White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1107 Sharpen the sword! Water Goddess!

The sun was scorching, and every grain of sand in the desert seemed to be boiling and melting.

Under the illumination of Shiwu above his head, the sea of ​​sand shimmered with golden light, which was so dazzling that it hurt his eyes. This desert was like a land of death, without any insects or desert plants.

The place with the most sunshine is the largest restricted area of ​​life, just like the cathode produces yang and the anode produces yin.



A sudden violent cough broke the calmness of this sea of ​​death sand, and Jin An felt like there was something pressing on his chest that was making him uncomfortable.


The man sat up suddenly, and as Sha Shuo rolled off his body, the uncomfortable feeling of oppression on his chest disappeared.

Jin An, whose head and body were covered with sand, after sorting it out, looked around blankly, and found many people nearby lying on the sand.

After a while, the confusion in his eyes disappeared little by little, and then he rushed out of the sand and hurriedly looked for the old Taoist priest and Fatty Li.

As soon as he stood up, he felt severe pain all over his body and almost stumbled down. Only then did he notice that he was covered in dried blood and had multiple injuries all over his body, as if he had experienced a desperate battle not long ago.

How fierce and dangerous is the battle that can cause even peak martial arts and immortals to suffer such heavy losses?

But...why can't I remember anything?

At this time, Jin An also found the old Taoist priest and Fatty Li, who were beside him.

At this time, people began to wake up one after another. Everyone's reaction to waking up was similar to Jin An's. Their eyes were blank at first, and then their eyes gradually focused, and finally they came to their senses.

As everyone who came back to their senses saw their surroundings clearly, their expressions changed drastically.

"what happened?"

"Why are we collectively unconscious here?"

"We shouldn't rush into the underground river at the bottom of the river, and then...then..."

When they said this, everyone's expressions changed again, because they discovered a very terrible result. They couldn't remember anything after they rushed into the dark cave under the river.

What they encountered, what they saw, how they got out, they all couldn't be remembered. There was collective amnesia, and everyone was injured and no one was intact.

The dark cave is like a black hole of memory, which can erase all memories.

Master Qing Xi, Master Chi Yuan, Master Xuxing, King Lao Ling and others woke up one by one and gathered together. As a result, the same thing happened to these strong men in the late stage of the Three Realms. They were all seriously injured and all lost their memories. This memory is precisely the most important part.

"There are two most important things at the moment. The first thing is to confirm the number of people and see if anyone is separated from the team; the second thing is to confirm the specific location we are currently on and which level of the Guixu Divine Realm we are on!" Under the command of Zhenren Chi Yuan and King Lao Ling, everyone carefully searched a hundred miles around and found that except for the masters of the third realm who survived serious injuries, two-thirds of the other non-third realm personnel were missing. The losses were heavy, almost three realms. The entire army was destroyed.

"Five, fifth brother has not been found!" The seventh prince and the eighth prince looked at the third prince with pale faces.

Before facing the unknown fear, the princes temporarily lost their intrigues and only had the sadness of the rabbit dying and the fear of the unknown fear.

Everyone knows that the fifth prince, like the others who have disappeared, is probably in serious danger.

But for some reason, the team symbolically searched the surroundings again, but they were missing the most important piece of memory. They didn't even know where the entrance to the underground river was, and how to find it.

Unless they return to the third level of the Ruin God Realm and find the desert river again... But this is obviously unrealistic.

"I didn't expect that our people were not lost in the hands of the Bulao Mountain, nor in the hands of those who came from the Wusheng Holy Land, but they were lost in such an inexplicable place." Old King Ling looked ugly. The Tianshi Mansion brought the most people this time , the most troops and generals were lost.

At this time, Jin An had already discovered that of the many magic weapons and trophies he had collected, almost half of them were missing. Considering the injuries on his body, it seemed that he had used them to self-destruct his way out of the siege.

Ten times of the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman have been consumed four times, leaving only one chance; eleven times of the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman have also consumed two chances; eleven times of the Imperial Sealed Six Ding Liujia Talisman have only one chance left; the Spiritual Qi Jade Talisman has been updated They were all used up, not a single one was left... It was really a heavy loss!

Even Jin An's losses were so great, and the losses of others would be more or less than him, including Master Chi Yuan, Lao Ling Wang and other three-level masters, whose faces were not much better.

The death of the fifth prince only demoralized the team for a while. The dead will continue to live, and the team began to find a way out after making small adjustments.

