White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1281 The Lord of the Black Coffin becomes more and more excited the more he struggles

Deep in the Everlasting Mountain.

Some mysterious forbidden place.

The Lord of the Black Coffin suffered a loss from Jin An and fled all the way here. He was shocked and angry. He couldn't figure out how Jin An managed to improve his cultivation so quickly in just a few months.



There was a sharp scratching sound from the dark coffin, as if he was venting his anger.

He has been famous for a long time. Ever since he entered the late third realm, he has always been unscrupulous and dominating! As a result, today I was scared to death by a little junior who didn't even have hair. I haven't experienced this kind of frustration for a long time. Besides being angry, I felt even more humiliated!

This is a great shame and humiliation for him!

He knew very well that he had to avenge his shame in order to heal the flaw in his mind again!

The martial arts immortal was only twenty years old, and his heroic gesture of being able to powerfully kill the dragon mother's thoughts left a shadow on his mind. In the future, he will become a serious trouble for inner demons and make his thoughts difficult!

If your thoughts are not smooth, let alone improve your cultivation to a higher level in the future, you will be lucky if your cultivation does not show signs of progress or retreat!

Thinking of this, the Lord of the Black Coffin was furious and decided to keep Jin An in Everlasting Mountain forever at all costs. He must not give Jin An time to continue to grow!

Not only did they want to stay in Jin'an, this time all the masters from Yujing Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion also stayed. All the reasons were caused by the three holy places encircling the Immortal Mountain!

At this moment, the owner of the black coffin sensed the aura of the gods' decrees and the aura of divine magic. The old man's deep voice came from the coffin: "Could it be that Goddess Meng has left seclusion?"

"This time, Goddess Meng personally presided over the decrees of the gods and walked around outside?"

The black corpse cloud, poisonous miasma, lifted up the black coffin, flew into the night sky, and looked at the fiercely stirring divine light on the horizon.

Joyous laughter came from inside the coffin: "Hahaha, God is really helping me!"

"With Goddess Meng's magic skills and the things left behind by the gods, once we destroy the masters of Yujing Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion, I can persuade Goddess Meng to help me kill the martial arts immortals!"

"Goddess Meng's magic of inviting gods cooperates with the decrees of the gods. If there is divine help, even if there are pseudo-fourth realm strongmen from the three holy places who come to the Immortal Mountain in person, they will shed blood and fall from the Immortal Mountain! It is even more difficult to kill martial arts and immortals. Got it!"

"The martial arts immortal is full of treasures! The martial arts immortal's precious bones, the martial arts immortal's human sinews, the martial arts immortal's yang blood, the martial arts immortal's human skin, the martial arts immortal's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys... are all rare. The treasures of heaven and earth can be used to refine elixirs and weapons, and can also increase Yangshou! I believe that Goddess Meng will not miss this opportunity to increase Yangshou!"

The master of the black coffin collided with his thoughts, constantly calculating conspiracies in his mind, as if he had seen the scene of killing Jin An to avenge his previous shame, and sneered: "Who said that revenge must be done by oneself? Killing with a borrowed knife, plotting, and effortlessly using your mind Killing is the true wise and brave man."

"Martial Arts Immortal! Little Taoist Priest from Wu Zang Taoist Temple! Just wait, when Goddess Meng destroys the masters of the three holy places, you will be the next to die!"

The master of the black coffin kept thinking and continued to perfect the plan, and couldn't help but laugh when he thought of the happy place.

Just when the Lord of the Black Coffin was most proud, suddenly, his heart palpitated. At this level of cultivation, his mental thoughts were very active and he could sense danger in advance. Before he had time to think about where the danger came from, a ball of majestic blood energy had already fallen from the sky. , boom!

The black coffin was hit and sank heavily!


The yin energy of the coffin is cooked by the yang energy, constantly emitting foul-smelling black smoke, like the stench of rotting corpses, and the surrounding plants will wither and die in pieces if they touch it even slightly.

"This is... the Yang blood of martial arts immortals!"

"The martial arts immortals are chasing us so quickly!"

