White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1093: Goodbye Miss Shen Qingqing with Pica (5k big chapter, please subscribe and vote monthl


"There is such a strange woman in the world who can clearly know the situation in Shaoyang Bureau..."

The three people from Yujing and Jinque all looked surprised.

"Could it be that your wife is also from Burao Mountain?" Master Chi Yuan asked tentatively.

Mr. Yi shook his head: "No."

Zhong Laosan, who has a more aggressive personality, directly showed his disdain for Bulao Shan: "Bu Laoshan, who was born with a lack of moral character and gave birth to a son without an asshole, is worthy of being compared with our wife."


Mr. Yi raised his fist and knocked Zhong Laosan on the head, and glared at him angrily.

"Why are you hitting me all of a sudden!" Zhong Laosan held his head in frustration.

Mr. Yi said angrily: "If you can't speak, don't learn to answer!"


Only then did Zhong Laosan realize that what he just said was ambiguous, and then he felt guilty and shut up, not daring to refute.

"Listening to you talking about our wife, I can tell that you must respect this person very much. I just noticed a detail. When you mentioned 'our wife', your eyes subconsciously glanced in the direction of Taoist Jin'an. Here I go. Let me take a bold guess. Your wife knows Taoist Jin An? And the relationship is very unusual? "

Zhong Laosan wanted to answer again. This time Mr. Yi was mentally prepared and stepped on Zhong Laosan in advance to warn Zhong Laosan not to rush to answer again.

Zhong Laosan was so painful that he jumped on the spot with his feet in his arms, a look of grievance on his face.

Mr. Yi: "No comment."

Zhong Laosan, who knew he had just said something wrong and felt a little guilty, crossed his legs and echoed: "Yes, no comment."

Master Qing Xi didn't know what he was thinking of, so he raised his head and glanced at Jin An. Jin An had already entered the state of "enlightenment" where his eyes were on his nose and his nose was on his heart, and he didn't dare to look around.

Next, Yujing Jinque took Mr. Yi and Zhong Laosan to Zhenguo Temple and Tianshi Mansion to discuss the next step, whether to go or stay.

Should we continue to stick to the ghost lake or stick to the holy lake?

Old Ling Wang said with his eyes: "Why should we believe that what you say must be right?"

King Lao Ling originally wanted to show off his power, but Mr. Yi replied neither humble nor arrogantly: "You can choose not to believe it. We just obeyed Madam's instructions and came to take Taoist Jin'an away."

Master Chi Yuan showed such an expression as expected.

The old King Ling looked in the direction of Jin An in deep thought: "Huh?"

"It seems that Taoist Jin An not only knows your wife, but also has a close relationship with her?"

Mr. Yi still said: "No comment."

"Hey." Old King Ling has a very strong aura and is very domineering. He can't stand anyone who disobeys him. If he doesn't like it at all, he will show his suppressive attitude without hesitation. He looked at Mr. Yi with slightly narrowed eyes. It gradually cooled down.

Mr. Yi remained unmoved and was not suppressed or intimidated by the powerful men in the late stages of the Three Realms.

Jin An took the initiative to stand in front of Mr. Yi and Zhong Laosan, taking all the pressure from Old Ling Wang. Just as he was about to speak, Master Yujing Jinque Qingxi, who had remained silent from beginning to end, suddenly spoke.

Master Qingxi's voice sounded like Lin Laiquan: "Jade Capital Jinque agreed to go to the Holy Lake. To prevent long nights and many dreams, we set off immediately."

Zhenren Qingxi, a strange woman, had an extraordinary status in the Golden Palace of Yujing. This uncle spoke personally, and even Zhenren Chiyuan did not dare to object. He and Zhenlei Xuanlei expressed their willingness to find the second person on the spot. A holy lake called Longyan Lake.

Master Jingchan and Master Huizhen of Zhenguo Temple both had a deep friendship with Jin An. Master Juehai was also very friendly to Jin An. The three of them whispered a few words to Master Xuxing, and Master Xuxing also expressed his opinion on the spot: "Taoist Jin'an is an upright man who hates evil as much as he hates evil. Zhenguo Temple is willing to trust Taoist Jin'an and accompany him to find the holy lake."