The vast desert stretches as far as the eye can see, and there is only a dull and single sea of ​​sand as far as the eye can see. If a person walks blindly in this environment, there is a risk of getting lost and eventually dying of thirst or exhaustion, so he must find a reference point.

If there is no reference on the ground, then look for it from the sky.

When they looked up to observe the direction of the sun, everyone realized that there was no sun in the sky here, and the light here came from an ancient tree on the horizon.

There are ten motionless suns perched on a vigorous and exhausted sacred tree reaching the sky. This scene has never been similar.

"This is the surface of the wilderness world!"

There was no need for this person to scream in surprise, everyone present had already realized that the sacred tree reaching the sky on the horizon was the Fuso Sacred Tree, and the ten suns perched on the Fuso Sacred Tree were the ten-headed Golden Crows.

"We are really out!" Someone cried with joy.

Now that the location has been confirmed, the next thing is much simpler. According to the direction of the Fuso sacred tree, the Shenzhou stranded in the desert was quickly found.

When rendezvousing with the Shenzhou, the most emotional ones were the eunuchs and maids on the boat. These people were ordinary people, fearing that they would be treated as abandoned sons of high-level officials, die of thirst in the desert, die in a foreign land, and even collect their bodies. No one burns paper money to pay homage.

It was a few days after we reunited and nursed back our injuries. After a brief discussion, we were ready to go to the mountains and find a way out. With so many water centipedes sleeping in that mountain forest, there must be a special place.

But it is inconvenient for ordinary people to carry it.

Fortunately, they quickly came up with a new way to temporarily transform the Shenzhou from a sea ship into a sand ship. With the help of the east wind blowing the mast and sail, it sailed on the sand sea and headed for the mountain forest area.

With so many masters of the three realms borrowing the east wind, it was enough for one person to blow a breath, so the wonder of desert boating appeared in the wild world.

The last time they came to the mountain forest area was already half a month ago. That time, the weather was abnormal. It rained heavily in the desert. When they took shelter in the cave, they were besieged by water centipedes. Later, it was the dragon louse that gave way. They solve the water centipede scourge with ease.

Because they had been here once and were familiar with the terrain, they ignored the Qimen Dunjia formation and went all the way deep, successfully finding the dry river bed. Then just like the first time, they triggered the Nine-Nine Inexhaustible Formation, as if they had violated the laws of heaven. In an instant, there was lightning and thunder, violent storms and rain, and the weather changed at any time.

The Shenzhou is as tall as a mountain in the storm, calm and motionless.

This time, because of Shenzhou, everyone was no longer as embarrassed as the first time. When facing the Nine-Nine Inexhaustible Formation again, they seemed to be much more comfortable.

As the rain washed the mountain forests, moistened the soil and rocks, countless zombie centipedes that had been dried into insects emerged from their slumber again. The withered insect bodies that had absorbed the rain became plump again, and then began to surround the Shenzhou but did not attack.

With so many auras of masters from the third realm of Shinto, even the densely packed water centipedes here sensed a sense of danger, so they only surrounded but did not attack, but they also did not move away, just lingering around like this.

Suddenly, Jin An's head moved, and the dragon louse amber stone on his body became violently active.

Jin An knew that this was a change in the world that was about to occur, and even ancient insects such as dragon lice would sense it.


The wild world suddenly shook, and there was a muffled sound, like a landslide.

"The sky is collapsing and the earth is collapsing. Lightning, strong winds, and heavy rain. This is the sky collapsing, and the earth will collapse next!" As soon as Jin An finished speaking, the ground shook violently, vibrated, and cracked into several dark ravines, and the Shenzhou fell rapidly.

"At this time of life and death, fellow Taoists, support your soul with me to slow down the falling speed of the Shenzhou!" Master Chi Yuan shouted, and then one of his souls came out of the body, trying to control the speed of the Shenzhou's fall.


I don’t know how long it had been falling, but the Shenzhou was shaken, causing huge waves to hit, and the people on the boat fell to and fro.

Squeak! The keel of the hull made an overwhelmed groan, but fortunately, it finally withstood the impact and did not disintegrate.


The sound of rushing water came to my ears, and the Shenzhou drifted with the current, sailing at great speed.

"What's going on? Didn't we fall into the underground river again and lose our memory again this time!" The old Taoist priest tightly hugged the fixed objects around him with his limbs and shouted nervously to Jin An on the outer deck.

All non-Shinto masters were arranged in the cabin in advance, and only Shinto masters were arranged on the cabin to respond to the crisis.

