White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1363: Blood Plague Tree, Thousand Cave Temple, Crying Ridge, Corpse Pit? city

As the cold breath drags people into the darkness, a desperate cold feeling like falling into the deep sea wraps around the whole body, and whispers continue to come from the ears.

It was as if there were many people standing in the dark place.

My eardrums hurt after listening for a long time.

It can't help but make people upset.

Suddenly, among these small whispers, an urgent voice appeared. Jin An listened carefully, and the voice became more urgent.

He finally heard the content of the urgent voice——

"Go back quickly!"

"Go back quickly!"

Before Jin An had time to think too much, his vision lit up and he was already standing under a lightning-struck tree.

This is an old locust tree, and the traces of the lightning strike are still very new. The lightning directly split the old locust tree into two halves.

Jin'an is no stranger to this old locust tree. He rescued several people from the Criminal Investigation Department from under this old locust tree last time.

"Master Zunzhu."

"Master Qingxi, Master Chiyuan."

Jin An saw a few familiar faces and walked over to join them.

Then the great elder and the great leader also entered the small underworld smoothly.

"Master Zunzhu, when you came, did you hear a strange voice, telling us to go back quickly? The last time I rescued someone, I didn't hear this voice." Jin An asked in a low voice.

Everyone nodded solemnly to show that they had heard.

The interior of the Taoist Yellow Courtyard is full of black whirlwinds, flying sand and rocks. Looking up at the sky, the sky is covered with dark clouds and gray, like a thick haze oppressing the top of the head, giving people a sense of depression.

Jin An also noticed that the lightning-struck wood behind him was covered with runes and Taoist talismans.

Thick iron chains were nailed deeply into the tree and into the ground. Each thick iron chain collapsed straight. This made Jin An think of nailing a dragon stake.

Needless to say, these are all written by Tianshi Mansion.

The Tianshi Mansion has been exploring the Little Underworld for some time, and they know it better.

Sure enough, seeing that everyone was interested in the lightning-strike wood, King Lao Ling explained in due course: "This is a dragon nailing stake. It can not only nail the thousand-year-old ghost tree to prevent trouble midway, but also strengthen the space."

"Last time, the martial arts immortal shouted a Yang Nian shout, which caused the abnormal phenomenon of lightning striking the wood, causing the thousand-year-old locust tree passage connecting the Yang world and the underworld to be unstable. Nailed dragon stakes can re-stabilize the passage."

Obviously, Old King Ling did not intend to explain too much on this matter. He did not wait for the experts present to ask questions, and immediately changed the topic: "Everyone must already know about the situation in the interior of the Taoist Huangting. It is an ancient truth." The imaginary world after death is a small underworld of its own."

"Here I would like to remind you that there are many absurd and strange things in the underworld. There are many in the small underworld. I hope you will not take it lightly during the next journey."

"We all understand these principles. Old King Ling of the Tianshi Mansion, you can get straight to the point. You have invited so many experts to help you this time. What kind of trouble did you encounter? You guys were unwilling to say it when you were outside. Now you can always say it. Come on." Someone in the crowd urged Old King Ling to get straight to the point.

Old King Ling frowned, perhaps because his words were interrupted, which made him unhappy after having been in power for a long time.

However, Old King Ling did not have an attack on the spot, and continued calmly: "After these days of exploration, we have still been unable to get out of the three hundred miles range of the lightning strike."

"There are five dangers here that just surround us. If you want to explore deeper, you must first pass these five dangers."

"Respectively, they are blood plague trees."

"Thousand Cave Temple."

"Crying Ridge."

"Corpse pit."

"Ghost market."

"That's the problem. Because they are not far from each other, once we disturb one place, it will cause changes in the other four places. Every time we fail, we will be attacked from both sides."

Someone asked King Lao Ling what realm these five places corresponded to.

Old King Ling replied solemnly: "You can't pass the fourth realm without being fake."


The only thing that can make Tianshi Mansion troublesome is the pseudo-fourth realm!

Although this result had been expected for a long time, receiving personal recognition from the Tianshi Mansion still made some people in the venue breathless.

Old King Ling: "This Taoist Yellow Courtyard is not as big as the underworld, but precisely because of this, there are more absurd and obscene rituals here, and there are dangers everywhere."

"Old Prince Ling, just tell me how you want us to help your Tianshi Mansion get out of trouble."

Old King Ling: "If you want to break the situation, you can only control five places at the same time, and then use Arrancar to kill the Evil God and the Obscene Priest one by one to break the situation."

"However, since Zhenguo Temple is absent this time, the pseudo-fourth realm is short of manpower, and the original 10-90 chance has become a 50-50 chance."

Everyone does not care about these, but is more concerned about the opportunities in the interior of the Taoist Huangting and the secrets of the ancient immortals.

Seeing that no one went back on his word, King Lao Ling was willing to give it a try, so he gave a detailed plan: "The Tianshi Mansion and the Yujing Golden Tower will each break through to a place later. Great Elder, Great Hierarch, you will work together to break through to a place. Master Zunzhu , your Dharma is profound, you don’t need to kill the evil gods later, you only need to hold one back, what do you think, Master Zunzhu?”

Master Zunzhu nodded compassionately and agreed to Old King Ling's proposal.

Afterwards, King Lao Ling looked at Jin An: "Marquis Shenwu, you have just broken through to the realm of martial arts master Immortal Queen. Is there any problem in holding back the last evil god's obscene priest? With the method you used, Marquis Shenwu, to destroy the Holy Land of Inanimate and the Immortal Mountain, I, the king I really like you, Marquis Shenwu. I won’t be surprised if Marquis Shenwu kills an evil god’s obscene priest on your own.”

I don’t know whether Old Ling Wang’s words were intentional or unintentional. To the ears of the person involved, these words were suspected of deliberately exalting Jin’an and belittling Master Zunzhu and the Great Elder.

Jin An: "Do your best."

Neither admit nor deny.

It both means that it can be held back and that it can be attempted to kill.

"That's very good. I wish us success in advance." Old King Ling was in a happy mood.

"Then you will choose the place first, and our Tianshi Mansion will be the last to choose."

The Tianshi Mansion's exploration of the Taoist Yellow Courtyard these days is not in vain. It has already figured out the situation in the five places, and several experts have contributed to this.

The Blood Plague Tree is a place where plague refugees are expelled and where plague refugees are imprisoned.

Jin'an had the Five Blessings Emperor's Plague Expelling Talisman, and he was strong enough not to be afraid of common plague diseases, so he chose the Blood Plague Tree.

Yujing Jinque chose the ghost market.

Master Zunzhu chose Ciling Ridge.

The great elder and the great leader choose the corpse pit.

Tianshi Mansion chose Qianku Temple.

The others are responsible for delaying the evil god's obscene sacrifice. The masters of Yujing Golden Tower and Tianshi Mansion, which has the most manpower, strive to clear the ghost market and Qianca Temple as quickly as possible, and then return to support the others.

The remaining people followed Tianshi Mansion to explore the Thousand Caves Temple, which has the most complex terrain.

After checking the details again, everyone dispersed and acted independently.

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