The old King Ling, who originally wanted to bully the weak and forcefully suppress him, suddenly became a naked man and fell into an embarrassing situation. He couldn't control his momentum or release it. He felt as uncomfortable as being held up in the air.

However, a person of this age has an old face as thick as tree bark. Old King Ling looked gloomy at first and then laughed. He pretended that nothing happened and said with a smile: "I also have this intention."

Soon after, other forces discovered the changes in Yujing Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion. The three sects collectively abandoned the Ghost Lake and went deep into the Dragon Cave in another direction.

"What's going on? Why don't they guard Longyan Lake anymore?"

"Isn't this more convenient for us? No one can stop us and we can enter Longyan Lake at any time."

"Hmph, if I want to trick you, there must be some fraud involved!"

People's hearts are so unpredictable. One moment these people are still trying to figure out how to get into Longyan Lake, and the next moment Longyan Lake has become an abandoned child.

On the other side of the swampy forest, another shocking change was taking place.

"Corpse chasers, aren't you ready? The corpse suppressing monument we replaced may not last long. The longer it takes, the greater the risk of exposure." The person who spoke was the headless monk, and the voice came from his belly. It came out with a low muffled sound.

The headless monk, Black Crane Ancestor, and Jin Maohuan all stood aside and looked at the corpse driver they were talking about.

As expected, Bulaoshan still has hidden strength. In the previous battle outside the Dragon Cave, this corpse chaser was not seen. This is another strong man in the late third realm.

The corpse chaser took off his cloak, revealing two human heads. They were actually a conjoined man with one body, two heads and four arms. One head had a haze and aura of despair, while the other head was full of vitality and a red face.

Being two-headed means having dual consciousness. Even if one head dies, the other head can still survive.

The so-called corpse chaser is one who kills another head with one head, refines the corpse into a cultivator of life, and uses his other brother to eliminate disasters and ward off disasters for himself. This method is cruel and shocking, frightening and terrifying. I just feel that this world is really absurd, boundless and bizarre.

"No matter how anxious you are, it's useless. The Yang pole is born from the Yin pole, and the pole is born from the Yin pole, or the pole is over. The battle between the yin and the Yang is the difference between life and death. Only noon is the chance to save the ancestor Tongyou from the underworld!" Leng, the corpse chaser of the two-headed conjoined man. Hum said.

At the feet of the two-headed corpse chaser is a tall cast altar.

There is a desk on the altar.

Thirteen clay pots are placed on the desk, with colors ranging from red, blue, yellow, green, blue, and purple. In addition, there are also ritual flags, soul-calling bells and other ritual tools for performing rituals.

In the open space in front of the altar, thirteen flags and flags were erected, each with black ghost symbols painted on them.

Headless Monk: "Every time I see a corpse chaser with two heads, it always makes me very unhappy. It's really a drought that leads to death, and a flood that causes waterlogging, Amitabha."

A demonic monk always talks about the name of Buddha. He is so bold. However, God can't surrender him because he hid the headless monk's head himself.

No one paid attention to the headless monk's soliloquy. Everyone knew that the headless monk cut off his head himself. He couldn't even keep a single head. At this time, when he said he envied the corpse chaser, everyone knew that the headless monk was the one who cut off the head. The monk is just a casual joke on the corpse chaser who lacks love.

"As long as you know the right way to drive away corpses, Ancestor Tongyou practiced the art of walking in the underworld. Although he encountered dangers in the dragon's cave like other people in history, he used the art of walking in the underworld to hide in the underworld at the last moment when he was about to die. , escaped by feigning death and recuperated on Huangquan Road for two hundred years. It was not until recent years that he contacted us intermittently through the underworld, and successively passed back some information about Guixu Divine Realm and Shaoyang Bureau. In order to fully understand the situation of Shaoyang Bureau , to understand what happened back then, we must rescue Ancestor Tongyou who was trapped in the Dragon Cave of the Underworld. This is the real reason why we went into the bottomless valley this time. Perhaps only Ancestor Tongyou knows why history So many people found the Shaoyang Bureau, but in the end no one came out alive. This is not only a matter of our life and death, but also the key to breaking the Shaoyang Bureau." The ancestor of Black Crane stared at the two-headed corpse chaser and said.