The owner of the black coffin was shocked and angry. Unexpectedly, just a drop of Yang blood from the martial arts immortal made a small crack on the lid of his coffin. Sure enough, he swallowed the dragon mother's thoughts and greatly increased the martial arts immortal's cultivation level.

But the subsequent burst of Yin Qi attracted his attention.

He soon noticed that the Yin Qi came from the mountain below!

A piece of cloth made a deep hole in the rock, and black mist filled the sky, with the air of yin, death, and resentment... constantly overflowing, as if a myriad of evil and ominous things were rolled into one. Even he felt frightened and fearful of the evil aura on the piece of cloth.

"What a heavy Yin Qi! It's just a piece of cloth, but it's actually more Yin Qi and colder than a thousand-year corpse raising ground!"


"How come there are fresh blood stains on the piece of cloth...it turns out that this thing is stained with the blood of martial arts master Xianyang!"

These evil gods are best to be jealous and suspicious. The master of the black coffin did not act rashly: "The unknown object, the martial arts immortal's yang blood...could it be that the martial arts immortal was injured? Injured by this evil and unknown object?"

"This is not a piece of cloth! This is a human skin garment woven from human skin!"

"Who on earth injured the martial arts immortal? The fragments of this man's leather jacket look unimpressive. He doesn't look like something from the Immortal Mountain..."

Jin An has never shown the fragments of the One Billion Soul Banner robe of the Great Demon of the Underworld in front of others. The outside world only knows that he picked up something left by the Great Demon of the Underworld in the underworld, but no one knows what this thing is. Only the Five Zang Taoist Temple and A few friends of Yujing Golden Tower know the details, and the owner of the black coffin naturally cannot study the history.

Although he couldn't tell the origin, the owner of the black coffin had a good vision and recognized the man's leather clothes and cloth at a glance. It could hurt martial arts immortals and make him feel palpitations and foreboding. It must be something that transcends the third realm. !

"The fourth realm magic weapon?"

The silent heart of the Lord of the Black Coffin beat heavily with excitement.

This world has been in the Age of Dharma for too long. A large number of secret treasures from the ancient scriptures of the Great Dao have been lost. The Four Symbols Bureau of Duantianjiedi has existed for thousands of years. Everything related to the fourth realm has perished in the long river of history. Even the treasures collected by Bulao Mountain are related to the fourth realm. Realm-related secret treasures are as rare as a phoenix, and these are all in the hands of pseudo-fourth realms like Goddess Meng.

He didn't even have half of it.

When he thought that this object was related to the fourth realm, the heart of the Lord of the Black Coffin, which had been silent for many years, started to get excited again.

"If I can refine this thing, it will be equivalent to mastering a secret treasure of the fourth realm. When the time comes, I don't need to ask Goddess Meng to take action. I can kill martial arts immortals myself and wash away the shame with my own hands! Isn't it even more satisfying to be able to kill my enemies with my own hands? My thoughts are clear!"

At this time, the piece of human leather clothing that fell into the pit was emitting green smoke, and all the Yang blood had been wiped out. The suppressed evil Yin energy was vented, and it exploded violently, shooting up thick black pillars, trying to fly away.

"Where to go! Since you fell from the sky and hit me, God is helping me. I am a creature with a master, and I should be my master!" How could the owner of the black coffin sit back and watch the treasure fly away? A gap opened in the black coffin, and a cloud of corpses rolled up people. Pieces of leather clothing flew upside down into the coffin, boom!

The coffin lid was tightly closed to prevent this thing from breaking free and flying away!

The thing left by the devil in the underworld cannot be refined so easily. The coffin lid kept beating, and the thing struggled violently, hitting it again and again in the coffin, trying to break free.

"Sure enough, it's a fourth-level treasure. It's not that easy to refine! Huh, if it goes into my coffin, it's in my bag. I'll take you back to the cave where the corpse is raised to slowly refine it!" The thing left behind by the Great Demon of the Underworld struggled. The more violent it is, the more excited the owner of the black coffin becomes, and the coffin can't wait to fly deeper into the Everlasting Mountain.

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