White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1158 Fatty Li who possesses the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman


Zhang Weishan was kicked out by Fatty Li, knocking over all the tables and benches on the floor, and his back hit a beam and pillar hard before he stopped.

"Master Li, why do you want to kill me!"

"I am Zhang Weishan!"

"I have no enmity with you, but you are so harsh, I! Want! You! Die!"

There were harsh sounds of twisting bones and flesh and cries of resentment and pain in the darkness. The next moment, a black shadow flew towards Fatty Li from above his head.

At the critical moment, the Five Thunder Evil-Destroying Talisman worked. Fatty Li rolled like a donkey, avoided the spot with agility, and slashed out with his experienced backhand.

The black shadow was slashed by the heavy force of the knife.

"Li Gui dares to be so arrogant when he meets Li Kui! Don't you know that your fat grandfather is also named Li!" Fatty Li cursed viciously.

Fatty Li is also a good martial artist, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to eat enough when he was trapped on the Japanese island. With this slash of his sword, he could chop even the bones of cows. It would have been possible for an ordinary person to be split into two pieces, but in the The Li Gui in front of him only made his figure unstable.

Fatty Li is not a timid person, otherwise he would not always ask Jin An to lead him to kill evil spirits. Seeing that the sharp blade in his hand could not kill Li Gui, he simply took out the Five Thunder Evil Killing Talisman and attached it to the blade.

"If you can let Fatty Li and I leave this ghost shop safely tonight, Taoist Master Jin'an, I will believe in the Five Thunder Emperors with you every day from now on! When your Taoist temple is built, I will go to the temple every day to offer incense to the Five Thunder Emperors!"

Fatty Li shouted loudly, raised his knife and took a step forward.

Li Gui raised his black claws, trying to smash the weapon to pieces, then pierced Fatty Li's chest, took out Fatty Li's heart and liver and ate it. However, his hands were cut off by the blade, and the weapon's strength remained intact. He cut his head off, and the smell of burnt barbecue came from the wound.

Fatty Li was pleasantly surprised. In line with the principle of eradicating the roots, regardless of whether the Li Gui in front of him was dead or not, he cut him into meat paste with three or three swords.

"Master Li, you are indeed here! I just sensed the aura of Yang Lei here, so I guess you are here!" Fatty Li had just chopped "Zhang Weishan" into pieces when another Zhang Weishan voice came from behind.

Fatty Li turned his head with a fierce look in his eyes, and saw Zhang Weishan, Jiao Liang, and Jiang Jun standing behind him. The fierce look on his face softened slightly, because the Five Thunder Evil Killing Talisman was not affected by the evil energy this time.

"Old Zhang, just now a Li Gui pretended to be you and approached me. Let's exchange secret signals. Let me ask you, is the female peacock raised by Taoist Jin'an a male or a female?" Fatty Li asked warily.


Zhang Weishan and the other three looked at each other. They were certain that the somewhat irrelevant person in front of them was definitely Mr. Li himself. A normal person could tell whether the peacock was male or female. problem?

Zhang Weishan replied: "Mother's."

As soon as he saw that the other party could answer the correct code, Fatty Li put down his guard and ran over: "Old Zhang, why are you here? There was a ghost impersonating you just now. Thanks to Fatty, I am smart and smart, and I saw through the conspiracy. Have you met him?" Are you pretending to be my Li Gui?"

Zhang Weishan shook his head and said that he had not encountered them, and then said that this was not the place to talk, so he had to kill them first and then talk.

Fatty Li was concerned and asked if he had seen the old dog? All three of them shook their heads regretfully.

At this time, the crisis in the ghost shop has not been resolved. The diners were all like evil ghosts who woke up from a dream. They knew that they were dead, so they wanted to drag the living people into the water. They all stared at Fatty Li and the other living people with resentment and vicious eyes. , rush to eat.

Jiang Jun took out another valuable corpse rope from the door, and knotted the corpse rope into a noose. Each set was accurate. Anyone whose neck was caught by the corpse rope would be extinguished with a breath of disaster in his throat, and he would stand upright. Falling still.

"How many people have died here! We are running out of ropes to tie up corpses. Second Senior Brother, please come and help us and give Senior Brother time to break the situation!" Jiang Jun shouted to Jiao Liang.

Zhang Weishan, who was studying the doors and windows at this time, handed the corpse-suppressing scripture on his body to Jiao Liang and said hurriedly: "Second junior brother, you use my corpse-suppressing scripture!"

Jiao Liang took the Book of Suppressing the Corpse and took out an ink fountain box from his belongings. The ink fountain box was soaked in cinnabar with the ink thread used to seal the coffin. Jiao Liang dipped his hands in cinnabar ink and quickly applied the Book of Suppressing the Corpse with skillful techniques, and then Make rubbings of the Corpse Suppression Sutra on beams, columns, floors, and walls.

Finally, he leaped onto the rafters, not even missing the rafters.