"That's long-winded." The two-headed corpse chaser waved his hands impatiently.

Ancestor Heihe snorted heavily: "I just want you to understand the seriousness of the situation! We have been preparing for so many years, and this time we must rescue Ancestor Tongyou who is trapped in the Dragon Cave of the Underworld at all costs!"

The two-headed corpse chaser raised his vibrant head and glanced at the sky. Although the towering ancient trees in the Dragon Cave Swamp blocked the sun, he could not see the sun in the sky and could not tell the time, but this could not stop him from still being able to accurately calculate the sky color. Just before noon, he took action.

I saw him opening the thirteen clay pots on the desk one by one, and black gas mixed with the smell of corruption rushed out from the jars.

The two-headed corpse hunter took out a black and stinking object from the first bottle from left to right. Upon closer inspection, he found that it was dry, black, dehydrated human internal organs that had been left for a long time.

Next, the two-headed corpse chaser buried a corpse chaser in the internal organs of the dried black man and stuffed it back into the clay pot. Then he started to practice, reciting incantations and shaking the soul-calling bell. The ringing tinkled harshly, and listening to it for a long time gave people a splitting headache, as if three souls and seven souls were about to fly out of the heavenly spirit cap uncontrollably.

As the sound of the incantation gradually became louder, the originally still pottery pot began to tremble slightly, and then, the first flag flag from left to right among the thirteen flag flags in front of the altar was activated, and the black ghost painting talisman on it A large amount of black gas suddenly gushes out. The black air condensed and refused to disperse. It gathered more and more, piling up like a dark cloud. Amidst the roaring sound, the black air cloud opened a passage to another world.

There was gray mist floating in that world, and the world only had cold black and white colors. There were countless terrifying screams, cries, and sounds of painful struggles in the fire, followed by the sound of water. At first, the sound of water was still some distance away, and then it was far away from here. Getting closer and closer, it was only then that I finally heard that the so-called water sound was the footsteps of someone walking in the river.

Abruptly, a smiling corpse in red appeared in front of him, his face was smiling, but his eyes were cold and emotionless, staring straight into the earth from the underworld.

This smiling corpse in red is full of corpse energy, this corpse has become a climate! He is a fudou raised in the underworld! Flying stiff!

The soul-calling bell in the hands of the two-headed corpse exorcist was still shaking violently. He shouted at the red-clothed laughing corpse: "Dutian Corpse Fire! Fire!"

The next moment, the laughing corpse in red spitted green corpse fire into a swamp.

Next, the two-headed corpse chaser opened the passages one by one in the same manner. Each corpse chaser flag corresponded to an evil corpse. The order was the laughing corpse, the angry corpse, the worried corpse, the mourning corpse, the sad corpse, the fearful corpse, and the frightened corpse. corpse……

Thirteen clay pots! Thirteen flags and flags! This is clearly the Thirteen Evil Corpses that Jin An has been tracking down!

It turns out that the Thirteen Evil Corpses Holding Heaven Formation that Bulao Mountain spent a lot of time to refine is not used to break the seal of Shaoyang Bureau. Its real purpose is to save the ancestor of Bulao Mountain Tongyou who is trapped in the underworld of Dragon Cave. .

These corpse-repelling flags, which use human bones as poles and human hair as flags, are extremely sinister in their refining process, can open the passage to the underworld and summon people into the dragon's cave.

As the amount of Doutian Corpse Fire spewed out increased, the swamp was boiling and violently agitated. However, this boiling had no temperature. Instead, it revealed extremely cold temperatures, and the surrounding temperature dropped sharply.

The swamp colors tumble from black to will-o'-the-wisp colors.

Ha ha--


In the green swamp boiled by the Doutian Corpse Fire, a harsh laughter gradually came out. A hand reached out of the swamp, struggling hard to escape impatiently.

