White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1344 The desert turns into the ocean, and the Chiyou Banner is born in the sky.

In the next few days, envoys from various countries arrived in Beijing one after another, including envoys from the Nanman Witch Tribe and envoys from the Sea Kingdom...

Among them there are many figures from the previous era who came into the world.

However, these characters from the previous era cherished their lives and tried to minimize the consumption of life span by unnecessary activities. Not all of these people are the strongest in the pseudo-fourth realm. A small country can produce a mid-level three realm or a late three-level figure. It's the ultimate.

It is not ruled out that there is an old monster hiding deeper, and even the Thousand-Eyed Dao Lord statue's clairvoyance has not been noticed.

With the coming of thousands of nations, the capital has become more prosperous. Now, in addition to the daily search for children, the Thousand-Eyed Taoist Statue also has an additional person who observes the envoys coming to the capital every day to watch the excitement and count how many Shinto masters are there.

As long as it does not affect the efficiency of finding a child, Jin An encourages this behavior and registers it with him every day.

Another half month passed, and more envoys arrived in Beijing. In January, winter really came, and the phenomenon of short days and long nights intensified. It snowed heavily every day, mountains and rivers were frozen, and snow accumulations appeared one after another in various places. Houses collapsed and roads were frozen to death.

Taoist temple of the five internal organs.

It was dark outside, and Jin An, Master Zunzhu and others were sitting in the lobby drinking the long-lost snow mountain butter tea.

The aroma of tea and butter is overflowing. A cup of mellow butter tea will make your whole body feel comfortable.

After the Tibetan envoys arrived in Beijing, they were invited by Jin'an to stay at the Wu Zang Taoist Temple instead of staying in an outside inn.

Today's Wu Zang Taoist Temple is no longer the impoverished Taoist temple in Wuzhou Prefecture. There are many gods and goddesses in the current Wu Zang Taoist Temple, and the place is large enough to accommodate the envoys.

While several people were concentrating on drinking tea, Fatty Li suddenly ran into the Taoist temple from outside in a hurry.

As soon as he entered the backyard of the Taoist temple, Fatty Li first let out a cry of surprise and looked around for a while.

Faced with several pairs of looks, Fatty Li said in surprise: "There are a lot fewer people in the Taoist temple today. The camels are gone, and most of the envoys are gone too. Where are the camels and the people?"

Jin An smiled and said nothing.

On the other hand, the old Taoist priest expressed his dissatisfaction and nodded towards the sheepfold: "The distinguished guests from the snowy region are accustomed to eating cattle and sheep. Kangding State prohibits beef but not mutton. The Five Zang Taoist Temple prohibits both beef and mutton. The people of the envoys cannot live here." The habit has moved out again.”

After hearing this, Fatty Li looked at Master Zunzhu and the senior officials of several major families with a look that said, "I'm deeply hurt by this, please just go ahead and take care of yourself."

Jin An raised his finger and pointed to the butter tea that was hot on the charcoal stove beside him, and asked Fatty Li to do it himself. Fatty Li thanked several senior members of the big families, and poured out several large bowls of water like a cow drinking water to ward off the cold. People are amused.

Seeing that Fatty Li was full of water, Jin An asked Fatty Li why he came to the Taoist temple to see him at night.

Fatty Li added another bowl of warm butter tea to his stomach and said this time: "Taoist Master Jin'an, you have always asked me to pay attention to the Tianzhu people's envoy, the Dashi country's envoy, and the Persian envoy. There are brothers from Xizhou Prefecture. Here comes Fei Ge information.”


Jin An became interested: "These people are just a few days away from the big families in the snowy plateau, but they have been delayed for almost a month and haven't entered the realm of Kangding. Did they encounter any trouble on the way? There are also people who have even reached the fourth realm. A problem that even a strong person can’t solve?”

Fatty Li didn't explain immediately, but handed over the small bamboo tube that Fei Ge had sent him.

