Liang Shan listened, with Wu Yuxi looked back, said, "That Xue Yang, I have heard that he was a rogue, he was receiving it in the past, really, Lin Che Fish Dragon is mixed. Everyone has it. "

Wu Yuxi is on the side, "Can you be red?"

Liang Shan slams his home Wu Yuxi, this child, now it is true, every day, it will be pair, when people are face, and also smash your own venue.

Wu Yuxi is too lazy to care.

I have to get my fingers.

Really, I don't have it, I don't admit it. Every day, Lin Che is not good, that is not good, then don't imitate the model of people to cultivate new people.

I said, it is also cultivated in that pattern. Just, Lin Che, who has been responsible for artists, but Xiang Hui, the artist, it is kicked to go.

Look at Xue Yang, I know that my face has a scar, and Lin Che has thought about another road, this is a star, I have already hidden people.

At this time, Lin Che came.

The people of the trade unions are busy welcoming Mrs.

" ... News is going.

But now Lin Che is Mrs., it is not the same.

"Gu wife, your student cultivated artist, it is true, this time I look, the movie is also good, the chance of you win is very big, this Xue Yang, it is really the pride of our C-Agency. Our union, today deliberately prepared a medal for him. "

Lin Ce is a black dress, noble and elegant.

Because it is this regular occasion, it is not an ordinary banquet, a banquet organized by the trade union, so the clothes are also very regular, there is nothing special pattern.

But I don't know if she is now Gu Mao, everyone looks particularly high.

Lin Che took a while, and he saw that Liang Shan was hiding from her eyes. Direct bricks went to the side of Wu Yuxi to talk.

However, Wu Yuxi still didn't give him a face, just turned over, Wu Yuxi got up.

Liang Shan made a red face, and he had to get the Lin Qing's face.

They are all right, can't help but greet.

Liang Shan said, "Gu Mao is good, rare, you are so busy to participate in the banquet of the trade union, it is really support for the work of the trade union."

"How can I, Liang Shange is amazing, a brother in the broker, can also come to participate in our home Xue Yang's welcome, yes, I heard that you have a good relationship with those dogs, this time I don't know them People have come, I will ask me, I haven't seen them for a long time, I wonder them. "


This is Lin Che known, those things are coming out.

Liang Shan's face is quite ugly, but it can come back at all.

It's really playing your face, and I have to wait for others to make another feeling.

Lin Che smiled, from Liang Shan, I walked at this time, I saw Wu Yuxi, I looked at myself, I looked at it, I took it into it.

Wu Yuxi really wants to pretend that you don't care, but it is better to be more red with Lin Che, now it is still so red, you still have the ability to keep this position, or even keep this location.

She always said that she is so tired, she doesn't want to shoot at all. If she makes enough money, she will go back. She is not important. She wants to make money. When she earns enough, I have been married to the day.

However, these words are actually deliberately.

She knows that after the peak period, she will start to fall, this is inevitable. She is now like giving people a vaccination, which makes people feel that they have fallen.

In fact, which star will don't care, if it is true, it will be, it will be over, even if it is only red for a day, I will experience this feeling, I will not want to fall back.

No wonder do you have a star, so many people will depressed, really, it is too easy to upset.

Xue Yang came back.

He is a dust, just going directly at the plane.

Strive to Hollywood, others are really black, everyone looks, the face is scar, really obviously, but it should be able to cover up with powder, but obvious Hollywood will not give people powder. What about the stuff.

When Xue Yang came in, the reporter immediately flocked.

International big cards are different, people are laughing, they are very temperament.

He smiled in the media, not accepted an interview, first and let go.

"Chey, I am back."

He pulled Lin Ce in public, and the two people had a good look, so that others feel red.

How many red people have forgotten Bole, but obviously Xue Yang is not in that ranks.

Lin Che said, "Okay, I have an interview."

Xue Yang was interviewed with Lin Yuli.

The reporter looked at Lin Che, I asked, "Gu always came today, Gu Miao."

Lin Che said, "Today's protagonist is here."

Xue Yang did not worry about her hinder, he smiled and said to the reporter, "I have been illegal, thank you for coming today."

"Xue Yang, is this time to grasp the award?"

"There is a scar on the face, there is any heart course."

"Now it is called international Xue, is there any feeling."

Xue Yang said, "I am very happy to get around, you can win, I will be expected, I can't get a prize, I will accept it."

"Do you have to know if you have a matter of Mr. Lin Che?"

"Yes, I have long known." Xue Yang smiled, "Two have been loving, we all know."


How to pull her back.

The reporter listened to this, soon, I would like to have a big rise. "How to love, who listen to everyone, have no noisy,"

Xue Yang smiled and said, "quarrel, like general couple, but all Mr. Gu Ms is most admitted, the family should be the sister to be obedient, because Gu Ms is still very powerful, can help the sister to make everything, The sister is too confused, and Mr. is not working. "

"Wow, it's sweet ..."

The reporter is called, I really think that the two people really love it.

Later, there is an unhamined voice, listening to Xue Yang, there is that, "Hey, Xi En Love."

After the half sentence did not finish, show the faster and dead.

Everyone knows what it means.

Look each other, I feel that it is also right, how many beautiful love in the circle, and finally not divorce.

However, at this time.

Some people say, "Fast, it seems to have someone outside."

"No, Gu Jingze ..."

"Live Gu Jingze?"

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