White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1335 Sun Shooting Technique: If Yi helps, the arrow will not miss the mark

Fortunately, Jin An found Lao Zhu in time, and he took out a century-old medicine and quickly stabilized the injury.

If he was found half a day later, his soul would be really shattered, and even the Great Luo Jinxian would not be able to save Lao Zhu.

Just after treating the injury, he smelled a unique scent of spices on Lao Zhu's body. This was different from the spices in the sachet. It was more like food spices, slightly spicy.

He thought of the Tianzhu Masala spice.

Kangding State is open to all countries, respects the beliefs of all countries, and allows religions from all countries to build temples on Xianghuo Avenue, but this openness is limited to Xianghuo Avenue.

On Xianghuo Avenue, there is a sacred temple and a Buddhist temple built by the Tianzhu people, which respectively represent the two religious beliefs of the Tianzhu people.

At present, the Ancient God Sect is very powerful among the people of Tianzhu.

Buddhism is going through a period of decline from strength to strength.

The capital of Kangding had half the world's wealth, and there were many Tianzhu merchants doing business. These Tianzhu merchants would go to the gods and Buddhist temples every day to worship gods and chant sutras to seek spiritual comfort.

Anyone who frequents Incense Avenue is familiar with Tianzhu Marsala spice, which is an indispensable spice in Tianzhu people’s food culture.

Jin An thought about the many forces under the turbulent undercurrent, and even suspected the Tianshi Mansion, but he did not expect that the big forces behind him were silent. Instead, it was unobtrusive little characters like Rakshasa people and Tianzhu people who surfaced first. Out of the water.

Is this really a coincidence? Or was someone testing him?

Next, Jin An shared his findings, and everyone came forward to smell it carefully. It was really the unique spicy spice smell of Masala.

"I have long disliked these Tianzhu people who are ignorant and like to sell Kunlun slaves everywhere. Those who dare to kidnap the criminal inspector in the capital this time want to challenge the power of Emperor Kangding with an egg against a stone!" The deputy commander's face was dark, and the crowd was so angry that they wanted to demolish the temple of the Tianzhu people.

"Master Commander, if you just say a word, we will immediately bring all the brothers and bulldoze the Tianzhu temple to avenge Lao Zhu who was almost tortured into a cripple!"

"A temple actually committed murders and kidnappings. I think these Tianzhu people believe in evil gods and worship evil cults. We will immediately go over to search the Tianzhu people's temple to see if these gangsters from small countries have kidnapped more people in the temple! We are here It is to do justice for heaven and eliminate harm for the people!"

The old Taoist priest thought more: "Rakshasa people, Tianzhu people, have so many forces focused on the ancient country's missing traces? How did these people know about the existence of the ancient country?"

"Take them all into the winter water prison of the Criminal Investigation Division, and everything will be clear." Jin An's voice was as ruthless as the winter wind and snow, his robes swayed in the cold wind, and he walked towards the Criminal Investigation Division with a stern face.

"Come here, prepare the carriage."

"Pass my order. Today I will encircle and suppress the temples and Buddhist temples of the Tianzhu people in Xianghuo Avenue. No one is allowed to escape."


The Criminal Investigation Division collectively sang "Nai" up and down, the sound shook the field, and they were filled with anger in their chests.

Immediately afterwards, the clanging sounds of weapons came one after another, and the crowd was like a black torrent. With the momentum of thunder that swallowed up the world, they followed the leader of the beast carriage, smashed through the wind and snow, and rushed towards the Avenue of Incense with murderous intent.

The night market in Beijing is bustling, with busy traffic and an endless flow of people. This bustling scene was quickly broken by the collective outing of the Criminal Investigation Department.

It caused a lot of commotion among passers-by.

"What's going on? The Criminal Investigation Department suddenly came out en masse with murderous looks on their faces?"

"Have you seen the Biwan carriage in the lead? It is the vehicle of the Immortal God Wuhou, who has just been named an Immortal Official and a martial artist. Who alerted Shenwuhou and put out such a huge array to arrest people?"

