White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 115 Your daughter-in-law is very beautiful (6k big chapter, thank you to the leader @

"Open the door! Open the door!"

"The government is searching for fugitives all night long!"

A well-known government servant and village hero holding a torch opened the door of a house.

Then one by one, sleepy-eyed Changxian people were shouted out from their March Nuan quilts.

Whenever you encounter someone who opens the door slowly, you will immediately get a tense shouting match.

"Why did you open the door so slowly when I asked you to?"

"Is there a fugitive hiding in the house?"

"Search this family in detail!"

It was supposed to be a quiet night, but at this moment, the sky above the west of Chang County was broken by the sound of barking dogs, human voices, and the clash of soldiers and armor. There was a lot of noise everywhere.

The torch is like a long snake.

It lights up the west side of the city brightly in the dark night.

These government officials and village warriors took the portraits of wanted criminals and searched every house, no matter it was a large house or a small family, and they spared no one.

Now is the Qingming Temple Fair, and people from all religions and professions are mixed together in Chang County. They are afraid that someone will take the opportunity to cause trouble. This is the time when the nerves of the government are at their most tense, and they will not be polite to you whether you are a commoner or a wealthy gentry.

boom! boom! boom!

A house was beaten vigorously by Xiang Yong. After a while, someone came out to open the door. He was still wearing a belt in his hand, and it looked like he had just gotten up.

Xiang Yong who knocked on the door was about to scold him loudly for being so slow to open the door, but when he saw that the person opening the door was a famous monk with a ring scar on his head, Xiang Yong, who had a vicious attitude at first, softened his attitude a little.

"It turns out to be Master Pu Zhi. I didn't expect that Master Pu Zhi lived here and disturbed Master Pu Zhi late at night. My brothers and I are searching for two fugitives throughout the city. The two fugitives have now escaped into the west side of the city. We are searching with all our strength. Those two fugitives."

Xiangyong said politely.

In the past few days, news had spread in their office that Feng Baotou specially invited an expert from outside to help with the Qingming Temple Fair.

So naturally they all recognized Monk Pu Zhi.

The person who opened the door in front of him was none other than monk Pu Zhi, who was a secret escort.

As soon as Monk Pu Zhi heard that the Yamen were looking for fugitives all over the city, the rough and meat-free monk immediately stepped aside and said, "It is the duty of every citizen who abides by the laws of the country to cooperate with the Yamen in arresting fugitives. Please, please Several people entered the house to search."

"If the Yamen is short of manpower and someone needs help from me, Monk Pu Zhi, I, Monk Pu Zhi, will definitely cooperate fully with the government in hunting down the fugitives."

"Hahaha, if everyone in Ruochang County is as reasonable as Master Pu Zhi, our Chang County will definitely be prosperous." A steady, generous laugh came from behind the village heroes.

It was Feng Baotou who was injured.

But the only visitor was Feng Baotou, and Jin An was not seen.

Seeing that it was Capt. Feng, the local heroes quickly saluted. Capt. Feng raised his hand, exempting them from these etiquettes and letting them enter the house to search for the fugitives. They knew each other, but they still had to do business.

After the village heroes said hello, they went into the house to search.

Capt. Feng did not enter the house to participate in the search of the house. Instead, he hugged Monk Pu Zhi and apologized: "I have disturbed Monk Pu Zhi late at night. Please understand that Feng is doing it out of duty."

Monk Pu Zhi gave a rough and cheerful smile: "Captain Feng is too polite. We should cooperate with the government in handling the case."

After Monk Pu Zhi finished speaking, he changed the topic: "I wonder what kind of serious crime the criminals who are being pursued this time have committed, so that the Yamen needs to mobilize so many troops and search for them throughout the city?"

"Captain Feng helped me, Monk Pu Zhi, find the missing brother from the Escort Bureau. I, Monk Pu Zhi, have never been able to repay this kindness. If Capt. Feng is short of manpower, it's okay to ask. Monk, I have always wanted to find an opportunity to repay Capt Feng. I owe all my kindness to my brothers."

When Feng Baotou heard that Monk Pu Zhi took the initiative to ask for help, he was overjoyed and said: "This is very good. It can be said that it is even more powerful than a tiger."

