White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 126 There are wild wolves in the forest, and there are lonely souls in the mountains (5K big

The big old man didn't expect Jin An to agree so readily.

The person was stunned for a moment.

Seeing that Jin An was not lying, he bowed deeply to Jin An and thanked him: "On behalf of my wife, I would like to thank Mr. Jin An for your help."

Then he said: "My lady told me before I came here that the old body in the coffin temple cannot be killed by ordinary methods, because the old body of the lady has been integrated with the place where the yin gathers in the trumpet urn. According to ordinary methods, how can If you can't kill them, the only way is to go to the underworld."

"Walking into the underworld, a living person enters the underworld and goes straight to the source. Only by finding the source hidden in the underworld can he have a chance to completely kill the clay statue in the coffin temple."

Going yin?


Jin An was slightly surprised.

Speaking of which, not long ago he was almost deceived by two false ghosts, thinking that there really was an underworld and a bull-headed and horse-faced world, but in the end he found out that it was all evil spirits pretending to be gods and ghosts.

When it comes to the word "walking away", Jin An is no stranger to it.

He remembered that when he was a child, an invisible wealthy businessman in his next door neighbor died in an accident. Then several of his unfilial children began to fight for the invisible wealthy businessman's property, trying to find a country goddess to take over for them. He asked the invisible wealthy businessman if he had any other properties. Are there no huge assets hidden that they don’t know about?

As for what happened next, Jin An didn't know whether the ghost trip was successful or not. He only vaguely heard that one of the children of the invisible wealthy businessman went crazy and one died. It seemed that there was an accident that night when the ghost trip happened... …

Walking through the yin is also called crossing the yin. Some country goddesses often claim that they can reach the underworld, and then say that they know many yin people in the underworld, and they are related to the bull-headed horse-faced and the Lord of Hell. They also always claim that their living souls can freely enter and leave the underworld to inquire about the life and death of the deceased’s family and friends, express their thoughts or condolences, etc.

Let’s not discuss whether these country goddesses really know the Lord of Hell or not. There is indeed a special industry in the world that specializes in walking away the ghosts for people, which is called the ghost walker, and it is also called the ghost walker.

"Since there is an underworld, there is an underworld. Is there really an underworld? A bull's head and a horse's face? The Lord of Hell?" Jin An asked in surprise.

The big-headed old man replied: "The underworld does exist, but this underworld may be somewhat different from the underworld imagined by Mr. Jin An."

"Let me take Young Master Jin An to the underworld. Young Master Jin An will understand."

Jin An became interested: "Are you going to go to hell tonight?"

"That's very good." The big old man grinned, showing his big yellow teeth.

As he spoke, the big lotus leaf on his forehead also swayed, making him look particularly funny.

"Mr. Jin An, please return to your soul first. I'll go get ready, little old man. I'll come back to see Mr. Jin An in the middle of the night."

Jin An nodded.

When Jin An's spirit returned to his shell and he walked out of the house, he found that the old Taoist priest was not asleep yet. Instead, he energetically took out the cinnabar, brush and plate.

Jin An was surprised: "Old Taoist, what are you doing?"

The old Taoist priest rolled up the sleeves of his robe and looked like he was about to fight: "Little brother, I finally understand one thing."

"What?" Jin An was startled.

For a moment, he didn't understand that the old Taoist priest's answer was wrong.

The old Taoist priest smashed his mouth and said: "Old Taoist, I can see it clearly. When I was still in Chang County, every time I wrote the scripture "Xingqi Jinguang Seal", I would always encounter Yin soldiers taking advantage of it. This "Xingqi Jinguang Seal" "Zhuan" not only can ward off evil spirits and control the house, but also has another hidden use, that is, it can summon evil soldiers to use it as a way."

"So I plan to paint the walls, doors and windows of this house tonight with the "Xingqi Golden Seal" scripture. Maybe I can run into the Yin soldiers again and take advantage of the way, and then they will keep vigil for us all night. Although we have succeeded I escaped from Chang County, but be prepared."

"As long as the murderer in the white coffin is here, we have a death-free gold medal and amulet in the state capital, and we will always go sideways from now on."

The old Taoist priest said more and more seriously, shaking his head and saying.


Jin An was also surprised by the strange brain circuit of the old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist priest still kept talking, and this time he instigated Jin An: "Little brother, the murderer in the white coffin, although he is a bit fierce, but as an old Taoist, I am still very optimistic about this future brother-in-law. He is She is so beautiful, and she is the daughter of a governor, so little brother, you definitely deserve it."

