White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1141 Martial Arts Immortal Pushes Xiaoxi Tianling Mountain

When Jin An flew to Xiaoling Mountain, all the large and small Buddhas here were already waiting in formation, and the lights of Buddhas one after another rose from the Buddhist temple at the foot of the mountain.

In some retreat Buddha caves, there are also Buddhas one after another ascending to the sky with their feet on the lotus throne.

"Marquis Shenwu!"

"You have gone too far to deceive others. You can deceive no one in my Holy Land of Inanimate Life!"

A group of Buddhist disciples stood high and shouted at Jin'an, with lotus blossoms blooming in their mouths and burning incense. There was a spectacle of heaven and earth blowing giant Dharma conchs.

At this moment, there was a rumble, the sky shook and the earth shook, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and waves of dust surged into the sky!

There are more than a thousand Buddhist caves, and a large stone Buddha rises from the sky, standing like a giant in the sky and earth on Xiaoling Mountain, casting a huge and terrifying black shadow.

These are the Eighteen Arhats on Xiaoling Mountain. For example, the Eighteen Giant Formation protects the gate of Xiaoling Mountain to avoid the influence of external evil spirits. The Bodhisattva Buddha preaches on the Lingshan Mountain.

These eighteen giant formations are all masters of the three realms. Their auras are so terrifying that they burst into heavenly Buddha light from themselves, stirring up a shocking Buddha light like the boundless ocean.

The eighteen Arhats are respectively the Arhat with Tower, the Arhat with Exploration Hands, the Arhat that Crosses the River, the Arhat with Bananas, the Arhat that Seates Silently, the Arhat that Rides an Elephant, the Gatekeeper Arhat, the Arhat that Subdues the Dragon, the Bowl-Lifting Arhat, the Bag-bag Arhat, the Long-Eyebrow Arhat, the Happy Arhat, and the Happy Arhat. , Arhat with Digging Ears, Arhat with a Laughing Lion, Arhat with a Crouching Tiger, Arhat with Meditation, and Arhat Riding a Deer.

"Martial arts immortals are too presumptuous! Why don't you put down your butcher knife and take refuge in me, the Buddha!" ​​Eighteen Arhats and eighteen giants shouted in unison. The momentum was earth-shattering, and the waves of anger were overwhelming.

Eighteen Jialan Bodhisattvas also rushed out of the Jialan Temple next to the Buddha's cave. These eighteen Jialan Bodhisattvas are Meiyin, Sanskrit, Tiangu, Tanmiao, Tanmei, Momiao, Leiyin, Shizi, Miaotan, Sanskrit sound, human voice, Buddha slave, praise, wide eyes, wonderful eyes, thorough hearing, thorough seeing, and all-pervading vision.

"Take refuge in my Buddha! Forgive you for your original sins and your original sins!" The Eighteen Jialan Bodhisattva glared at Jin'an angrily.

The Eighteen Arhats and the Eighteen Jialan Bodhisattvas jointly guard the gate of Xiaoling Mountain to resist Jin An, a martial arts immortal, from attacking Xiao Xitian.

With so many Buddhists working together to protect Xiaoling Mountain, the Buddha's light covered the sun, like Buddhist flags flying all over the sky, shaking the sky and shocking the world.

The Buddha's Light Flag here naturally attracted the attention of outsiders from far away. The soul light, which had been escaping like a shuttle, immediately accelerated again and rushed toward Xiaoling Mountain.

"There is so much movement in the sky, and the angry shouts of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can be heard from such a distance. What is happening over there that can make Marquis Shenwu arouse public outrage! Hurry and rush, if you go too late, there will be no excitement!" These people They are all just watching the fun, and they don't mind the trouble. These people are getting more and more energetic.

Xiaoling Mountain.

Jin An looked at the hundreds of Buddhas with cold eyes, and gradually moved up to look at the ruins of Buddhist altars and Bodhisattva dojos on the mountainside, and finally at the small Leiyin Temple that towered into the sky, overlooking the ruined world.

Finally, he turned his cold eyes to the more than one hundred Buddhas in front of him.

The aura of the martial artist and immortal was like a blazing arrow, and the universe exploded with his masculine blood. He looked at Xiao Xitian with a cold look: "Are these the only Buddhists left in the Holy Land of Wusheng who were killed by me to support the mountain gate?"