These corpse-suppressing scriptures were invaded by corpse energy and emitted a red cinnabar light. All corpse ghosts who came into contact with the corpse-suppressing scriptures were set on fire and turned into torches.

The pressure on everyone was temporarily relieved.

At this time, Zhang Weishan, who was in the rear, had already figured out a way to break the situation. He asked Jiang Jun for a mahogany pen and cinnabar ink, and quickly drew the strange talisman for suppressing the haunted house on a wall with lightning speed.

"Yao Yao is dark, the sky and the earth are dim, thunder, lightning, wind and fire, officers, generals and soldiers, if they hear the name of the pass, they will come quickly, drive away the evil spirit, capture the elves, secure the dragon and control the house, the merit is in the heaven!"

"Open it for me!"

As Zhang Weishan finished reciting the spell, a real door appeared on the wall in front of him. The previous doors and windows were all a wall, so they couldn't open it no matter what.

"The exit door has been opened, let's go out first!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as they rushed out, they found that there was exactly the same ghost shop behind the door, and they fell into a trance of ghosts beating the wall.

"Junior brother, give the Corpse Suppressing Scripture to senior brother for use." Zhang Weishan calmly shouted to Jiao Liang.

"Okay, senior brother." Jiao Liang handed over the Corpse Suppression Scripture.

This time Zhang Weishan recited the scriptures in the Sutra of Suppressing Corpses, and his voice coincided with a certain breathing rhythm, with cadences and ups and downs, which complemented and echoed the scriptures in the Sutra of Suppressing Corpses, and glowed with divine light.

Wherever the divine light shines, the evil miasma is broken, and it is discovered that the source of this man-eating ghost shop comes from a brick wall.

There is a mirror hanging on the brick wall. Anyone caught in the mirror will be trapped in the world of evil spirits in the mirror and cannot extricate themselves.

Brother Zhang Weishan is also a master of the second realm. They seem to be very weak when they are involved in a third realm fight. But that is the third realm. They are not at the same realm. In fact, they are in the middle of the second realm. They are already considered rare masters among the people. As long as they don't encounter the third realm, with the concerted efforts of the three brothers, they can also protect themselves in the second realm.

Zhang Weishan stepped on the Seven Star Steps and recited the God's Mantra of An Di. Like a clear stream against the trend in the filthy black current, he rode the wind and waves to the mirror, and pasted the Corpse Suppression Sutra on the mirror. Without the mirror, the eyes were in front of him. All illusions disappear.

Zhang Weishan took off his clothes and wrapped the mirror tightly. Several people hugged the mirror and rushed out of the small restaurant safely, and returned to the world. Feeling the cool breeze blowing on their faces, their tense minds finally relaxed.

"As expected, professional matters must be left to professional people! Lao Zhang, you are indeed professionals!" Fatty Li put away the Five Thunder Evil Slaying Talisman and praised the skills of these people.

"It's just a pity that the old dog didn't escape. I don't know whether it's dead or alive. I haven't seen it since it was scattered..."

Fatty Li was worried about the old dog, when he heard a few barks, and an old dog dressed like a human ran out from the corner opposite the small wine shop and came to reunite with them.

Seeing that the old dog who had been hiding outside the ghost shop was safe and sound, Fatty Li swallowed back the fierce tears he had just brewed. He said angrily: "Well, you old dog, you ran away first." , find a safe place to hide, and leave us teammates in danger in the ghost shop. Fortunately, we were worried about your safety just now."

Woof woof!

The old dog was full of anger, as if he was talking back. Didn't you all come out of this in a hurry?

The more Fatty Li thought about it, the angrier he became. He deliberately threatened the old dog with whether to buy the five-spice cake, but the old dog opened his mouth and bit him, using his calf as a molar stick to bite him.

However, the dog's head was too hard. Fatty Li slapped his palms in pain, but could not pull the old dog away. In the end, he took the initiative to admit defeat and was willing to buy five-spice cake, and the old dog relented.

In fact, both people and dogs have a sense of propriety. Fatty Li did not really kill the old dog. The old dog only pretended to bite. Apart from rubbing a large amount of saliva on Fatty Li's trouser legs, there was no flesh wound at all.

Fatty Li is the most important person around Jin An, and the old dog is the most important dog around Jin An. Both people and dogs know how to measure each other.

At this time, a few people and a dog went back to the wine seller to settle the score with the old man.

But the place was deserted. Except for a yard of brewing tools, there wasn't even a soul in the house.

In the end, it was the nose of the old dog that did the trick. It kept pulling away the soil in one place and successfully helped Fatty Li and the others find the entrance to the cellar. In the cellar, there was an altar for practicing cooking methods. The altar was filled with many sealed wine jars.

Fatty Li casually tore open the seal of a wine vat. First, the rich and fragrant aroma of wine wafted out. It was so fragrant that it made people dizzy.

Even the amulets Jiang Jun gave them before were a little weak.

After he calmed down, Fatty Li could see clearly what was in the wine vat. The wine vat was filled with red fairy wine, and these red fairy wines were brewed with dead people.