"Ancestor Tongyou!" Ancestor Black Crane, Headless Monk, and Jin Maohuan all had a condensed temperament.

"It's this ancestor who is about to escape from trouble, haha!"

"We haven't seen each other for sixty years, but Master Heihe, Headless Monk, and Little Lion still have the same appearance!"

Ancestor Tongyou was in a good mood. He continued to struggle out while laughing wildly. At this time, most of his arms had broken free from the swamp and were holding on to the hard ground.

"Zombie exorcist, this time I have to thank you for helping me refine corpses in the Thirteen Evil Corpse Circles. When I come out, I promise you that I will not lose any of the benefits."

"Ancestor Tongyou is very polite. As long as you can report the information to the Shaoyang Bureau in detail later, it will be the greatest comfort to us." The two-headed corpse chaser said expressionlessly.


"It's easy to talk. When I get out of the dragon cave and the underworld, I will teach you how to break the Shaoyang game! I already have some ideas about the Shaoyang game!" Tongyou ancestor kept laughing, trapped in the underworld. The flesh and blood of Dragon Cave for sixty years are about to see the light of day again, how can we not be excited.

At this time, Patriarch Tongyou had already stretched out his arms and supported his hands on both sides, speeding up his escape.

Just when Patriarch Tongyou reached the critical moment of escaping from trouble, there were continuous explosions and roars from the horizon, and the divine light of the primordial spirit struck the sky.

It turned out that a group of people who came to the Holy Lake were attacked and blocked by two old Buddha Mother Bodhisattvas from the Inanimate Holy Land.

In the swamp, the divine light shines, the Buddha's light shines everywhere, Taoists and Buddhas fight, and the explosions are heard constantly, the dazzling light sweeps back and forth, and the soil surges into thousands of waves.

"What a holy land of no life! What a mountain of immortality! You two really are hiding here!" Master Chi Yuan has a hot temper. He fights two old Buddhas and Bodhisattvas alone, resolves personal grudges with the holy land of no life, and lets the rest People rushed to stop the Bulaoshan conspiracy.

Facing the approaching masters from Yujing Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion, the two-headed corpse chaser remained unmoved and continued to complete the ceremony of the Thirteen Evil Corpses Carrying Heaven Array to rescue the ancestor Tongyou. To get out of trouble, it was up to the Black Crane Ancestor, the Headless Monk, and the Jin Maohuan to stop the Qingxi Master and the Old Ling King.

In order to save Patriarch Tongyou, Bulao Mountain spent a lot of money this time, spent many years carefully refining the Seven Emotions, Six Desires and Thirteen Evil Corpses, and once again sent four late-stage powerhouses of the Third Realm to enter the Guixu Divine Realm.

Master Qing Xi and King Lao Ling used two against three to hold off Bulao Shan and let others go to the altar to stop the two-headed corpse chaser.

However, their attacks all landed in the underworld and could not hurt the two-headed corpse chaser at all. They borrowed the Thirteen Evil Corpses' Heavenly Formation to temporarily open up a space in the underworld in the underworld, and all their attacks landed in the underworld. Some people's souls left their bodies and entered the underworld, but entered the ecstasy array. They couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north, and they were spinning in circles.

The timing chosen by the two-headed corpse chaser was very sensitive. It happened to be the time when the holy lake appeared at noon in the yin of the Yang pole. Just when a group of Shinto masters besieged him, the sound of gushing water appeared in the swamp, and the surging water drove the flow of wind, blowing the wind. With people's minds clear, other forces soon noticed that there was actually a deep lake nearby.

These people reacted quickly. Through the clues that Yujing Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion suddenly abandoned Longyan Lake and hurried here, and then contacted the clues that Bulao Mountain and Wusheng Holy Land gathered here, they had already guessed this place. This is the real location of Shaoyang Bureau! The previous Longyan Lake was a "fake formation eye"!

These people laughed and said that God was really helping me. The Jade Capital Golden Tower, the Zhenguo Temple, and the Tianshi Mansion were in constant conflict with those who came from the Bulao Mountain and the Inanimate Holy Land. It was the time when the empty doors were wide open and they had no time to take care of them. How long will it take for Holy Lake to break the Shaoyang game?

