The reason why Jin An stayed at this inn was.

It was because I took a fancy to this inn with a backyard and a private courtyard in the backyard.

Although the house is not big, it is clean and private when one lives alone.

Of course, the room rate for a day is not cheap either.

Jin An bought the goat and asked the boy to take it to his yard later. He couldn't wait to go back to the single courtyard to see what was in the baggage left by the five-color robe Taoist priest.

inside the room.

I specially lighted a few more candles to brightly illuminate the room to prevent myopia from reading at night.

Jin An unpacked the cloth bag layer by layer. Inside was a change of Taoist robe, a thread-bound book with a torn cover, a scroll of bamboo slips, and a jade plate.

""Guangping Youshuo Synaesthesia Record"?" Looking at the words on the cover of the thread-bound book, Jin An's eyes were filled with joy.


Indeed, as he suspected, this relic is the Taoist priest he met in the mountains a few days ago!

Fortunately, Jin'an had done some research on ancient characters from past dynasties due to his natural interest in physics and engineering. Although some rare characters seemed a bit difficult, it did not affect the overall reading.

This "Guangping Youshuo Synaesthesia Record" was written by a Taoist practitioner named Guangping Sanren.

This Guangping Sanren was originally just a farmer, from a poor family and illiterate.

But one day, because he was too tired, he accidentally fell asleep in the field.

When he woke up, he found that he had become the master of a temple thousands of miles away. There were more than a dozen disciples in the temple, and he was followed by two Taoist boys.

He kept his parents, wife and children in mind, so he abandoned the Taoist temple and traveled over mountains and rivers, using water to save people, eradicating injustice when he saw injustice on the road, crossing deep mountains, poisonous swamps, and desert no-man's land...

When he finally found his relatives, he had become a centenarian from a young Taoist priest.

My parents at home have long since passed away.

The wife also took her son to seek refuge with relatives a long time ago and disappeared without a trace.

He knelt in front of his parents' graves and cried with great sadness. He fell asleep in front of his parents' graves. When he woke up, he found that he had returned to the young farmer he was before, with cicadas and frogs croaking in the fields.

It turns out that the long period of time that happened in the dream was just a dream.

He slept only briefly.

But the scenes he experienced in the dream were still vivid in his mind. The originally illiterate farmer suddenly became a master who was familiar with the astrology, Zhou Yi and Taoist classics.

So the farmer threw down his farm tools, ran home and spent all his money, writing down all the scenes he experienced in his dream.

Mountains, rivers.

Herbal medicine, geography.

Ore and products.

Sacrifice, witch doctor.

Folk customs and strange things.

Taoism, Fu Shui.

He single-handedly wrote a masterpiece that has been handed down for hundreds of years. He called himself Guangping Sanren and became one of the great Taoists.

However, because this masterpiece written by Guangping Sanren involved too many national lifebloods, the imperial family was worried that it would be exploited by foreigners. Therefore, at the beginning of the founding of Kangding, all popular versions were destroyed, and private circulation among the people was strictly prohibited.

Unexpectedly, a book was circulated in front of him, and Jin An was surprised.

When he thought about it carefully, this "Guangping Youshuo Synaesthesia Record" was just another version of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas"! It's just that the "You Shuo" in his hand records synaesthesia records such as mountains, rivers, supernatural beings, folk customs, etc. They are all records that are not important to the officials.

What the officials really wanted to destroy was Zuo Shuo.

"Zuo Shuo" records in detail the national geography, minerals, products, Taoism, talismans, sacrifices, witch doctors, Taoist alchemy, etc. It involves saltpeter, sulfur, gunpowder secrets, Vulcan cannon casting methods, etc.

"You Shuo" is like a text, it has nothing to do with the fundamentals.

"Zuo Shuo" is like a weapon, capable of shaking the foundation of a country.

Jin An finally understood why Taoist priests in five-color robes had "Guang Ping You Shuo Synaesthesia Record", which was obviously a forbidden book that was prohibited from private circulation among the people.

"You Shuo" does not harm the overall situation for the officials, and they will not really take it too seriously. It is understandable that fish slip through the net occasionally.

Continue to stay up late at night and read.

Jin An also finally found the "qi-gazing technique" mentioned by the five-color Taoist priest.

He found it in a biography of a "Taoist priest with stone figurines".

This zhiguai is very interesting.

It is about an old Taoist priest who wants to build a Taoist temple on the mountain to educate the ignorant mountain people.

But when the old Taoist priest asked someone to build a mountain road, for some reason, the mountain road was destroyed by a landslide every time it was built. After several times in a row, one night, the old Taoist priest suddenly called all his disciples to sit in front of him. He was willing to sit on the fossil figurine and ordered his disciples to bury him in the mountain.

