White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1310 Falling off the altar! The death of the two saints of the Earth Temple!

Unexpectedly, the martial arts immortal was finally allowed to temporarily break through to the pseudo-fourth state with the help of the Heaven Swallowing Technique. The thoughts of the two saints jumped and their thoughts collided fiercely.

The two saints once again left their bodies and killed the martial arts immortals outside the divine world. They planned to attack when the martial arts immortals' breakthrough was still unstable and interrupt the martial arts immortals' breakthrough.

This time the two saints have magical powers and magical weapons, and they must give the martial arts immortal a head-on blow.

In an instant, the Earth Order, the Earth Light, the An Earth Divine Palm, the Earth Art, the Earth-shaking Order... were all played out, as well as the alchemy furnace magic weapon, the orb magic weapon, cinnabar, and the inscriptions of the ancient scriptures.

Jin An was confident in defeating the two saints with one person. The repeated setbacks made the two saints put away their high self-esteem. Facing the one-man Jin An, after many years of fame, the two saints' self-confidence was shaken for the first time. .

If they don't fight to the death today, they may really fall in the Everlasting Mountain. The martial arts and immortals break through too quickly.

They have always claimed to be the children of luck and are used to overlooking the world from a high place. They never thought that there would be a time to fight to the death! And this person who can make them so deeply afraid is not a person of the same generation, but a rising young man!

In the age of great strife, dragons and phoenixes contend, and a storm shakes the heavens.

Suppose that Jin'an's Qi and blood were as strong as the sun before, and it was like a scorching sun, and ghosts and gods could not get close to it.

So now Jin'an gives people a sense of a god and demon in charge of the gods of heaven and earth, as if he can open the sky with just a raise of his hand. He has the interpretation of fists and Zhenwu fists, dragons give birth to nine sons, prisoners of cattle, Yazhen, mocking wind, The mythical beasts Pulao, Suanni, Baxia, Bifan, Negative Xi, and Chikis continue to perform on their own in the great day of energy and blood behind them, as if they have come to the prehistoric era, when the heaven and earth are vast, and gods and demons compete for hegemony.

Jin An stood on the ground, looking at the magical powers and magic weapons suppressed from above. His face was calm, his eyes were cold, and he showed no fear.


Jin An opened his mouth and spat out the first sound of Pangu's opening of the sky. As soon as he spat out this word, a cloud of white mist sound waves rushed out, carrying the sun and hot wind, sweeping across the vast world with a shocking momentum.

In the eyes of the naked eye, this hot wind is as hot as a summer wind, but in the eyes of Yuanshen Yin Shen, it is comparable to a solar storm sweeping across the universe. It contains a huge and shocking masculine energy and blood, and is masculine and domineering.

Zha is the first sound of Pangu's creation of heaven. It has the unrivaled power of Yang thoughts, which can make all evil spirits avoid troubles and not dare to make mistakes.

Jin An had just reached the pseudo-fourth realm and uttered the first sound of Pangu's opening of the sky. He only heard a thunder blast in the mountains that was more powerful than the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman. After the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman, those who had not dissipated yet were still The Yang Lei power remaining in the air, attracted by the first sound of Pangu's opening of the sky, actually condensed again, and then exploded violently, hitting the two saints head-on in the sky.

This thunder shook all directions, blasting the Second Saint's newly restored spirit, causing three souls and seven souls to almost fly away.

The magical powers that were suppressed by Chao Jin'an were scattered, and the magic weapons in the sky were out of balance. They fell to the ground like raindrops, smashing the cliffs one after another.

That's because the soul was frightened and lost control of its magical powers and magic weapons.

With this shout, Jin An already had the qualifications of a real martial artist to defeat the demon emperor. The whole world was filled with masculine power, and evil spirits were warded off. This feeling was the most uncomfortable for the Shinto masters who had left their bodies. Yin and Yang were in conflict, even if the yin and yang were in conflict. No matter how many magical powers and Taoist techniques there are, they cannot be used at this time.