Jin An did not quarrel with the old Taoist priest, but instead asked the old Taoist priest if he knew about the underworld?

The old Taoist priest who was busy writing scriptures on the wall heard Jin An suddenly ask about Zou Yin, so he stopped writing and turned around to ask Jin An what was wrong?

Why do you suddenly ask about walking in the dark?

So, Jin An narrated what he had just encountered to the old Taoist priest. He said that he had just met a big old man at the door, and also mentioned a few words about his experience in the trumpet, urn and coffin temple. .

Jin An omitted some details, such as not mentioning that he was the big-headed old man who saw his soul out of his body.

After the old Taoist priest heard what Jin An said, he subconsciously touched his neck. Fortunately, his head was still there and his neck was warm and not cold.

After touching his neck, the old Taoist priest said in surprise: "That's not right. I have seen the corpses of my brothers and sisters in the white coffins. Although the corpses were separated and then re-sewed together, the skin of the corpse and the head were the same, and the fat and thinness were the same. The neck, The ratio of the head to the body is also normal. This is clearly the body of the same person, not the heads and bodies of two people spliced ​​together."

"And it's not like you can fish in troubled waters just by taking a clay sculpture head."

"Could it be that the murderous master in the white coffin was reincarnated as the daughter of Fu Yin?"

But this was just the old Taoist priest's guess. Jin An was thoughtful when he heard the words. Of course, he automatically ignored the words "brother and sister".

Moreover, the old Taoist priest's question is also Jin'an's question, and obviously there is no answer in Jin'an.

"Speaking of walking in the yin, the old Taoist remembered that seven or eight years ago, when he met a walking in the yin, the walking in the yin told him three taboos about walking in the yin." The old Taoist tried to remember.

It seemed that it was because the memory was a little old. After thinking for a while, the old Taoist priest frowned and then said: "First, don't be curious."

"Second, don't do unnecessary things."

"Third, the living and the dead are separated by yin and yang. When the living go to the yin, they must not disturb the dead, otherwise terrible things will happen."

After listening to the old Taoist priest's words, Jin An lowered his head and pondered.

It wasn't until midnight that the old Taoist priest stretched out and let out a long breath. He was finally done. Even the roof above his head, where it was difficult to draw charms, was pasted with a lot of yellow charms to ward off evil spirits with the help of Jin An.

"Finally, it's done. This time I have experience. I've even sealed a piece of the roof above my head for you, without leaving anything behind."

The old Taoist priest admired his masterpiece with great satisfaction.

But not long after, the old Taoist priest looked around curiously: "It's strange, I have finished writing the scriptures today, old Taoist, why haven't the Yin soldiers appeared yet?"

"Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. Judging from the experience of the previous two times, there will be evil soldiers showing up every time."

After the old Taoist priest finished speaking, he suddenly seemed to remember something. He secretly asked Jin An: "Little brother, have you been unhappy with the murderer in the white coffin recently? Was there a misunderstanding? Or was it a quarrel?"

"So the Yin soldiers don't even come to us to take advantage of it?"

"The affairs between men and women are separated and combined, and together they are separated. Since ancient times, the affairs between men and women have been the most unpredictable, and the most likely to break people's hearts and leave them with too many regrets. Although I am an old Taoist priest, I don't understand you young people. Those things of love and love, but I still have to advise you today...Oh? Little brother, why did you leave in anger, little brother? Little brother? "

The old Taoist priest followed Jin An out of the house, only to find that Jin An had not gone far, but was standing in the yard staring in a certain direction under the dark night sky.

In that direction lies a series of mountains, connected to the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

"Old Taoist, I wonder if this kind of underworld soldier taking advantage of the road is what you want to see?" Jin An raised his hand and pointed towards the mountains behind Xiba Village.

The old Taoist priest didn't understand Jin An's words at first and looked suspicious: "What?"

But immediately, he understood the meaning of Jin An's words.

A funeral procession walked out of the mountains, playing and playing, and then walked into Xiba Village. There were a hundred people, but these people did not wear hemp and mourning. They were all wearing ordinary clothes, and there were two coffins carried in the procession. .

A coffin is a black coffin. Black coffin can suppress evil spirits and is generally used for people who have died in vain.

The other is a white coffin, which is usually used for unmarried men and women.

The way this funeral procession marched was very strange. Everyone put their hands on the shoulders of the former and walked all the way. However, there was no sound or dust when they walked.

It is strange to say that with such a loud and powerful beating of the gong, not even a single living person in Xiba Village was awakened.