The result is amazing!

Since then, the mountain road that had never been built has been successfully built surprisingly smoothly. The mountain road leads from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, allowing mountain people in the mountains to use this mountain road to get out of the mountains and have the opportunity to communicate with the outside world.

The scattered people in Guangping passed by this mountain and met the stone figurines of old Taoist priests who were washed out by mudslides. The old Taoist stone figurines said that the ancestors of the mountain people in the mountain were a group of robbers who fled into the mountains to avoid encirclement and suppression by officers and soldiers. Because they had done too many evil things, the sky Let these people perish. The old Taoist priest couldn't bear it, so he was willing to sit down and use his own merit to atone for the sins of these sinners.

This time he was rushed out by the mudslide because he became the cornerstone under the feet of thousands of people and had immeasurable merit. He finally gained liberation, became an immortal, and taught the "Qi-Wang Technique" to Guangping San people.

After reading it, Jin An couldn't help but feel admiration and was amazed.

There are actually Taoist priests in this world who are so sacrificial for others.

Next, Jin An picked up the scroll of bamboo slips. The bamboo slips seemed to have been specially treated to be waterproof and insect-proof. The color was rather antique, and there was a light fragrance in his hand. It seemed to have the effect of repelling insects?

The bamboo slips are very heavy in the hand, weighing more than ten kilograms.


Jin An had an epiphany. Is this the origin of the term endorsement?

"The Five Zang Secret Sutra?"

Jin An's brows were filled with joy, he finally found the Taoist secret technique of this world.

Practice Qi!

This is the realm recorded in the "Five Zang Secret Sutra".

The Secret Sutra of the Five Internal Organs is a Taoist practice method.

Taoism is divided into Zhengyi Tao, Quanzhen Tao, etc.

This Taoist practice comes from a small sect of the Zhengyi sect, called Wu Zang Taoism. It is very easy to understand and does not belong to the orthodox stream of the Taoism.

But Jin An didn't care about this.

wake up.

Now it's up to him to choose the technique.

If he didn't choose the technique, he would already be burning incense.

"The Secret Sutra of the Five Internal Organs" uses the Taoist technique of breathing in and out, eating the Qi of heaven and earth, and cultivating the Qi of the five internal organs, thereby strengthening the body and improving hearing and vision.

People are divided into five internal organs.

Just like the five generals sitting in the atrium, they precisely operate the vitality of the human body, making life endless.

The five internal organs are the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

Corresponds to the five elements of Taoism.

Wood is opposite to the liver.

Fire to the heart.

Earth is opposite to the spleen.

Metal is good for the lungs.

Water to the kidneys.

It also corresponds to the principle of mutual development of the five elements.

Wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, water generates wood, and the cycle continues endlessly.

It sounds very naughty, like a matryoshka doll, one set after another.

But therein lies the problem.

Training the five internal organs at the same time is like practicing the five mental methods at the same time. The difficulty, energy, and resources are five times that of others.

The time investment is also five times that of others.

Moreover, in order to maintain the delicate balance between the five elements and the five internal organs, the effort invested is even greater, and even the progress of practice is not only five times slower... but it may not be possible even if it is seven times or ten times slower.

The Taoist ancestor who created the "Secret Tradition of the Five Internal Organs" was indeed a genius, but he couldn't bear to practice at a speed that was twice the result of others. No wonder the talents were withering, and no one wanted to join the Five Internal Organs Taoism and become a member of the Mojie sect.

Those with good qualifications look down on this small branch of the Zhengtai.

Those with poor qualifications are slow to practice.

This has entered a vicious cycle.

There is also the last jade plate in the bag.

Taoist of the five internal organs.

Taoist temple master of the five internal organs.

It turns out that this jade disc is a Taoist disc, and the Taoist disc is like the ID card of a person in the Taoist sect. Only by possessing the Taoist disc can it be regarded as orthodox recognized by Taoism and the court.


Ps: Well, I'm not in the right state today. I'm having a hard time coding. I really can't code Chapter 3. There are only 2 updates today, so don’t wait any longer. Don’t save the manuscript, don’t save the manuscript, don’t save the manuscript, say important things three times, and cry QAQ. .

Let me talk about another bug, three hundred taels of silver = about 180,000 in modern times. I made a mistake before and miscalculated the exchange ratio of gold and silver into the golden ratio. Sorry, the bug has been corrected.

Another happy event, a book club group, from 0 to 2,000 people, has filled up to 2,000 people in less than 4 days. Now the ② group is open, and big guys are welcome to chat. Stupid Dog author, online py chatter.

②Group number: 760859432.

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