White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1376 Accident and Headless Corpse

As soon as the secret passage was exposed, as the internal and external pressure changed, a black and evil aura spewed out.

Jin An's eyes shone brightly, and the Yangjin vertical eyes in the center of his eyebrows shone brightly. He opened his mouth and blew out a breath. The blood energy of martial arts, human beings and immortals was like fire, directly burning away the evil energy that came towards him.

"This place has been dusty all year round, and the corpses have been lying around for a long time. The evil wind just now was a mixture of funerary air, turbid air, yin air, corpse air, and miasma air." Jin An explained to Zhang Zhuzhu, who was protected behind him.

However, Zhang Zhuzhu didn't listen to what Jin An explained at this time. He looked at Jin An's back in horror and was shocked by the scene just now.

The method Jin An just displayed was an immortal skill that could only be seen in storytellers. It was simply miraculous and shocking.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, are you a living god?"

"Not only do you know everything, but you also have magical abilities. With just one breath, you could blow away the wind a few steps away. I had trouble blowing out a candle from a foot away!"

Zhang Zhuzhu discovered that he was completely wrong from the beginning. Jin An was not a master of martial arts, he was clearly a living god descending to earth.

"Taoist Master Jin An, you must be a living god who descended to the mortal world to conquer demons and save the common people!" Zhang Zhuzi looked at Jin An with determination, his eyes were bright and energetic, and he admired Jin An extremely.

Jin An smiled and said: "I am not a god, we are all living beings of flesh and blood."

Next, Jin An walked in front, Zhang Zhuzhu followed behind, and the two of them held torches and descended into the secret passage.

Although the filthy air that had been dusty for many years has dissipated, some stench still remains in the secret passage. This stench is the stench of corpse water flowing across the body after decomposition.

There is a rumor among the people that corpse odor is the top of all stenches and cannot be washed away.

If it is true, as Zhang Zhuzhu said, that those infected people were driven into secret passages to die, then the corpses would rot and there would be corpse water. The corpse water could stink for a hundred years, so the smell of corpses could not be dispelled even in Jin'an. If he falls off, he can only remind Zhang Zhuzhu to follow him closely and not get separated, and tell him as soon as possible if he feels any discomfort in his body.

He is a masculine person with strong yang and weak yin. He can suppress the corpse odor in the secret passage. As long as you follow him closely, you will not be afraid of the threat of corpse poison.

Ever since he saw Jin An's magical methods, Zhang Zhuzhu respected Jin An more and more and trusted him wholeheartedly. He nodded heavily and obeyed everything Jin An said.

And he always knew one thing in his heart. Jin An didn't have to take risks in the secret passage. All Jin An did was to help him collect the corpses for the villagers. Since then, he has trusted Jin An wholeheartedly. Only Jin An is worthy of the four words "Famous Family and Righteous Way".

There are no forks in the secret passage. Jin An only needs to keep walking along the secret passage. There is no need to go to Zhang Zhuzhu to lead the way for the time being.

There were torches scattered on the stone wall of the dark passage, and Jin An lit them one by one. The dark dark passage was gradually illuminated by more and more torches, making the front and back bright.

The secret passage was very deep. Jin An discovered that the secret passage was excavated downwards, and they had been going deep underground.

After walking for a while, their attention was attracted by a large pool of black liquid spewing on the stone wall of the secret passage.

"Could this be..." Zhang Zhuzhu's expression changed.

Jin An's answer further confirmed his suspicion: "Yes, it's human blood."

"Aren't you impressed by this?"

Zhang Zhuzi's face changed slightly as he recalled carefully, then shook his head: "No."

Jin An nodded thoughtfully: "It seems that there are some unknown changes happening down here."

They didn't go far this time when they saw the first dead person after descending into the dark passage. The person had turned into bones and was covered with thick dust. It would take ten years to accumulate such a thick layer of dust.

"Do you have any impressions this time?" Jin An asked Zhang Zhuzhu again.

I still got a negative answer from Zhang Zhuzhu.

Jin An nodded and did not inquire further. He once again focused his attention on the bones on the ground: "His heart and ribs were cut with sharp blade marks. He probably died from a blow to the heart. However, his head was missing, and it was possible that it was cut off. His head was the fatal blow."

Jin An held up a torch and looked around, but couldn't find the fallen head.

"The head is missing. Is he an infected person from the same place as you?" Jin An asked Zhang Zhuzhu.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zhuzhu replied in a very affirmative tone: "It's definitely not them!"


Jin An turned around and looked: "There is no head, the body has rotted into bones, and there is nothing to prove the identity. How can you be so sure it's not him?"

Zhang Zhuzi affirmed: "The clothes are wrong!"

Jin An nodded in understanding, and then said to himself: "If it's not the epidemic person, then it's the person guarding here. Why did he die here mysteriously, and where did his head fall off?"

Zhang Zhuzhu thought of the black dried blood he had encountered before and said hesitantly: "Taoist Master Jin An, could the blood splattered all over the wall we just saw belong to him?"

Jin An looked at Zhang Zhuzhu meaningfully and said deliberately: "But this place is some distance away from the Blood Wall."

Zhang Zhuzhu kept looking down at the bones on the ground, and did not notice Jin An's meaningful gaze. He continued: "Actually... looking at the blood on the wall reminded me of the scene during the New Year when we eat pig rice and kill pigs and let blood... We kill pigs. It involves pricking a hole in the pig's neck to bleed it. This bloodletting process is a bit long, and the pig will often struggle fiercely due to pain. At this time, several grown men cannot hold the pig down, and the pig will break free and run around, and the blood will spray everywhere. On the ground... there will be a scene like blood splatters on the wall."

Jin An: "Are you trying to say that this person had no head, but he could still run for a while before dying, and the blood stains all over the wall were just the blood splattering from his neck?"

Zhang Zhuzhu thought for a moment, then nodded hesitantly.

Jin An thought: "This is not impossible."

Zhang Zhuzi hesitated: "Taoist Master Jin'an, do you believe what I say? Even I think that a person without a head will only die on the spot. It is unlikely that a person can run so far without a head."

Jin An chuckled and said: "The world is full of wonders. Are weird things rare in this world? Everything is possible."

Zhang Zhuzhu nodded.

It was obviously his conjecture, but even he himself did not believe this ridiculous conjecture. On the contrary, Jin An believed it easily.

Jin An pondered: "Actually, I'm more curious about his murderer. What happened underground?"

This headless corpse was just an interlude, and then the two of them continued on the road, exploring the underground world under the secret passage.

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