White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1235 The Five Zang Taoist Temple is Prospering

The liveliness of Xianghuo Street today is comparable to that of the annual Lantern Festival Temple Fair. The streets are crowded with people. Children holding candied haws and sugar figures are running around laughing and shouting in the crowd. The famous delicacies in the capital are full of aroma.

There is an uncle who makes wontons. The skin is as thin and shiny as a spar, and each one has a thin skin and a big filling.

There is a couple selling bucket chicken, which is bright yellow in color, fat but not greasy. On the flag cloth is written the bucket chicken passed down from three generations of the Huang family.

There is an old woman selling three fresh lotus pastries, which look like a lotus flower in bud and are fragrant, crunchy and delicious. It is a famous traditional pastry in Beijing.

There is a vendor with a Xizhou Prefecture accent who sells spiced rabbit meat. Whether they are local people in the capital or foreign merchants from the Western Regions, they all praise the food after eating it.

There is also an old man selling chicken mixed noodles.

There is also a father and son selling quail dumplings. The ten-year-old child is already sensible enough to help his father run the stall.

There are also vendors from the Western Regions who sell candied dates from the Western Regions. Jujube trees can also grow in the desert. Some are called Persian dates and some are called Millennium dates. Because they can remain evergreen in arid deserts and produce jujube fruits that are large in size and moderately soft and hard. , can be eaten as a meal or as a snack.

Xianghuo Street, which is as lively as the Lantern Festival Temple Fair, is full of Beijing snacks and packed with vendors with a keen sense of smell. However, there is only one snack and delicacy that is not available, and that is mutton, which is the most eaten by Beijing residents! You can see pan rabbit, roasted pork skin, and wild duck meat, but you can't see a shop selling roasted lamb, batch-cut sheep heads, roasted sheep heads, baked sheep heads... This is a capital city that eats more mutton and less pork. It was a scene that was almost impossible to see here, but I saw it in Xianghuo Street.

The martial arts immortal who can even destroy a thousand-year-old sect by himself is a matter of "strict control", which is no secret in the capital.

Although making money is important, life is more important. No mutton vendor would dare to open his stall in front of the Wu Zang Taoist Temple because he would die faster than hanging himself with a rope.

Therefore, there was an incredible and strange scene on Xianghuo Street. People in Beijing who love mutton the most actually stopped eating mutton collectively on this day.

If you can single-handedly change the food culture of a city's people, the Five Zang Taoist Temple Goats can be regarded as famous throughout history.

People in the capital are inseparable from their love for food no matter where they go. It was obviously the opening ceremony of the Five Zang Taoist Temple, but in the end it turned into a carnival of food. Suddenly, a riot broke out in the center of Xianghuo Street, and the crowds surged. It turned out to be the end of the Jin'an Sacrifice to Heaven and Earth. The Five Zang Taoist Temple is officially open to pilgrims.

With crispy cakes in their left hand and spiced rabbit meat in their right hand, the people in the capital, immersed in the aroma of delicious food, realized at this time that they were here to attend the opening ceremony of the Five Zang Taoist Temple!

I’m here to visit the mysterious martial artist Immortal Wuhou!

We are here to compete for the top incense of the five internal organs Taoist temple!

Ever since, the flow of people who finally remembered to get down to business, like a surging tide, rushed straight to the Five Zang Taoist Temple in an instant.

The busiest people in the Wu Zang Taoist Temple are the old Taoist priests. They were sweating profusely by touching bones, divination, and interpreting fortunes. After eating and drinking for several months, the old Taoist priests finally returned to their old profession. Not only did they not shout Even though he was tired, he was full of energy and his face was glowing.

The old Taoist priest, who was always good-looking, lean, hale and hearty, now had a glowing face, and was even more trustworthy. People came to him to have their fortunes checked, and they lined up in a long line from the main hall. Queue up outside the Taoist temple.

Chia Jian was on the side offering incense to the crowded pilgrims, while using strong force to maintain order.

At this time, the Wu Zang Taoist Temple was crowded with people, so dense that not even a fly could fly in. In the cool autumn breeze, everyone was sweating profusely, and more people continued to squeeze in outside the Taoist temple.