Fatty Li opened all the wine vats, and there was a dead person soaked in each wine vat, just like snake wine, tiger bone wine, and ginseng wine. These red immortal wines were wine made of human corpses.

There were six wine jars here, and a total of six bodies were found.

At the same time, they discovered a secret passage in the cellar, which led to the small wine shop next door.

"Too unconscionable!"

"We must find out who dared to perform cult rituals in the capital!"

Seeing so many people being killed, Fatty Li turned livid with anger.

However, the corpses of the five Rakshasa people were the only ones not found in these corpse-soaking wines.

Fatty Li raised his question, and Zhang Weishan thought for a moment and said, "Perhaps these dead people in the wine vats can help us find the answer. The dead can also 'see', 'hear' and 'feel'. All they have to do is go under the shade." Just go to the underworld and ask once."

Fatty Li clasped his fists and said sincerely, "Thank you for your hard work on this trip."

Senior brothers Zhang Weishan laughed and said cheerfully: "Taoist Master Jin'an has been kind to us, and we are doing our best to repay the kindness. Moreover, we hit it off with you, Mr. Li. You are a person worthy of our senior brothers' getting along and helping you." You share your worries and solve your problems.”

Fatty Li was moved: "Look at what it means to be loyal to the world, to be upright and upright, and to have a knife at both ends. It's not like some dogs, who are the first to run away when something happens. They don't have any loyalty to the world at all, and they only have an air of embarrassment."

This means that Sang Huai is not going to be obvious. Seeing Fatty Li having trouble getting along with a dog, Zhang Weishan and others looked at each other and suppressed laughter in their hearts.

They searched the liquor seller's house inside and outside again, but found no other clues. Then they left, planning to go back to the Criminal Investigation Department to call for people to clean up the crime scene, and then issue a wanted order throughout the city to capture the liquor seller who had escaped.

However, Fatty Li didn't have high expectations for catching the wine seller. He was probably a master of disguise and was not showing his true colors. Later investigations also confirmed this speculation. The real wine seller had been killed long ago and was soaking in one of the wine tanks. According to the degree of decomposition of the body, he was the earliest victim.

Just when he was betraying the wine seller's house, that sense of voyeurism hit him again, coming from the brick wall directly opposite the wine seller's house.

Speaking of brick walls, they thought of the brick wall with mirrors in the small wine shop. After careful comparison, it happened to be the brick wall in front of them.

"There's definitely something wrong with this wall!"

Fatty Li expressed his thoughts and decided to cut open the wall on the spot to see what mystery was inside.

Zhang Weishan and others also supported Fatty Li's idea. They found tools from the wine seller's house and dug into the wall. As soon as they opened a gap, they found a human arm. They continued digging and found another arm.

Both arms were left hands, and there were at least two corpses built into the wall.

"There are corpses hidden in the wall!" Fatty Li became more and more surprised as he dug deeper. They found seven corpses from the wall. Five of them were apparently missing Rakshasa people. The other two looked familiar to him, and they had just met them not long ago. One of the diners who passed by.

These people all faced the liquor seller's family, as if they were looking directly at the liquor seller's family with great resentment, and looked at the murderer with resentment every day.

They haven't finished digging yet, and there are far more corpses in the wall than that.

This was a big project. Fatty Li decided to go back to the Criminal Investigation Department to move people and carefully cut open every wall here to see how many corpses were hidden here.

Seeing so many victims hidden in the wall, Zhang Weishan sighed: "It seems that the bodies of those who died in the wine shop were swallowed up by the ghost shop, and the corpse energy nourished the ghost shop's Yin Qi."

Criminal Investigation Department.

There was a lot of commotion about Fatty Li returning to the Criminal Investigation Department to move people. Even Mr. Han, the widower, was called to exhume the corpse overnight. In order to avoid detection, the Criminal Investigation Department exhumed the corpses all night long. In the end, a total of eighteen corpses were dug up.

Then the body was transported to the morgue of the Criminal Investigation Department overnight.

Fatty Li solved the case in one day, broke through the corpse hidden in the wall case, found the missing friendly businessman, safeguarded the reputation of the Criminal Investigation Department and the face of the country, and caused quite a stir in the Criminal Investigation Department.

Fatty Li came to Jin An with the closing file he had written. The case would be completely closed only after Jin An reviewed it and sealed all the omissions.

This was originally a very ordinary thing, but Fatty Li changed it to sneaking in to find Jin An alone.

"I have to congratulate you, Fatty Li. You have made another great contribution today. It seems that you and Master Zouyin cooperated very well for the first time and solved the case so quickly."

Jin An saw that Fatty Li was not happy, but rather worried. His expression changed and he asked, "What? Are there any doubts about this case?"

Fatty Li quietly took out something from his lapel: "This is something I found from the corpse of a Rakshasa countryman. You can tell it at a glance, Taoist Master Jin'an. I didn't tell anyone about this. Only I know that you know, even the old man." Zhang and the others don’t know about this..."

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