Jin An's voice came from the deck: "Old Taoist priest, I don't know how to describe it, you'd better come out and see for yourself!"

The old Taoist priest let go of his hands and feet and walked tremblingly toward the outside of the cabin. He muttered to the gods and gods clasping their fists in the air around him: "If the will of the ancient gods really exists in the Guixu Divine Realm, if Shaoyang Zhenwu is still alive, if you can listen, As for Lao Tao, I see that our starting point is good-natured, and we can pull back from the cliff in time, and it is not out of greed. Don't scare Lao Dao, this old and weak heart, Lao Tao, I really have seasickness, and my stomach is feeling It’s overwhelming!”

As the old Taoist priest walked out of the cabin, his mouth opened wide and he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

There was very salty seawater moisture on the deck, and the Shenzhou was moving forward with the current. The Great Wilderness World hung upside down above their heads. The Fuso Sacred Tree of the Great Wilderness World was clearly visible, and the tree's body reached the sky and extended into the sea current.

The old Taoist priest opened his mouth wider and wider. He was stunned and fell into a state of trance.

It took a long time for the old Taoist priest and others who walked out of the cabin to realize, boom!

In an instant, there was a huge crowd, and everyone was amazed by the wonder of the heaven and earth in front of them, and they exclaimed repeatedly.

"Which one is the sky! Which one is the earth! I am already upside down and can't tell whether what I see in front of me is reality or a dream!"

"This... is simply incredible! It's amazing!"


The sudden and violent impact on the bottom of the Shenzhou ship almost knocked the people on the deck upside down.

What can shake the Shenzhou and cause the Shenzhou to sway is definitely not an ordinary small wave. This abnormal phenomenon immediately attracted the attention of the Shinto masters. One by one, the spirit attachments flew out of the cabin to check the situation.

There is no air ban here anymore.

Information soon came back that many water centipedes appeared in the sea currents. Each water centipede was as big as the one they encountered in the East China Sea. These water centipedes were attacking the bottom of the Shenzhou ship. According to this scale, even if Shenzhou is as strong as an iron-clad fortress, it will not be able to withstand it for long.

Moreover, the number of water centipedes is still increasing, and more water centipedes are swimming rapidly from the depths.

Knowing the crisis under the ship, all the Shinto masters on the deck began to leave their bodies and use all their strength to kill those water centipedes.

It's okay not to kill them. The bloody smell of killing water centipedes permeates the sea water, which in turn makes the water centipedes even more dangerous. Just like sharks are stimulated by blood, they attack even more desperately.

For a time, the divine light of the magic weapon continued to blast, and the light was like a ball of sun emerging.

"Be careful, there's an undersea mountain ahead!"

Jin An's reminder made Shenzhou evade.

But that was not an undersea mountain, but a huge water centipede twisting under the sea! This water centipede is so big. When its body is coiled, it is as tall as a mountain. If it stretches out, it will be terrifying for hundreds of miles, right?


Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but take a breath.

This huge water centipede has horns on its head and has transformed into a dragon. This is a real centipede dragon! How deep did they go into the sea at this time, and they even encountered legendary creatures such as the centipede dragon!

Fortunately, this gigantic centipede dragon is already dead and has become a motionless dead thing. Otherwise, no matter how many divine boats came today, there wouldn't be enough for the centipede dragon's legs to be pierced.

An undersea mountain!

Two undersea peaks!


As they advanced, more mountains of centipede dragon corpses appeared on the sea floor. Each one was like a snake's body, with ancient aura and cold and solemn carapace.

Just when everyone on the deck was wondering how there were so many centipede dragon corpses here, the water centipedes that were constantly chasing Shenzhou stopped hitting Shenzhou.

They seemed to be afraid of something and did not dare to take a step beyond the thunder pool.

Maybe it was because the Shenzhou was sailing with too much water, which woke up the sleeping things, and the corpses of the centipede dragons that looked like mountain peaks began to light up one after another like ghost fire in the cemetery.

"what is that?"

"Even the water centipede dare not pursue it. Is there something more dangerous than the water centipede here?"

As Shenzhou passed by a centipede dragon corpse, he finally saw clearly what those green light spots were. They were densely packed with many dragon lice sleeping on the centipede dragon corpse. At this time, as Shenzhou broke in, these little bugs began to wake up one by one.

I don’t know how many years these dragon lice have been around, and their bodies are covered with thick dust. As they wake up, the thick dust on their bodies begins to shake off...

Jin Anxin took out the dragon louse amber stone from his arms. At this time, the amber stone had completely cracked. The wings of the little dragon louse inside were trembling slightly, and the breath of life was returning.

