Whirlwind Marriage: Overwhelming Love of The Husband

Chapter 1375 dare to bully my sister

I quickly arrived at the country, along the way, the team from the city's asphalt road, to the stone road of the country, and a few people who participated in the program, only the children of the show, curiously looked outside, but already Two children participating in a lot of time are calm.

Just arrived in the village, I saw a lot of villagers looked out, I can see the banner flying in the distance, write a welcome program group arrival.

The people in the program group also feel that this snoring is a bit big. It is to experience life. How can experience life and a look at the country, so many people are welcome here.

She is not very interesting in the car. "This is not our arrangement. It is these villagers spontaneously. When they choose their village, the village head is very happy. Formerly selected, many of them have established a tourist area, it is estimated Here is also a finally getting rich. "

Lin Ke looked outside, the arrogance of the arms is very curious, I have been asking, what is my mother, what is it.

Big cock, scorpion, and pigs, she is the first time I saw it, she was new.

Lin Ke felt that it was a child to play, in the hot introduction, soon arrived, listen to the listening, "Here is more than the last place, not to say that it will not go so broken Is there a place? "

There is also a villager listening next to it, and it is very embarrassing.

The program group said, "For the program effect, this is the first phase, and it must choose a place to choose."

Cheng Huan took the child, sent things to the villagers, welcome to send, such a thing is very arrogant, Dadi is still there, there is a star like a striker, telling you, "You are good, don't squeeze. "

The villagers are on the side. "The children who have money in the city are different, they are true for people."

Big flying in that smile, "No, it should, it should be."

Lin Che is willing to eat with the time.

The program group is also worried that it is too grievable that these usually get used to light and bright stars, and it is still very clean.

Lin Che finally stayed in a farmer, the villagers were very happy, looked at Lin Che, "I like your show like you, my son looks at you every day, saying that you are so good, he wants you to come to us. I must run back immediately, that is, he works in the distance. Generally come back for two or three days, when you are gone, we are too dirty here, you are not used to, this is what we pack, this is what we pack it. You look, don't do it. "

Looking at the room Lin Che laugh, "It's very clean, it's more clean than I clean up, I am very lazy at home, nothing is harder."

"Oh, when you are a star, you will make money."

"When the star is also a grungy job, you didn't see it, the crew was hundreds of times more than here. Here is a five-star hotel."

"Oh, look at the big star will speak, come in and come in."

The villagers smiled, I feel that Lin Su will speak, even if it is a passer, it is already very happy.

In fact, Lin Che is really not disappointing, letting her in the past, when there is no maid to help her, it is really not as clean than others.

In the next two days, Lin Ca looked down with the villagers next day. Gu Shi is willing to have seen wheat. Didn't see the hoe, Lin Che is playing with the villagers. I want a hoe, and I will go to the grass together.

The villagers looked at it and taught the children how to get.

"Look, this is wheat seedlings, this is grass, put the grass, the wheat seedlings stayed, this wheat seedlings are used to make face, used to do it, shovel, no, don't you eat, do you know? "

When Gu Ti is willing to go wrong, thinking that she means that it is not eaten today, for a while, I can eat it, and quickly shove it.

The villagers smiled, "Take a look, the children in the city are not bad, only three years old will shoot, who said that the children are poor in the city."

Lin Che is looking at it, but Cheng Huan has passed a few pass, Cheng Huan Huan said, "It will be obvious, I really thought to play this kind of affinity, I like it, the real show is like this, no more special, only Nothing, she is stupid. "

Lin Che is too lazy to pay this, anyway, it is playing, nor does it expect to really gain anything.

Soon, the first phase is over.

Lin Che Taking a child, watching the sister of the sun, it is very distressed, no done, directly with my sister, "What is it?"

"Does anyone bully you?"

Lin Xin looked back, speechless shook his head, this sister, didn't put her in the eyes at all, come back to ask.

However, over there.

Gu Yun is willing to tell the brother to tell everything.

She said directly, "Dali brother put something in my bowl."

The eyes of the time.

Big Far brother?

Because the sister wants to participate in the show, he has seen it, and that is big, he also understands.

Dare to bully his sister!

The next day, Lin He continued to shoot.

The program group is prepared is the principle of shooting two weeks after two weeks after two weeks. Lin Che is willing to pick up the things, and the year is looking at my mother, smile, "Mom," Mom Take care of your sister. "

Lin Ce looked at the time, today he is so good to be so polite.

Of course, maybe he is to take care of the sister behind him.

Lin Che will leave.

But I saw Lin Che, and I pulled a staff member.

"My sister, I added a surprise for your program."

The staff first was shocked, looked at this, a handsome child who came indifferent to alienating, talking to himself, and said so good.

I have been inexplicably attracted by him.

Being attracted by his peace, it attracted the past, although it was only a few years old, but it gave one, very stable, very trustworthy.

That is like it feels inexplicable.

"What surprises do you have?"

After the eyes, I flashed a sly, "" You kneel me, tell you. "

Lin Chilai is willing to go out, and it is naturally uninformed to this.

And then, Cheng Huanhuan saw Lin Che, although the surface was very disdain, but for the program effect, it was still talking together.

It's just that people look out, and the two are far away.

Moreover, Cheng Huanhuan's big flying is also affected by his mother. Seeing Lin Che, it will be white.

Cheng Huanhuan looked at the program. This effect is better, and the program is often the most often, hey, it can be seen, Lin Che is useless, but it is completely unable to shake her position.

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