White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1124: It is natural for dogs to pick up bones.

The dead were heavy and it was not easy to dump the bodies, so Liu Yun buried the bodies not far away, in a mass grave near his home.

When they found it, there were no corpses here. The corpse had been taken away by Dali Temple. Because there was nothing suspicious about the corpse, it was returned to the family for burial, leaving only an empty pit.

Jin An jumped into the pit and said: "I have a bold guess in the underworld... When the bone collector grandson took Liu Yun out to collect bones for his employer, he met an accident and died outside. Only Liu Yun, a ghoul, escaped. Liu Yun came back. Out of control, Liu Yun started killing, cannibalizing, and burying corpses because of hunger. In the end, the evil spirit attacked his brain and caused hallucinations. He reported to the police to arrest him. Only in this way can we explain why the number of corpses was not correct. and why Liu Yun was so frustrated that he reported to the police to arrest him."

"Where can I find other places where people were killed and their bodies dumped?"

"If the bone collector has been killed, where is the body?"

"Where did the bone picker take the ghoul Liu Yun to pick up bones?"

There were too many doubts lingering in the mind of the Criminal Investigation Department. Everyone discussed them one by one. Finally, they looked to Jin An for help and asked if Jin An could help find them.

Jin An confidently jumped to the ground: "It's not difficult."

The group came to Liu Yun's house again. Jin An asked the old Taoist priest for a blank yellow talisman and dipped some blackened blanching water from the iron pot.

Then he took out a jade compass covered with mottled cracks. It was the Luogeng Jade Plate, a feng shui artifact that had been tried and tested for finding people and objects.

Then put the blackened talisman paper dipped in blanched water on the Luogeng jade plate to find the acupoints.

The cave here refers to the burial point.

It was not difficult to find the burial place, but this was only the first step. Next, he held Luo Geng's jade plate with one hand and came to the carriage containing Liu Yun's coffin. He asked Fatty Li to borrow some loess from the soles of his new lover.

Fatty Li only wants to be evil, and this Liu Yun is his new lover. He has a good new heart.

Fatty Li really went all out to get rid of evil spirits. Regardless of Liu Yun's nausea and vomiting in the first half of the night, he dared to press his big belly on the edge of the coffin in the second half of the night, drill his head into the coffin and use a dagger to scrape it. Mud on the soles of dead man's shoes.

"That's wrong!" Fatty Li shouted.

"What's wrong? Li Baihu, you can't even handle this little thing, right?" Commander Zhang frowned.

Fatty Li called to Commander to come and see this. Soon after, Commander Zhang called Jin An to the end of the coffin.

The soles of Liu Yun's shoes were so clean, with only a light layer of dust and no yellow mud stains from daily walking. No one had thought about shoes before, so they didn't pay attention to this particularly subtle detail.

Um? Jin An also discovered a detail. Liu Yun's shoes did not fit. These shoes were not Liu Yun's!

"Little brother, have you noticed that Liu Yun's shoes don't fit your feet? The toes are touching the toes of the shoes, and the toes are bulging! Everyone will leave a finger width or half a finger width when buying shoes, so that they can be worn when walking for a long time. Don’t stand up!”

"This Liu Yun is 100% letting people wear small shoes!" the old Taoist priest shouted with an ugly face.

Wearing small shoes here means that the shoes have been stolen and are not Liu Yun's.

Commander Zhang showed a cold look on his face: "When I go to Dali Temple tomorrow to ask for the kitchen knife as evidence, I will also ask if Dali Temple is so poor that it can't afford shoes. It dares to deduct shoes from dead people. Isn't it afraid of giving birth to a son without an asshole?" "

The subordinates looked embarrassed and said yes, but they absolutely did not dare to convey Commander Zhang's words truthfully.

"It seems that someone didn't want us to know the truth, so they tampered with the body and not only gave Liu Yun small shoes to wear, but also gave us small shoes to wear." Jin An looked relaxed and even joked with a smile.