It is said that when a house leaks, it rains all night.

It happened that at this time, the double-headed corpse chaser's formation of Thirteen Evil Corpses had reached its most critical moment. He had already summoned the Ten Evil Corpses, and Patriarch Tongyou had also escaped from the trap and used his hands and half his head.

"The Shaoyang Bureau will not be broken for a while! Let's stop Bulaoshan from completing the Thirteen Evil Corpses Carrying the Heaven Formation first!" Jin An shouted towards Master Xuanlei, Master Jingchan and others.

Although he didn't know what conspiracy the people of Bulao Mountain were up to, he knew very well the origins of the Thirteen Evil Corpse Circles. For Bulao Mountain to put so much effort into refining corpses, and to use them exclusively in the Guixu Divine Realm, he must have It’s related to Shaoyang Bureau! The top priority is to prevent the completion of the Thirteen Evil Dead Formation!

In just a moment's delay, the two-headed corpse chaser has completed the eleventh summoning of evil corpses. The eleventh one among the seven emotions and six desires is laziness.

At this time, Patriarch Tongyou's escape speed accelerated again.

The two-headed corpse chaser has begun to summon the twelfth evil corpse.

People have seven emotions——

Joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, desire.

Six Desires——

Lust, vanity, greed, laziness, snooping, and fear of death.

This time it’s voyeurism!

"The Thirteen Evil Corpses Holding Heaven Formation will still be trapped even in the late stage of the Three Realms. You are destined to be unable to prevent the ancestor Tongyou from returning to the world of Yang. When the ancestor Tongyou comes out, what are the three holy places in the capital and what is Yujing?" None of the masters from Jinque, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion can even think of leaving the Dragon Cave alive!"

"Zombie chaser, we have ambushed so many masters of the three realms this time, have you thought about how to refine corpses? Hahaha!"

The Black Crane Ancestor and the headless monk teamed up to stop the Sun Goddess Xihe that Qingxi was visualizing. The Black Crane Ancestor deliberately incited people's morale.

The two-headed corpse chaser also felt that the overall situation was under control, and he laughed proudly and said: "The men are made into flying corpses, and the women..."

The summoning of the twelve corpses was completed, and the proud voice of the two-headed corpse chaser suddenly stopped. Not only was he suddenly quiet, the Black Crane Ancestor was speechless, and everyone else was also quiet. The surrounding air was so quiet that only big mouths were left to chew. , the sound of swallowing bones sounds very appetizing.

A woman with pale skin and no trace of living blood was lying on the corpse of Yusha, biting the flesh and blood. Most of the corpse had been eaten away, and there was a large pool of blood on the ground. It was surrounded by the ruins of the war that had just ended! Looking at the situation in front of me, the woman has been eating the evil corpse for some time!


Dead silence!

Even the battles in the late stage of the Three Realms have stopped. Everyone is either surprised or stunned at this unexpected scene. Many people feel that their brains are a bit insufficient. Who can tell them, in front of them... this is What's happening?

The evil corpses in the Thirteen Evil Corpses in the Heaven Formation were eaten by a crazy woman? Can the Thirteen Evil Corpses Encircling the Heavens Formation still be called the Thirteen Evil Corpses Encircling the Heavens Formation?


The pale-skinned woman put one knee on the corpse's mutilated chest, pressed her head with her left hand, grabbed the last arm of the corpse with her right hand, twisted and tore it off like a twist, and chewed the flesh and bones, swallowing all the flesh and bones. Belly.

Halfway through the corpse's arm, the woman seemed to sense something and raised her head to look in the direction of Jin An...

At this moment, Yin and Yang are separated, and people from two worlds face each other.

Shen...Shen Qingqing!

That poor woman who was abducted by human traffickers and sent to the corpse raising village. After going crazy, she developed pica and even dared to eat the corpse clothes of the gods enshrined in the corpse raising village. Finally, Shen Qingqing was sent to the underworld by Jin An using the seventh transformation of the ghost-walking technique. girl!

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