This is the suppression of the masters of Shinto by martial arts immortals.

As a Longevity Demon, the Second Saint has spent a long time polishing the thoughts of his soul. The stability of his soul exceeds that of those in the same realm. The pseudo-fourth realm martial artist and immortal can indeed suppress some of their methods by spitting and shouting, but they cannot break the magical power of the Second Saint with a spit and shout. ,magic weapon.

The reason why Jin'an's sound is so powerful is because he has the right place and the right people at the right time. The Yang Lei power of the Five Thunder Evil Slaying Talisman still exists, Pangu opens the sky with the first sound, and the martial arts immortals themselves have majestic Yang thoughts. It was the combination of the three that gave rise to such great power.

At the same time, the other Shouyuan Demons who were surrounding the Great Demon of the Underworld in the distance were also shocked by Jin An's spit and shout.

The pain in the head and the deafness returned to normal in an instant, but this alone has made several people turn pale with horror!

They are dozens of miles away from the battle between the martial arts immortal and the two saints. Even their out-of-body souls are inevitably affected by instant suppression. It is unimaginable how big the blow to the souls of the two saints must be!

The Great Demon of the Underworld has a great background and was the first to recover. Taking advantage of the moment when the Shouyuan Demon's magical power was suppressed, this demon rose up to fight back. Without mercy, he repeatedly self-destructed his magic weapons to resist the other Shouyuan Demon. This time he was finally close to losing. With one arm, the Shou Yuan Demon who practiced borrowing the wind, with the picture of Thousand Corpses Trampling in Prison behind him, pushed open the ghost door again. Thousands of corpses and thousands of arms were deeply clasped into the body of the Shou Yuan Demon, and he was forced into the ghost door.

The Shouyuan Demon struggled and roared, blood gushing out from the claw holes all over his body, and his body was covered in blood. With the massive blood loss, the life essence energy quickly passed away, and his roar finally turned into fear.

"help me……"

"help me……"

With a frightened expression, he asked Goddess Meng and Old Monster Shenxing for help.

The two of them rushed through the layers of magic weapons and blew themselves up. When they tried to rush over to save the person, it was already too late. The person had been dragged behind the ghost gate by thousands of corpses and thousands of arms, and became a demon in the underworld.

Seeing a Shou Yuan Demon being devoured by the Great Demon of the Underworld in front of their eyes, both of them were furious and joined forces with the others to pursue the Great Demon of the Underworld.

It's just that the devil from the underworld kept self-exploding magic weapons, which made them throw the rat weapon into the trap, so they transferred all their hatred to Jin An.

Jin An doesn't care what others think at this moment, he only has the Second Saint in his eyes now. Since he said he wants to pull the Second Saint down from the altar, he will definitely do what he says and take action.

His knees were slightly bent, and boom, the rocks under his feet collapsed into a crater ten feet deep. He was like a javelin. The sun wind rubbed against the air, roaring and fire broke out, and he shot back to the sky.

As soon as the Second Saint made secrets and recited the mantra of An Tu Di to stabilize the three souls and seven souls that were about to flee in shock, they saw Jin An chasing after him.

The two saints' hearts sank at the same time. They issued five land orders at the same time, trying to teleport Jin'an away. However, they found that the magical power was not being used smoothly and was half a step too slow. They knew very well that this was because the soul was too close to the martial arts immortal. , the yin spirit is suppressed by the power of yang thoughts, causing unsmooth thoughts.

If your thoughts are not smooth, your magical powers will be unsatisfactory.

However, the Second Saint is still the Second Saint, and his strength should not be underestimated. Although he was half a step slower, he still successfully hit the Five Lands Order at the critical moment.

Just as the Second Saint was about to relax, he saw that his magical power was chopped into pieces by the Shang Fu Tiger Beast Masked Divine Sword in Jin An's hand.

In terms of reaction speed and shooting speed in close combat, who is faster than the martial arts immortal.