"Little brother, do you know where the bone collector Sun San took Liu Yun to collect bones?" The old Taoist priest asked curiously.

Jin An nodded: "I also encountered an interesting thing during this trip to Yin. Fatty Li, do you know where the guiding stone of Wuzong Kingdom was unearthed? Tell us."

Fatty Li said without thinking: "In Daheishan."

Seeing that Commander Zhang had changed the denomination, Jin An asked if there was anything special about Daheishan.

The original name of Daheishan Mountain is Lishan Mountain. It is considered a geomantic treasure land, and it is located on the boundary of the ancient capitals of several dynasties. So you can imagine how many high-ranking officials and nobles are buried here. It is said that tomb robbers can smash out an ancient tomb robber just by urinating. Come to the tomb.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are so many ancient tombs there that they can no longer be piled up. It is often possible to encounter ancient tombs within ancient tombs. One thief can often break through several ancient tombs.

There are also rumors that there were no mountains in Lishan Mountain originally. Later, because there were too many ancient tombs, every time an ancient tomb was built, a mound of earth was sealed. These mounds of earth were kept stacked up, so the mountain was formed today.

As there are more ancient tombs, there are also more robber holes. I heard from some old people that in the past, Lishan was full of robbers and was riddled with holes. People and sheep cannibalism could be heard every day. Even now, you can still hear about cannibalism there every few years. The lush bushes have made these robber holes more hidden and difficult to detect, so few people dare to go there to herd sheep or cut firewood anymore. This was one of the reasons why I later changed my life to Daheishan.

Lishan was renamed Daheishan in the previous dynasty. The previous dynasty had a history of separatist regimes where princes from various places rebelled and regimes changed frequently. Among them, a general with millions of troops was the most powerful. In order to raise food and wages, he carried out the final decisive battle. , unified the Central Plains, ignored the advice of the military adviser and the Feng Shui master accompanying the army, and insisted on excavating Lishan Mountain to find the imperial mausoleum buried at the bottom.

I don’t know where the general got the news. He believed that there was a thousand-year-old imperial mausoleum under Lishan Mountain. He wanted to dig up the ancient imperial mausoleum to pay for it, and mobilized hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians to dig the mountain together.

According to the records in the local county annals, the general's excavation changed the sky in Lishan Mountain. It was either shrouded in dark clouds or thundered and rained heavily, and many people died every day. The general continued to dig despite the dissuasion from his subordinates in the tent.

In the following time, more and more evil things happened in the territory under the rule of the general. Floods, droughts, and plagues took turns throughout the year. Within two years, the prosperous Central Plains became starved, and people died of hunger everywhere. To eat one's own child is a cruel hell on earth. Complaints among the people and the army gradually increased. Later, several generals broke into the account at night, cut off the general's head together, and took the remaining soldiers who were starving and emaciated to surrender to another equally powerful prince. This was the end. A melee pattern where the heroes are divided. Until the general was beheaded by his subordinates and the middle of Mount Li was dug out, the so-called Mausoleum of the Ancient Emperor of Mount Li was not found. Later emperors who changed dynasties did not dare to touch Mount Li anymore. They all said that Mount Li was cursed. Who knew? Whoever you touch will cause natural disasters and backfire on the Emperor Star.

Because wars continued in the Central Plains, the ravine dug out in the middle of Lishan Mountain was used as a corpse pit several times, filled with hundreds of thousands of resentful souls, and gradually no one dared to enter the mountain. Coupled with the frequent occurrences of cave robberies and cannibalism, people and sheep never return after entering the mountain, and no one is alive or dead, and no corpses are found. Lishan Mountain is gradually called Daheishan Mountain, and it becomes extremely dark at night. , no moonlight can shine through.

Folks also call it Ghost Moth Mountain. There is a ravine in the middle and protruding hills on both sides. It looks like a pair of wings. But this is not a crane with its wings spread out, but a dormant ghost moth that eats people! The feng shui treasure land has turned into a vicious place that eats people without spitting out their bones!