Jin An thought for a while, then placed the little guy and a few water centipede concentrated blood beads snatched from the Sandaime Swordsman and Dragon Lady Usen on the side of the bow of the ship, and retreated back to the crowd.

The dragon louse is the natural enemy of the water centipede. When it smells the blood of the water centipede, the dragon louse eats the blood drops quickly, and the breath of life is quickly restored.

And as the dragon louse regained its life and exuded a unique aura from its body, the densely packed dragon louse crawling on the "undersea mountain" also flashed in response to the distant light.

During this period, not a single dragon louse took off to attack Shenzhou, and Shenzhou continued to slide calmly for dozens of nautical miles.

The bow dragon louse also flapped its wings, its body bloomed with green light spots, and then flew into the group without looking back.

It is strange to say that even though the dragon louse flew away, Shenzhou was still not attacked by the dragon louse group. It is not known whether it was because Jin An had the breath of the dragon louse on his body, or because Shenzhou had already been left with the dragon louse's breath. In short, Shenzhou left the "undersea peaks" group unharmed.

After leaving the "Undersea Mountains" group, they got closer to the Fuso Sacred Tree and accelerated their sailing.

While sailing, they looked up and saw the upside-down wilderness world above their heads, and several familiar figures appeared. They were the Black Crane Ancestor, the Headless Monk, and the Master Zhuangwu from the Burao Mountain.

The three of them were rushing in the vast desert, heading towards the Fuso Sacred Tree like them.

This was a very strange experience. They were driving underneath, and Mount Everest was driving above their heads. Both parties were going to the same place.

"Why did the people from the Burao Mountain come to the surface of the Great Wilderness World? Could it be that they followed us into the cave at the bottom of the river?"

"Humph, even if they follow our route, the water centipedes and dragon lice alone will be enough for the people of Bulao Mountain to drink a pot."

"Speaking of which, where did Taoist Jin'an get the dragon lice? This time, it's thanks to Taoist Jin'an that we can safely pass through the underwater dragon tombs."

At this time, Jin An did not dare to turn around and look at Luo Tian behind him. He had been standing on the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back, motionless, keeping his eyes on the fusang sacred tree in front of him for a long time, leaving the lonely back of a master.


Jin An let out a cry of surprise as if he had discovered something. After a closer look, he indeed saw a young man climbing the sacred tree on one of the branches of the sacred fuso tree.

The young man was also carrying a slim woman with a blood-stained white dress on his back.

The Shenzhou was still moving forward. At this time, even other people on the deck saw the young man carrying the woman on his back and climbing the huge branch of the sacred tree. And because we are close, we can see more details. The woman's hair is tied up in a woman's bun, which proves that the woman is married and is a woman.

"Who are their identities? How could anyone climb the Fuso tree in the Guixu Divine Realm? The woman on his back is wearing a woman's bun. It seems that she is the knotted wife of the tree-climbing man. It can be seen that they have a deep relationship. !”

"That's wrong! Have you noticed that they don't have the reflection of the moon in the water, unlike the three people from Bulaoshan who hang upside down above our heads... They, they arrived at the Fuso Sacred Tree ahead of us! Who are they and what are their origins? Yes He knows more about the Guixu Divine Realm than our three sects plus Bulao Mountain and Wusheng Holy Land. He found this place earlier than us and looked for a way out!" Exclamations arose one after another on the boat.

But there are only two exceptions.

Jin An and the old Taoist priest stood at the bow of the boat, staring closely at the young man carrying the woman on his back to climb the Fuso tree. The old Taoist priest's eyes were red.

"Little brother, could it be..." The old Taoist priest choked several times, unable to speak completely, and his body was shaking with excitement.

As the Shenzhou approached in the wind and waves, the young man who was climbing up the Fuso Sacred Tree seemed to be aware of it and stopped, turning his head slightly to look behind him.

"Yes, it's them." Jin An smiled brightly.

"Sharpen the sword!"

"Water Goddess!"

On the calm sea, a shocking roar sounded: "Master is taking you back to the Five Zang Taoist Temple!"

The old Taoist priest burst into tears of joy and burst into tears. He blew his nose with his left sleeve and wiped his tears with his right sleeve. He was so excited that he couldn't speak.

The other people on the Shenzhou looked at Jin An and the old Taoist priest who had lost their composure, with moved expressions on their faces. It turned out that the man climbing the Fuso tree was a lost disciple of the Wu Zang Taoist Temple...

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