White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1265 The master and the servant pretended to be the two gods of the land and killed the enem

Otherwise, we can say that we are not one family and do not enter the same house.

One was so bold that he dared to set fire to the Earth Temple and demolish the statues of gods and gods; the other was equally bold and went to his lair in Bulao Mountain to pretend to be the God of Earth.

This is also the case for master and servant.

Jin An neither admitted nor denied, but frowned and asked, "Why did you come here to pretend to be the god of earth, Baiyan Taojun Evil God?"

When this matter was mentioned, the statue of Baiyan Taojun was full of grievances: "This is the Everlasting Mountain, and I, the Taoist, are trapped in a tiger's den. If I don't camouflage and lurk like this, how can I save my life!"

Jin An was amused: "You evil god is quite interesting. You keep saying that Everlasting Mountain is scary, and you have the audacity to pretend to be the earth god."

Baiyan Taoist Evil God rolled his eyes at Jin An for more than a hundred times: "No matter how bold I am, I would not dare to set fire to the earth temple. Damn it, it is a god's dojo! You are not afraid of being struck by lightning, so you have to be careful. There are people of all ages at the Five Zang Taoist Temple!"

Jin An kicked a piece of gravel away with his toes and hit the statue of Baiyan Daojun in the head.


The statue of Baiyan Taojun cried out in pain: "If you don't let me speak, I won't let you speak. Who are you going to beat?"

"Martial Arts Immortal, how do you know that I am hiding here?" The statue of Baiyan Daojun asked a question in his heart.

Jin An said angrily: "Of course I came all the way here."

He roughly explained the relationship between Luogeng Jade Plate and Fenyuan Dan.

The statue of the Hundred-Eyed Taoist was startled, and more than a hundred recognized eyes were moved: "I know that I can't defeat the old demons in the Old Mountain, so I came here specially to save this Taoist from the dire straits. I didn't expect that you, a martial artist and an immortal, are so good. "

Jin An narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Since you dare to move, then use your clairvoyance to help me find the lost Master Xuan Lei, the Peacock Buddha Mother, and others."

The hundred-eyed Taoist statue was moved one moment, but at the next moment more than a hundred human eyes rolled their eyes: "You are not here to save me from the fire pit, but you are reluctant to part with me as a free coolie."

Jin An tiptoed, and another stone hit Baiyan Taojun's forehead: "Stop talking nonsense, and the more you talk, the more dangerous Xuan Lei and the others will be."

The eyes of the statue of Baiyan Daojun sank, and at the same time it turned to the top of its head. It was not looking at the temple beams, but at the sky outside the temple: "It's not that I don't want to help you find someone, there is someone coming outside, and that person looks strange. , he is not the master of this round of siege on Burao Mountain, he should be someone from Burao Mountain!"

"He flew straight this way. He escaped from the light very quickly. He reached us in just a few breaths. It was too late for us to leave!"

Hearing this, Jin An's face also darkened.

Based on this situation, could it be that the people from Burao Mountain started to go out one after another to hunt down these lone people one by one?

"Then don't go anywhere and let's catch a big fish."

After Jin An finished speaking, he jumped up to the altar, then sat cross-legged and offered the seven-orificed exquisite holy embryo to cover his whole body, turning it into a statue of the earth god. He also used the incense burner ashes in the living dead pill to disguise the aura of the two of them.

Taking this opportunity, he sent a ray of divine consciousness to the statue of Baiyan Daojun, pointing out some details of the Earth Temple and the Earth God, and helping to fill in the flaws.

The statue of the Hundred-Eyed Taoist Lord looked at the statue of the Earth God sitting next to him. More than a hundred human eyes were stunned: "If this Taoist Lord can go back alive this time, it will be enough to brag to the Taoist friends in the underworld for a lifetime. This Taoist Lord and the martial arts Humans and immortals are equals, pretending to be gods together.”

"Stop talking nonsense, didn't you say the people from Bulaoshan are coming soon?" Jin'an's voice message sounded in his mind.

Pretending to be a god and making ghosts is the specialty of the Baiyan Taojun statue. It is the most adept at doing this kind of thing. With the blessing of Taoism, the earth temple and the statue quickly completed the fine-tuning of details.

Not long after the master and the servants sat down, there was indeed a ray of light, falling from the sky to the open space in front of the Tutu Temple. The aura in the light was that of a strong person in the late third realm.

It is indeed the Immortal Mountain. If you meet someone on the road, you will be in the late stage of the Three Realms!