"The person that Marquis Shenwu wants to arrest is definitely not an ordinary person. Let's follow him and take a look."

The news spread from ten to ten, and people in the night markets in several nearby markets quickly learned the news. They all joined in the fun and rushed in one direction, wondering who Shenwu Hou was going to arrest tonight.

Soon, the people in the capital realized that something was wrong. Why did the Biyan carriage and a large number of people from the Criminal Investigation Department go towards Xianghuo Avenue?

Where is Incense Avenue?

It is a place for worshiping gods, a place of spiritual belief for incense believers, and a quiet place away from worldly disputes.

"What is going on? This is the first time I have seen people from the government rushing into Incense Avenue to arrest people!"

People were all stunned.

When they saw the Biyan carriage driving straight into Xianghuo Avenue and crashing into the quiet place of faith on Xianghuo Avenue, everyone felt like a wake-up call, and their heads were awakened by a heavy blow. They were right, there was such a big battle in the Criminal Investigation Department today, He actually wanted to rush into Xianghuo Avenue to arrest people.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar, like a huge stone thrown into a lake, causing thousands of waves to rise with one stone.

The commotion caused by this result was even greater than before. The public sentiment was like a vast ocean wave that was constantly pushing up layer by layer. For a time, more eyes were focused on Xianghuo Avenue.

In these eyes, there are the people of Kangding, merchants from various countries in the Western Regions, cannibals, and Persians... All the eyes of foreign countries, large and small, are focused on the Avenue of Incense.

Suddenly, a huge crowd of people came.

The people of all countries are nervous about the safety of their country's gods. If the Criminal Investigation Department comes for their country's gods today, they will defend it to the death.

The power of faith cannot be underestimated since ancient times.

When the Biuan carriage passed by the Wu Zang Taoist Temple, it continued to gallop all the way. In front of the Wu Zang Taoist Temple, the statue of the Thousand-Eyed Taoist Lord, who was eating the incense and candles offered by the people, also noticed Jin'an's movements.

Under its clairvoyance, it saw the people from the Criminal Investigation Department rushing to the temple built by the Tianzhu people and surrounding it into an iron barrel.

When the Biyan carriage stopped, someone immediately stepped forward and opened the curtain of the carriage. With two swords around his waist, Jin An, who was wearing a five-color Taoist robe, stepped out of the Biyan carriage with a cold air.

Then came the old Taoist priest and the Peacock Buddha Mother.

Jin An stood on the carriage with his back straight, and his cold and sharp eyes gave the mountain an unshakable majesty and powerful momentum. He looked around and set his sights on the golden-domed Buddhist temple next to the Tianzhu Temple. He said in a cold tone that the Buddhist temple was also surrounded. Today, not a single person or monk from the Tianzhu Temple would be spared.

Deputy Commander Cai asked Jin An in a low voice: "Sir Commander, Tianzhu Buddhism has some connections with Buddhism in our country. The Zhenguo Temple, the holy land of Buddhism in the world, is in the capital. Should we wait for the people from Zhenguo Temple to investigate the Tianzhu Buddhist Temple first? Let’s talk later?”

Jin An snorted with cold eyes: "Today I am here to surround and suppress both families. No one is allowed to let go."

Deputy Commander Cai waved his hand and led his people to surround the Tianzhu Buddhist Temple.

Seeing that Marquis Shenwu personally led people to arrest the Tianzhu people, and the crowds were still swarming in, their expressions were either surprised or horrified: "These Tianzhu people have done something outrageous and resentful, and they have offended everyone in the Criminal Investigation Department."

In the Tianzhu Mansion, many believers were worshiping and praying. After hearing the noise, they all rushed out angrily to block the door, preventing the Criminal Inspector from entering the temple and disturbing the peace and tranquility of the gods.

Jin An's eyes were cold and merciless: "Those who are below the level of Tianzhu are so audacious that they kidnap and harm the people of our Criminal Investigation Department. This is the first crime, and they should be punished the most!"