"To be honest, the fugitive wanted by the whole city this time is the culprit who killed our Chang County arrester Zheng! These two people, by killing our Changxian arrester, are enemies of our Changxian government! Death is not a pity! "

While the two continued to talk, several people who had entered the house to search quickly came out and reported to Capt. Feng that there was nothing unusual.

Later, Capt. Feng invited Monk Pu Zhi to hunt down the fugitives together, and Monk Pu Zhi readily agreed.

"Captain Feng, wait for a moment. When the monk is here, I will go to the house to pick up some weapons. I will go back right away."

Monk Pu Zhi said to Feng Captou. Feng Captou did not doubt that he was there. Looking at the leaving figure of Monk Pu Zhi, he turned his head to look in the direction of the night with confusion. Mr. Jin An left suddenly just now. How did he get there? Not back yet?

Moreover, before Mr. Jin An left, he made a strange statement to him. He actually asked him to come to Monk Pu Zhi's house to see if Monk Pu Zhi was at home?

I love rain on a spring night. Good rain knows the season, and spring will come.

The pitter patter.

Tonight, suddenly a slanting drizzle began to fall. The drizzle carried the cold wind in the spring night. Although it was not strong, the rain slid down the back with its force, but it was especially cold.

This made the government officials and village warriors who were searching for fugitives in the west of the city turn a little pale from the cold.

Bang bang.

Amidst the drizzle of spring night, there was a knock on the door of a private house facing the street at night.


An old man's old voice came from the house. It seemed that the old man was in poor health and would cough after saying a few words.


"Who am I?" The old man in the room coughed as he walked towards the door.

"it is me."


Bang bang, the knock on the door is still there.

"Stop knocking, stop knocking. Old man, I heard you. Old man, I'm not deaf. I'm urging you to kill me."

An old man with weak legs and feet walked over with a hunched back and grumbled dissatisfied. When he opened the door, he saw two government servants with knives and a young man standing outside the door in the rain.

The two government officials with swords were shivering from the cold in the spring wind and cold rain. Even though everyone hid under the eaves of his house, half of their bodies were still wet from the slanting wind and drizzle, making them a little embarrassed.

The person who knocked on the door just now was the young man.

When the old man saw the young man in front of him, he first showed surprise, and then said happily: "It turns out to be Mr. Jin'an. Mr. Jin'an and the other men please come in quickly. It's raining outside, so be careful of the wind and cold." ."

"Thank you, old man. Do you know me, old man?" Jin An walked into the house and looked around at the family's circumstances.

This family is from an ordinary family. The furniture in the house is old and there is almost no new furniture. This shows that the family's financial income is not rich.

But looking at the clothes of the old man in front of me, although they are a bit white and old from washing, they do not look like they are patched and poor. It can be seen that the usual food and clothing of two meals a day should not be a problem.

The old man invited the three people into the house, and after diligently serving three more cups of tea, he said with a smile: "Mr. Jin'an is now in Chang County. He is a well-known expert in solving cases and has repeatedly solved strange cases. I naturally recognize you, old man." "

"In Chang County, everyone from old men like me to three-year-old children have been listening to Mr. Jin'an's stories recently. I'm not afraid of your jokes, Mr. Jin'an. Old man, I can still dream about Jin'an from time to time. Young Master.”

Jin An: "It's indeed not funny at all."

Old man: "?"

"Old man, you don't have to be so polite to serve tea. We are not thirsty for the time being. Tonight, the government is looking for two fugitive murderers in the city. One of them is disabled and has lost his lower body, which makes it difficult to move. We mainly want to ask, I don't know if the old man Have you ever seen these two people?"

The two government officials were clever and quickly took out the wanted portraits that they had folded and hidden in their arms.

The hunchbacked old man looked at the two portraits carefully. After pondering for a while, he shook his head and said he had not seen them before.

"Is that so..." Jin An looked thoughtful, and he looked around at the furnishings in the room.

At the same time, he did not forget to look up at the rafters.

It has become Jin An's subconscious habit to look at the rafters of every house. Who knows that the tangerine peel left such a profound impression on people?


No one was killed this time.

There's no such thing as dead people hugging Liang.

Jin An asked: "Are you the only one at home?"

The hunchbacked old man shook his head: "That's not true, there is my daughter-in-law in the back room."

Jin An: "Oh?"