I don’t know how many thousand-year-old demons have gathered in the entire Bulao Mountain!

As the light dissipated, we could see clearly the appearance of the person who came, she was a little girl.

His face is as white as powder, and his lips are as white as red. The hair on the temples is covered with green clouds, and the eyebrows are divided into crescent moons like a knife. The war skirt is skillfully embroidered with dragons and phoenixes, and its shape is richer than that of Nezha. The bright eyes are as bright as lightning, and the auspicious light protects the body and comes out.

This sentence was originally used to describe Red Boy, but it couldn't be more appropriate to describe this little girl.

The girl Hong Haier walked into the Earth Temple with a domineering expression. She first looked at every detail of the Earth Temple, then took a look at the ashes of the incense candles in the ashes of the incense burner. After looking back and forth, she finally faced the two Earth God statues on the altar and vomited. The old woman's voice said: "Two Saints, use your magical power to turn mountains and earth over, and help me find if there are any outsiders in this mountain area."

The voice of an old woman with a childish face, this is still a Tianshan child grandmother.

The two earth gods on the altar did not move.

"Two Saints?" The Tianshan Child Elder stared at the statue on the altar questioningly.

Still no response.

"Is it because the war outside the mountain gate is so intense that I have no time to distract myself from my magical powers? Those old antiques from Yujing Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion who have not moved around for hundreds of years have also secretly followed this time?"

The Tianshan Child Elder turned around and was about to leave, when the sound of someone breathing a sigh of relief came from the Tutu Temple.

When she just arrived at the door, she turned around and looked at the two statues of the earth gods on the altar again, her eyes suspicious.

Then, she released a ray of consciousness to explore the details of the statue, but in front of her eyes was the boundless power of pure incense and the familiar scent of incense.

She did not give up her doubts, and approached the statue of the Two Saints to observe closely. The aura of a powerful person in the late stage of the Third Realm was like a vast galaxy falling from the sky and the earth, and the aura was oppressive, like an overwhelming force.

Faced with the pressure of such a strong man's aura, the eyes of the earth god statue in his left hand drooped slightly, and he felt a little guilty and dared not look directly at the little girl from Tianshan.

The Tianshan Child Elder immediately turned her head and stared closely at the statue of the Earth God in her left hand.

The statue's eyes were drooping more and more, and it felt extremely guilty.

"Who is running away from me? You are pretending to be a god! You are pretending to be the Second Saint! Let me see who you really are!" Tianshan Child Elder roared with daggers in her eyes, and then spit out wind and fire disasters from her eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and burned. To the idol in front of you.

It’s just that someone moves faster than her!

Under the hood of a five-color Taoist robe is like a heaven and earth net, on which the Taoist thunder and fire catastrophe and the holy monks and Buddha's light are filled, colliding with the wind and fire catastrophe.

At the same time, a red gourd rolls out a huge incense and aspiration, with a blazing breath, filling the temple, and rolls it back towards the Tianshan Child Mother, trying to suck her into the red gourd and refine it into water.

The Tianshan Child Elder's eyes were fierce, and she looked at the statue of the Earth Temple on her right with a sneer: "I knew you all had problems!"

While speaking, she spit out several powerful magic weapons from her mouth, which would rise in the wind and burn her body with the power of resisting the incense. At the same time, the Tianshan Child Grandmother watched the Yuan Shen leave her body and visualized the corpse god Hanba.

There are two forms of Hanba in ancient legends. One is the divine Hanba before the Qin and Han Dynasties, and this is the earliest Hanba. The second is the godly Hanba that has been gradually forgotten by the people, has an evil face, and is the ancestor of zombies.

What the woman in front of her was visualizing was not an ordinary Hanba, but the earliest divine Hanba, the earliest image whose divine side had not been forgotten by the people, with a faint purple light divinity on her body.

There must be original paintings of the Hanba before the Qin and Han dynasties in the Bulao Mountain, so this woman could imagine the divine Hanba.

It's just that the divine Hanba has just sacrificed the magic weapons. Before those magic weapons could exert their full power, they were knocked down by several rays of falling treasure light and clinked to the ground.

The expressions of Divine Hanbao and Tianshan Child Elder were stunned for a moment. The next moment, they flew back without hesitation, wanting to exit the narrow earth temple so that they could use all their magical powers to fight.

The corpse-killing artifact King Qin's bone mirror appeared at this moment!

The small temple is filled with 600,000 Yin De magic weapons! A strong man in the late third realm is surrounded by 600,000 Yin De magic weapons!

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