White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1350 Tianzhu Great Food Persia, the envoys of the Three Kingdoms went straight to the Five Z

For the arrival of Ayimaimaiti, Benny, and Aheqi, there will naturally be a lively scene in the Wu Zang Taoist Temple.

"Master Yiyun."

"Master Yiyun."

When Ai Maimaiti and the others saw that their savior, Mr. Yiyun, was also in the Wu Zang Taoist Temple, they immediately bowed respectfully, with eyes full of respect.

When they mistakenly ate the human ears, flesh and soul puppets of Laughing Corpse Manor, and their corpses were poisoned, and their lives were on the verge of death, it was Mr. Yiyun who rescued the six of them.

For this reason, Jin'an owes Mr. Yiyun six fish skins, which he has not paid back yet.

Being able to meet Mr. Qi Jinan and Mr. Yiyun here, the princes of Ayimaimaiti were very happy and had endless things to say.

But when Jin An introduced each other to everyone, the atmosphere in the Wu Zang Taoist Temple became subtle.

Young Master Yiyun, the Yangjin matriarch, and Princess Gulizar nodded gently to each other.

This subtle atmosphere can be seen even by the red-robed lamas who follow Master Zunzhu into the world and do not care about the secular affairs of the world. Their eyes are constantly looking at Jin'an, Mr. Yiyun, the female patriarch of Yangjin, and Guli. Princess Zar's four-person transformation.

This delicate atmosphere was quickly broken. Ayimaimaiti and the others rushed to the capital after a long journey and found that mutton was forbidden in the Five Zang Taoist Temple!

People in the Western Regions enjoy all kinds of meat.

But he told them that mutton was forbidden in the Five Zang Taoist Temple.

Their custom is not to eat pork.

As for beef, Kang Dingguo is forbidden to eat it.

They were so hungry that they could only heat up the big naan cakes they brought with them, drink the hot butter tea given by Master Zunzhu, and spend the night with tears in their eyes.

Although it was the first time for everyone to see Ayimaimaiti and the others, they had already heard the story about the Phoenix and several people from Jin An. Facing the arrival of Ayimaimaiti, the Five Zang Taoist Temple Everyone here immediately gathered around to see the Phoenix of Guchi Kingdom out of curiosity.

When it came to the Phoenix, Fatty Li got excited and recounted what had just happened in the Criminal Investigation Department with added detail.

Hearing that there were such surprising things between the Phoenix and the Peacock Buddha in Guchi Kingdom, everyone was amazed and sighed that there are all kinds of wonders in the world, and everyone became more interested in watching the Phoenix.

But the one who had the biggest reaction was the statue of the Thousand-Eyed Taoist Lord. When he heard that the Peacock Buddha had fallen in love with a silly bird, the evil god laughed with joy and joy at the idea of ​​revenge.

The liveliness of the Wu Zang Taoist Temple only lasted for a few days. As the envoys and the camel team moved out of the Wu Zang Taoist Temple, only Princess Gulizal and Ayimaimaiti were left. In addition, Mr. Yiyun suddenly left because of something. There are only a dozen people left in the Wu Zang Taoist Temple.

During the few days they lived in the Wu Zang Taoist Temple, Ayimaimaiti and the others seemed to have discovered a new world. They wandered around the many temples of the Wu Zang Taoist Temple every day, offering incense and worshiping without missing anything. In the evening, they even took the initiative to help the old Taoist priests. Clean each temple.

This involves another important purpose of their mission this time. The strange phenomena in the desert have intensified and they are looking for foreign aid from Jin'an.

Ayimaimaiti and the others once went to Jin'an privately and asked which of the many gods could exorcise demons and protect the country, and could protect the country's destiny and its people?

Jin An just smiled slightly: "Belief means you have it, and sincerity means you have spirit."

Therefore, there was such a thing. Several princes and princesses devoutly burned incense and worshiped the gods during the day, and personally cleaned various temples at night.

