White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1302 The second devil of the underworld: the man in the ear

When the ugly humanoid monster saw King Qin's Bone Mirror and Jin An, their eyes remained cold and heartless.

But after seeing the hundred-eyed Taojun statue, those ugly human eyes finally had mood swings, showing expressions of disgust and hatred.

It's the expression of disgust when you see something that you hate so much.

The statue of Baiyan Daojun made it feel extremely uncomfortable.

Jin An noticed the subtle expression changes on the other party's face through the Qin King's bone mirror. He looked at the hundred-eyed Taojun statue in surprise as he curiously leaned his head into the Qin King's bone mirror.

"Do you know Baiyan Daojun?" Jin An roughly described the situation on the other side.

The statue of the Hundred-Eyed Daojun does not have the Celestial Eye Technique, so he cannot see the specific situation on the other side. He can only see a vague aura lingering in the left ear of the statue reflected in the mirror.

The Hundred-Eyed Taoist Statue rolled its eyes: "Both blowflies and spiders have many eyeballs. Martial Arts Immortal, do you think it is possible that flies and spiders are related?"

Jin An nodded thoughtfully.

The statue of the Hundred-Eyed Daojun was still trying to look into the King of Qin's bone mirror, and a divine light shot out of the King of Qin's bone mirror, illuminating the statue of the Hundred-Eyed Daojun. The statue of the Hundred-Eyed Dao Lord was reflected in the mirror, and it was revealed that there were several Fen Yuan Pills hidden in the evil god's body that had not yet been refined.

Jin An flicked away the head of the statue of Baiyan Taojun, saying, "If you don't get rid of this greedy thing, Baiyan Taojun, sooner or later the snake will swallow you up and the elephant will burst you."

The statue of the Hundred-Eyed Taoist Lord remains stubborn: "It is better to be a ghost who is full than to be a ghost who is hungry."

Jin An did not immediately put away the King of Qin bone mirror, thinking of the facial expression of the ugly humanoid monster opposite: "Judging from the details of the other party's expression, it doesn't seem to just hate you, but because you make it feel very uncomfortable, so it is particularly uncomfortable." Hate you."

So Jin'an went to the statue of Baiyan Daojun to get back the Five Blessing Emperor Plague Dispelling Talisman, and said: "I have a rough guess in my mind, and I will know after trying it with the Five Blessing Emperor Plague Dispelling Talisman."

When Jin An took off the yellow talisman on the forehead of the Baiyan Daojun statue, as expected, the ugly humanoid monster in the left ear of the statue also turned its hateful gaze towards Jin An.

The Five Blessing Emperor's Plague Exorcism Talisman was put back on the forehead of the Hundred-Eyed Daojun Statue, and his hateful gaze turned back to the Hundred-Eyed Daojun Statue.

"As expected." Jin An sneered, already recognizing the other party's true identity and background.

This is all thanks to the King of Qin's bone mirror.

Although it is an imitation artifact.

"Martial Arts Immortal, what did you see? Tell me quickly." The statue of the Hundred-Eyed Taoist Lord asked curiously.

Jin An looked at the statue coldly: "Master Baiyan Taoist, have you heard of the man with ears in the mythical monsters?"

"People in the ears are evil spirits that are unique to practitioners. They exist in the ears of practitioners, often causing practitioners to mistakenly believe that they have formed a golden elixir, which leads to obsession."

The statue of Baiyan Taojun was stunned, and then asked doubtfully: "Does this have anything to do with the Five Blessings Emperor's Plague Expelling Talisman?"

Jin An: "Please close your eyes when it gets dark, please be quiet when it gets dark, and please cover your ears when it gets dark. These three are related and correspond to three disasters. Please be quiet when it gets dark corresponds to yes-men using tricks to sow discord." Black please cover your ears, which corresponds to the person in the ear who is good at blowing the wind in the ear and bad at the human heart. Do you still remember how I cracked the yes-man in your body? It is precisely because of the Five Blessing Emperor's Plague Exorcism Talisman."

The statue of Baiyan Taojun shook his head: "I still don't understand how this is related to the Five Blessing Emperor's Plague Expelling Talisman?"

Jin An: "The golden cicada, the human skin villain, and the black jade pocket statue are peeled off layer by layer, and finally there is the gray air from the underworld. The golden cicada corresponds to the yes-man, so the black jade pocket statue corresponds to the person in the ear. You said you have the Five Blessings Emperor Plague Dispelling Talisman on your forehead, does it not hate you?"

"Whether it is a yes-man or a person in the ear, it is the path of snakes, insects, rats and ants. The Five Blessing Emperor's Plague Expelling Talisman can drive away the yes-man and the person in the ear."

The statue of Baiyan Taojun finally understood that the Five Blessings Emperor's Plague Exorcism Talisman can save life, prevent people who hear it from getting sick, and stress the yellow talisman on the Lord's forehead.

