White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1332 Something happened, a crisis approaching the Criminal Investigation Department

Jin An pondered: "The content of the note is limited, and I don't know the specific list yet."

"In this way..." Fatty Li nodded.

Jin An: "Tubo originally had five major families, including the Tianshen family, the descendants of the monkey, the Qiusheng family, the Blackstone family, the gold family, and the terrible family. This year, only the Tianshen family, the descendants of the monkey, the gold family, and the Mila family are left. "

"Mira means terrible in Tubo, and the Mira family is a terrible family. This family is the most mysterious and powerful hidden family in the snowy plateau. It is a tantric family that has been hidden deep in the snowy mountains."

Jin An frowned and continued: "The Mila family has lived in seclusion for generations in the Zhumu Langma Snow Mountain. In Tibetan language, it means the Snow Country of the Goddess, the Mother of the Earth. There is the largest and most majestic mountain in the snowy plateau. Xuefeng, the Mila family rarely travels around Tubo, and there is no record of leaving Tubo. This time the four major families suddenly left Tubo and entered Kangding country together, which is of great significance..."

"What do you mean, Commander?" Several deputy commanders looked at him in surprise.

The Thousand Hearts Tribulation made Jin'an's thinking active: "This time Tubo sent four major family envoys, it is most likely related to Kangding's initiative to go to war with the Steppe Khanate. First, it wanted to test the specific trends of the court, and second, it wanted to continue to communicate with the court. Maintain harmonious diplomatic relations...and maybe the third point is to discuss the four phenomena of breaking up the sky and the earth. There are more and more extreme weathers this year, so even the hidden tantric families have come down the mountain together."

Fatty Li blinked at Jin An: "Taoist Master Jin An, please tell me about the fourth point. You may also want to take this opportunity to catch up with old friends. I heard that, Taoist Jin An, you are also the savior of the current matriarch of the Golden Family?"


Several people present started to cheer, which relieved the overly serious atmosphere in the study.

Jin An looked at Fatty Li speechlessly. He did not pick up the topic, but continued: "When the two countries start a war, the small countries may be affected. If Tibet sends envoys to Beijing to test, the small countries in the Western Regions will also send envoys. Entering Beijing, Deputy Commander Cai asks you to ask the intelligence personnel in Yangguan to pay more attention to the movements of the countries in the Western Regions."

Deputy Commander Cai nodded and accepted the order.

Jin An continued to issue orders: "Now is the time to launch military operations. With so many envoys from various countries arriving, the security burden in the capital will be increased. Starting today, all brothers' vacations will be ended and the security of the capital will be stepped up."

Several people clasped their fists and sang.

"As for which border fortress the two countries will fight from this time, if it were me, it would have to be delayed at least until after the second heavy snow. The heavy snow froze to death and starved to death of a large number of cattle and sheep in the rear. The Steppe Khanate was more anxious than us. When a war begins. When people are angry and impatient, they tend to lose their minds. Those horseback warriors who come and go like the wind are prone to making mistakes as long as they dare to launch a siege."


Jin An traced his finger on the map, from Xizhou Mansion, to Yangguan, and then to the Western Region, a vast territory with small countries scattered like an astrolabe.

Jin An left Yangguan in the west last year and followed the merchants from the Western Regions along the Desert Silk Road. The route he paddled happened to be the Desert Silk Road route.

"And what?" Everyone's eyes curiously followed Jin An's finger as it moved on the map.

"Fat Li, do you still remember our previous analysis? If the imperial court had secretly communicated with the Rakshasa Kingdom's secret envoys a few years ago and conspired with the Grassland Khanate, perhaps the layout of this big chess game was earlier than we thought. …”

"All the people of the Steppe Khanate are soldiers. Men, women and children are all warriors on horseback. They are good at riding and shooting. They come and go like the wind, and they have no fixed place. The reason why several powerful dynasties in history went to the grassland and returned without success is Because we cannot effectively encircle and annihilate these grassland nomads. No matter how many warriors we slaughtered this year, as long as we let them recuperate for a few years, they will be able to form more warriors who are good at riding and shooting, and they will continue to rise again and again."

"The imperial court has a grand scheme to communicate with the secret envoys of the Rakshasa Kingdom. I must have known this historical reason for a long time. If I were in charge of the military affairs, I would break the elite soldiers and horses into pieces, disguise themselves as merchants from the Western Regions, and go out along the Silk Road. Yangguan, enter the desert, and then quietly gather and train in the vast desert like the sea, treating them as a strange force. During this period, this strange force has been waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the elite cavalry of the Steppe Khanate to be attracted to the front line At this time, this strange force will make a surprise attack from the border of the Northern Desert and rush into the rear of the grassland! One battle will determine the outcome!"