"Then why didn't you ask your daughter-in-law to come out? Could it be that your daughter-in-law is disabled in the lower body and can't come out to entertain guests?"

The hunchbacked old man smiled, showing two rows of big yellow teeth, and said honestly: "That's not true, the main reason is that my daughter-in-law just happened to be infected with the cold recently, and she is a little lethargic, so I want her to rest for a while, so as not to get up at night and get the cold again. ."

"Since Young Master Jin An has brought two police officers to investigate the case, I will naturally cooperate with the government in investigating the case. I will call my daughter-in-law who is resting in the back room to come out."

After the old man with a big yellow tooth and a hunchback finished speaking, he turned to the back room and shouted: "Cui'er, it's Mr. Jin'an and Mr. Yali who are here to investigate the case. You put on your clothes and come out to see Mr. Jin'an and Mr. Yali."

Not long after, a soft and weak female voice came from the back room: "Okay, father-in-law."

Then, there was the sound of getting dressed.

Not long after waiting, I saw a young lady walking out of the back room. The lady was not very pretty, with average appearance, but she had the peach blossom eyes of a newly married young woman, which was different.

Perhaps because he was infected with the cold and didn't get enough rest, his face looked a little pale, giving him a pitiful and sickly beauty that I felt pity for.

"I have met my father-in-law, I have met Mr. Jin'an, I have met the two poor men."

As soon as the little lady Cui'er came out, she knew the etiquette and said hello.

Women's families are always a little timid. The young lady Cui'er didn't dare to look at the yamen servant who was wearing a yamen uniform and a long sword on his waist, nor did she dare to look at Jin An who was carrying a tiger sword.

After making a blessing, he stood timidly next to the hunchbacked old man.

Ever since the young lady Cui'er came out of the back room, Jin An's eyes have been staring at the young woman. Even if the latter walked back to the hunchbacked old man, Jin An still did not take away his gaze and kept staring at her.

Seeing that the little lady named Cui'er timidly lowered her head.

The two government officials who had been standing next to Jin An looked embarrassed when they saw Mr. Jin An staring at someone else's daughter-in-law.

I didn’t expect Mr. Jin An... to be so good at it?

At this time, the hunchbacked old man quietly stood in front of his daughter-in-law.

"Mr. Jin'an, you have seen my daughter-in-law. Cui'er has no disabilities and no legs or feet to move around. She is not a fugitive wanted by the government."

"Besides, Cui'er has been weak since she was a child. She doesn't even dare to kill chickens. She has always been very timid, let alone doing illegal activities. Little old man, I don't have any fugitives that the government wants to arrest."

The little old man stood in front of his daughter-in-law and said to Jin An in a neither humble nor overbearing manner.

Jin An nodded when he heard this. Everyone thought that Mr. Jin An thought that what the old man said was reasonable and nodded in agreement. However, Jin An unexpectedly changed the subject and said, "Sir, your daughter-in-law is quite beautiful."

Cui'er, the young lady who was hiding behind the hunchbacked old man, felt Jin An's eyes always on her. She trembled in fright and stamped on her father-in-law's back even more timidly.

The hunchbacked old man: "?"

Two government officials: "?"

The hunchbacked old man looked at Jin An with warm and angry eyes, but he also acted like a citizen who dared not fight with the officials and dared not express his anger. All the anger, in the end, turned into the honest people at the bottom of society’s hatred of real life in the face of reality. Helpless.

He put aside the anger in his heart and just protected his daughter-in-law more tightly behind him, then smiled coquettishly at Jin An: "She is quite beautiful."

Jin An asked again: "Since you have such a beautiful daughter-in-law, why don't you see your son?"

The hunchbacked old man replied without thinking: "I went to the countryside to visit relatives."

Jin An said oh, and then asked seemingly casually: "The Qingming Temple Fair is so lively, but why do you go to the countryside to visit relatives?"

The hunchbacked old man answered honestly: "My relative in the countryside is sick, so I went to visit him."

Jin An nodded, but did not ask any more questions about this issue. Instead, he asked: "Your son and your daughter-in-law must have just gotten married, right?"

"It won't be long."

The hunchbacked old man grinned, revealing his crooked yellow teeth.

"Then has your son ever discussed with the old man how your newly married daughter-in-law's kung fu is?"