Seeing this, Jin An burst out laughing and said: "It seems that the true form of this great devil in the underworld is a man in the ear who can make gods go crazy, have inner demons, and make a Taoist heart covered in dust, just like the dust-covered god in front of him. It's really The world is so vast that it is full of wonders. I never thought that evil spirits like the Man in the Ear, which only exist in legends of strange things, would be lucky enough to see today. Taoist Bai-Eyed Lord, please stay away and see how I can force the Man in the Ear to come out and let this person come out. The great devil of the underworld who falls into the underworld after death will die again.”

Jin'an sacrificed the sacred weapon to suppress the religion and shook the altar wood. It was like a thunderous thunder: "You are pretending to be a god and making ghosts, and you are alarmist, and you haven't shown your true colors to me."

The shaking altar wood was deafening, like thunder piercing the ears, and the breath of Yang Lei filled the space of the world, shaking the person hidden in the left ear of the god so hard that he stumbled, going in from the left ear and out from the right ear, and almost rolled out from the right ear.

The 600,000-yin-deemed shaking altar wood is a magic weapon for shaking thunder. On the front is engraved "All gods will listen". Even the thirty-six thunder gods of the thunder department must obey the command. With just one thunderbolt, the person in the ear will reveal his original shape. , there is nothing to hide from.

The man in the ear was angered by Jin An.

Knowing it was exposed, Jin An was able to see it.

It began to blow wind in the ears of the statue, whispering softly in the ears, and the whispers of many people began to ring in the underground world, affecting not only the statue, but also the statues of Jin'an and Baiyan Daojun.

Baiyan Daojun hid away, pressing the Five Blessings Emperor Plague Dispelling Talisman on his forehead and not letting go.

Jin An directly took out two Five Thunder Evil Killing Talismans and stuffed them into his ears to resist the demonic sounds of the demon from the underworld.

"The devil, devil, devil, why don't you come out?"

Jin An raised his hand to shake the wood of the altar, and once again the thunder exploded, deafening and deafening, targeting the person in the ear.

Just when the person in the ear was about to roll out of the ear of the statue, the statue that was sitting on the cliff suddenly heard a violent vibration. Amidst the tremors of the earth and the mountains, the person in the ear that was about to roll out returned to the ear of the statue and appeared. In the left ear.


The statue revived, and dust fell from its surface, revealing its golden body. It can be seen that the ancient ancestors of Shenlong Mountain respected this statue very much. However, great changes occurred in their ancient times, and the statue listened to the villain's slander and allowed itself to be manipulated.

Jin An looked solemn.

The aura of divine power emanating from the golden statue made him familiar with it. It was the same heaven-reaching palm from before.

Just sitting on the divine throne exuded an extremely oppressive and suffocating aura. The statue did not stand up, but sat high on the divine throne, calmly overlooking all the sufferings in the world, with a majestic face, neither joy nor sorrow.


In the air, the demonic voice whispering like flies continues, and the people in the ears continue to scare the gods. The gods have been gathering dust in the dark and underground for too long, and their divinity has been constantly eroded by darkness. They have lost a clear sense of right and wrong, and have become... A tainted, fallen god.

Without the protection of the gods, this underground ancient city fell so quickly. The atmosphere of despair was pressing in everyone's heart, and there was no hope in sight.


As the earth trembled and the mountains shook, and countless flying stones rolled down, the Heavenly Palm once again suppressed Xiang Jin'an. This time, it was the statue of the god himself who took action to suppress Jin'an. The giant palm covered the sky and the sun, with a golden glow.

Although Jin An has entered the middle stage of the third realm, with the Dao Qi that appeared, it is still difficult to activate two six hundred thousand Yin De magic weapons at the same time. Jin An put away the shaking altar wood, and the Qin King's Bone Mirror was suspended behind him. Always keep an eye on the person in your ear to prevent this inner demon from becoming another demon.

Without the thunder magic weapon, it doesn't mean that he has no way to deal with the people in his ears and the fallen gods.


The words he spoke were like thunderbolts, roaring and exploding in the cave. Jin An's eyes flashed with thunder, and he read out the names of the thirty-six thunder gods of the Thunder Department, and he struck out with the thunder god's fist.

He has many magical powers, but due to his status, he cannot fully display them in the outside world. Here, only he and a few evil spirits can finally use them to their fullest.

When the thoughts are clear, the supernatural powers are at ease, the fighting spirit is burning, the three flowers gather at the top, and the five qi are facing the yuan. Jin'an, who is going all out, has all his visions at this moment.

The hundred-eyed Taoist statue hiding in the distance exclaimed in disbelief: "Martial arts immortals can hide better than people in the ear! Three flowers gather at the top, and five qi rise towards the yuan. This is the capital of the Daluo Jinxian, and the real Wudang Demon Emperor Same road!"

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