Whirlwind Marriage: Overwhelming Love of The Husband

Chapter 1380, Dad, playing up his mother.

After the year, I looked at Lin Ce, I was helpless.

Although the year is concerned from the child, it is the attention of the family and some giants. After all, he is the eldest son of Gu's family. It is also normal, but now, the first time I was worshiped as a star, let him Feel some uncomfortable.

It is not a general child after all, and it is easy to express myself.

Lin He returned home, see everyone asked in Weibo, and their family can't participate, they wanted to see him.

However, Lin Ke felt that he didn't want to call TV in this life.

She smiled and sent a photo thanked everyone.

Since the look is already published, the photo is not so embarrassed.

On the photo, it is the way to fen the sword. Everyone exclaimed, such a small child will play the sword.

The fencing is the lesson of the year, and Lin Ce will let the time you choose to learn your own hobby from your child, and you will like it's not so violent: fencing ...

Because it is a gentleman's movement, Lin Che has agreed.

I have been studying for three years, and he is naturally a model that has been practiced.

Everyone looked at the little gentleman on the photo, she shook.

"Scorpio, I want to have children."

Lin Ke looked at the netizen, helplessly thought that if you have such a one, you will know how frustrated yourself.

All are the sensation of Gu Jingze, and it is good to feel with yourself.

The next time the next time.

Lin Che Tie is willing to replace the status of Cheng Huanhuan.

From the beginning, Lin Ce's treatment is already very good, and every time it is coming, it is a concern.

This time, everyone looks at her eyes, it seems to be more respectful.

When I came, I also specially patted some of the lenses of the year. Although it is just a point episode, it is also the requirements of the audience, so that everyone will see a little shot of the year.

This shot, Gu Shi will pull in and do an explore together with a few children.

It is said that it is an explore, in fact, it is a little friend to say at home.

After all, the child's words arewless, if you listen to your child, sometimes the effect is very interesting, so every season will arrange such an activity.

Lin Che didn't know that today is this event, when he is called out of the director, there is still a little strange.

I entered a room, I saw all my mother, the child is not there.

She said, "Where are the children going."

A mother said, "On the other side, come and see, I am answering the question, laughing."

Several mothers sat together, Cheng Huanhuan is in the most, although I am not convinced, but I look at Lin Che, I can't help but hide, anyway, I don't want to get close, watching my legs, because I have seen a few Once, she is not worried about what the big flying will have a question. I have long been with him. I have arranged a lot of fun answers to the big flight. In the show, she believes that the big flying will definitely Others are much more.

The first two children answered very interesting, but they didn't have too much bright spot.

After a while, I went up, and the gap is very obvious. In the end, it is the old rivers and lakes, and it is very varied to say anything.

Looking out, this child is going to be affected by my mother, and I will directly take this variety road.

After that, I will be willing to go in to accept access.

Inside the director looked at the time, "What is your name?"

"Gu Yunhang." She said well.

"Oh, who is your name?"

Gu Jingze took it. "

The people outside the outside were trembled, and it was still not adapted for a while, and the Gu Jingze will be around himself.

Because of the familiarity of Lin Che, Lin Che Tong Jingze has not been in the same box, so everyone will see Lin Ce, but I still have to think of Gu Jingze.

Nowadays, this child directly said that Gu Jingze took it, let the people outside in my heart, sigh, yeah, the Tang Gu Jingze is the father of this little man.

The director said, "Who is Gu Jingze, isn't you Dad? How do you call him Gu Jingze?

Gu Shi is willing to eat candy fruit on the table. "My mother is called at home."

Everyone listened to my heart, I looked at Lin Ce again, and I called Gu Zer's famous.

Director said, "Your mother is called Dad Gu Jingze, why not call her husband?"

Gu Yun is willing to raise his head, and the head is seriously asked, "What is the husband?"


The director said, "You go home asking your father."

The director smiled, "What is my mother listening to my father, or my father listening to my mother?"

Gu Shi said, "Mom listens to Dad."

"Ah, why?"

Everyone feels that this is also asked, is Gu Jingze to listen to others? At home, Gu Jingze said, it is a household man.

However, the time will be said, "Dad is very strong, but the mother doesn't play Dad."

"Mom also fights with Dad?"

"Dad said that my mother should beat it."


I laughed at once outside, and I got up.

The director can't help but spurt, "Oh, how can I fight?"

"Dad said that it is terrible, don't see it, and then pack your mother in the house."


The people outside, I think about thousands, enter the house ... How to clean up, pick it up directly to the bed.

"Then your mother is beaten, don't you be anxious?" The director then induced.

Gu Yun is really, people ask what she said, listening to the director, said, "Xiaobai Aunt said, it is a father who loves my mother, I love it with my mother."


The director said, "Is that father hurting my mother?"

"Well, hurt, my mother cried."

"Cry it."

"Mom crying and saying should not hurt, Dad is still playing."


Lin Qing's face is a red, directly jumping, "No, I have to bring it to the time to come out."

The people full of rooms have laughed.

"Don't go, you can't see it. Gu always hurts you, hey, life is really a happy." The mother said with her face.

Lin Che is a bitter, "This is definitely someone tells her, the room sounds so good, how can it be listening ..."

The one next to him suddenly heard a smile, "Oh, it is true, the room is sound, but the sound can't be too big. What should I do?" Is it very powerful in this area? "


Lin Che is now out of the moment, and it is rid of them.

"That was not what I meant!"

"Okay, don't explain it!"

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