Then, it gradually evolved into a famous mass grave in every town. People were thrown into mass graves or robber holes in the mountains, which was an excellent place for killing people and dumping their bodies.

There are too many bizarre folk stories about Daheishan, and it is impossible to know whether they are true or false. If Daheishan is really a group of tombs, it would not be unusual for a guide stone from the Wuzong Kingdom to be unearthed from one of the ancient tombs of nobles. For example, it would be regarded as a so-and-so The funeral objects of a certain minister of a prince, etc.

This is the history of Daheishan through the ages. It is not enough to change the face of the commander of the Criminal Investigation Department.

What did the angry general do with the earth and rocks he dug out of Mount Li? In fact, it is very simple, just dump it on the spot, so a small hill is piled opposite Dahei Mountain.

This hilltop is now called Feihe Mountain and was given to King Zunyi. King Zunyi built it into a cemetery and buried his mother Pingyuan Jun.

This King Zunyi is not an ordinary person. After becoming a general, he joined the army with his father since he was a child. He is familiar with the art of war and has unparalleled martial arts. Later, he was canonized as a king with a different surname for his merits in guarding the border. This is one of the rare kings with a different surname who can hold real power. King Zunyi was just like the generals in history. His family lived in the capital city to "enjoy all the glory and wealth, and have no worries about food and clothing."

No wonder Commander Zhang looked a little weird when he heard about Lishan. All the officials in the court knew that King Zunyi was a filial son. If he learned that someone went to the old lady's mausoleum to cause trouble, even if it was just nearby, it would be possible. This caused dissatisfaction with King Zunyi.

Think about it, if such a king of a different surname with military power was angry, the entire Kangding Kingdom would be shocked.


Jin An feels that the case of bone picking and cannibalism is getting more and more involved. No wonder even Dali Temple has to back down and keep delaying. If it can't be delayed, it will find someone to take the blame.

Jin An: "Do you think that the bone collector grandson brought the ghoul Liu Yun to fight against King Zunyi's doctrine? For example, using the bones of his children or parents to do some shameful things?"

Commander Zhang had a grimace on his face, how could he dare to answer this question.

It was only because Jin An was a martial arts immortal and was not bound by official circles that he dared to discuss King Zunyi in public like this.

"Isn't that right? There will be an answer soon."

Jin An smiled and looked at Fatty Li: "Fatty Li, I know you are bent on killing evil, so I will give you another task."

Fatty Li nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice.

Jin An: "Dig out all the mud from Liu Yun's fingers, rub it into pills, and I'll show you a good show."

As soon as he heard that he was going to touch Liu Yun's highly rotten palm again, Fatty Li thought of the previous situation in the Criminal Investigation Department, and his expression was a little unnatural, not because he was afraid, but because he was really disgusted and a little queasy. However, he only hesitated for a moment, and his willpower overcame his nausea, and he decisively went to support Liu Yun's bad hand.

In fact, Jin An's intention is very simple. You can think of giving Liu Yun small shoes to wear, but you can't cut off Liu Yun's hand and replace it with a small hand. If Liu Yun helps the bone picker to pick up bones, there will definitely be mud residue in the gaps between his nails. Even if it’s not in the gaps between your nails, your eyes have always seen it, right? If it doesn't work, just gouge out the eyeball and put it back in again afterwards.

Big Black Mountain.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians could not dig through Lishan Mountain, which is now called Daheishan and Guimo Mountain. Jin An has already guessed that Daheishan covers a vast area. However, following Luo Geng Yupan's instructions and standing at the foot of Dahei Mountain, looking at the dark mountains under the night, he found that he still underestimated the majesty of Dahei Mountain.

Opposite Dahei Mountain is Feihe Mountain.

It is inconvenient to read Feng Shui at night. Let’s not talk about the Feng Shui topography of Feihe Mountain. We can only see it accurately during the day. However, Feihe Mountain has strong people patrolling the mountain all the time. At first glance, these are soldiers in the military camp. Their eyes are particularly bright and sharp. The murderous aura can easily scare ordinary mountain spirits and wild ghosts from coming to the cemetery to disturb the living and the dead.

