White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1165 Preparations before opening the coffin and asking about the fragrance of the corpse

The deputy leader and the others returned to the entrance of the cave and told the leader in detail what they saw in the right hall.

Hearing that his colleagues had been here a long time ago, he raised his head and looked serious.

"What's the current situation in the left hall and the main tomb?" The leader didn't immediately ask the right hall for details. Instead, he asked about another matter.

The deputy commander thought about it for a while and said: "There is a small coffin in the left hall, which should be the burial place for the general's heir. The main tomb has not been found yet because the main tomb was buried by landslides of earth and rocks. There is no way to enter the main tomb yet."

After thinking seriously for a while, he said: "We will only stay one night in this ancient tomb. Whether we find the main tomb chamber or not, we will leave the mountain first."

"Although we are here for wealth and are afraid of poverty rather than death, it does not mean that we can rush forward recklessly without fear of death. Otherwise, we would have died dozens of times. Sometimes we just retreat when it is time to retreat. Anyway, this trip does not count as a departure. empty."

Under the repeated instructions from the commander, they must go down the mountain before dawn and must not spend any time here. The deputy commander, Xu San and his party began to race against time. They first went to the left hall to open the small coffin. If the general loves his son, Jin Precious burial objects such as silver and jade are essential.

In the left hall of the ancient tomb, several people were attracted by the evil little musician figurine in front of them. His face was as white as snow and his face was painted with blush. Under the claustrophobic environment and the light of the torch, he looked extremely evil and made people feel numb. .

"Damn, these musician figurines look really scary. Could they be made by living people?" The support staff following the team cursed in a low voice and folded their arms. They felt that the left hall was warmer than the right. The palace is still low.

The deputy commander was very knowledgeable. He immediately stared at the bells, bells, bells, bells, zithers, drums... bronze instruments, and said: "If these bronze instruments only appear alone, they will have limited value. The beauty is these." The bronze musical instrument is a complete set of musical instruments, which is rare in the world. If this set is moved out, all of us will not have to worry about food and clothing for half our lives."

"Even if we can't find a way to enter the main tomb before dawn, this set of bronze instruments has already made us money."

Hearing what the leader said, other people's eyes could not help but turn to the bronze instrument in the hand of the little musician doll.

"Our first goal now is to open the coffin and see if we can find better treasures. We can move these bronze instruments later when we exit the left hall." The deputy leader's words were recognized by everyone, and the group carefully passed through the little musician. The dolls stood in a circle in front of the small coffin.

These tomb robbers can be regarded as veterans who have robbed many tombs. Before opening the coffin, they can count the nails in the coffin so that they can roughly see what is inside the coffin.

At this count, they realized something was wrong, and they were all startled: "Why are there only five coffin nails! This is rare...soul-sealing nails!"

If the soul-sealing nail can be used in a coffin, the dead person inside will most likely not decompose. Once the coffin is opened and exposed to living energy, it will turn into a dead body. These people all know how troublesome the soul-sealing nail is.

"There are so many tombs robbed. This is the second time I have encountered a coffin with only five coffin nails..." The deputy chief frowned.

The young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a major disciple of Geotechnical Engineering, asked curiously: "Deputy leader, what happened next?"

The deputy commander's voice was suppressed and low: "I fired a Yin-Zorifying Corpse and almost wiped out the whole group."


When they heard that it was so evil, the less courageous logistics staff took a deep breath.

This is the reason why they can only work as peripheral logistics, and their courage and ability are not up to par.

Xu San checked back and forth, and he seemed to have discovered something. He wiped his hand on the coffin through his sleeves and robes. This was called to isolate people from direct contact and prevent corpse fraud. After all, this coffin was quite evil, so be careful.

Xu San was stunned when she saw several shining golden threads exposed on the coffin.

Others exclaimed: "Is this gold?"

Next, Xu San wiped the coffin in several places with a very solemn look, always wiping the coffin through his sleeves. The outline of the gold and ink lines gradually appeared in front of everyone.

These tomb robbers were not stupid people to begin with, and now they all recognized the purpose of these gold wires.

The earthworker was stunned and undecided: "Both the soul-sealing nails and the golden ink thread that can suppress evil spirits and ward off evil spirits were used. How did the descendants of the general die, and such a high-standard burial method was required."

Someone echoed: "Is this the reason why the whereabouts of the previous batch of tomb robbers are unknown?"

Immediately the deputy leader retorted: "If those people had opened the coffin, these gold and ink lines would not have been kept so intact. Moreover, there were no signs that the coffin nails had been pried. There should be another reason why they were missing. The coffin has nothing to do with it. I even doubt whether they have ever been to the left hall. They all say that if a thief never escapes, it is impossible for them not to see the value of that set of bronze instruments."

Now a question is left for them, do they want to open the coffin?

"If it's like what the deputy commander experienced for the first time, what the Soul-Sealing Nail is sealing is a Ziyin Corpse. When the Ziyin Corpse comes out, none of us can escape. I think that set of bronze instruments is already valuable enough. It is necessary to take risks again, we still don’t know what accident the previous wave of people encountered in this ancient tomb, whether they are alive or dead now.”

"What great things can the brave and timid people accomplish by starving them to death, let alone getting rich and becoming tycoons? Maybe these tricks are just a cover-up set up by the general to scare away us tomb robbers. Don't start. The coffin was stolen and his descendants were dug up."

"But it is an indisputable fact that the previous wave of people's lives and deaths were unknown."

There was a dispute among the team, and in the end they all looked to the deputy leader and let him make up his mind.

The deputy leader put the question to Xu San again: "Xu San, you have been practicing in the Taoist temple for more than 20 years. Your vision is more accurate than ours. Come and make an idea."

Xu San's answer was very straightforward, and he said without hesitation: "If I don't open the coffin and take a look, I won't be willing to leave even if I leave."

Seeing what Xu San said, the team quickly unified their opinions and unanimously decided to open the coffin.

Jin An, who was mixed in the team and was also standing next to the small coffin, took another look at Xu San. It seemed that this group of tomb robbers trusted Xu San's ability.

Time was precious, and there was still a main tomb waiting for them to open. Now that they had decided, they just went ahead and immediately took out the coffin-opening tools they brought with them.

Before opening the coffin, Xu San took out incense sticks and placed them in front of the coffin. Then he took out a separate stick of incense, lit it and inserted it into the gap in the coffin lid.

This is called the incense of asking about things, the incense of asking about corpses, or it can also be called throwing stones to ask for directions, to see if the master in the coffin is heavy in yin energy, and whether it is possible to lift the body.

The deputy leader stood aside and watched Xu San operate, waiting for Xu San to make a sound, and then he immediately led people to pry the coffin.

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