"It seems that the Inanimate Holy Land is nothing more than this!"

"What a thousand-year-old sect is not worthy of being killed by me in one day? It's just an illusion!"

Jin An's arrogant words directly angered all the Buddhas in Xiaoxi Heaven, and they all glared at Jin An like an angry Vajra.

"Be bold!"


"Rubber words!"

Hundreds of Buddhists directly joined forces to suppress Jin'an: "The martial arts immortals put down their butcher knives and converted to my Buddha!"

The boundless Buddha's light banner descended from the sky, overwhelming Jin'an.

Jin An fearlessly held his bow and laughed loudly: "Then let's see if you, the Innocent Holy Land, have this ability!"

After that, he raised his bow and nocked an arrow. Without using a stone pole, he shot a temple with one arrow and shot out many Buddhist temples at the foot of the mountain. Every time a temple was exploded, a member of the Immortal Holy Land died.



There is no turning back when the bow is opened. Every vibration of the bow string will cause terrible ripples in the void, which will spread far away. One by one, Buddhist Dharma ministers who are not in the third realm will become dead souls under the arrows of the stone bow.

Jin An showed no mercy towards the congregation of the Immortal Holy Land.

The ten great Buddhist disciples, the eighteen Arhats, and the eighteen Jialan Bodhisattva, all stared angrily. They displayed their Buddhist magical powers and sacrificed dozens of Buddhist magical weapons. The sky was full of dazzling golden light, and they smashed towards Jin'an's head and face.

Jin An looked at the Buddhas with cold eyes, exhaled like an arrow, and almost ignited and shattered the several hundred feet long arm stretched out by the Arhat.

The next moment, three rounds of qi and blood suns rose above the heads of the martial arts immortals, spinning like a millstone of life and death. The Arhat, who was the first to bear the brunt, directly led people to draw him closer. He was shot by stone poles and arrows to explode the stone Buddha's body, and was finally killed by the qi and blood giant The sun is ignited, and the soul is sucked away.

The Great Sun of Qi and Blood expanded rapidly. Instead of improving their fighting power, the body of the Eighteen Arhats' big stone Buddha became their death knell because of their tall and clumsy stature.

The body of the Big Stone Buddha was being sucked in uncontrollably by the three-round qi-blood sun.

Just as they were about to be sucked out of Xiaoling Mountain, and about to be torn into pieces by the three-round qi-blood sun, the remaining seventeen big stone Buddhas made a fierce resistance, and their huge bodies rushed up into the pillars of Buddha's light, just like the true Buddha appearing holy, with a majestic momentum. Circles of Buddha light spread out, and little Buddha lotuses filled the air. In the end, the golden light of these seventeen Buddha beads formed a curtain wall of heaven and earth, and the Arhat suppressed the Qi and Blood Sun with one heart.

But the Eighteen Arhats faced the back-realm martial arts immortals, and there was one missing Arhat. The Eighteen Arhats were not all the same, and the power of the Arhat Array was damaged. The Seventeen Arhats could only barely hold up the joint suction of the three rounds of Qi and Blood Suns. , and cannot make other means of resistance.

When the Nine Buddhas and Jialan Bodhisattva were about to take advantage of this opportunity to join forces to subdue Jin An, Jin An bent his bow and set an arrow. With amazing arm strength, he managed to shoot seven stars in a row. The stone arrows exploded seven Arhats on the spot. , in the end, they all escaped and could not escape the huge life and death millstone of the Qi and Blood Sun.

Of the seventeen Arhats, only the ten Arhats were left. They were all frightened. It was too late to escape, and several large stone Buddhas were shot and exploded by stone arrows.

Actually, in front of him, the Eighteen Arhats were slaughtered until only a few Arhats were left. Those Buddhist disciples and Jialan Bodhisattva were furious and attacked Jin'an together.

Just at this moment, a large piece of soul light came from the sky.

"Hey, over there, I saw the red clouds of Qi and blood of the martial arts immortal!"

Someone in the soul light said in surprise.

In the desert Gobi, a large number of people rushed over to watch the excitement, but then they heard gasps one after another, and what they saw next made their faces look horrified.