The villagers are still asleep.

The old Taoist priest's face became condensed, and he suddenly said something that left Jin An scratching his head: "There are wild wolves in the forest, and there are ghosts and ghosts in the mountains."

"What do you mean, old Taoist?" Jin An turned to look at the old Taoist priest.

So the old Taoist priest patiently explained with a solemn expression: "These people were lost in the mountains, or were trapped in the mountains due to various accidents, and were eventually eaten by wild wolves in the mountains."

"When a lone wolf in the mountains encounters a person, he will quietly touch behind the person, and then put his forelimbs on the person's shoulders. At this time, the person's subconscious reaction is to turn around to see who is behind him. As a result, the most vulnerable part of the person's throat is exposed, and he is eventually killed. The wild wolf uses the most energy-saving way to bite out the throat of a person."

"In addition, the mountains are full of yin and the terrain is complex. These people died unexpectedly, and because their relatives did not find the bones that were chewed up by wild beasts, they are easily trapped in the mountains and become wandering ghosts."

Jin An was surprised. He didn't expect that just by looking at how a dead person walked, he could tell so many things.

This old Taoist priest has been traveling all over the country for so many years, working as a wandering Taoist priest. He often encounters so many strange corpses and evil things, and he is still alive. Jin'an feels that even if the old Taoist priest can survive and is not frightened into a lunatic, he is still alive. It can be said that the psychological quality of the old Taoist priest is strong and extraordinary.

The old Taoist priest had just finished explaining, and his expression changed: "No, little brother, those things are coming towards us!"

The old Taoist priest felt like he was facing a formidable enemy, but Jin An looked unmoved and calm.

"Old Taoist, didn't you spend the whole night writing the "Xingqi Golden Seal" scripture, hoping to summon the Yin soldiers to use it?"

The old Taoist priest stared anxiously: "Shit!"

"Although the Yin soldiers borrowing the path are also called the Night Parade of Hundreds of Ghosts, but the old Daoist is looking forward to his own white coffin murderer, not these lonely ghosts wandering around in the mountains."

"And looking at those two coffins, it seems that they are prepared for me and you, my little brother. You and I happen to be two people. It's over, it's over. We just escaped from Chang County. Why did we encounter a hundred ghosts walking in the night again? Little brother, you Why are you still standing still? I quickly ran back to the house to talk about it. Fortunately, I painted scriptures all over the house in advance, hoping to survive this disaster."

But Jin An still didn't move. He always acted calmly.

Because he saw an old acquaintance.

The big old man with a green lotus leaf on his head and an earth-colored gown approached like a funny toad spirit.

Not long after, the coffin-carrying team stopped at the residence of Jin'an and the old Taoist priest.

"Master Jin An."

"Daozhang Chen."

The big old man bowed and saluted.

The old Taoist priest secretly poked Jin An's arm and asked in a low voice: "Little brother, is he the person you met at the door just now?"

The funny appearance of the big-headed old man was easy to recognize, so he was recognized by the old Taoist priest at a glance. Seeing Jin An nodding, the old Taoist priest lowered his guard as if facing a formidable enemy, and then looked shocked. Got it!

Every time I draw "Xingqi Golden Seal Script", I can definitely summon Yin soldiers to take advantage of it!

Although today's Yin soldiers are a little different, they still belong to the murderous master in the white coffin.

After all, we are still our own people.

At this time, Jin An's eyes had moved to the two coffins, and he asked the big old man curiously: "Who are these two coffins?"

The big old man replied respectfully: "The white coffin in these two coffins is prepared for you, Mr. Jin An. My wife said that Mr. Jin An is not married yet and has not yet started a family, so the white coffin is the most suitable."

Jin An: "?"

Jin An, who had looked calm and collected just now, could no longer remain calm now.

The old Taoist priest clicked his tongue at the side, looked at Jin An, then at the white coffin, and nodded thoughtfully.

"I wish to be a winged bird in heaven, and a twig on earth. Is this little brother going to be dragged into the same coffin as the husband and wife of the murderer in the white coffin?" the old Taoist priest muttered in his heart.

The big-headed old man saw that Jin An looked wrong, and realized that Jin An had misunderstood what he meant. The green lotus leaf on his head trembled and trembled anxiously. He looked very funny and hurriedly explained: "The little old man is not I’m cursing you, Mr. Jin An, Mr. Jin An, please don’t misunderstand me.”

"This white coffin and black coffin are both needed for walking in the yin. Little old man, I won't be able to find anyone walking in the yin for a while. The key is, little old man, I don't know how to walk in the yin, so what should I do? ?”



