White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1256 Rouzhi and Shanbo becoming more and more like a human being

Late at night, the shadows of the trees are whirling, and the ancient trees are like pillars, trembling in the sea of ​​fog, like overlapping ghost shadows.

A gloomy chill spreads from the depths of Xiaoshenlong Mountain, and the chill in the forest gets deeper and deeper, like breaking into the abyss of the underworld, with a terrifying aura lingering in the air.


Many leaves fell with the coldness, and the lush mountain forest obscured people's eyes.

The complex situation in Xiao Shenlong Mountain is far more than what you see in front of you.

It was unusually quiet along the way. There were no roars of tigers and bears during the day, or cries of hawks and insects. These wild beasts all hibernated at night. The road along the way was as desolate and empty as walking on a tomb in the dark of night.

At least there are hungry wild dogs and wild cats with green eyes gnawing at corpses in the cemetery, and scavenging crows croaking in the night, but this foggy mountain forest is so empty that it feels eerie.

It was an unspeakable feeling, as if the land beneath his feet was not land, but a huge cemetery, and every big tree was a coffin. He was walking at night on the cemetery where coffins were piled up.

Whether they are the living dead or humanoid monsters, they all rely on these "coffins" and "cemeteries" to survive.

This feeling is very absurd.

In this gloomy mountain forest, every time you rub against the shadow of a tree while walking on the road, it feels like a shackled ghost is struggling to get closer to you. In the empty and gloomy mountain forest, every movement is magnified, which is really scary.

However, Jin An ignored these. He had seen bigger battles than before. He had gone down into the underworld several times, and had experienced more terrifying scenes than before. The weird things in Little Dragon Mountain did not make him frown and flinch.

Moreover, Jin An was not alone in his boredom.

Don't you have Shan Bo as your companion?

Although Shan Bo looks a bit scary, Jin An feels that he is much more friendly than those living dead.

Besides Shan Bo, there is another living dead as his companion. The living dead keeps walking in front, his back disappearing and appearing. Even though this living dead looks like a human being, in Jin An's eyes, he is not as good as Shan Bo. So kind.

Know people, know faces, but don’t know hearts.

Some people, under the human body, don't know whether they are living or dead, and who wants to harm you, it is like there is a layer of separation between people's hearts.

Unlike Shan Bo, who can tell at a glance that he is a dead person, he is not so thoughtful.

At this time, Shan Bo and the living dead walking in front were walking on the left and the right, one on the left and the other on the right. They seemed to be parallel but also forked. They seemed to be in the same direction but also seemed to be going left and right, as written backwards. "丷" seems to be getting farther and farther away but always maintains a certain distance.

No wonder when he asked Shan Bo before, Shan Bo nodded and shook his head.

As we went deeper into the basin, we met a second living dead on the road, and a third living dead... began to become more frequent. These living dead came from all directions, and eventually they all went in the same direction.


Suddenly, a baby's cry broke the calm of the night fog.

Jin An looked for the sound and found that the baby's cry came from the medicine basket behind a living dead man. The living dead man came from the other direction and happened to pass by Jin An and pass by Shan Bo's huge feet.

Shan Bo seemed to have noticed Jin An's curiosity. His huge body remained motionless, like a huge demon lying motionless in the night fog, quietly waiting for "ignorant truth" and "ignorant and innocent" humans to approach.

The huge dark shadow behind the night fog bent its legs and slowly lowered its body, like a giant spider, its abdomen was almost close to the ground, so that Jin An could see clearly at close range.

Shan Bo is really attentive and considerate.

Jin An was moved.

Facing the huge black shadow overlooking the sky, the living dead carrying the "baby" on his back didn't care at all. He continued to walk through the night in the world of thick fog, gathering in the same direction with other living dead.

These living dead have long been accustomed to the existence of humanoid monsters, and the two have coexisted for many years.

Jin An, who was sitting on Shan Bo's back, finally saw the truth clearly.

In the medicine basket, there was indeed a baby. The baby was white and fat and kept crying.

Jin An observed the details and found that the baby only cried but did not make any fuss and its body was not moving. This was so abnormal that he immediately caught his attention. He then discovered that the baby had a Yin quality and was not like a living person.

Jin An's mind was sharp, and he quickly recalled the lifelike human flesh servants he had encountered in the tomb of the Lord of Teng Kingdom in Wuzhou Prefecture!

The fat, white, and plump baby in front of me, who is alive and looks exactly like a real person, is just a human servant!

The living dead are carrying human servants on their backs. Are they bringing the human servants back as medicinal materials?

But when Jin An thought about it carefully, he realized that it was not that simple. The human flesh servants in the tomb of the Lord of Teng Kingdom were very evil. Only the dripping of corpse oil from thousands of hanging coffins could create a fleshy canyon. Thus the human servant was born.

If you want to cultivate such a place, the site cannot be small. The people of Burao Mountain have lived deep in Shenlong Mountain for thousands of years. If there is such an abnormal place in the small Shenlong Mountain outside Shenlong Mountain, it will definitely not be hidden from the people of Burao Mountain.

This shouldn't be a human servant.

It should be meat mushroom. This meat mushroom has been growing for I don’t know how many years. Just like the old wild ginseng, it has already given birth to some spiritual wisdom.

Knowing that he was going to be arrested to make medicine, no wonder he cried like a baby all the way.

Jin An didn't think too much about the ginseng fruit. When he was in Dongtian Paradise in Wuzhou Prefecture, he had no idea about the human-shaped ginseng fruit, let alone the wild ginseng fruit in front of him.

No matter how nourishing this meat mushroom is, can it nourish the ginseng fruit in Dongtian Paradise?

Besides, this meat mushroom has a yin quality, so the place where it grows is definitely not a good place. It is either a place with damp yin energy or a place where yin gathers. No matter which one it is, it is inseparable from the dead.

Maybe this meat mushroom, like corpse konjac and coffin mushroom, grows with corpses, so it looks like such an evil person.

It is worthy of being the inaccessible Shenlong Mountain. It is full of strange things and strange flowers and trees.

Jin An watched the living dead leave. He followed Shan Bo's reminder and did not disturb these living dead.

Next, Shan Bo took Jin An and continued on their way in the night fog.

After about half an hour of walking, the living dead finally arrived at the terminal. Through the mist in the forest, it was vaguely visible that the living dead gathered in one place and stopped moving forward.

There are shadows behind the mist, and those living dead are busy with something.

Shan Bo was still leading Jin An on his way. They were just passing by, their destination was not here.

"Uncle Shan, do you know what they are doing?" Jin An became curious. Anyway, they had already passed by, so it was a pity not to see clearly.

Pang Ran's body paused, and then Shan Bo turned around and took Jin An over to check.

Jin An was moved by the second thoughtfulness from Shan Bo.

As Jin An continued to communicate with Shanbo, Shanbo's mind was no longer chaotic, like a wild beast, and human emotions were gradually recovering...

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