"The people of Tianzhu know the law and violate the law on our land of Kangding, and openly defy the court's laws. This is the second crime, and they should be punished!"

"As a member of a religious cult, instead of setting an example and being the first to set an example, you instead engage in the harmful deeds of evil gods and ghosts. This is the third crime, and you should be punished!"

"Who dares to obstruct the Criminal Investigation Department from handling the case and prevent the Criminal Investigation Department from arresting people in the temple today? They will treat them all as the same crime and take them back to the Criminal Investigation Department water cell for interrogation one by one. I wonder who dares to intercede for the evil priest in this temple today! "

When Jin An read out the three crimes of killing, boom, the crowd broke out into a bigger commotion. People pointed at the Tianzhu people and discussed where these Tianzhu people got the courage. In other people's territory, even people from the government and judicial institutions dared to harm others. .

Among the crowd gathered, the majority were from Kangding. After hearing the charges, they were filled with collective indignation and shouted angrily not to let the Tianzhu people go.

Those Tianzhu believers dominated the crowd and refused to give in. Who knew that Jin'an actually ordered the arrests, not only of the people in Shenyu, but also of the incense believers in the Buddhist temple.

Some people couldn't bear it and pleaded for mercy for the Tianzhu Buddhist Temple. Jin'an showed no mercy and continued to arrest people.

The people in the Criminal Investigation Department who had seen Zhu Pannan's miserable appearance were all holding back their anger at this moment. They would not be merciful when faced with these believers obstructing them from catching the murderer. Whenever there was a slight struggle, the scabbard would hit the head and face, leaving the head broken and bleeding. There were screams.

"Those who are pure are self-purifying and are not afraid of the review of our Criminal Prosecution Department. There is a proverb in our land of Han people. If you are upright, you will not be afraid of a crooked shadow. Anyone who tries to coerce public opinion and coerce our Criminal Prosecution Department to handle the case is ulterior. I will not arrest you today." Catch someone." Jin An shouted coldly, his voice exploding like thunder in the winter, immediately clearing the noise from heaven and earth, and suppressing all the crowd's complaints about the violent law enforcement of the Criminal Investigation Department.

"Marquis Shenwu, stop! You Han people have always respected your Han people's laws and regulations, and we have always respected your Han people's laws and regulations. You have gone too far today. You have made baseless claims, framed us, and killed innocent people indiscriminately. You say we are guilty, what do you have to say directly? Evidence!" A group of priests hiding in the divine temple watched all the believers being arrested by the Criminal Investigation Department. They finally couldn't sit still and rushed out of the divine temple to question Jin An.

Jin An swept his eyes wide, his eyes were like cold lightning, with the thunderous will that was nourished by the power of the Five Thunder Emperors day and night, he looked at the sins in the world with righteousness.

Only those who have ghosts in their hearts dare not look directly at the power of the Five Thunder Emperors.

The eyes of these gods and goddesses in front of them were evasive, and they didn't even have the courage to look directly at them.

"If I say you are guilty, you are guilty." The martial arts immortals are too strong. These sacrifices are only at the second level of cultivation. No one can stand under the strong oppression of the martial arts immortals. Poof, poof, they knelt on the ground. It was like a collective confession scene.

The faces of these priests and monks were as pale as if they were carrying mountains on their backs, and they did not even have the strength to raise their heads to resist.

"They say imps are difficult to deal with."

"You little brats, you think you can do it without being noticed, but you don't even know the consequences of offending me. Today I will destroy all the beliefs in your hearts in front of you."

Jin An looked calmly at the temples and Buddhist temples built by the Tianzhu people. He raised his fist and struck out two martial arts fists. In the smoke and dust, they collapsed into ruins. The statues of gods and Buddhas enshrined inside were all buried by the ruins.

"From now on, the people of Tianzhu are prohibited from building any temples or worshiping any gods in Kangding."

With an understatement, these people were sentenced to their fate in public.