"Hiss! There are so many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Is this really the Holy Land of Inanimate Life? I believe it even if it is called Xitianling Mountain!"

"Damn it, needless to say, this is Xitian Lingshan! Can you find the second place where the sky is filled with Buddhas, Arhats and Bodhisattvas!"

"You know clearly that this is Xitianling Mountain, but you still utter arrogant words about the Buddhist Holy Land. You are not afraid of blaspheming the gods. You must stop holding us back!"

There were screams of exclamation one after another. Seeing the fierce fighting in the field, these soul lights were afraid of being affected by the Buddha light and the hot blood, so they only dared to stay away and watch the battle.

"Would any of you try to wake me up? Am I hallucinating, or is the martial artist Shen Wuhou crazy! Knowing that there is an entire Xitian Ling Mountain with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, you actually dare to attack the mountain alone!"

"Damn it, how could there be so many third-level masters in the Inanimate Holy Land! Thirty-six evil ghosts ambushed, and three Buddha Mothers in the Coffin Temple were ambushed. After so many third-level divine masters fell, how come there are still so many on Lingshan Mountain? A master of the three realms!"

"Have you not discovered the most terrifying thing? These Arhat Bodhisattvas all come from the foot of Lingshan Mountain. On the contrary, there is no movement on the mountainside and upper levels of Lingshan Mountain! I have a strong hunch that among the current Arhat Bodhisattvas, there is not a single strong person in the late third realm. Because the strong men in the late stage of the Three Realms are still in retreat on the mountainside and have not yet come out!"

"No matter who wins or loses in this battle, the world of spiritual practice will change! Who would have thought that an Inanimate Holy Land could quietly cultivate so many masters of the Three Realms? There is more than one Inanimate Holy Land in this world that has a thousand-year great religion! This is true for an inanimate holy land, but what about other thousand-year-old religions!"

"Yes, this is the world of great strife! Dragons and tigers fight, and hundreds of tribes compete for hegemony. They all want to leap over the dragon's gate and turn into dragons when the storm strikes!"

Xitian Lingshan is destined to be in chaos. This Buddhist holy land is destined to never be peaceful again, because today a person wants to attack Xiaolingshan in front of everyone.

"Sure enough, following Shenwuhou, there will be more surprises to come. The martial arts immortals are attacking Xitian Lingshan. Just hearing the name is very gimmick!"

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, at the foot of Lingshan Mountain, a decisive battle began between the Buddhas and the martial arts immortals.

"Where are you looking? Today I am attacking Wusheng Holy Land, but you are distracted while fighting me!"

Jin An saw that Wusheng Holy Land's attention was attracted by the new arrivals, and the opponent's actions were hesitant. He decisively launched thunderous tactics to dominate the sky.

Perhaps even the people in the Holy Land of Wusheng did not expect that there would be so many Shinto masters following Jin An into the Holy Land of Wusheng, so they were not sure whether these people were with Jin An or not. Unexpectedly, those who came together to attack the mountain hesitated before taking action and kept a secret hand.

This unintentional thing made it easier for Jin An to launch a counterattack.

Jin An suddenly became extremely majestic, his whole body was glowing, and his blood energy was just igniting the sky. Just like the fighting spirit boiling in his chest at this moment, his aura was extremely terrifying.

At this moment, many people's souls were throbbing, and they almost knelt down to worship. This was a kind of innate awe. Yin souls did not dare to look directly at the yang fire and the masculinity of blood. Moreover, this came from the majestic aura of a martial arts immortal. I couldn't help but want to kowtow and worship.

It's like a lamb that is so frightened that it kneels down and trembles when it encounters its natural enemy, the tiger, and dares not run around. In the end, it is allowed to be slaughtered by the tiger.

"What's going on? Are the martial arts immortals going to use real fire? It's such a terrible air pressure control!" Someone's soul trembled and they screamed in fear.

No one knew whether Jin An was really angry, but Jin An bent his bow and fired ten arrows at a time, which was witnessed by everyone present.




The sky was filled with Buddhas and Jialan Bodhisattvas exploding. Wherever the arrows passed, not a single Buddha and Jialan Bodhisattva could stop them. Twenty Buddhas exploded after two full bows. People were torn apart and exploded, turning into The light rain of Buddha nature hits the ground.