"Brothers at the back, stop pushing forward. It's useless for you to push any further. There's no road ahead. It's already full of people!"

"Please stop stepping on my shoes! My feet are already numb from being stepped on!"

"Who just stabbed me, your Black Tornado grandfather, from behind? I'm looking for death!"

The reputation of Marquis Shenwu was so great that the Wu Zang Taoist Temple was overcrowded. Even Fatty Li took the time to come to the Wu Zang Taoist Temple to help. He took several subordinates from the Criminal Investigation Department and stood at the door to frighten Xiao Xiaomao. At the same time, he also helped the pilgrims who could not enter the Taoist temple. Explain the stone statue of Taojun with hundred eyes.

Standing in front of the stone statue, Fatty Li touched the statue with one hand and waved the other hand in the air. He excitedly explained: "Do you know why the Criminal Investigation Department has repeatedly solved cases of missing children and destroyed the dens of human traffickers recently? ?The reason lies in this stone statue!"

"This stone statue is called the Baiyan Daojun Stone Statue. Do you know why it is called Baiyan? The more than a hundred pairs of eyes on the surface of the stone statue are only one of the reasons. Another reason is that our Baiyan Daojun can see thousands of miles away! The mythical story of clairvoyance and the ear of the wind. , you have all heard about it from Mr. Storyteller, as long as it is seen by Baiyan Daojun, it will be unforgettable, even if people are thousands of miles away! So this is not only a stone statue of Baiyan Daojun, but also a way to find a child. Jun, from now on, if you have nothing to do, you can always bring your children to the stone statue and let Baiyan Taoist remember your children. Others have the Avalokitesvara to send children, the Empress to seek children, and the Five Zang Taoist Temple to seek children..."

"Hey, boy, what about you? Don't touch it with your hands. Can you bear the responsibility if the stone statue of Xunzi is broken?" Fatty Li swatted the dirty hand away.

The person who just curiously touched the eyeballs of the stone statue stammered and said in surprise: "Are the eyes of the hundred-eyed Daojun stone statue...are...real? I...I thought they were painted on with paint!"

"Otherwise, why would we call him Baiyan Taoist? This is called true Taoism. How can Taoist Master Jin'an's product be of ordinary quality?" Fatty Li curled his lips with an expression of contempt that you, a boy, have never seen in the world.

"That young man opposite, stop spitting. It's one small step for civilization, one giant leap for humanity. Don't turn around and look around. I'm talking about you!" Fatty Li shouted with his finger.

Fatty Li stood under the eyelids of the stone statue of the Hundred-Eyed Taoist Lord and continued to excitedly explain various stories of finding his son.

Baiyan Daojun remained motionless.

At this time, a shadow shrouded the sky, and a peacock with a light and graceful body, colorful and beautiful feathers, and a temperament like a cold fairy in the palace flew down to the brick wall at the entrance of the Taoist temple.

The cold fairy has been staring at the stone statue at the door since she landed.

"It's the Peacock Fairy!"

"This is the peacock fairy that has attracted many literati and scholars to be fascinated and compared to the fairy in the sky! What a beautiful peacock fairy!"

The crowd screamed one after another, and the crowd was excited.

"The Peacock Fairy seems to be a real heavenly immortal, with eyes full of human spirituality. It's strange, why does the Peacock Fairy keep staring at the stone statue of the Hundred-Eyed Taoist Lord? Could it be that the Peacock Fairy is also looking for a son from the Hundred-Eyed Taoist Lord?"

Fatty Li listened to the crowd's exclamations and looked back. Sure enough, it was the Peacock Buddha Mother who had fallen on the wall. He was immediately happy: "Speaking of the Peacock Fairy and the Hundred-Eyed Taoist Stone Statue, we have to talk about another bad fate... "

"That... Mr. Criminal Inspector... the Peacock Fairy no longer looks at the stone statue, but now she is looking at you..." Someone in the crowd kindly reminded Fatty Li in a low voice.

Fatty Li has cold hairs on his back, and his limbs are cold, which makes him look murderous!

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