You can search for "Douluo Continent: Baijia Shenglongsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!It didn't take long for Rotel to return.

"Master Shengzi, the room is ready, please come with me."


With that, Tuoba Chen followed the other party to a room that looked very gorgeous.

For Rotel's preparation, he was quite satisfied.Although he is a cultivator madness, this does not conflict with his enjoyment, and he treats his own ideas badly.

"Master Saint, the villain will leave first. If anything happens, just ask me."


Tuobachen nodded.

After speaking, Rotel left with a mysterious smile.

After that, he pushed open the door of the room, and when he saw the layout inside, his face blushed. He really didn't expect that Douluo Continent would have this kind of room.

Meng still saw Tuobachen stunned there, and also took a look at the room.

Suddenly, her little face became as red as tomato.

Tuoba Chen came to the handcuffs, leather whips and other items hanging on the wall coldly. Why, the people of Douluo Continent also liked this tune.

"I'll let him change rooms."

After speaking, Tuoba Chen planned to leave.

Meng still hurriedly grabbed him and said, "No, it is meticulously prepared by others. It is not too troublesome for others. It is also pretty good here. Just ignore those."


After speaking, the two went into the room.

I have to say that the bed in the room here is quite comfortable, not very soft, and not particularly hard. It looks just right, and people can't help but indulge in it.

"By the way, Brother Chen, do you know this city? Why did you look at the map the day before yesterday and didn't go to the city of Locksace, which is closer to us, but instead came to the City of Fire?"

Regarding this, Meng still said that she was puzzled. She knew that Tuobachen was not the kind of person who wanted to be far away.There must be a special reason for him to change his route and come here.

"Because the Fire Leopard Sect, one of the next four sects, is also here, and there is a special ore called pyrite. This ore can be used to strengthen the body, which is very important to me."

Hearing Tuobachen's explanation, Meng still nodded.

Before long, someone knocked on the door and said.

"Is Lord Son, Bishop Luo has prepared a dinner for you. Please be there."

"Got it."

Tuobachen replied.

After speaking, the person at the door left, Tuobachen also shook his head helplessly, this Rotel was really enthusiastic.

However, they were also kind, and he had no need to refuse.

It's still early, so there is no need to spend time in the room.

Tuobachen put on their masks and immediately went to the city of Agni.Of course, they didn't wander around blindly, but walked towards the land of the Fire Leopard Sect.Doudouhe Novel Network

After all, the power that controls the fire spar mine is the Fire Leopard Sect. If Tuoba Chen wants to obtain the fire spar, it is inevitable to deal with the Fire Leopard Sect.

On the way, take a look at the local customs of the city of Fire, and take Meng to play.After all, for so long, he suddenly found that he hadn't dated Meng even once, so let's satisfy her today.

"Here here!"

Not far away, Meng still waved to Tuoba Chen and said.

Tuobachen smiled and walked over, then, Meng still took out a hat and put it on his head, looked for a while and said: "I knew you must be suitable for this hat."

Tuobachen looked at himself through the mirror on the small booth and found that it was indeed suitable.Afterwards, Meng still took a hat of the same style as him and brought it to himself.He and Tuobachen formed a pair of lovers hats and happily took his hand to the next stall.

It didn't take long for the two of them to be so crazy all afternoon, until the sun was about to set, they finally arrived near the Fire Leopard Sect.

As one of the seven major sects, the facade of the Fire Leopard Sect is naturally not too bad. The entrance of the Fire Leopard Sect is two fierce-looking stone statues of the Fire Leopard. It makes people feel a little bit shy.

Next to the Fire Leopard Sect is their own shop opened by the Fire Leopard Sect. In addition to the things that normal merchants would sell, there are also some goods that the Fire Leopard Sect can only produce.

Because it was the first time to come, Tuoba Chen didn't know if there was any flint in it, and he didn't lose money anyway.

After entering it, it was not the same as the Chamber of Commerce of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the guys here were not so enthusiastic.In other words, there is no buddy here.

On the whole floor of the first floor, there are only a few people sitting at the checkout counters. If you want to buy something, you have to check them one by one, and check out if you see it.And those cashiers are also scornful,

Seeing this scene, Tuoba Chen didn't say anything. The Fire Leopard Sect did have their capital, and just mastering the export of the fire spar veins was enough to make them one of the major chambers of commerce.

However, such an attitude can still make people feel a little uncomfortable. Therefore, for so many years, the ranking in the major chambers of commerce has not been high.

After Tuobachen turned around the first floor for a while, he discovered the existence of the flint, but the price of a thumb-sized flint was as high as 20,000 gold soul coins.

Seeing this scene, Tuobachen frowned. Although this fire spar worked really well, the price was indeed too expensive and not worth it.

Tuoba Chen had been lucky enough to obtain a flint stone before, the effect was very powerful, but it did not reach the level of elemental gems. It is expected that a flint stone as big as a thumb can only be worth five thousand gold soul coins.

Tuoba Chen is indeed very rich, but he is not taken advantage of. This kind of item whose price far exceeds its own value, just don't want it.

Thinking of this, Tuoba Chen left the Chamber of Commerce.

In the evening, Tuobachen and Meng still changed their clothes and walked slowly towards the place of the banquet.

Rotel was already ready, waiting for Tuoba Chen to debut.

In addition to Rotel, many big figures in the city of Fire also participated in this banquet.Even the lord of the city of flames agreed to participate in this banquet.

Tuobachen and Meng still didn't wear masks this time. When they walked to the door, the guard of the branch hall quickly said, "Master Saint Son!"

Hearing that, some people who had arrived at the banquet long ago turned their eyes to the door of the banquet.

This is the sage son of Wuhun Hall, the future heir of Wuhun Hall.

Yes, from the outside world, Tuoba Chen is the heir of the Wuhun Hall, but Hu Liena is not.

Although a saint woman and a saint son, it looks like nothing.

But in fact, the previous Wuhun Hall will only be independent of one, and that person is the future heir of the Wuhun Hall.

But now, two heirs appeared at the same time. From the perspective of outsiders, Tuoba Chen must be better than Hu Liena, so he was exceptionally promoted to a holy son.

(Sorry, I caught a cold today, so I posted a bit late)

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