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Extreme Ice Taihuang Knife, priced at 1800 points, made of special ore cold iron as the main material, with frost slowing effect when attacking, the blade itself is also very sharp, cutting the opponent's body can instantly frostbite the opponent's wound.

Disadvantages: The knife itself is too cold and the user will be greatly affected if it is used for a long time.

This weapon is also very suitable for him. He has eaten cold spirit grass and has strong cold resistance.The side effects are basically useless to him, this weapon is simply made for him.

The last one is also the one that Tuobachen values ​​most.

Kong Ming Earth Splitting Spear, priced at 2000 points, is made by combining the Kong Ming Stone and the Earth Stone, with dual attributes of ice and soil. When used, the soul master with ice or soil attributes can smooth the soul power and slowly improve the soul master The soul power recovery speed.It is extremely sharp and cuts iron like mud.

Disadvantages: Only ice attribute or earth attribute soul master can use.

Finally, after thinking about it carefully, Tuobachen chose the Kongming Earth Splitting Spear. For him, it is still very useful to channel the spirit power. After all, when using his own spirit ability, it changed the original method of using the spirit ability. , It will inevitably be a little unsmooth when using it. Simply put, it will increase the time of stiffness.

With this gun, he doesn’t need to worry about the problem of stiffness. He also comes with a small amount of soul power recovery attributes. It is also good to be a power bank. There is one last point. He is very expensive and just spent his 2000 points. , Anyway, if you don’t understand the market, it’s always right to buy expensive, after all, this is the Duibao Pavilion within the Zongmen, Zongmen will not dominate their own juniors.

And he has a lot of books at home, so it is not particularly difficult to find a set of marksmanship from the past.

After choosing, he used his identity token to swipe the Kongming Earth Splitting Spear and left with it. When he went downstairs, the old man at the counter glanced at him. He still had some ideas about what Tuobachen had chosen. Unexpectedly, most juniors come here and basically choose a variety of medicinal materials.

However, as the grandson of the great elder, he might not have much cultivation resources, after all, two thousand points are not a lot.Thinking of this, he was relieved.

After bidding farewell to the old man, Tuobachen left and walked towards the Cangshu Pavilion of the Holy Dragon Sect. Unlike Duibao Pavilion, the Cangshu Pavilion is open for free. As for why this happens, it is mainly because of the Holy Dragon. Zong's disciples don't like reading much, and prefer to practice alone. After all, learning is a painful thing for most children.

When he approached the library, it didn't take long before he found what he needed.

"Basic Marksmanship"

He personally felt that marksmanship still had to be learned. After all, he would go to Seagod Island in the future. In any case, he would not miss the trial of Seagod Island.

After all, for the Shrek Seven Devils, the biggest opportunity besides the fairy grass is the trip to Seagod Island. After he becomes stronger, if there is no other place suitable for his god inheritance site to be discovered by him, then Seagod Island is the place he must go. one.

And if you get the inheritance of the Seagod’s position, you will get the Seagod Trident. After all, the halberd and the spear are very similar weapons. After learning the marksmanship, the Seagod Trident can barely be used. As for why not choose A halberd, mainly because Duibaoge didn't have a halberd for

After registering at the entrance of Zangshu Pavilion, he returned to his small courtyard, took out the empty spear from the Canglong pendant, tried to wave it twice, and frowned.

This Kongming Earth Cracking Gun is not very easy to handle. For him now, this gun is too heavy and too long. Others are only 1.5 meters long, but this gun is 2.5 meters long, which is practical. A bit awkward, but thinking about growing taller in the future, it should not be so uncomfortable.

However, the Kongming Earth Splitting Spear didn't have the function of becoming bigger and smaller, so let's make do with it, he believed it would grow taller.

Taking out the "Basic Marksmanship", Tuoba Chen practiced it with a glance against the above content.

Shenglongzong’s "Basic Marksmanship" records in detail, mainly including stabbing, sweeping, blocking, piercing, holding, and ringing the spear.

Tuobachen practiced these basic moves like this for a whole morning. Because it was the first contact, the results of his practice were not ideal, but he managed to develop a shape, which seemed a little interesting, but if he was careful If you observe, you will find many shortcomings.

But there is no way. After all, he was first exposed to marksmanship. Although the effect of the practice was not very satisfactory, he was not too disappointed.It's fine to practice harder in the future, unless you just don't have a little talent, otherwise you still need to spend a little time to practice.

After that, he continued to practice Hualong Jue.

Soon, it was evening, and the procedures before the Holy Dragon Banquet on the next day were basically the same. The Sovereign said a few words, and then everyone ate and drank. After they were full, it was the highlight.But unlike yesterday, the next day's fight was a fight between the youths of the sect.

The battle between the ages over ten and under twenty-five is the same as the battle between juniors to be held tomorrow, but their rewards are different. They don’t have the rewards of the Sacred Dragon Pool, after all, their physical age Has passed.

Although the Sacred Dragon Pond is also very helpful to them, they still can't be perfect, so for the perfect use of resources, their rewards are different.

Although this is a test between young people, juniors like them can participate. It is completely voluntary to participate. However, there is no reward for juniors to participate. After all, you are a child under ten years old, do you still want to win the championship? Unrealistic, but can be regarded as valuable combat experience.

Of course, Tuoba Chen is going to participate in this competition, and there are not many opportunities to fight against someone who is just a big stage higher than himself.

After all, in the school, the people he met were all rookies, and the two brothers Molong and Mohu were too fierce. There are really not many people who are evenly matched or slightly stronger than him. This time the fight is really a battle. A rare opportunity.

Afterwards, he signed up for Tuobaxi. After seeing him sign up, Tuobaxi also secretly smiled. He had long wondered what strength Tuobachen was, and yesterday’s Battle of Beasts could not be tested. Could it be that today's Bidou can't be tested.

Soon, the registration was over. Today’s duel adopted a completely fair, just and open lottery system, at least that’s what it said on the surface, but he doesn’t know if Tuobaxi has a black box to manipulate him.

But the black box was better controlled. After all, he felt that Tuoba Xi would not arrange a person with a big difference in strength to fight him.

(Um, sorry, there was a delay today, and the post was a bit late, because it’s already this time, so we won’t update in the early morning, forgive me (33))

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