Jin An's fingers moved quickly from the vicinity of the Northern Desert to the grassland, and finally focused on the hinterland of the grassland.

Everyone present was shocked by Jin An's bold idea. They immediately studied the map nervously. The more they looked at it, the more surprised they became. They actually felt that Jin An's crazy idea, which was like a wild horse, was at least 50% possible.

The success of this plan may be very high. In terms of military strategy, if there is a 50% chance, it is enough to take the risk. Once it succeeds, it will be a great achievement worthy of being recorded in history.

The biggest variable in this unbridled plan is whether we can wait for the opportunity for a surprise attack as expected. If someone had told them about this crazy plan before winter, they would have thought that person was a madman with serious delusions, but today, they feel that there is a 50% chance of success.

Because the original biggest variable has been eliminated, the opportunity that Kangding Kingdom and Rakshasa Kingdom have been plotting for many years has finally arrived.

"I didn't expect that the Commander-in-Chief is not only knowledgeable in military strategy, but also familiar with military books and good at using military tactics." Several deputy commanders were convinced by Jin An.

Limited to the cost of papermaking and printing, the cost of reading was very high throughout the dynasties, and folk military books were almost invisible.

Several people thought that their new commander must be familiar with military books. Only in this way can they explain why the new commander knew so many tricks of the art of trickery.

The more they pondered the map, the more they felt that the Commander's plan was very feasible, and they were even more shocked.

"Are there any new developments among the merchants of Rakshasa Kingdom these days?" Jin An asked.

"These Rakshasa merchants have a special status and are involved in court affairs. We dare not send people to keep an eye on them too closely. On the surface, they still live the same life as before, doing business in the West Market of the capital as merchants. At present, No unusual behavior was found." Deputy Commander Yu replied.

Jin An nodded: "Continue to send people to keep an eye on the Rakshasa caravan. You don't have to interact with them at ordinary times. If there is anything unusual, please contact me immediately."

Next, Jin An took out the drawings of the capital and laid out the next security tasks in detail. After the conspiracy meeting of the top officials of the Criminal Investigation Department ended, he asked a few people to start preparations to tighten security immediately after returning.

In the next few days, the capital has been calm. According to the three brothers Zhang Weishan, who is a gangster, the capital has been so safe recently that there has not been a major case that requires the help of the three brothers to solve the case. It is rare to have some leisure time and spend every day in the Criminal Investigation Department. Here he concentrated on studying "Record of Collecting Corpses".

Jin An has been paying attention to the movements of Tianshi Mansion and Guoshi Mansion, and even these two sides are surprisingly calm. On the day when the Imperial Master's body was lost, Old King Ling boasted to Haikou that he would personally help the Imperial Master's Mansion to retrieve the Imperial Master's body, but there was no movement for more than half a month.

Jin An guessed that Tianshi Mansion had encountered obstacles in the ancient country and had not made much progress. Therefore, Tianshi Mansion and Guoshi Mansion had been quiet for more than half a month.

However, this just confirmed Jin An's earlier conjecture that the mystery of this ancient country is very involved and cannot be solved by the Tianshi Mansion family.

Since the last time he encountered evil spirits at the Widow's Manor and witnessed the power of the exorcism talisman, as soon as Shi Youde returned to the capital, he immediately went to Wu Zang Taoist Temple to burn incense and ask for a new exorcism talisman.

Since that day, this exorcism charm has never left my body. Even when I take off the exorcism charm temporarily while taking a bath, I have to put it next to the bathtub, within easy reach.

In addition to taking a bath, eating, drinking, sleeping, and eating without leaving the body.

Not just him, almost everyone in the Criminal Investigation Department is like this.

Shi Youde was not on duty today. After work, he made an appointment with a few friends and went to a tavern. After a full meal, his body became hotter and hotter as he drank, and his pores sweated slightly, and then he left the table satisfied.

The criminal inspectors were all martial arts practitioners, and the amount of alcohol they drank was not enough to make them drunk. Before leaving the tavern, Shi Youde borrowed a food box from the boss and brought a roast goose home for the children.

Shi Youde is very satisfied with his current life. He has a virtuous wife at home and has a son and a daughter. Moreover, the new commander of the Criminal Investigation Department has given everyone hope for the future. He is very satisfied with every day now and every day. All full of expectations.

Both family and career are satisfied, and the greatest pursuit in life is nothing more than this.

When I walked out of the tavern, it was completely dark outside.