This invincible and domineering power shocked everyone. The image of one man slaughtering the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the West Tianling Mountain was deeply engraved in everyone's mind and could not be removed. Everyone was so shocked that their scalps exploded. My soul was shaking, I couldn't believe it.

"I originally thought that the capital city of the underworld was already a world-shattering battle between martial arts, immortals, ghosts and gods. I never expected to see him in Xitian Ling Mountain. He is even more brave and powerful. This is no longer invincible by manpower. This is the resurrection of the ancient demon god in the human world!"

In the dancing light and rain of Buddha nature, Jin'an is reflected even more like a demon who kills gods and Buddhas. He exudes an indescribable majesty, which is an unruly fighting spirit that dares to cover the sky with one hand and fight against the heaven and the earth.

Especially as one thing fades and the other grows, Jin'an's aura is still rising.

"how so!"

"Stop him quickly!"

"Don't let his Heaven-Swallowing Technique continue to suck him in endlessly!"

At the foot of Xiaoling Mountain, only less than a hundred of the hundreds of Buddhas who originally filled the sky were left. Everyone was shocked and took action to stop Jin An, trying to buy recovery time for those companions whose souls were blown away by stone arrows, and to regroup their souls to avoid the danger. Become the material for Jin'an to continue to grow.

Buddhism was originally a peaceful place, but now it was killed by a man and the Buddha's heart was shaken.

Although the Buddha stresses that the four elements are all empty and looks down on life and death, this is a fake spiritual mountain and a fake Western Heaven, and the people living here are a group of cannibalistic fake Buddhas.

Not to mention that they couldn't take life and death lightly, they were frightened by Jin'an's thunderous methods, and their hearts were numb. I was afraid that even the real Buddha would not be able to calmly face the martial arts and immortals who were so crazy about killing Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

At this time, there was a bit of chaos at the foot of Xiaoling Mountain. Buddha, Arhat, and Jialan Bodhisattva all joined in the battle to snatch the scattered souls and souls from being robbed by Jin'an.

Jin An was still bending his bow and setting up an arrow. He shot one arrow at a time, killing one of them, and the Bodhisattvas were shaken. Wherever the stone bow pointed, the hearts of all the Bodhisattvas were swaying, not wanting to be the next souls killed by the arrows.

Once a person is in a state of extreme emotional ups and downs, he or she is easily frightened. Once a person is frightened, he or she is easily frightened to death, which is commonly known as being in a daze or in a trance.

This gave Jin An an opportunity to take advantage of the situation. He let out a long roar, and the huge masculine will of the martial arts immortal coincided with the god-damaging disaster in the spiritual martial arts "The Holy Art of the Demon". It shocked these people's minds, their thoughts jumped wildly, and their souls The pain of tearing comes from the body, and the three souls and seven souls are about to escape at any time.

Jin An is now temporarily in the Martial Arts Immortal Queen Realm.

These Buddhas and Bodhisattvas at the foot of Xiaoling Mountain don’t even have a single late stage of the Three Realms.

The martial arts immortals can originally suppress the Shinto masters.


With the explosion of masculine will, the blood plasma in the body is transported as fast as a pump, scalding hot, and the three-round qi-blood sun reflected in the void by the martial arts immortals expands rapidly and turns into a three-round black sun black hole, and the power of the swirling suction becomes even more majestic.



The fragments of the soul that had been blasted by the stone arrows and had not had time to re-condensate were crushed and swallowed by the black hole one by one.

""Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" vs. "The Sutra of No Life"! The swallowing technique collides with the swallowing technique! The Holy Land of Wusheng is finally going to hit the iron plate!" Some people in the crowd of onlookers couldn't help but gasped and shouted.

Immediately, someone was dissatisfied and retorted: "Young man, can you speak? That's not called "Swallowing Heaven Demon Kung", it's called "Swallowing Heaven Kung Fu". Have you ever seen Marquis Shenwu kill an innocent person indiscriminately along the way! Marquis Shenwu He is a man with a kind heart, doing justice for heaven, and eradicating the false spiritual mountain!"

The crowd around them looked at the person in front of them with a strange look: "Why are you scholars, Wenquxing Yuanshen, who are neither good at fighting nor good at escaping, following you to the West Tianling Mountain to join in the fun?"

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