Baker's round black peas stunned, looking at the cheap son in front of him.

Baker: "Tweet!"

—I am a male bird!

Xiao Huang, who was holding the eggshell, opened his mouth and shouted again:


Xiao Huang's voice won't appear so sharp when he doesn't shout so loudly, but his voice is still very strange.

Mawson gently squeezed Xiao Huang's head, observed it carefully, and said, "This should be a mutant parrot, ha! The little guy has a small head and a lot of vocabulary."

Luo Fei recalled for a while and said: "I was discussing how to find you on the way to the Hebrew meeting. Maybe this egg heard me when I passed by here."

Mawson glanced at Hebrew and Luo Fei with a strange look, and said, "Are you talking about mother? How did it know that it was called Mother Baker?"

"No! How does this egg know the word "mother"? Is it really just born?" Hebrew squatted down suspiciously. Bo Lai shouted: "Smelly! Go away! Smelly! Go away!"

Hebrew became petrified immediately, and he was disliked by a parrot? Disgusted by a mutant parrot that was born less than an hour ago?

Everyone was holding back a laugh. Luo Fei couldn't help but laughed out loud, and he just ignored it and laughed: "Hahahaha, just say you step on **** and don't rub the soles of your shoes!"

Hebrew looked for a rough stone and rubbed the sole of the shoe with a black line.

Xiao Huang Chiu has stood up and ran after Baker, still yelling: "Mom! Mom!"

Baker stepped on the stones in the ruins and jumped left and right. Xiao Huang's bulging figure could not fall in one step. In the end, Baker had to stop undisturbed, his body swelled instantly, and his wings spread out to make himself appear bigger and changed. For the body skeletal bird!

"Choo Choo Choo!"

—I see clearly that I am not your mother!

Xiao Huang tumbled and fell to the ground, looking at the ugly and terrifying behemoth in front of him.

In order to show the fierceness of his predators, Baker opened his mouth wide, revealing the sharp snow-white teeth shining with cold light inside, roar, be scared! Little yellow chicken!

Qiao Rui glanced at Mawson silently when he saw Baker restored to its original shape, thinking that this cute little fat bird turned out to be a skeletal bird. What about that snow-white glutinous rice stick puppy? Is it really Samoyed?

"I'll go!" The Hebrew who was next to him suddenly shouted, "You will die if you come out, little yellow chicken!"

Qiao Rui turned around and saw that the fat parrot jumped into Baker's mouth boldly. Baker's sharp teeth were like a neatly arranged sharp kitchen knife beside it!

The fat parrot shouted into Baker's throat: "Mom!"

There was an echo in Baker's throat—Mom...Mom...

Xiao Fei Chuo had a lot of fun, shouting to Baker's throat over and over again: "Mom!"

Baker's mouth opened wide at this time, neither moving nor moving. It just wants to show its strength so that the fat parrot can understand that he is not its mother, so hey, hey! Who knew it would jump directly into his own mouth!

Mawson watched this scene dumbfoundedly, and the little parrot walked in Baker's mouth, looking around like shopping.

"Bobby, go get it out."

"Wow!" Bobby mimicked from a small milk dog to a normal-sized adult Samoyed dog. He jumped into Baker's mouth in two or three steps, and his big white tail flicked and his four paws fell silently. The little parrot was picked up from behind, and before the little parrot had time to react, he flicked it gently out of Baker's mouth.

"Mom! Mom!" The little parrot rolled several times and landed at Qiao Rui's feet.

Qiao Rui picked it up and smoothed the hair. The wet hair of the little parrot was already dry, and now the whole "chicken" had fluffy and soft hair, which felt good to the touch, and there was a dull hair on his head that turned up.

The little parrot struggled to jump to the ground, then ran to Baker again and again: "Mom!"

"Wow!" Bobby had already returned to Mawson, with a white and impurity-free fur, soft and lovely pink pointed ears, black and winter eyelids, Kazilan's big eyes, and the smiling angel's tilted head and grin.


Qiao Rui couldn't help but stretched out his sinful hand and rubbed the top of Samoyed's head, and Bobby squinted happily, rubbing his head to the side of Qiao Rui's palm.

Upon seeing this, Mawson asked: "Do you like dogs?"

Qiao Rui looked at Bobby with bright eyes, and finally rubbed the glutinous rice cakes, "Well, I like it."


Noah, who was wearing a scarf on his shoulders, protested!

Qiao Rui had to play the dog with one hand and the cat with the other.

Mawson looked jealous, thinking to himself, in can also slap me.

Over there, Baker has returned to the cub stage, and Xiao Huang Chiu is still following him perseveringly as a follower!


"Tweet!"-I'm not your mother!

In this way, the six-person team harvested a strange beast that only talked about humans-a little parrot.

The Hebrew took a fat chirp in his hand and a fat bird on his head, and he took a deep breath, and finally stopped.

"Boss! What do we do next?"

Mawson turned on the locator and zoomed in on the map.

"We are not far from the Ze'an Mountain Range. There are not as many species of exotic animals in the city as there are in the forest. With our comprehensive strength, I propose that we can directly hunt Tier 5 and Tier 6 exotic animals. Each team needs 1500 points, one Tier 5 The Alien Beast has 70 points and 100 points for the sixth order, so that we can complete the task quickly."

The three sentinels are their own, and they all know their true strengths. Mawson is now at Tier 7, Hebrew and Gaelic Tier 5 peaks have a faint tendency to break through. Hunting Tier 5 monsters is not a problem, even Tier 6 and Tier 7 Tier monsters can also be challenged.

Qiao Rui only knew that Mawson's rank should not be much different from his own. The other two should also be chosen by thousands of people and would not be too low. Coupled with the spiritual piercing of his seventh-order guide, he could indeed follow Mawson. The plan comes and goes.

