White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1339 Letter from an old friend in the plateau snow mountains

In the end, there was no accountability for the public shooting of Rakshasa people in front of Jin'an Imperial City.

This incident itself was wrong because the Rakshasa people kidnapped people first. If Emperor Kang Zhao held the Criminal Investigation Department accountable for this incident, it would give people a sense of weakness.

These are troubled times, and only with a strong imperial court can we intimidate the visiting envoys from various countries.

In terms of emotion, reason, and law, Jin An not only had no faults, but also made merits. His merits were that he prevented someone from assassinating the palace and protected the safety of the entire capital.

"The imperial edict has arrived, and Immortal Official Shenwuhou will receive it."

"Marquis Shenwu has done great service in guarding the imperial city. With this immortal official, he is like a tiger with added wings. Why worry about the lack of military force in the imperial court? It will empower our vast country! Because Marquis Shenwu led the Criminal Investigation Department for his meritorious service in controlling the capital, he will be rewarded with gold, silver and jewels, and hundreds of households will be rewarded." Some of us hope that Marquis Shenwu and the Criminal Inspectorate will not forget their original intention and continue to protect the country and the people! Conquer virtue for twelve years!"

The remaining power of the dead man in front of Jin'an Imperial City was still there. The chamberlain hurriedly left after reading out the imperial edict, and did not stay at the Criminal Investigation Department.

This was the first time that the Criminal Investigation Department received an imperial edict and received a commendation from the Holy King. Everyone in the Criminal Investigation Department cheered and their morale was greatly boosted.

Who would have thought that Emperor Kang Zhao not only failed to hold Jin An to account, but also issued an imperial edict to commend the superiors and subordinates of the Criminal Investigation Department. This result was also beyond Jin An's expectation.

When he heard the content of the imperial edict, Jin An showed a surprised expression on his face.

But under Qian Xinjie's thinking, Jin An quickly figured out what Emperor Kang Zhao was thinking.

This time, the imperial edict was still delivered by Fatty Li. On the way back to the hall with Jin An, Fatty Li looked at Jin An's face and asked curiously: "Taoist Jin An, you killed Rakshasa this time." Man, the court did not hold us accountable, but instead rewarded us for our meritorious service, fame and fortune. The court is obviously favoring us this time...but you don't seem happy with this result?"

Because Fatty Li was one of his own, Jin An did not hide his true thoughts: "This imperial edict is a wonderful move that can kill five birds with one stone for the imperial court."

"First, it gives people the impression of establishing a sage in the court, who is powerful and has clear rewards and punishments, and earns a good reputation for the court and the current emperor."

"The second is to give a warning to the envoys of the Rakshasa Kingdom who are about to visit. From now on, the two families will join forces to attack the Grassland Khanate and divide more benefits during the distribution of benefits. In any case, this time it was the Rakshasa people who kidnapped the Criminal Investigation Department first. , in order to protect the face of their country, the Rakshasa Kingdom’s envoys will definitely not dare to make any big announcements and will choose to keep things quiet.”

"The third is to show goodwill to me, to win my favor with the court, and to make me feel that I am following the right master."

"Fourth, I also don't want to chill the hearts of the civil and military officials of the dynasty because of a few foreigners."

"Fifth...is the successful division within the Criminal Investigation Department."

"Hundred households is a real reward. For ordinary people, receiving an imperial edict is also a great event to honor one's ancestors. The two benefits combined have reduced my prestige in the Criminal Investigation Department and increased everyone's gratitude to the court. From now on, the Criminal Investigation Department When the matter is discussed within the department, the first thing that comes to mind is the good of the imperial court."

The deputy commanders were not around, so Jin An only said this to Fatty Li.

Jin An: "In my initial thoughts, I thought the court would choose to deal with this matter coldly, without accountability or comment, and let the storm pass calmly. The imperial edict was indeed a big surprise to me, and it is worthy of being said. The emperor's art of controlling people, today's imperial edict is indeed brilliant."

