White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1242 Preparing to Encircle and Suppress the Immortal Mountain

Master Qing Xi originally did not want to leave Chang County so soon, but a Taoist boy from Yujing Jinque came to her through the underworld and brought her a piece of news.

According to the elder's instructions, return to the capital as soon as possible. We have important matters to discuss!

Qing Xi flew back to the capital from Wuzhou Prefecture and spent another day on the road. As soon as she returned to the Yujing Golden Tower in the capital, she immediately found Lin Youdao.

Master Qing Xi: "Senior nephew Lin, the elder suddenly asked me to return to Beijing urgently, but what big thing happened?"

Lin Youdao did not answer but asked instead: "This time I went south, uncle Shi fought against people from Bulao Mountain several times. What do you think?"

Master Qing Xi only had three short words: "Xie Daoer."

Lin Youdao nodded with a serious expression: "Yes, all the methods used by Fu Laoshan are no different from the evil ways."

"First, people were trafficked using animal-making techniques to refine sea-suppressing stone beasts to help them find the entrance to the Guixu Divine Realm in the vast ocean;"

"Later, he used evil magic to kill countless innocent people and refined the Thirteen Evil Corpses to Hold the Sky;"

"He also used the art of praying for rain to confuse people's hearts, trying to sacrifice the people of a city and refine incense and banners;"

"And all these are for the purpose of breaking the four-dimensional siege of the sky and the earth, and for one's own selfish desires, the whole world is on fire, and all living beings are in ruins..."

"This time the elder summoned me back to the capital so urgently, is it related to Bulao Mountain?" Master Qing Xi said clearly.

Lin Youdao solemnly uttered five words: "Attack Bulao Mountain!"

"Huh?" Qing Xi's bright eyes narrowed.

after one day.

Except for a few who were in the life-and-death barrier, all the third-level masters who were scattered around returned to Yujing Golden Tower.

In a seven-star pagoda with heavy ancient restrictions, Master Qingxi, Master Chiyuan, Master Xuanlei, Lin Youdao, including the major elders were present, secretly discussing important matters.

There are three portraits hanging in the secret room, which are the three pure saints who are the highest in Taoism. There are three empty seats in front of the portraits of the three pure saints. I don't know who they are for.

Qing Xi raised her eyes and glanced at the three empty seats in front of the portraits of Sanqing Saints. Because of her seniority, many of the elders present respectfully called her uncle, so she was the first to speak: "This time I suddenly mentioned What’s going on with the attack on Mount Everlasting?”

As soon as Master Qing Xi spoke, others also spoke one after another, each expressing their inner doubts.

"Uncle Master's question is also my question. Burao Mountain is dedicated to asking about immortality, and each one is getting older than a thousand years. However, these old demons rarely move around and their whereabouts are mysterious. Why do they suddenly mention that they want to attack Burao Mountain?"

Another elder answered: "It's strange to say that Bulaoshan seldom moved around in the past, and even if they occasionally moved around, they acted mysteriously and low-key, so there are very few records about them. But in recent years, how come their methods of doing things suddenly changed out of normal? High-profile?"

"Hmph, maybe it's because they have been secretly looking for clues to the Four Symbols Bureau of Duotian Jedi! After thousands of years of continuous searching, they finally found clues to the Four Symbols Bureau of Duotian Jedi. Aren't they the cause of this world of great strife? !" Master Xuan Lei snorted with a hot temper.

"Bu Laoshan keeps a low profile and is secretive, but they have already found their mountain gate? Who found it?" An elder frowned and thought.

Master Chi Yuan: "Second Elder, it's up to you to explain the specific situation."

"This matter has to start with the recent rising star of martial arts, Immortal God Wuhou." When the second elder mentioned Jin'an, he glanced at Qing Xi.

Master Qing Xi's expression remained cold, showing no change in mood or anger.