After careful consideration, Qiao Rui said, "I agree."

Luo Fei and Nat were a little worried: "Will the challenge of tier-crossing be too reckless?"

"One month is quite a long time. Even if we hunt a Tier 3 monster, we have 15 points. The six of us only need to hunt 3-4 Tier 3 monsters a day, which is relatively safe."

Luo Fei and Nat's concerns are also reasonable. In their view, although this is a Tier 4 team, and both sides are not very familiar with each other's strengths, they want to challenge Tier 5 and Tier 6 as soon as possible. The Tier Beast is a bit too reluctant, and it's in the wild again, in case something goes wrong...

Gail walked up to Nat, staring at him with dark green eyes, "I assure you, I will protect you and your teammates."

Nat was stunned for a moment, this sentence was too much like a confession! If the words "and your teammates" are removed, his eyes when he looks at Gale suddenly stutters: "Me, me."

The Hebrew was unwilling to join in the fun lonely: "I also promise you that I will protect your safety!!"

Mawson walked straight to Qiao Rui and stared directly at him, unlike the slightly smiling eyes he had just smiled. This time he was very serious and solemnly said: "I swear, I will... try my best to protect you."

This is the first time that Qiao Rui looked directly at Mawson since today. His head was blank, and there was some unexplained throbbing deep in his heart. His mind was full of what Mawson said just now. The pause just now, he looked at Mawson. What I understand here is-I will, use my life, and protect you. Is this sentry serious? They also met a few times in the unity. If it weren't for the accident at first, they didn't even know if there was any chance of meeting. Is this enough for him to make such a solemn vow?

Mawson continued: "The reason why we will protect you is not because we feel that the guide is weaker. On the contrary, the guide is much stronger than the sentinel in some aspects, but the sentinel is born with better physical fitness, five senses, and attack power. And the ability to respond to attacks is relatively strong, so in this regard, we protect you."

"In the face of mental attacks and dissociation of thinking, it is time for you to protect us who are vulnerable to interference. The sentinel and the guide are equal. We don't have who is attached to whom."

"Today is the first day of the freshmen's experience. Everyone is not very familiar with each other. There is still another month to get along with each other. I hope we can cultivate trust and understanding as soon as possible."

The other five people listened to Mawson’s long passage silently, and they were a little moved. Because of the absolute force value and the 3 to 1 base advantage, the sentinel is usually considered more valuable than the guide. In the most serious beast tides. For a century, guides were required to force the combination of sentinels to enhance the strength of the two sides to fight together. Most guides are not so much for all mankind as for their parents. They voluntarily accept the mandatory union policy and jointly resist the animal tide, but some guides are not. Willing to obey the policy, either being threatened or injected with a "combined heat-initiated potion", or would rather die than surrender...It can be said that the guide at that time was equivalent to the sentry's "matching item", and the stronger sentry could be assigned to a guide.

Because of the implementation of this policy, the status of the guide was once reduced to its lowest point, almost without human rights.

Luo Fei pursed his mouth slightly moved, and said, "You must not belong to the empire? The sentinels of the empire are a group of chauvinistic pigs! They will not say that the sentinel and the guide are equal."

As soon as the voice fell, the originally very positive and positive air suddenly stopped.

Luo Fei looked at the three sentries in front of him suspiciously.

The expressions of the three sentinels were a little stiff.

The Hebrew laughed and said, "Ha! Ha!" He took Mawson and Gail's shoulders, patted vigorously, and said, "Of course we are not! We are the Federation!"

Mawson: "..." You traitor.

Gal: "..." You traitor.

Luo Fei smiled at ease. He had a strong sense of rejection of the empire. The Roman Empire was an advocate and firm implementation of the "compulsory integration policy". Even if the policy has been abolished, there are still many remnants of feudalism clamoring for restoration. This policy!

Qiao Rui squeezed a smile and said, "Well, I will try Mawson's plan first. If we can't beat us, we will withdraw as soon as possible. If it doesn't work, we will take a safe route with 4 Tier 3 monsters every day. Is this okay?"

Everyone nodded, and this conversation made the six-person team feel cohesive for the first time.


The little fat chirp in Hebrew's arms suddenly didn't understand, so he let out a howling wolf.

Hearing this, Bobby straightened his neck and screamed, "Woo~~"

Only Bobby understood that Xiaofei's tweeting, the wolf howl, which turned three turns, was a signal that the wolves were gathering the wolf pack. Bobby turned his white ears, yawned, and turned back to his cub stage.

Mo Sen picked it up and put it on his shoulders, and said to everyone: "After discussing it, let's go to the Ze'an Mountains!"

On the hillside of the golf course more than 10 kilometers away from them, one after another gray wolves came up from the other side of the hill. Leaning down, his eyes are fierce, his fangs are sharp, hungry saliva drips from his mouth, and a big tail flicks on the grass like a whip.

Its black and shiny nose sniffed the air carefully, and after distinguishing the smell, he looked up to the sky and wailed: "Woo~~"

The wolves behind it also howled, and followed the wolf rushing down the hillside, rushing somewhere with a clear goal!

Wherever it went, the shoots of the grass blades were picked up by the claws of the wolves, making a mess.

The author has something to say: Thank you "Black and White 1412" for throwing a grenade!

Thank you "Bou Li" for throwing a mine!

么么啾(づ ̄3 ̄)づ

Thank you for the nutrient solution given by "Northland" +5, "But the way is cool" +1, and "Twenty Moon Ci" +2~


Yesterday, there were more selections at night than during the day, so let’s continue to update at night.

There have been so many cuties recently, so happy~~ The comments are coming back soon, but the stupid author still tries his best to reply to every cutie! What tweeted~

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