According to the original words of the old Taoist priest: "The people of the Western Regions can give up the temptation of the fragrant mutton all over the city and are willing to stay in the Five Zang Taoist Temple with a pure heart. This is indeed sincere."

Jin An smiled and said nothing about this, he already had an idea in his mind.

The Wu Zang Taoist Temple suddenly had more than a dozen people staying at the temple, making it a bit more lively than before. Every day, people told stories about deserts and plateau snow mountains. Even the Thousand-Eyed Taoist Statue sometimes took the initiative to come to the backyard to enjoy the excitement. Just a few days later, Jin'an received a letter from Xizhou Mansion.

There are only a few words in the content. Some merchants from the Western Regions saw the appearance of the Tianzhu envoy, the cannibal envoy, and the Persian envoy. Someone in the envoy was injured, and the number of the camel team was reduced by more than half.

A few days later, letters from flying pigeons came to Xizhou Mansion one after another.

The Tianzhu envoy, the Great Cannibal envoy, and the Persian envoy have entered the customs and entered Xizhou Prefecture.

The letter also mentioned that the intelligence had confirmed that the envoys of several countries had indeed experienced severe attrition and were suspected of having encountered dangerous situations deep in the desert.

As it is almost two months since Kangding's army invaded the border, the number of diplomatic missions from various countries arriving in Beijing has increased dramatically, and the security tasks of the Criminal Investigation Department have also increased dramatically.

Under the strict supervision of intelligence bases in various places of Jin'an, the Tianzhu envoys, the cannibal envoys, and the Persian envoys reported their whereabouts every time they passed through a city.

He discovered that the envoys from the three countries were all traveling very fast, almost constantly rushing along the way.

Finally arrived in Beijing more than half a month early.

As soon as the envoys from the three countries entered the capital, several flying pigeon letters flew into the Criminal Investigation Department, and the information was sent to his desk.

Because Jin An was curious about what happened to the Three Kingdoms envoys in the depths of the desert, and whether they had actually found the ruins of several ancient countries that guarded the Kingdom of the Immortal God, he arranged for manpower to watch at the city gate early to keep an eye on the movements of the Three Kingdoms envoys.

At first, the several pieces of information were normal, and they were the normal way to report to the envoys from the three countries. But soon, the situation developed in a direction that was beyond everyone's expectations.

"The commander is in trouble! Something big has happened! Something big has happened!"

"The Tianzhu envoys, the cannibal envoys, and the Persian envoys that you asked the brothers to keep an eye on did not go to the Imperial City to request an audience with the Holy One as soon as possible. Instead, they went to Incense Avenue first!"

The person in charge of intelligence communication, holding a homing pigeon in his hand, suddenly ran into the hall in a hurry and found Jin An, who was reviewing national case files.


Jin An raised his head.

"And..." The man hesitated and took a cautious look at Jin An, who was raising his eyebrows at the moment.

Jin An raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "Say."

The man replied in a low voice: "The envoys from the three countries are very aggressive, and they seem to be coming with bad intentions."

After hearing this, Jin An sneered: "This is the Kingdom of Kangding, not the foreign land where they are. How can they ignore the masters in the Jade Capital Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion, and cause trouble and kill people in the capital?"


Another homing pigeon flew into the Criminal Investigation Department and fell into the hands of the intelligence officer in front of him.

Seeing this, the man's expression changed drastically: "Your Majesty, the Great Cannibal Envoy and the Persian Envoy asked about the location of the Five Zang Taoist Temple along the way. Li Baihu learned about the situation and rushed to the Five Zang Taoist Temple first."

"They are rushing all the way, are they eager to demolish my five internal organs Taoist temple and avenge the demolition of Shenyu and Buddhist temples?"

"Prepare the carriage. I want to see if the cannibals and Persians are really getting together with the Tianzhu people to demolish my Taoist temple."

Jin An stood up, wearing Taoist robes, and a sharp and powerful aura rose up.

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