Lin Che said, "Since can't cover up, then don't cover it."

Yu Yu said, "Well, I want to take care of both sides and is also unlikely. Since he can develop there, then we look at what he can develop."

Lin Chen thought that online news should be able to end, but don't want, this time, it is still guessing, why is the two people not exposed so many years, and there is no movement after exposure, no Know if it's a problem.

Lin Ke looked at the above report, and his heart was very depressed.

No wonder a lot of stars don't want to expose their love, just look at these guess, it is very bad.

The key, these people guess, always look like a curse, uncomfortable in my heart.

On the side, Gu Jingze looked at Lin Che, "What are you watching.

Lin Ce grabbed his hair, "These people are too bored."

She has some regret why they have to recognize these.

After their feelings of their feelings, these people, I really started a variety of guessing. There are a lot of people in the conspiracy, always thinking about others, and makes people can't help.

Gu Jingze casually looked at it, "For all, it is a few, you are now too much, naturally it is easy, don't look at it, otherwise, I will go out for a business trip, you also follow me Go. "

Lin Ce knows that he will go to Dubai immediately, she shook his head, Dubai, she was too lazy.

In particular, there is Saidide's bastard.

She said, "No, I will send you to the airport."

It is also bored at home, and she is going out, it is dissatisfied.

However, when I arrived at the airport, Lin Che saw that the outside reporter did not know where to start tracking them, it would know that Lin Che Tong Ze will appear at the airport.

Lin He looked at it, rising his mouth, looked up at Gu Jingze, somewhat embarrassed, some uncomfortable.

Gu Jingze carested her forehead, "What happened?"

Lin Ce only wore a simple sweatshirt, a white plus blue stripes, although it is already two children's mother, but it looks still as high school students, she looked at Gu Jingze, "Sorry, I may Choosing exposure is an error, you see, they always follow, work for you, is it a big impact. "

Gu Jingze bowed, took her waist, did not speak, but held her cheeks and kissed her lips deep.

Quietly kiss, Lin Che is slowly precipitating in his role, slowly settled many.

Gu Jingze slowly released her, she remembered, this is at the airport, there are still many reporters who are watching.

Gu Jingze Road, "They felt fresh, because they were too long, just open, you have never said, we know, these processes, so, the people outside the outside are so strong, I want to know What happened, I will always follow, I will see more, I will not have this freshness. "

Lin Qing is red, looks at the back, and since the reporters are shooting with two people, the exciting look is really speechless.

"That's just ... I just brought me ... What is the relationship, hate, then you don't have to ... so many people look at it." Although Lin Che has played so many romantic scenes, but his life was taken to others. Look, it feels that it is absolutely different, she is blushing, I feel embarrassed.

Gu Jingze laughed and looked at her blush. The fingers were grinded by her lips. "They want to see, let them see, there is always a tired taste, we are not tired, we are so greasy."


Gu Jingze can also break the tin to break.

However, it seems that Gu Jingze is not wrong.

Because I don't know, I will be curious, I will not be so curious about it.

Just in a stage in the circle, which star is particularly fire, everyone will follow, but the fire is a while, everyone will see tired, if you change, you will continue to fire, in fact, the truth is so simple.

Gu Jingze Road, "Okay, don't think so much, I will come back as soon as possible."

"Well." Lin Che is nodded.

Two people walk in the inside, all the way is holding hands, and the sweetness is enviable.

Afterwards, they can't get it, and the reporter can only look at the outside, asked the staff of the airport, the staff said that Gu Jia has its own private aircraft, and specially built a lounge supplied to her home airplane. Outside people cannot enter.

The reporter sighed, and it is really the first luxury door of C., everything is different, the airport also deliberately gives their private aircraft to make a place.

After returning, these reporters have written, suddenly, the photo is once again popular, everyone looked at two people to kiss, hand in hand, then entered the inside, even if the rumors said, those who say what they say? Nor did it respond, is it because I feel the problem, so I'm going to shut up in an instant.

Lin Qing returned home, opened Weibo, didn't use it, I saw it, Weibo brush a hot.

Gu Jingze opened Weibo.

Lin Che.

Gu Jingze opened Weibo? Why don't she know?

She hurriedly opened, found that the official Weibo officially sent, the above shows that Gu Jingze did open Weibo, just opened it, and Weibo immediately gave Gu Jingze, and gave him a special Certification.

The above certified information is naturally the president of the Vendor.

The avatar is a simple big tree image.

He just sent the first Weibo.

No, more specifically, it is forwarded a microblog, it is a microblog of Lin Ce, or I have been sent for a long time. I have been a little for forgotten to her, that is a beautiful castle, she sent it, " so beautiful."

And Gu Jingze's forwarding content, personality, overbearing, and

Just a word: "Buy."

At once, Gu Jingze's certification Weibo, the number of fans rose a wave of waves.

One moment, it seems to be from 0, to 100,000.

And his microblogging comments, it is also right away.

Just open a comment, you will see everyone's envy, "lying in the trough, is a boyfriend Max."

"When a man is most charming, he said when he said to buy it."

", Ask the thigh."

"There is no humanity."

"Husband, I am!"

Lin Chess, this Gu Jingze ...

Lin Che immediately asked Jing Jingze, "What are you doing?"

Although Gu Jingze is on the plane, but his aircraft does not need to shield signal.

The usual aircraft needs to block the signal, close all electrical appliances, is worried that the signal interference causes danger, but Gu Jingze time is more precious, basically on the plane, will continue to call and work, so signal never break.

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