Jin An kept staring at the young lady hiding behind the hunchbacked old man, with unscrupulous eyes, no scruples, and no cover up at all.

This time, his eyes were full of provocation all the way down, staring at someone else's daughter-in-law.

The hunchbacked old man wanted to be angry, but he didn't dare to be angry. In the end, he turned into the helpless feeling that ordinary people in society have when faced with the aristocratic class molesting ordinary women who dare not report it to the official for fear that the whole family will be retaliated: "Master, The joke was on."

This time the hunchbacked old man was really angry.

He no longer calls him Young Master Jin An.

Instead, he directly changed his name to Young Master.

The tone is both the way ordinary people bow their heads and endure in the face of the aristocratic class, and the harshness of anger.

"No, I'm not joking with you, I'm asking you seriously! Or if it's Cui'er, you can answer me directly, how are your leg skills!" Jin An looked at the old man and the young man in front of him with an aggressive attitude.

The hunchbacked old man didn't answer Jin An's words this time.

It's like ordinary people trying to keep their heads down and endure.

At this time, the two government officials standing next to Jin An couldn't stand it.

They felt that Mr. Jin An's bullying of a pair of helpless ordinary people was a bit unethical. No one would do such a thing as a beast.

So he quickly stepped forward to stop Jin An.

But when they stood in front of Jin An and looked into Jin An's eyes, they saw that Jin An's eyes were clear and upright. He was completely different from the wanton words he said before.

There is absolutely no lustful look that is carried away by desire.

Especially those clear eyes, at this moment, there was a cold light that made them shudder, and the two of them were subconsciously frightened away.

Mr. Jin An’s eyes are so scary!

Is this... a look that wants to kill someone?

"It seems that you don't know what your daughter-in-law's waist and leg skills are, so let me answer it for you!"

Jin An just finished speaking!

He suddenly took a step forward, crossing the five or six steps between the two, and suddenly went straight to kill. He instantly pulled out the scabbard of the Tiger Saber in his hand, and slashed it at the hunchbacked old man in front of him.

Red blood power! break out!

Montenegro is angry! Explode for me!

The Tiger Saber in his hand brought up a swift red afterimage, the speed reached the extreme!

Jin An used his sword to fight with all his strength!


The red sword light fell into the air, and the sword did not hit the hunchbacked old man.

At the last moment, the hunchbacked old man kicked off the ground with his heel, narrowly avoiding Jin An's sudden and violent slash.

But at the same time, the person hiding behind him was exposed to Jin An.

The third form of "The Sixty-Road Monument Opener"! Bear back!


Jin An took advantage of the momentum and leaned back. He was thrown like a millstone weighing several thousand kilograms, and hit the young lady Cui'er in front of him with no pity at all.

"No! Damn it!"

The little lady Cui'er's eyes were split with fear. He only had time to let out a scream, but this time it was a man's voice that came out.

too close! Everything was so sudden! He didn't have time to dodge!

The person has been hit in the chest by a mad shadow very close at hand! Click! The sound of bones being broken all over the body!


The house shook violently, as if the whole house had been hit by a huge stone millstone, and dust was blown up. A figure with a large dent in his chest screamed in agony as he was hit hard and hit the wall. He vomited a lot. blood.

Even the vomited blood was mixed with many shattered internal organs.

But before he could recover from his dizziness, Jin An, whose palms were covered with the internal energy of the Black Mountain Kung Fire Poison, was like a violent brown bear, grabbing a human leg that was paralyzed in the corner, and carrying the figure on the ground, bang! boom! boom!

He picked him up and threw him to the ground three times in a row!

The woman's leg, which was originally held in Jin An's hand, finally couldn't withstand such a fierce smash and broke it directly at the waist!

But instead of the blood mixed with intestines spilling all over the floor as expected, Jin An only held the lower body of a woman tied with paper in his hand, boom!

The inner Qi of the Black Mountain Kung Fu Fire Poison in Jin An's palm shook, and the paper-tied lower body exploded, burning into ashes in the void.

"I said I would definitely beat up your piece of shit today!"

Jin An was so powerful at the moment.

There was an anger in his chest that wanted to be vented. He couldn't do anything to replace the miserable Qian Lan sisters, so he should just blow up the paper-pricked person in front of him!

"Now you don't even have the courage to look me in the eye! You dare to do whatever you want in front of me!"