The second elder continued: "You have all heard of the countless crimes Bulaoshan committed in the south of the Yangtze River. He even tried to sacrifice a hundred thousand people in a city. It was a heinous crime that cannot be tolerated by heaven! Although Bulaoshan's conspiracy did not succeed, , was stopped by the leader of the Wu Zang Taoist Temple, but this incident caused great shock in the government and the public. It is said that Emperor Kang Zhao was furious and vowed to eradicate Mount Bulao and eliminate harm for the people!"

"Huh? A secular emperor also wants to attack Mount Burao and establish immortal martial arts? To put it bluntly, is Emperor Kang Zhao an old fool and suffering from hysteria?" an elder said frankly.

"Let the second elder finish his words first." An elder with white hair and beard, one of the oldest, opened his eyes, which were closed to meditate, and said slowly.

The second elder continued to explain the situation: "Although Emperor Kang Zhao does not have this ability, he is still the king of a country. The various states and government offices rule tens of thousands of people. As long as Bulao Mountain is within the territory of Kangding Kingdom, he has been moving around Kangding Kingdom for hundreds of years. There are always some clues left behind.”

"Moreover, the Tianshi Mansion is dedicated to assisting. There are countless experts and capable people in the Tianshi Mansion. During this time, they have been deducing the Eight Wastelands, surveying the mountains and rivers, and finally determined the location of the gate of Burao Mountain."

"Thus, Emperor Kang Zhao found Yujing Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion, hoping that we could work together to eradicate the evil spirits, avenge the people of Jiangzhou Prefecture, eliminate this great harm for countless abducted and separated families, and kill them on the Mount of Immortality. , slay demons and create a bright world."

As soon as they heard that they were going to attack Bulao Mountain, several people supported it on the spot. Some elders also carefully asked what Zhenguo Temple and Tianshi Mansion meant? If the three holy places do not join forces and only Yujing Golden Tower attacks the Burao Mountain, it may not be possible to successfully annihilate this large demon cave where thousands of years old demons gather. The attack on the Burao Mountain requires long-term planning.

The second elder shook his head: "It's unknown at the moment."

"Today we urgently summoned all fellow Taoists to seek their opinions first. In three days, Yujing Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion will meet at the palace to discuss the details."

"Besides the three of us, what other sects are participating in the siege of the Immortal Mountain?" Other elders asked.

Before answering this question, the second elder looked at Qing Xi again.

Master Qing Xi frowned slightly: "What? The second elder has something to say, but it doesn't matter."

The Second Elder: "Although Kangding is a secular dynasty, this time it will send a master to join us in the siege of Bulao Mountain. This person is still very familiar with Master Qing Xi. He is Taoist Master Jin'an of Wu Zang Taoist Temple."

As soon as these words came out, the voices in the secret room stopped for a moment, and then a buzzing discussion broke out.

"Master Qing Xi, what do you think?" The second elder lowered his voice and asked cautiously.

Master Qing Xi is like a cold fairy who has lived in the palace for a long time. She has cut off the seven emotions of human nature, and her face never changes in joy or anger. After she pondered for a while, she said in a calm voice: "Bu Lao Mountain is different from Wu Sheng Holy Land. People who live in Bu Lao Mountain He is an old devil, the younger one is a thousand years old, the older one is mysterious and incomprehensible."

"And according to the ancient history records in the sect, everyone in Burao Mountain practices a seventy-two-transformation magical power, and everyone has earth-shaking abilities. People who are not in the late third realm to encircle Burao Mountain will only increase unnecessary casualties. Why would the imperial court send Taoist priest Jin'an, who has just been promoted to the middle stage of martial arts, will we attack the Immortal Mountain together?"

The second elder sighed with emotion: "Probably because he just destroyed the Wusheng Holy Land in Xiaoxi Tianling Mountain by himself. Marquis Shenwu is indeed a brave man."

Master Qing Xi: "How did he reply to the court?"

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