White Armored Holy Dragon of Douluo Continent

Chapter 132 The first match, the star chasing chess martial soul [add one more move]

You can search for "Douluo Continent: Baijia Shenglongsou Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After speaking, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Now except Xie Yue and Tuoba Chen, everyone else has completed the task.

Because Ge Yi was really exhausted, he fell straight behind when he heard the task was completed.Fortunately, Hu Liena, who was next to him, caught her in time.

Later, Tuobachen and Xie Yue didn't choose to challenge immediately, instead they chose to challenge again after resting on the shore for half an hour.

However, the number of people who challenged this time was not the only two of them. Except for Ge Yi, who had exhausted his energy to cheer them on the shore, four people including Bai Yi accompanied them to complete this challenge together.

After seeing this scene in Gongyanghai by the river, the corners of his mouth bend unconsciously, as if thinking of something happy.

In the end, everyone completed the training together. After the training, everyone immediately began to practice. Under this kind of physical and mental exhaustion, the training effect will be very significant, but it should not be done often, otherwise it will be harmful to the body.

That was the end of the first day of cultivation. In the evening, the little brother who delivered the food brought them a large amount of high-level soul beast meat to help them recover the physical strength they lost today.

The next day, the training task remained the same, but because everyone had experience, it was relatively easy to complete this time, but Ge Yi immediately lay down after training.

Days passed, and today is the fifth day for everyone to participate in the training. As of today, Ge Yi has become accustomed to the impact of the water and does not need to rely on everyone's help, but he still has to lie down after the practice.

But Tuobachen and others, after training, slowly began to exercise in the river.

I have to say that exercising in the water is very effective. In just a few days, Tuoba Chen’s marksmanship has made great progress. Both the stability of holding the gun and the speed at which the gun is released have been improved. .

Others also have different gains.

Half a month later, Gong Yanghai gathered everyone together and said: "After two weeks of practice, I believe that everyone's strength has improved a lot. Next, we will have the first match."

Hearing what Gong Yanghai said, Tuobachen and others were already prepared. Their training regulations were clearly written. Every half a month or so, they would organize a rivalry, and the winner could take it. Those who go to the rewards awarded by the Spirit Hall, and those who fail will have special punishments waiting for them.

In addition to the semi-monthly competition, they also have a big exam every three months. The content of the assessment is not known, but according to Gong Yanghai, as long as they complete the training task on time and quality, Generally it can pass the assessment.

In addition to these, it is the last match one year later.As for the rewards and punishments for the last match, everyone knows, that is the number of full members.

Now, they have been brought to a wasteland by the Ram Sea, and the location of each match is different.

Because this is the first reason, Gongyanghai chose relatively gentle wasteland.

This kind of terrain is quite satisfactory. For the two teams, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Soon, the two sides entered a state of preparation.

Tuobachen and the others are four strong attack type spirit masters, one agile attack type spirit master, one support and one control.

On the opposite side, there are two strong offensive systems, two defensive systems, one sensitive offensive system, one auxiliary and one control system.

The lineups of both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages.

However, in terms of spirit power, Tuoba Chen and the others do not have the advantage, because in addition to the three of Bai Yan and Xie Yue, they also have two souls and a great soul master in their team.

The opposing team was a single soul sect, with soul power above the forty-two level, which also had something to do with the opponent's age older than them.000 literature www.000wxxs.com

After the Wuhun opened, the battle was about to start. The eight front-row players fought together. The two agile attack systems each played each, and the auxiliary system was also an auxiliary system. The two control systems suddenly realized that they seemed to be unable to control the situation.

The field was very chaotic for a while, but it was obvious that the other team's camp seemed better.

The two defense spirit masters fought with Yan and Tuoba Chen respectively.

But their position is very close to their control department and auxiliary department, allowing them to support and protect easily.

Of course, other than that, there is nothing to boast about their position.

Seeing this scene, Gong Yanghai shook his head. This group of people hadn't played a team battle at first glance, and there was really no cooperation at all.

In fact, it’s not that Tuobachen doesn’t know how to fight team battles. To be more precise, they want to better understand the strength of their opponents. The chaotic one dozen one pattern.Only by such a one-to-one can we understand the opponent's strength more clearly.

Otherwise, with their martial and soul fusion skills, they could easily defeat the opponent. You know, Tuobachen and Meng's still Twilight Snake, their fighting power is equivalent to a soul king.

Moreover, they could use the martial soul fusion technique mainly based on Tuoba Chen, but the current opponent seemed unworthy of them to use these two techniques.Xie Yue and Hu Liena have no plans to use it temporarily.

And their opponents think so too. After all, victory is not a momentary victory. The person who wins the final battle is the winner of this training game.

Bai Yi looked at the situation on the court and said directly.

"Fourth spirit ability, star chasing formation!"

After that, in Bai Yi's perspective, the entire battlefield became a chessboard, while Tuobachen and others became the flags that were fighting on the chessboard.

Everyone in the battle suddenly had a strange feeling, but that feeling disappeared too fast, so fast that they thought it was just an illusion.

Only Tuobachen glanced in Bai Yan's direction when attacking the opponent.

Bai Yi noticed Tuobachen's eyes, smiled, and then stretched out his hand to forget the void in front of him, as if he was catching a flag.

Afterwards, his first spirit ability lit up, and his hand was lowered towards a position.

The defensive spirit master who was fighting Tuobachen suddenly felt heavier, and his unconscious legs bend a bit, but Tuobachen slammed his face with a punch.

The whole person was directly stunned, Tuoba Chen never took this opportunity, a set of combined punches greeted the opponent frantically.

Unfortunately, the opponent's control system spirit master is not a fuel-efficient lamp.


Tuoba Chen was intercepted in midair with a punch, making a strange noise as if breaking glass.

This is the martial soul colorful gem effect of the opponent's control system spirit master.

Thanks to this, the defensive spirit master was finally freed from Tuobachen's attack.

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