You ask me, how do I know what to do!

Jin An and the old Taoist priest looked at each other, and they were both amused by this funny big-headed old man. Do you think that the big-headed old man in front of you, who was talking to himself and singing in harmony, was talking about a stand-up comedy?

Seeing that no one spoke to him, the big-headed old man was thick-skinned and did not feel any embarrassment at all. He answered his own question and said: "So, little old man, I found a Mr. Yin-Yang who had just been buried nearby. He is the only one within a hundred miles who understands As luck would have it, this expert is willing to help the little old man once. And the little old man also agrees to complete one of his regrets during his lifetime. The thing he can't let go of most in his life is the worry that after he is gone, he will be lonely without a father or a mother since he was a child. My only little grandson has no one to take care of me."

The big old man said, raising his hand and pointing at the black coffin.

The black coffin is used to suppress evil spirits, and is specially used to bury people who died in vain. It seems that the death of Mr. Yin Yang is not that simple.

He probably spent the whole day hunting geese and was eventually blinded by geese pecks, Jin An speculated in his heart.

The big-headed old man continued: "As for the white coffin, it was prepared according to the request of Mr. Yin-Yang. Mr. Yin-Yang is now a dead person buried. It is not appropriate to open the coffin to see people, lest the living person be flushed with Yang Qi. Damn, cheating corpses hurts people. This master cherishes his reputation very much and doesn’t want to live up to his reputation. He doesn’t want to lose his reputation after death and bring disaster to his descendants.”

"So, the ordinary method of traveling to the underworld is not possible. Mr. Yin Yang plans to use the coffin and funeral energy to help Mr. Jin An to travel to the underworld this time."

"Mr. Jin An, please don't get me wrong. We are not digging a grave for Mr. Jin An to bury him alive. Mr. Jin An, you are a living person. If you are buried alive, you will definitely not be able to breathe." Seeing that Jin An was misunderstanding again, the big old man hurriedly explained.

"We only need to carry the two coffins into the house or the yard, and then Mr. Jin'an will lie down in the white coffin. Finally, I will put a handful of grave soil on the coffin lid. Even if all the procedures are completed, .The last part of the yin-yang journey depends entirely on the action of the yin-yang man in the black coffin."

"This handful of grave soil is not simply grave soil, but the handful of grave soil that Mr. Jin An used when he buried the bones of the five internal organs Taoist."

Jin An was stunned when he heard this.

Why is this still involved with Taoist Wu Zang?

The big-headed old man explained patiently: "At first, Taoist Wu Zang was killed by the man in the coffin temple, so with the help of Taoist Wu Zang's residual thoughts, after Mr. Jin An went to the underworld, he followed this residual thought to find the horn as quickly as possible. The hiding place of the One in the Urn and Coffin Temple.”

"Actually, the little old man doesn't know whether this handful of grave soil will work. In order to increase the success rate of traveling to the underworld, Mr. Jin'an can bring all the relics of Taoist Wu Zang with him. Perhaps one of the relics makes Taoist Wu Zang the most. Caring about one's heart leaves the most remnants of one's life. If this still doesn't work, then one can only resort to the last resort. It is necessary to use half of the bones of Taoist Wu Zang to escape, but this can only be the last resort. "

Isn't this just positioning and chasing the murderer? Jin An understood it instantly.

"Actually, the best way is to find the other lower body of Taoist Wu Zang's lost body. There is no need to dig the grave, and the body can be found for Taoist Wu Zang. It is the best way. Unfortunately, little old man, I summoned the souls of these lonely souls who died tragically in the mountains. , I have never been able to find where the missing lower body of Taoist Wu Zang went."

The big old man said regretfully.

Jin An's expression changed when he heard this: "You summoned these lonely souls and wandering souls shoulder to shoulder? I thought it was Mr. Yin and Yang in the black coffin who summoned him to act as a front man."

The big-headed old man replied: "They can be regarded as miserable people. After death, they were trapped in the mountains and have been confused for too long. Even if they are simple and kind by nature and have never harmed anyone, they have already lost the chance of reincarnation."

"This time Mr. Jin'an beheaded the coffin temple with the trumpet urn in the place where the underworld gathers, and the man-eating clay statues in the coffin temple. It was a good deed, so my wife would like to take this opportunity to give these lonely souls a chance." I want the opportunity to enter reincarnation, so as not to end up like my wife and end up involuntarily."

"Although they are only responsible for carrying a coffin, they are already tainted with cause and effect."

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