Edward then walked straight home, accommodating him with compliments.

"That's what I wanted, not the Dark Ninja Village I once was. Edward

, who was walking slowly down the street, thought very easily.

Now he can really affect every move in the ninja world.

He believed that in the future, he would even be able to directly control the ninja world with his concept of great unity.

"Sure enough, as long as you have strength, then you have everything, if Marco and Ace can ......

" "What nonsense am I talking about here, I actually substituted Whitebeard's memory into my main consciousness."

Remembering some chaotic memories in his mind, Edward smiled helplessly in his mind.

After that, Edward wandered in Konoha Street, slowly, quietly, and came to the villa that belonged to his family.

"Brother Edward, are you back?" asked

Maple Leaf, who was cleaning up the garbage in the yard of the villa, as he looked up.

"Goo-la-la-la, come back and see you.

Edward walked forward and laughed at the maple leaves below.

"Daddy, why are you back?"

Kakashi walked out of the villa as well.

Because of Edward's very good policy rectification, the two of them are also rarely relaxed.

"Alas, in fact, becoming the ruler of the ninja world is also a headache and exhausting thing for others. "

Don't worry, let me rest at home, and remember to prepare dinner for me."

With a sigh, Edward swayed his huge body and walked into the villa and lay down on his large bed.

"Today's dad is a bit empty.

Seeing this, Kakashi said with a strange feeling, and then picked up the wonderful book he had discovered in the past few days and looked at it carefully.

"Kakashi, don't forget to teach at the school in the afternoon.

Seeing Kakashi looking at the textbook so seriously, Maple Yamashita, who was quite relieved in his heart, nodded.

"Ahem, got it, got it. Hearing

this, Kakashi closed the book and left the place, just now he had obviously forgotten the occasion and was too fascinated by it.

Edward spent the next few days in his villa.

The ninja world was also completely changed by Edward's policies and Tsunade's actions along the way.

The land of thunder, the country of rain, the country of earth, and the country of water have all disappeared in the long river of history.

The entire ninja world is left with the country of fire.

All the rest of the nations joined the Fire Nation, truly completing the Great Unification.

Ninja villages are also headed by Konoha Village, and the name of Ninja Village is prefixed with the word "Konoha's".

There are Konoha Grass Ninja Village, Konoha Yuyin Village, Konoha Artisan Ninja Village, and so on.

The era of peace has truly come to the ninja world, and everyone has gained a hard-won life.

But because they have just experienced this kind of life, everyone is very cautious, for fear that this life will be disrupted.


On this day, in the Hokage building.

"Edward, what does retreat mean?" asked

Tsunade in the Hokage's office, looking at the tired giant in front of him with a puzzled expression.

"I'm going to go somewhere and block it for a while, and I'm going to start mastering my strength seriously during this time. "

Edward, who had completed the idea of the great unity that he had in mind, and was no longer interested in it, said.

Now he is no longer limited to a small ninja world.

If he could, he would like to take the entire ninja world to the universe to see and fight against the aliens who dare to invade the ninja world.

But this is a very unrealistic idea, and if you want to do it, you have to be fully prepared.

"Well... How long will that take?"

said Tsunade with a depressed face, pursing his lips.

"A few months at the least, a few years at the most, by the way, you have to take a serious look at the affairs of the scientific research troops, I have already written down all the scientific research results of Orochimaru's memories and handed them over. "

Edward was ready for what he told Tsunade.

"Good...... Got it.

Tsunade nodded slightly, pursed his lips and closed them one by one, looking like he wanted to say something.

"Okay, so be it, you'll have to take care of everything while I'm away.

Edward, who didn't see anything, turned his head and looked into the distance.

This time, he actually wants to find the so-called three holy places in the ninja world and reveal the truth of this ninja world.

Yes, it is to find the root of the three holy places in the ninja world, rather than using spiritism to channel into the three holy places.

"Well, don't worry, I won't let you down.

After listening to Tsunade, his face finally changed his eroticism and showed a determined look again.

"It's better to do that.

Finally, after seeing Tsunade's face, Edward slowly began to grin and disappeared in place.

"Be sure to come back soon, everyone is waiting for you.

Seeing this, Tsunade could only pray silently in his heart, the current peace in the ninja world was created by Edward.

Therefore, the current ninja world must not lose Edward, just as the god of the ninja world could not be lost in the past.


After that, three years passed in a blink of an eye, and it was the 62nd year of Konoha Jiannian.

Everything was thriving, although at that time, after losing Edward's trace, the ninja world began to be in an uproar.

But now that Konoha is full of talents, the balance of Bo Feng Shuimon, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Madara Shisui and all the other strong people, the ninja world will soon return to calm.

Coupled with the Edward who invisibly affected the ninja world, no one dared to act rashly.

And in these three years, even without Edward's existence, those monkeys who dared to come forward were cleared.

The ninja world has officially come to a truly peaceful era.

Countless people began to erect huge statues of Edward in villages and towns, and Edward's image became a symbol of a land of fire.

There has also been a lot of political rectification in the Fire Country, and the current Konoha Village has been reduced to the capital of the Fire Country.

There is no such useless thing as a daimyo, and now they are all directly ruled by the shadow of Konoha Village.

This also makes many teenagers and children, even young and middle-aged, dream of becoming Hokage.

However, the next Hokage candidate has already been selected, which makes them only look forward to the next Hokage successor.

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