This time it was really a critical moment of life and death. The two saints had the same mind, and their spirits temporarily united. They used the harmony of heaven and earth to strike at Jin An with the Divine Palm of An Earth.

This kind of unity of soul and soul is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be punished by the order of the world because of the strong aura. The two saints will separate the soul as soon as they strike a palm.

This hasty palm indeed blocked Xia Jin'an's progress, but this palm was too hasty and only blocked it, and could not cause any real harm to Jin An.

For the two saints, this moment was enough to block them. Their souls returned to their bodies and returned to the divine universe again.

The two saints knew that their souls were out of body and faced with the martial arts practitioners of the same realm, Xian Tai, and their supernatural powers were suppressed everywhere, so the two saints cast the Earth Temple King Talisman.

Just then, the scene I saw outside the gate of Burao Mountain reappeared again.

The mountains and rivers swayed, earth-shattering, rumbling, the mountains and rivers gathered together, enveloping the divine universe, and a figure of a hundred feet high quickly took shape.

The two saints did not want to directly use their souls to fight martial arts immortals of the same realm. With the thick earth stone to block the yang blood pressure of the martial arts immortals, they could not be afraid of suppression and have the opportunity to fight to the death.

The most important thing is that the Shouyuan Demon of Burao Mountain has a five-direction earth taboo peach charm made by the two saints, which can be transmitted within the range of the divine light of various earth temples in Burao Mountain. The two saints return to their body and wish to Try to gain time to activate the five land bans and summon Shou Yuan demons from all over the world to return to the Forbidden Lake.

The five-party land order can not only control the enemy, but also facilitate the transportation of one's own personnel.

Here are not only the underworld demons from the Light Stealing Immortal arsenal, but also martial arts immortals from the pseudo-fourth realm, who have exceeded their limits!

Just when the god on the Baizhang Highland was about to take shape and wrap around the divine universe, Jin An had already broken through the divine palm of An Di, shattered the void, and with one step he was far away, and his figure was like thunder rushing into the divine universe for the third time.


The gods shook, and the earthly gods that were about to take shape collapsed.

After a few breaths, boom!

The divine temple shook again. The crumbling divine temple finally collapsed this time. The khaki divine light dispersed, revealing the earth temple inside.


The Tutu Temple was violently shaken. This time, the Tutu Temple collapsed and exploded into pieces. The Second Saint was finally knocked off the altar. The Second Saint's body broke through the temple wall and fell to the ground like two pieces of rotten flesh. He was seriously injured and vomited blood.

Outsiders could not see how fierce the civil war in the gods was. It was only about ten breaths ago. Unexpectedly, the two saints were defeated. Not only was the statue of the Earth God smashed, but even the Earth Temple was demolished.

Just when the Earth Temple was demolished and the Five Directions Earth Talisman was interrupted, in the mountains and ravines in the distance, one after another the primordial light appeared out of thin air...these primordial lights flew up into the void, looking for Down below, they all rushed towards the Forbidden Lake.

The Second Saint was defeated!

He was really brought down from the altar by the martial arts immortal who said it and did it!

The Second Saint is a son of luck, with constant adventures. He has been famous for a long time and is a longevity demon. He is also the only one with a godhead... With so many opportunities, he is blessed by nature. When the four-dimensional situation is broken, The two saints will surely soar into the sky!


The Second Saint, who had an immeasurable future, had his statues demolished, his temple demolished, and he was knocked to the ground like a drowned dog by a junior!

Goddess Meng and Old Monster Shenxing were shocked, their faces shrouded in gloom. They were fighting with the devil of the underworld and could not save the two saints in a short time. They watched Jin An fall to the ground and find the body of the two saints.

At this time, the physical bodies of the two saints were a little miserable. They were highly cultivated and fell from a high altitude. Although they did not fall to death, their limbs and joints were broken. They vomited blood and their lungs were severely damaged.