"It's nothing to hit someone with paper!"

At this time, Jin An's eyes were piercing, and his aura was like smoke rising to the sky. The tall figure he projected down from above covered the figure on the ground who was seriously injured and vomiting blood. He looked tall and fierce.

"I'm not willing to give in!"

On the ground is a halfling with disheveled hair and bloodstains all over his body. The disguise technique on his face has been destroyed by the solid ground in the three rounds just now. His mouth is crooked and his nose is slanted. He can vaguely tell that he is a feminine scholar. With all four senses, he looked at Jin An, who was looking down at him from above, with shock and fear in his eyes. After being humiliated, he let out a shrill scream of unwillingness.

Thinking that he would be trampled and humiliated by a martial artist who had never looked at him, he was so angry that he vomited four or five mouthfuls of blood, and his chest and clothes were stained red.

Originally, his soul was seriously injured in the battle of souls, and later he was seriously injured by Wu Lei Chunyang. The Yinrou scholar, who was already injured, had the look in his eyes dimming quickly. With unwillingness, he Out of the shame and anger after being humiliated, he actually died of such anger! Perhaps falling to such an end was something he had never imagined in his life...

All these battles took place in an extremely short period of time. Who would have thought that the feminine scholar, whose soul and body were both injured, could not stand even a single face-to-face encounter with Jin An, and was actually beaten to death on the spot! The effeminate scholar was dead. Jin An did not stay where he was, but continued to chase the hunchbacked old man who escaped.

The hunchbacked old man abandoned his "beautiful daughter-in-law" from the beginning and ran away without any delay.

The feminine scholar was seriously injured.

After all, it is a burden.

So he was treated as an outcast from the very beginning.

Jin An didn't waste a moment, and directly raised the knife and chased out fiercely. The hunchbacked old man took advantage of the continuous spring rain and night, and his figure was agile in the night, and he ran away very fast.

But Jin An hadn't chased him very far in the rainy night. As soon as he turned a corner, he unexpectedly bumped into someone.

The man with the ring scar on his head is none other than Monk Pu Zhi!

"Master Jin An, what happened just now?"

"Just now Feng Captou and I heard a big noise coming from here, and we rushed to help. Has Mr. Jin An found the culprit who killed Zheng Captou?"

The location where Monk Pu Zhi appeared was just in front of Jin An's only way to hunt down the hunchbacked old man.

Seeing that the hunchbacked old man was about to completely escape from the night, Jin An took a deep breath! Eyes shine!

"Get out of here!"

"You chose to block me at this moment. The three of you are indeed a team!"

Jin An shouted coldly and decisively attacked Monk Pu Zhi.

Almost as soon as Jin An saw Monk Pu Zhi, he cast the Liuding Liujia Talisman! If anyone has divine help!

He had long thought that there was something wrong with Monk Pu Zhi!

A master of assassination appeared at Goulanwasi, and monk Pu Zhi also happened to appear there.

Tonight, when he was chasing the escaped Qi Yin Master and Zhi Zha Ren, those two people happened to run to the west side of the city where Monk Pu Zhi was.

Especially now, when he was about to hunt down the assassin, Monk Pu Zhi happened to appear and stood in front of him at the right time.

How come there are so many coincidences in this world!

And this monk Pu Zhi was so deliberate and forbearing that Jin An fought against him with all his strength from the beginning! I dare not underestimate Monk Pu Zhi!

"Mr. Jin'an, is there any mistake between us..."

Monk Pu Zhi also didn't expect Jin An to attack him directly. He hurriedly wanted to explain, but before he could finish speaking, the third form of the "Sixty-Road Monument Opener"! Bear back!


Monk Pu Zhi was actually knocked away directly by Jin An. The force was so fierce that Monk Pu Zhi's burly body actually collapsed a wall of a house after being knocked away.

Dust explosion! Flying!

But Feng Baotou and other government officials who happened to arrive at this time were stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

Why did Young Master Jin An start a fight with Monk Pu Zhi?

Mr. Jin An has gone crazy! Start killing even your own people! Everyone's hearts were beating wildly, and some of them were afraid to look directly at Jin An, who was showing off his murderous power!

Especially when Feng Baotou saw Jin An's burst of strength, his left and right temples were beating wildly. Is Mr. Jin An... already among the first-class masters?

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