White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1379 Pregnant female corpse? Pregnant male corpse?

"I see."

Zhang Zhuzhu suddenly became serious, leaving Jin An a little confused.

Jin An: "What did you suddenly understand?"

Zhang Zhuzhu said solemnly: "Taoist Master Jin'an, you are a living god. You must be focused on asking questions and practicing in seclusion. How can you have time to care about the affairs of men and women in the world?"


Jin An: "Uh, do you clearly mean this?"

Zhang Zhuzhu looked at Jin An in confusion: "What else?"

"Taoist Master Jin'an, what do you think it is?"

Jin An shook his head and smiled: "It's nothing. I thought you had an impression of this place, and suddenly recalled some important clues."

Facing Jin An's answer, Zhang Zhuzi looked like he was hesitant to speak.

Jin An held a torch in his hand, and while looking around at the gloomy corpse pavilion in front of him, he said to Zhang Zhuzhu: "If you have anything to say, it's okay to just say it."

Zhang Zhuzhu asked cautiously: "Taoist Master Jin'an, are you trying to change the topic related to Mr. Yiyun in what you said just now?"

Jin An: "..."

"Uncle Zhuzi, do you have any impression of this corpse pavilion in your memory?"

Zhang Zhuzhu: "..."

"Taoist Master Jin'an, you have forgotten. I just said in the secret passage that we were only responsible for building the temple and never went down here."

"Oh, yes, there are many doubts here. Uncle Zhuzhu, please be more careful. Let's look carefully to see if there are any other clues." Jin An suddenly realized that he was so thick-skinned that he could tell lies without any embarrassment.

Because it looks like a pavilion from the outside, with a roof, tiles, and beams, Jin An temporarily named this place the Corpse Pavilion.

The area of ​​this corpse pavilion is the same as that of an ordinary pavilion. The only difference, and the biggest difference, is that the height from the ground is too high, about two to three feet high.

With such a high height from the ground, it doesn't look like it's a place for people to live.

In Feng Shui, the first condition for people to live in a house is to gather Qi. The house can be big, but the bedrooms should not be too big to avoid being unable to hide anger, which will make living people uncomfortable and lead to various mental and physical problems if they live there for a long time.

The height difference is two to three feet high. It is too high, and it is destined to be unable to gather energy.

And the fact that so many people are empty-handed in front of them fully proves this point.

In the process of searching for clues, the two of them would pass by empty human skin bags from time to time. Zhang Zhuzhu discovered a detail: "Priest Jin'an, have you noticed that these people, human skins, have very calm expressions on their faces?" …Don’t they feel pain when they’re skinned?”

Jin An, who was walking ahead with a torch in his hand, casually replied: "Pay attention to the scratches on the skin on their backs. Maybe they took off their skins by imitating cicada pupae."


Jin An's casual words would be frightening to ordinary people's ears.

After searching around, I didn't find any clues, but I found the entrance and exit of the Corpse Pavilion.

"It seems that there are no clues here. Even if there were any clues, they are probably no longer here." When Jin An said this, he looked up at the hole in the roof.

Zhang Zhuzhu was not stupid. He heard Jin An's voice and looked at the dark hole hanging above his head, swallowing nervously.

Standing outside and looking at the black hole before, it felt like an abyss. Now looking at the black hole from below, the atmosphere is even more terrifying... It's like there is a person lying on top of their heads staring at them. If you look straight for a long time, you will even have the illusion that the black hole is following you. As his eyes moved, he also moved to stare at himself.

People in a claustrophobic environment have a weak aura and cannot avoid having random thoughts. Fortunately, the sound of Jin An's leaving footsteps brought Zhang Zhuzhu back to reality from his shock in time.

Seeing that Jin An was walking towards the entrance of the Corpse Pavilion, he chased after him and said happily: "Thanks for meeting you, Taoist Jin An, this time, I didn't expect that there are so many weird things hidden under the temple, otherwise I..."

Before Zhang Zhuzhu finished speaking, Jin An pushed open the old wooden door of the corpse pavilion.

As soon as he opened the door, a tall black shadow rushed towards him from outside. The shadow brought a dark wind and poured it in. Puff, puff, the torches in their hands were extinguished at the same time, plunging the corpse pavilion into permanent darkness.

This was really what he said. Zhang Zhuzhu was so frightened that he forgot what he said and his mind went blank.

Zhang Zhuzhu was about to call out to Jin An in panic, when in the darkness, a hand suddenly covered his mouth and nose, and his hair suddenly exploded!

Fortunately, he was brave enough, otherwise he would have turned his head and ran away in fear. Feeling the warmth from his palm, knowing that this hand came from a living person, Jin An, he immediately calmed down as if he had received reassurance.

After calming down, Zhang Zhuzhu stood in the darkness and did not dare to move or run around. In the darkness, he nodded to indicate that he had recognized Jin An. At the same time, he opened his eyes wide, trying to see clearly what was hidden behind the darkness. What's behind the corpse pavilion door...

He was obviously afraid of seeing something, but also eager to see clearly what was in the darkness, with fear and curiosity in his eyes.

As Zhang Zhuzhu nodded, the palm covering his mouth and nose was removed.

Zhang Zhuzhu was overjoyed. It turned out to be Taoist Priest Jin'an.

However, Jin An's behavior next made Zhang Zhuzhu confused. Jin An did not light the torch immediately, nor did he continue to leave the Corpse Pavilion. Instead, he led him back into the Corpse Pavilion without advancing.

As the darkness heard the door to the charnel house being closed again, the flames of the torches illuminated the charnel house again.

"Taoist Master Jin An just now..." Seeing the light again, Zhang Zhuzhu couldn't wait to ask, but he was startled by the extra person, and his voice stopped abruptly.

To be more precise, the extra person was not a living person, but a mummified dead person. It was also the complete corpse in the true sense that they saw after descending into the secret passage, with a head, skin, and flesh and blood. But because the person had been dead for so long, the body was dehydrated, the body shrank severely, and the wrinkled skin turned black overall.

Jin An quickly explained the origin of the mummy. It turned out that the mummy was brought in by Jin An. The mummy died outside the corpse pavilion. When he opened the door just now, the mummy dumped into the corpse pavilion, and the wind blew away the two of them. Torches.

Hearing that the mummy was brought in by Jin An and not by a fake corpse, Zhang Zhuzhu was about to relax and let out a sigh of relief, but Jin An covered his mouth and nose again.

Zhang Zhuzi's eyes widened in confusion.

Jin An shook his head slightly with a solemn expression: "Don't let the yang energy of a living person touch the dead."

Zhang Zhuzhu heard some taboos between the living and the dead mentioned by the village elders before, and he nodded hurriedly to express his understanding.

It's rare to encounter a complete corpse, and this time it can be said that there is a lot of progress. Maybe there are important clues hidden in this mummy, which is why Jin An took the initiative to take the mummy back to the corpse pavilion.

Zhang Zhuzhu was surprised: "Why is this mummy's belly so round? Could it be that it was a pregnant woman's corpse?"

Jin An, who was conducting the autopsy carefully, was amused by Zhang Zhuzhu's words: "This is a male corpse, how could it be possible that she was pregnant?"

Zhang Zhuzi's face was full of embarrassment.

He was so nervous that he only noticed the most prominent features of the mummy and ignored more details.

Jin An continued to add: "Even a pregnant woman with a baby in her belly will have a shriveled belly after becoming a dehydrated mummy, and the characteristics will not be so obvious."

"The belly of this mummy is round and swollen. There must be something hidden in it. Only by cutting open his belly can we know what is hidden."

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