Looking back at Daheishan again.

Daheishan was particularly lively tonight, and groups of people were seen heading into the mountains, as if they were going to a market.

"When has Dahei Mountain ever been so lively? These people look like they are in a hurry. Could it be that the thousand-year-old corpse kings in the ancient tombs are collectively running a ghost market in Dahei Mountain?" Fatty Li said with his tongue, making everyone laugh.

"Luo Geng's jade plate points to Gui Mo Mountain. It seems that the bone collector and Liu Yun entered this murderous mass grave and did not go to Feihe Mountain." Jin An held the compass in his hand and entered the mountain.

Fatty Li stopped him and said, "Taoist Master Jin'an went to the wrong place. The guiding stone of Wuzong Country was unearthed in the hill on the left, not the hill on the right where you went."

Jin An pointed at Luo Geng's jade plate, said nothing, and continued into the mountain.

The meaning is obvious. Luo Geng’s jade plate refers to the right side, not the left side.

He guessed that the bone picker and the ghoul Feiyun might have something to do with the unearthing of the guide stone in the Mist Track Country, but he didn't guess that Gui Mo Mountain was divided into left and right hills. He could only say that he was half right and only half wrong.

It was inconvenient for the carriage to enter the mountain, so most of the people from the Criminal Investigation Department were left to guard the carriage and the coffin containing Liu Yun's body, while the others went up the mountain lightly.

"Taoist Priest Jin'an and Taoist Chen, you are not familiar with Dahei Mountain. Pay more attention to your steps. This mountain is sieved with stolen holes. There may be a deep pit under any tuft of grass." Fatty Li reminded.

Commander Zhang tapped Fatty Li's head lightly and said with an angry smile: "Your skills as Taoist Priest of Jin'an are all in vain."

Fatty Li quickly explained: "I'm not worried about Taoist Jin An, I'm worried about Taoist Chen."


The old Taoist priest was depressed. He, a little Qi practitioner, had offended everyone and why he was discriminated against everywhere.

"Daheishan is so lively tonight. When we were at Liu Yun's house just now, Taoist Jin An was very sure that the clues would be here in Daheishan. Do you know anything about it, Taoist Jin An? You said before that you met someone else when you were walking in the shadows. One thing, is it related to Daheishan?" On the way, Fatty Li couldn't stop talking and asked curiously.

When they learned that such a big event as the birth of Wuzong Kingdom had happened in the underworld, the other criminal inspectors were fascinated by what they heard. Fatty Li regretted and beat his chest. He missed another evil encounter.

The mountains become very cold at night, and Dahei Mountain, as a mass grave, is particularly cloudy. Cold dew hangs on the grass and trees, and the clouds and mist gradually drift away.

Following Luo Geng Yupan's instructions, the group of people arrived at the place safely, and then they saw a very strange scene. An old dog with a white beard wearing clothes and looking somewhat human-like was digging a grave under their noses.

Fatty Li exclaimed: "This old dog must have become a sperm!"

"The dead touch the ground, the living marry the corpse, the old dog digs the grave and the crow announces the funeral... these are not good signs..." the old Taoist priest muttered.

Perhaps because the old dog was too focused on digging the grave, he was awakened when Fatty Li exclaimed. This dog is not afraid of people at all. A pair of eerie green eyes glared at Fatty Li fiercely, as if scolding Fatty Li for "a dog meddling in other people's business". Then this dog was wearing clothes and looked like a human. The old dog was reluctant to leave. It twisted its buttocks and had two big wrinkled bells hanging on it.

Fatty Li was angry, so he picked up a stone and threw it. As a result, a martial arts practitioner couldn't even hit a dog. The old Taoist priest laughed at Fatty Li for being a dog, and Fatty Li turned black with anger.

Jin An smiled: "It's natural for dogs to pick up bones. Isn't this old grave-digging dog also bred by a bone picker or a bone picker to pick up bones..."

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