Fatty Li suddenly stood still, staring blankly at Jin An's back.

Jin An turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Only then did Fatty Li come to his senses and catch up: "Sometimes I wonder how you, Taoist Jin An, have such a big brain, that you can come up with so many details for a single edict."

Jin An thought for a while and then answered seriously: "Eat more fish."


Fatty Li did take it seriously at first, but he soon realized that "eating more fish can make you smarter" is a folk saying, and his parents also said that "eating fish eyes can improve eyesight."

Hahaha, seeing Fatty Li react, Jin An laughed and walked to the hall to handle official duties.

That night, the avatar of Jin'an's lead-mercury holy fetus was still reading the case files in the hall. The old Taoist priest who returned from the Five Zang Taoist Temple to the Criminal Investigation Department found Jin'an mysteriously.

"Little brother, I heard that you received another imperial edict today?"

Seeing Jin An nodding in recognition, the old Taoist clicked his tongue and said, "Tsk, tsk, you got three imperial edicts in such a short time after entering the capital. Little brother, getting the edicts is as easy as eating and drinking."

The matter of the imperial edict was simply revealed. The old Taoist priest came to Jin'an mysteriously for another reason: "Little brother, Silly Yang asked me to call you back to Taoism to observe."

Jin An was happy: "This stupid sheep has finally lost his anger and calmed down?"

The old Taoist priest blinked his eyes: "Little brother, listening to this, I always feel that something is strange..."

The old Taoist priest continued: "Little brother, do you still remember the old friends we met in the plateau snow mountains? Today, the old Taoist and I are telling pilgrims' fortunes in the Taoist temple as usual. Those old friends in the plateau snow mountains asked people to bring messages. This time The envoys will come to the Taoist temple to meet us.”

"So Shayang wants you to return to Taoism and live there."

Hearing the news about the snow-capped mountains on the plateau, Jin An was in high spirits. An old friend came to visit him, which made him even more happy than the reward from the imperial edict. Jin An asked with great interest: "Which old friends are here this time? Have you mentioned them?"

The old Taoist priest also missed his old friend from the Snow Mountain very much, and replied excitedly: "The heads of the Golden Family, the Tianshen Clan, and the descendants of the Divine Monkey are all here, and with them is Master Zunzhu of the Mila Family."

Jin An was surprised to hear Master Zunzhu walking out of the snow mountain.

Master Zunzhu lives deep in the snowy mountains all year round, guarding the peace of the snow-capped mountains on the plateau, and guarding the demons buried under the holy mountains and holy lakes from coming out to cause trouble in the world. Unexpectedly, this time even Master Zunzhu has left seclusion and entered the world.

The reason Master Zunzhu was able to come out of seclusion seemed to be because the Four Symbol Bureaus of Duantianjiedi were broken one after another, and the celestial phenomena were frequently disrupted, which aroused the concern of the No. 1 cultivator in the snow-capped mountains of the plateau.

So this time I entered the world to find the truth.

As for the depth of Master Zunzhu’s cultivation, at that time, he was still in the second realm. It has never been seen that Master Zunzhu’s cultivation level was at least in the late third realm. Maybe he was another pseudo-fourth realm master. By.

This is indeed good news. Jin An asked Master Zunzhu if they had said how many days would it take to reach the capital?

The old Taoist priest replied: "They have already left Xizhou Mansion and will arrive in the capital in less than half a month."

Jin An stood up happily and said, "I will move back to the Five Zang Taoist Temple tonight. The incense smell of the Five Zang Taoist Temple is the most comfortable."

"By the way, we have arranged the Taoist temple wing in advance. It is rare for several big families to go out to the snowy mountains. We must let them stay in the Taoist temple for a few more days."

The old Taoist priest winked: "The Valkyrie Patriarch of the Golden Family, Yang Jin, is also here. She is the female Patriarch Yang Jin who has always been obsessed with the seventh prince and whose marriage proposal was rejected."

The old Taoist priest bit the seventh prince emphatically.

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