Jin An banned the cultivation of these people, and then ordered them to be taken away and put into a water prison first, until he went back to interrogate them personally. These people are only at the second level of cultivation. How can they have the courage to take the initiative of the Criminal Inspector and the ancient country? Is there something else involved behind them? He wanted to interrogate each one personally.

Seeing the faith in their hearts turned into ruins, the priests' eyes turned red and they cursed Jin An like crazy: "Marquis Shenwu, you must die a good death! The incarnation of King Hari walking on earth, the envoy of Surya's resurrection, will not let him go. Get over you blasphemous person!"

"More gods will come to this world in the future. No matter how strong you are, Lord Shenwu, you are only one person. If you are so crazy, the gods will definitely come to kill you!"

These people continued to yell like crazy, and then were gagged by people from the Criminal Investigation Department with cloth strips, leaving only hysterical whimpering, as if they were crazy.

Just when Jin An was returning to the Biyan carriage and preparing to round up the Rakshasa Kingdom's caravan, the statue of the Thousand-Eyed Taoist Master suddenly transmitted a message to his spiritual consciousness: "Martial Arts Immortal, you have to hunt down those Rakshasa people, and you have to go fast. "

The next moment, the Thousand-Eyed Taoist Statue shared its clairvoyant vision with Jin An, and he saw a group of white-skinned Rakshasa people who were extremely conspicuous in the crowd. They were running straight towards the imperial city as if they were in some emergency.

These Rakshasa people were very well informed. They knew that Shi Youde had been rescued and that the Criminal Investigation Department had sent out to arrest the Tianzhu people overnight. The incident must have been exposed and they wanted to rely on their status as a secret envoy to seek help from the Kangding court.

Humph, Jin An snorted coldly, his eyes rising with a ruthless cold light.

He took out the big stone bow, stepped out of the carriage with the momentum of a tiger descending the mountain, stood on the carriage, bent the bow and set an arrow, buzz!



The big stone bow was raised towards the sky, and the bow was opened continuously towards the void in the distance. The bowstring vibrated and made a buzzing sound.

Since he practiced shooting the sun, with Yi's help, his archery skills have improved greatly.

Outside the imperial city.

The merchants from the Rakshasa Kingdom, who were running like they were running for their lives, felt relieved when they saw the imperial city in sight, and slowed down with a look of joy on their faces. Suddenly, there was a sharp sound in the sky above their heads. One of them stopped and turned around to check the situation out of curiosity.


An arrow shot through the skull like lightning, and the power on the arrow was overwhelming, and most of the arrow shaft sank directly into the skull.

Because the force was too great, half of his face was shattered, blood and brains splattered, and he looked miserable.


The corpse, missing half of its face, fell heavily on its back. Brain fluid mixed with warm blood gurgled and flowed all over the ground.



Arrows continued to fall from the sky like rain, and with the arm strength of martial arts immortals, they hammered into the Heavenly Spirit Caps one after another, splattering blood all over the ground.

No one left alive!

This scene of a murder in the street in front of the imperial city alarmed the Imperial City's imperial guards, and the atmosphere was solemn. They all mistakenly thought that an assassin was going to assassinate the royal family.

There is a moat outside the imperial city. After crossing the white jade bridge, there is a square as flat as a mirror. After passing the square, there are the capital Yamen and Tianshi Mansion guarded on the left and right. At this moment, the Tianshi Mansion was also alarmed. Many Feng Shui masters rushed out of the Tianshi Mansion to escort him, including many Three Realm Immortal Masters with golden feng shui bells hanging on their waists.

When they saw the corpses of Rakshasa people lying in a pool of blood, killed and silenced, no one survived, and they died in front of the imperial city, everyone in the Tianshi Mansion changed their expressions.

Now the people in the court already knew that the Kangding Kingdom was going to establish diplomatic relations with the Rakshasa Kingdom, so they just had to officially announce it to the people. As a result, at this critical juncture, the Rakshasa Kingdom's secret envoy was killed and silenced outside the imperial city...

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