White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1248 Shenlong Mountain Immortal Chess Game

Chapter 1247 Shenlong Mountain Immortal Chess Game

Several paper cranes fluttered their wings.

The people who followed Yujing Golden Tower.

They flew to the bow of the ship vividly to check the situation together.

At first, the fog was very thick and the vision was blurry. As Master Chi Yuan blew away the fog of the underworld, he finally saw the situation on the river clearly.

There were many coffins floating in the bend of the river, causing blockage. The bow of the ship just hit these coffins.

Due to the strong impact, some coffins were smashed. These coffins contained corpses. These corpses were all brides in red robes and red headscarves.

The river, the coffin, and the bride subconsciously think of human sacrifice.

In some large rivers that are prone to flooding, it is more popular to sacrifice living people to the river god. People always think that this can appease the river god and bring good weather.

For example, Jin An saw some ignorant people sacrifice young women to the Dragon King of Yinyi Jiang in Wuzhou Prefecture last year.

This is a bad habit evolved from the ignorance of the people. Anyone with any conscience will hate this bad habit deeply.

"Where did so many human sacrifices come from? How brave are you? What kind of evil god dares to act as a demon in our country of Kangding and kill so many innocent women at once."

Everyone on the treasure ship looked ugly.

It was the first time in their lives that they had seen so many women sacrificed to the river god at once. It was so tragic.

Although occasionally I heard that some places were bewitched by people and threw living people into rivers as sacrifices, but those were only one person a year, and they were usually sacrificed before the floods in summer. This kind of sacrifice killed so many people in one time. , it is actually the first time I have seen it.

Even the Yinyi River Dragon King, the leader of the Teng Kingdom who continues to harm people thousands of years after his death, only sacrifices human beings once a year.

I don’t know what the origin of the evil god is, but he is more greedy than the thousand-year-old corpse king, the leader of the Teng Kingdom, and he marries so many brides at once.

"The underworld is transformed by the obsession of the dead. Record the location. When you return to the Yangtze, go to the local state capital to investigate the details and see which evil god dares to treat human life like this!" Master Chi Yuan snorted with an ugly face.

"What a bastard. Now that we have encountered this matter, we must not sit idly by and ignore it. We must seek justice for these poor and innocent women!" Master Xuan Lei also looked very ugly.

Jin An saw with his own eyes how the ignorant villagers sacrificed women to the Dragon King of Yinyi River. He carefully observed so many coffins floating on the river and found an unusual detail. He frowned slightly and said, "Look carefully, I feel so Many brides may not die now..."

"Master Chi Yuan, you have been practicing in seclusion all year round and rarely move around among the people. Maybe you are not very clear about some folk cultural customs. I just took a closer look and found that there are several doubts about these brides..."

"You can see a lot of fingernail scratches in the coffin. I'm not denying that they died of human sacrifice. First, the color of the coffin is different from the old one. Second, the details of the bride's wedding dress are somewhat different from the current ones. These brides may not be from Kangding country." The people should be the people of the former dynasty earlier. Today, the Kangding Kingdom is peaceful and prosperous. So many innocent women were sacrificed to the river god, and too many families were implicated. No matter which state capital they were in, they were concealed. I can’t live, so I concluded that these brides are most likely not from the Kangding Kingdom.”

After being reminded by Jin An, Chi Yuan and the others observed carefully again and found that Jin An's analysis was indeed reasonable.

"I didn't expect that we elders, who are over several hundred years old in total, are not as observant as Taoist Priest Jin'an. I feel a little ashamed." Master Chi Yuan looked ashamed.

Jin An said modestly: "You can't say that. A few real people are in seclusion and rarely move around. I only experienced more places and saw more local folk customs when I was looking for the old Taoist priests and the whereabouts of sharpened swords, so I can tell Some details are different."

Master Xuan Lei: "Good is good, Taoist Jin'an doesn't have to be so humble."

After a few words of modesty, someone asked Jin An if he had any other opinions on the corpses accumulated in these rivers. Jin An pondered for a while and then replied: "So many corpses are always a hidden danger. Moreover, they have poor backgrounds. How can they be here today?" We must have something to ask for when we meet, and according to what Chi Yuan Zhenren said before, after we return to Yang, we can order the local prefecture to check the county annals of various places to see if there are any relevant records of the previous dynasty in the ancient county annals."

Master Chi Yuan nodded: "Taoist Master Jin'an and I have the same ideas."

"Supreme Taiyidu'e Tianzun." Several people had compassion and recited a verse to the brides on the river to show that their petitions had been received.

A magical scene happened, and the treasure ship passed through the river smoothly without any obstacles.

The underworld is full of obsessions of the dead, full of mystery and weirdness. This is just a small episode. The three treasure ships continue to sail in the mist, heading towards the Mount of Eternity.

In Kangding Kingdom, there is Shenlong Mountain.

To the west of Fuzhou Prefecture, there is a cave, the Dragon's Cave, where the dragon always comes in and out. It opens in summer and closes in winter. The mountains are three thousand feet high, with steep cliffs, covered with trees, and inaccessible. The highest point of the mountain is called Shenlong Mountain.

Shenlong Mountain also has a name that few people know, Shengong Mountain, which is the mountain of the Emperor of Heaven.

The Everlasting Mountain they are looking for is deep in Shenlong Mountain.

Shenlong Mountain is divided into three areas: large, medium and small. Ancient trees cover the sky and poisonous insects and ferocious beasts are rampant. The people of Fuzhou Prefecture still only dare to move around the outermost small Shenlong Mountain. No one can set foot on the middle Shenlong Mountain and the big Shenlong Mountain.

The imperial court found that Mount Bulao was deep in Shenlong Mountain. This matter had to be told from a folk fairy tale.

According to legend, throughout the dynasties, woodcutters and herb gatherers entered Xiaoshenlong Mountain. Suddenly, clouds and fog rolled in the mountain, and smoke billowed out. It was difficult to tell the direction, and then they encountered an immortal chess game. As soon as I entered the fairy chess game, I didn't know how much time had passed. When I suddenly woke up, it was already more than a month ago. According to the descriptions of the mountain people, the immortals they saw in the Immortal Chess Game all looked the same.

There were so many such folk stories that they were recorded in the local county annals and have been passed down from ancient times to the present day.

Shenlong Mountain is a very strange place. It seems to be protected by the rules of the ancient road. It is full of dangers and cannot be entered through the underworld. Therefore, after rushing to Fuzhou Prefecture from the underworld, they arrived at the small Shenlong Mountain area of ​​Shenlong Mountain from the underworld instead.

Before entering Xiaoshenlong Mountain, they secretly read the county annals without alerting the local magistrate. According to the records in the county annals, the last time a mountaineer saw an immortal chess game was thirty years ago. This time span was too long. .

They had no intention of looking for anyone who had seen the immortal chess game thirty years ago, because the team was accompanied by the Tianshi Mansion.

When rushing on the road to the underworld, the people of the Tianshi Mansion were silent all the way. When they arrived in the upper world, it was the time for the Tianshi Mansion to show off their skills. This time, the Tianshi Mansion finally confirmed that the gate of Bulao Mountain is in Shenlong Mountain.

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