Wearing an official robe, holding a saber in one hand and a food box in the other, Shi Youde was walking in the bustling streets of the capital city, sniffing the mutton overflowing in the city, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

He thought that it had been more than ten days since the all-mutton feast half a month ago, when the new commander and Daochang Chen moved to the Criminal Investigation Division...

"Catch the thief, catch the thief, that's life-saving money for me to buy medicine for my dad!"

"Sir, help the girl catch the thief in front of you!"

Suddenly, a woman's cry for help reached Shi Youde's ears, and he saw a hurried man running past him and getting into an alley.

Just when he was feeling hopeful about his current job, a small thief committed a crime under his nose. Shi Youde was furious and chased him into the alley without thinking.

"Good boy, if you dare to commit a crime under the eyes of the Criminal Investigation Department, I think you have the heart of a bear but the courage of a leopard!"

"Boy, I'm yelling at you, why don't you throw away the girl's life-saving money!"

Shi Youde cursed angrily and chased him into the alley.

The thief was very familiar with the alley. The environment in the alley was complicated. The thief was familiar with the many twists and turns. However, Shi Youde was not weak in his Qinggong skills and kept pursuing him without losing track.

After chasing for a while, Shi Youde began to pant, but he never caught up with the thief.

Shi Youde was surprised and gradually became suspicious. How could a person with such good skills be so depressed that he would steal money on the street?

Shi Youde thought something was wrong. At this time, he had gone deep into the alley. He was surrounded by high courtyard walls. The space was narrow and dark. The air was exuding an indescribable turbid stench, like the stench of a stinking ditch. There is the stench of rotting food residues, the smell of rotten eggs like the rotting corpses of dead mice... Coupled with the turbid air in the deep alleys, more than a dozen kinds of stench eventually mix into a complex stench that makes people feel chest tight and short of breath, making it difficult to breathe.

Shi Youde sensed something was wrong and wanted to exit the alley first. Just as he turned around, he accidentally knocked down a woman carrying a bamboo basket.

After the woman fell to the ground, the apples in the bamboo basket rolled to the ground.

Shi Youde was startled. The sight in the alley was too dark. He didn't notice that there was another person behind him. Seeing that the woman was knocked down by him and the fruit rolled to the ground, he hurried to help the woman up and kept saying: Saying apology.

Only then did Shi Youde notice that the other party was unkempt, his clothes were tattered, and he looked a little crazy and mentally disturbed.

"Child, child, my child..."

"my child……"

The woman kept groping on the ground with her hands and murmuring anxiously.

The expression on Shi Youde's face tightened. Is the woman still holding a child in her arms? He couldn't think too much and nervously helped the woman search for the child on the ground.

"How old is your child? Is it an infant or a toddler? Did you see which direction the child fell?"

"This is an apple, not your child."

"This is still an apple."

Shi Youde picked up apples one by one and put them into the bamboo basket. He touched something again in the dark. This time it was finally no longer an apple. When he held it up, he saw that it was a dirty rag doll. , the rag doll's stitches were torn apart and its belly was disembowelled, revealing many pieces of children's rags inside.

"my child!"

Snap, a cold and temperatureless palm suddenly grabbed the wrist of Shi Youde's hand holding the doll.

So cold!

Shi Youde felt as if he was caught by a piece of ice, and there was a sharp pain in his wrist, as if he had been stabbed by thousands of ice needles.


The evil-exorcism charm Shi Youde wore unexpectedly ignited without fire, and his pupils shrank sharply.

Shi Youde wanted to withdraw his hand, but found that the woman was very strong, and her wrist was tightly grasped as if in a vise. The more he struggled, the colder and stinging pain in his wrist became more severe.

Shi Youde didn't know where he got the strength, so he took off the exorcism charm from his body and placed it heavily on the woman's forehead. He successfully broke free from the other's grasp with his wrist and ran out of the alley without looking back.

He looked down at his wrist and found a large area of ​​black and purple bruises. The pain made his face turn pale, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.


When he lowered his head to check his wrist, he bumped into another person in the darkness. It was the crazy woman behind him who appeared in front of him.

Shi Youde felt his heart beat heavily. At this moment, it was as if someone had hit his chest hard with a hammer. His breathing was stagnant and he took a few steps back.


The woman's eyes were red and she stared at Shi Youde crazily: "Child, my child..."

Before Shi Youde could run a few steps, he bumped into another person in the darkness.

"Child, my child..."

The next day.

The Criminal Investigation Department is as busy as ever. In order to welcome the envoys from various countries, everyone is busy maintaining law and order in the capital.

As it was approaching noon, Fatty Li asked everyone he met in the Criminal Investigation Department if they had seen Shi Youde and whether he was on duty today. Everyone who was asked shook their heads and said they had not seen it.

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