Whirlwind Marriage: Overwhelming Love of The Husband

Chapter 1372, the woman is afraid of the male.

Several people are really broken by this child, where they have been ignorant, they don't want her.

And this is absolutely not a face on the surface, but I really think she is too trick.

It is in private, and several people are saying, "I am too cute, I feel that every piece of meat is chopped in her body."

"Yeah, although I don't affect the face, I can only say that the gene is very good."

"But I don't know if you can't see the real person, there will be this feeling, anyway, who sees this child, I will like it."

"Anyway, I don't know if she is too powerful. She is a giant, I just look at her, I must be because I am too powerful."

"Haha, how will we like it, we want to force it together."

When Lin Che was talking there, the director said, "We feel that this child can, very cute, very beautiful, and very performance, look, or because you are old artist, the gene is good So she also has a star statue from the small way, and it is definitely a big star. "

Lin Che laughed, "Thank you for the director so praise, I am so sad, I am still an old artist."

"That is of course, of course, you forgot you or moving."

"Which, how long, how long, I haven't had a lot for a long time."

"These are virtual, oh yeah, I said that you have the old artist's day, see, such a big wrist is still so modest."

Lin Xin listened to his compliment, it is really sorry.

That is, I have finalized her to participate, but he didn't sure about how much reward, looked at Lin Che, he was in a hurry, and he said half of me. "You look at this reward, we now have the top now, the highest Remuneration, I don't want you to say, it is a mother Cheng Huan, who is flying, flying, they have two most popular, so the reward is 50 million, we give you the same price as she, how do you see how you look? I have given you a good price, but when you look, your home, who is rare, our money is. "

Fifty million.

This is indeed a very high price. A first-line big coffee, just about 30 million, although the real show is a geographical period, but the actual schedule does not have to be so nervous, the middle is not shooting Time can continue other work, and the true people show more than the shooting TV drama, so everyone likes so.

Lin Che laughed, "It has been much more, thank you, then a specific thing, I will let the company let the people come to contact."

Two people shake this hand, the other party thinks, Lin Che is true, so big card, so much money, Tang Gu wife, still talk so much.

They are really, what stars have been touched, the character is good natural, encountering the character, but can only be affected, so I have been so good to be so temper, I really think burning high incense. .

Even if Lin has more, as long as she can participate, they have to make it strong, who knows everything is so smooth.

When Lin Che, he saw his own child is really coming, holding a snow cake in one hand, holding a chocolate in one hand, and chewing a lollipop in his mouth ...

I have a good time.

Several staff were turned around her, and she was lumped in the middle of the gang, and Lin Ca, who saw it, looked.

This snack goods!

However, Yu Yuxi is happy to narrow his eyes, "Not bad, 50 million, and we have fallen in the next quarter."



After the start of "Mom took me to travel", everyone has a lot of guessing behind this participated person.

This time, the last two groups will be retained, and the remaining three groups will be new.

Everyone else doesn't know that Lin Che will join, and it is a few stars who have guess some kinds of stars in the sun.

However, this time, the program group has released a message. "There will be a mysterious guest in this quarter to join the big family. You can guess."

The poster of the program group is a mother holding a child's black shadow. The characters are unknown. "She is written below." She is a day, she is a woman who is an admirable woman is a brave. "

Everyone guess, after the day ...

Is it a wood?

After she came back, she came back with her daughter.

Just, I recently left, I was still resting, no one guess.

Since Lin Che Tong Jingze is exposed, Mu Fei is also harassing three days old, all have been used to it.

In the afternoon, Mu Fei came to the house to drink tea in the house. She came with Yunyun, looked at Lin Qing, "I heard that you still have to participate in the real show, hey, this time is to capture a large number of fans. Is it a year to go? "

Lin Che Tongyin, "Do you think you will go?"

"Well, I also think this doesn't match his character, otherwise, if he wants to participate, you will be dead."

"You are the same as Yu Yushan, but he will never die."

Lin Ce is sorry to look at the wood, "It's really sorry, because of my things, let you have to be disturbed recently."

Mu Fei said, "What about saying, let's talk to me, you still say sorry, don't I have a hot spot with you, I can't interview you, just think of me first. How much exposure is added at once, how much exposure is it? "

Lin Che said, "You still need exposure."

This kind of big name has arrived with where to attend, there is no need to add any exposure.

However, because it is a person, Mu Fei is so saying that I don't want to be too self-blaming.

She comfortably, "It doesn't matter, my experience, they didn't look at it, I was still chased with Mo Ding, and later, I didn't have anyone. "

Yeah, Lin Ke knows, now she is bad, it will be good.

"Oh, you are here, harm me well."

The Black Eagle came in this time and looked at the two people.

Lin Che is looking at him, "How did you follow."

Black Eagle said, "Why, I am not coming to see you."

He smiled sat next to the wooden side.

Looking out, Mu Fei finally wrapped in numbly, sitting there helplessly brought himself.

Lin Che, it is true that the old saying is right, good girl is afraid of a man.

Look at Mu Fei Ren, I was so declared, but it was not wrapped around the Black Eagle.

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