White Armored Holy Dragon of Douluo Continent

Chapter 252: Thousand Ren Xuelu Filling

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There were two short and one long knocks outside.

In the current Wuhun Temple, apart from her and Tuoba Chen, the only people who knew about this secret room, Guimei and Yueguan knew about it.

Yueguan just came to look for her, so the person who came should be ghost.

"come in."

After speaking, a black figure pushed open the secret room and walked in.

"what's up?"

"His Royal Highness, A month ago, Soul Destruction Cult started to investigate the identity of the young lady. I suspect they may know something, or let the young lady come back first."

Hearing what the ghost said, Bibi Dong was stunned. To be honest, she was about to forget her daughter who was an undercover agent in the Heaven Dou Empire.

If it were before, she was afraid that she would refuse the ghost's request. She thought that Qian Renxue didn't leave anything behind when she went to work as an undercover agent, and she didn't have that deep affection for this daughter.

But now, she just paused for a while, nodded, and said, "Let Xue'er come back."

"Yes, Lord Pope!"

Hearing Bibi Dong's words, the ghost quickly agreed. After going out, he was also a little emotional. Bibi Dong has really changed. She was not like this before.

At the same time, the Heaven Dou Empire.

Xue Beng looked at the report in his hand, his face gloomy and dripping.

Today, he finally knows the true identity of Xue Qinghe.Qian Renxue, daughter of the Pope in Wuhun Hall.

When he got the news, Xue Beng really couldn't believe it. Although he had suspected before that this fake Xue Qinghe was from the Spirit Hall, but if it were from the Spirit Hall, Tuoba Chen should be with him. That's right.

But Tuobachen didn't tell him. With Tuobachen's mind, he didn't believe that Tuobachen didn't know the identity of Qian Renxue, but Tuobachen didn't tell him anything.

For a while, Xue Beng was a little sad. There was a time when Tuoba Chen was the person he believed most, but now, heh, the only person in this world who can believe is himself.

The man in black beside Xue Beng suddenly said: "Your Highness, shall we do it?"

Xue Beng gave him a faint look, and the man in black looked at him with a cold expression.

"Does the father know?"

"Your Majesty already knows."

"Since the emperor father already knows, what should we worry about. Do you think he will tolerate a murderer and continue to stay in the palace?"

"His Royal Highness is talking about it! The subordinate is dull."

Xue Beng took a look at him and then looked away, he didn't bother to pay attention to such a small person.

On the other side, Qian Renxue had an inexplicable premonition as soon as she walked into her room.But she couldn't tell what this bad feeling was.

The maids around me still work as usual, and after seeing her, they will salute and say hello, as if everything is normal.

As she walked towards the room, she secretly looked around. Suddenly, in a bush not far from her, something bright and very dazzling appeared.

Qian Renxue, who deals with all kinds of things all the year round, naturally recognized what it was at a glance.

The gun blade, that is definitely the gun blade. As for why this kind of thing appeared in his yard, there is only one possibility, she exposed.Yunnan Biquge www.ynbike.net

Thinking of this, she turned around in a hurry, trying to try if she could pretend that she didn't know that she had spotted them.Sneak out secretly.

But as soon as she turned around, she found Long Ya was looking at him with a smile.

Qian Renxue said without changing her face: "General Longya, it's such a coincidence, is there anything you come to my palace?"

"Your Majesty Qinghe, please."

"Oh? Is my father looking for me? Good."

With that, Qian Renxue made a cooperative appearance and planned to leave with them.

When Longya saw this scene, he also nodded, without him having to do it in the end, saving trouble.

However, Qian Renxue had just walked two steps, and three pairs of white wings appeared behind her. Six spirit rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, and black appeared on her instantly.

"First soul power, angel assault."

Qian Renxue suddenly made a move, and Longya didn't react for a while. The general who had reached the level of the Heaven Dou Empire was actually overshadowed by a soul sage.

The place Qian Renxue attacked was Longya's kidneys. Although Longya had prepared in advance, he twisted his body in time and escaped the critical point, but it was inevitable that he still suffered some injuries.

He hastily possessed the spirit of martial arts, but at this moment Qian Renxue had already flown into the air.

Longya looked up at Qian Renxue, who was like an angel, and said, "His Royal Highness, your martial arts soul is not like a royal hereditary Xue Swan martial arts soul? Or I should call you Lord Qian Renxue."

Hearing Longya's words, Qian Renxue also knew that she was exposed, and she did not grind, relying on her own memory, quickly flew towards the exit of the palace.

"Heh! I want to run, where is so easy!"

"Let go!"

After that, the guards hidden in the grass are not hiding, and everyone is holding a well-made bow and arrow.

Qian Renxue saw this scene, the secret path was not good, she recognized the style of these bows and arrows at a glance.

Soul Breaking Bow!

It can be seen from its name that it is specifically used to target the soul master, and its arrow is specially made, which can easily break through the defense of the soul master.And after hitting the soul master, the flow speed of the soul master's soul power will slow down in a short time. Although this sounds nothing, it is actually very terrible to the soul master.

Once the flow speed of the soul master slows down, whether it is the speed of releasing the soul ability or the power, it will have an impact.

And this bow can just break through the defense of the soul master of the soul saint level.

It's too dangerous for her, but correspondingly, the cost of this bow is very expensive. Now the entire palace should only have about fifty, and there are about a thousand bows and arrows.

But the palace only had fifty bows and arrows in total, and thirty of them appeared here.

Emperor Xue Ye really valued himself, no, he should have seen him thoroughly.

"Qian Renxue, you can't escape, you can catch it with your hands!" Longya said.

Hearing Longya's words, Qian Renxue smiled and revealed her true face. She touched her face, and it was a long time since she used her true face to meet people.

After seeing Qian Renxue's appearance, Longya was not fascinated by his appearance. After all, he was considered to be countless female readers. Although Qian Renxue's appearance was extremely beautiful, Longya still looked without emotion. Holding her.

Ignoring Longya's warning, Qian Renxue's seventh spirit ability suddenly lit up.

"Seventh Soul Ability, Angel Real Body!"

Seeing this scene, Longya also said helplessly: "I know your choice."

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