Jin An took the small bamboo tube and poured out a roll of paper. After unfolding the paper, he briefly wrote on it——

A few months ago, the depths of the desert turned into a vast ocean, the Chiyou flag was born in the sky, and a strange treasure was suspected to be born. Businessmen from the Western Regions saw envoys from several countries nearby.

Jin An lowered his eyebrows and pondered for a while, then passed the note to Master Zunzhu.

After Master Zunzhu read it, he also fell into deep thought, and then the note was passed on one by one.

Even the old dog that was lying on the ground licking butter tea from the dog bowl came over with a big dog head and wanted to join in the fun and read the note.

After reading it, the old Taoist priest raised the note in the air and showed it to the old dog.

After reading it, the old dog looked thoughtful.

Everyone laughed out loud.

The old Taoist priest, tired of raising his hands, waved his hand to chase the dog away: "You are a dog, can you understand the words on this?"

Without saying a word, the old dog ran to the old Taoist priest's feet, raised his leg and wet the old Taoist priest's robe with yellow urine, then ran away.

The old Taoist priest smelled the smell of dog on his robe and became furious. He picked up his broom and chased after him.

Everyone was enjoying themselves and bursting into laughter.

After laughing, Jin An looked at Master Zunzhu inquiringly: "Master Zunzhu, did you notice any unusual movements in the desert when you came?"

Master Zunzhu shook his head at first, and then said thoughtfully: "Maybe it has something to do with the series of strange phenomena in Kunlun Mountain this time."

Jin An pondered: "The desert turns into a vast ocean, which is very similar to the wonder of Guchi Country reappearing on earth. Could it be that the envoys from several countries took a detour to Guchi Country first?"

"If they go to the Guchi Kingdom, they will find the ruins of the Wu'er clan, the Baizu Man ruins, and the Buddhist ruins. These are all evil places. The people living in these countries are all spiritually polluted and eventually go crazy. A normal one.”

"There is a pseudo-fourth realm strongman in their team. They are much stronger than me, Master Yiyun, and Qi Bo back then. It's best that my worries are unnecessary."

Mr. Yiyun has been living and eating in the Five Zang Taoist Temple recently, so he took the opportunity to find Master Zunzhu to gain experience in Buddhist scriptures and practice. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be taught by the most powerful person in the pseudo-fourth realm of the terrible family.

Speaking of the Immortal God's trip to the Western Regions, Young Master Yiyun thought of his experience with Jin An at Laughing Corpse Manor, and looked at Jin An with his eyes like a pair of crescent moons.

Jin An noticed the gaze of Young Master Yiyun, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled, as if they had returned to the profound memory of Laughing Corpse Manor at this moment.

The senior officials of the Tianshen Clan and the Descendants of the Divine Monkey looked at the two people's "faithful expressions" and once again glanced at the Yangjin matriarch with regret.

The senior officials of the Tianshen Clan were curious about what kind of bizarre experiences they had in the Guchi Kingdom, the Wuer Clan, the Baizu People, and the Buddha Kingdom, so that the envoys from several countries could also make a detour to visit them?

So Jin An briefly recounted his experiences at ancient sites in several countries. Even the calm-minded senior officials of several major families were exclaimed by Jin An's bizarre experiences in Journey to the West.

There are too many ancient years buried in the desert, which makes life awe-inspiring.

"I wonder if the envoys from several countries have discovered the secret of the Wu'er clan's Ear of God and the secret of the Buddha's Dark Night Evil Buddha. Master Jin'an, do you think they will find the Kingdom of the Immortal God?" Master Yiyun looked at Jin'an.

Jin An smiled confidently: "They dare not enter the Kingdom of the Immortal God."

"Because the characters of the previous era were very precious about their lives and would not take the risk to enter the Kingdom of the Immortal God. When we entered the Kingdom of the Immortal God, we were determined to go."


Jin An looked up at the increasingly shorter days and nights in the outside world, as well as the heavy snowfall: "The changes in the world are intensifying, and the ancient silence is resurrecting one by one. I am afraid that the ruins of several ancient countries deep in the desert are no longer what they used to be. It was even more sinister a year ago.”

Master Yiyun nodded thoughtfully.

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