.

And Lin Che, looked at the online, in full swings, some people said that Lin Che should be married, then put it from the entertainment circle in the middle of Lin Ce, and then rest again for a year, and it's right. I feel that this time should be to go to the child, the child's father is also outside the circle, and the whole guess is over again. In fact, they don't have any other guess, but they will have a rumor with Lin Che. A male is guess to see which one is more right.

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