The Second Saint, whose limbs and joints were broken and unable to move like rotten flesh, seemed to already know his next fate, with an unusually calm look on his face: "You are indeed very strong, with magical powers and more artifacts than us Second Saints... But I, Second Saint The saint's name is written in the Emperor's Book of Gods, and he is a righteous god in name and reality. If you kill us today, you will definitely be punished by God."

"Martial Arts Immortal, your hard-won cultivation is hard-earned. You dare not kill our two saints."

The patter--

Suddenly, it started to rain. The rain came very quickly. The rain quickly became heavier, and a violent storm was about to come.

The rain washed away the blood, water and dust on the two saints, as if the dew from the sky was nourishing the wounds of the two saints.

Jin An's eyes were filled with cold light, and he looked up at the rainwater splashing on the ground through the leaves of the forest.

"Can the two of you have good weather and benefit both of you?"

"Can you two build a road through mountains and rivers to benefit both of you?"

"Are you two selfless and have a clear conscience?"

"Since there is no such thing, this useless god is a scourge."

Under the power of inviting gods, Jin'an's sentences are sonorous, inspiring and enlightening, reaching heaven to listen.

The calm expression of the Second Saint finally changed, and he looked at Jin An in shock: "You have also practiced the art of inviting gods! How can one person practice so many seventy-two transformations at the same time? Have you seen the complete seventy-two transformations..."

Before the two saints could finish speaking, Jin An had already coldly slashed out the Shang Fu Tiger Beast Mask Sword.



Several angry shouts came from the horizon in the distance, but they still couldn't stop the Second Saint's head from falling to the ground.



The heads of the two saints fell to the ground, and they were full of shock and disbelief when they died. Maybe they were shocked that Jin An had read the complete "Seventy-two Transformations of Taoism and Wonderful Techniques", or maybe they were shocked that Jin An really dared to kill gods.

In order to prevent these Shouyuan demons from feigning death, Jin'an shattered the heads of the two saints with the light of his sword. The heads were the palace of hidden gods.


The sky was furious, and the furious voice of the Dharma King of Light was heard. A ray of light came quickly from the horizon, like thunder piercing the night sky. It was so dazzling that it arrived before anyone could see it: "Meng Shenpo, old monster Shenxing, I asked you to guard the immortals." Shan, is this your explanation?"

Rumbling, the sound was like thunder, echoing back and forth among the mountains, and the thoughts were terrifying.

The old monster of Shenxing shouted: "We will talk about the Dharma King of Light later. The Great Demon of the Underworld is not dead. It has a breath that possesses the corpse exorcists. It has just stolen the immortal arsenal. Let's intercept the Great Demon of the Underworld together first!"

One after another, powerful souls escaped from the light and rushed there one after another.

There is the Dragon Mother praying for rain in the dark clouds of the sky, the Giant Spirit God who practices divine power, the Corpse Immortal who practices sharp sword techniques, the Yin Yang King who practices sword swallowing techniques, and the King of Light who is the strongest in cultivation.

In addition, there are also some who have escaped from the light, and the Shou Yuan Demon of the Old Mountain who originally intercepted the three holy places are all concentrated here.

These people could have arrived earlier, but Jin'an's offensive was too fierce, and the attack into Shenyu interrupted the transmission of the two saints. These people were forced to use Yuanshen Escape Light to rush on their way, but they were still a few steps late. When they arrived, they only saw To the headless corpse of the Second Saint.

The King of Light was shocked and furious: "Meng Shenpo, you, the Dragon Mother, the Corpse Immortal, the Yin Yang King, and the Giant Spirit God will besiege and kill the martial arts immortals. Fight quickly before the Jade Capital Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion find this place." Quickly kill the martial arts immortal to avenge the Second Saint!"

"I am practicing the Light Technique, and the old monster of the Divine Movement is practicing the Divine Movement Technique. I have the advantage of speed. Let us hold off the Great Demon of the Underworld first! The rest of the people follow the order and besiege the Great Demon of the Underworld with me. You are not the opponent of martial arts, human beings and immortals, but you will The Heaven-Swallowing Technique that makes martial arts immortals possible!”

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