White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1387 New Variables in the Taoist Huangting Interior Location

Seeing that Jin An was able to stop so many poisonous insects in the sky from approaching with just a yellow talisman, Zhang Zhuzhu was shocked, and his admiration for Jin An became even more fanatical.

What is this if not a fairy?

He was firmly convinced that Jin An was a deity who came down to earth to save people in distress. From now on, whoever said that Jin An was not a deity, he would be the first to stand up and be anxious.

If it were an ordinary person, surrounded by so many poisonous insects, his bones would have been eaten away long ago.

Look at them again, they are in peace.

The difference between cloud and mud is immediately apparent.

"These corpses are cold and cold. It seems that the fireflies we see are corpse fires. These plague insects are more suitable to be called corpse fire pests." Jin An looked at the wonders of the Milky Way flowing above his head and said with thoughtful eyes.

The exotic flowers and trees here and the corpse fire pests have a symbiotic relationship, mutually supporting each other. The underground plants need light sources to grow, and the corpse fire pests also need enough nutrients to reproduce.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, you have been looking at that place. Is there anything there?" Zhang Zhuzhu noticed Jin'an's details and asked suddenly.

Jin An did not hide anything and told his findings truthfully.

Hearing that a dark shadow had been following them, Zhang Zhuzhu immediately patrolled back and forth vigilantly.

"Is there something unclean?" Zhang Zhuzhu asked in a low voice.

Jin An thought for a while and then said: "The person who can appear here cannot be a human being. It will be achieved in 89 years."

Zhang Zhuzhu didn't hear the tone of Jin An's words, and nodded in deep agreement, continuing to look back and forth vigilantly: "Has Taoist Master Jin An thought of a way? How to force out that unclean thing that has been following him...?"

Jin An did not answer immediately, but waited until the vision of heaven and earth in front of him disappeared.

Strange phenomena in the world appear, and the other party disappears. Maybe the black shadow will reappear when these zombie fire pests dissipate.

However, after waiting for a while, there were still no signs of these zombie fire pests retreating. Even the flowing galaxy above our heads showed no sign of decreasing. Corpse fire pests kept flying down into the forest garden, but the flowing galaxy never diminished.

Jin An couldn't wait too long. He had been delayed for a long time. He didn't know what the fighting situation was like outside. He didn't have much time to wait, so he had to make a quick decision.

Jin An acted decisively. Since he had made up his mind to fight quickly, he decided to set off immediately and take the initiative.

"Uncle Zhuzi, I plan to go there to investigate in person and look for any clues there. Please follow me closely and don't get separated." Jin An warned once and set off immediately.

Zhang Zhuzhu nodded heavily, didn't ask any more questions, and followed him honestly.

Jin An could detect the prying eyes. The big tree where the black shadow was hiding was not too far away from them. The journey went smoothly. The zombie fire bugs were flying by themselves and did not pay attention to the extra trees in the forest garden. Two outsiders.

During this period, Zhang Zhuzi was naturally indispensable, once again astonishing Jin An and making him marvel again and again.

Zhang Zhuzhu followed Jin An closely, walking carefully among the corpse fire pests. He lowered his voice and asked curiously: "Taoist Master Jin An, what is the name of this yellow talisman? There are so many corpse fire pests that don't dare to approach us."

Jin An answered with a smile: "My name is the Five Blessing Emperors' Plague Expelling Talisman. In my Five Zang Taoist Temple, the Five Blessing Emperors are enshrined, namely Shi Wenye who is in charge of Zhongwen, Zhang Yuanbo who is in charge of Spring Wen, Liu Yuanda who is responsible for Xia Wen, Zhao Gongming who is responsible for Autumn Wen, and Dong Wen. Zhong Rengui, they specialize in the duties of "collecting plague, poisoning, and sweeping away filth", and bless people and animals to prosper and the grain to be abundant."

"Emperor Wufu is the righteous god of Taoism. Compared with the wild god who has never heard of it, Emperor Futian Quwen is many times more brilliant. Emperor Futian Quwen dared to build a training dojo here, which shows that it We are not afraid of the zombie fire pests here. These poisonous pests are even less worth mentioning in front of the Five Blessings Emperor. This is our confidence. With the support of the righteous god and doing the right thing, we will always be disadvantageous."

After Zhang Zhuzi was surprised, his voice was suppressed and low: "If I had known, we should have believed in the Five Blessings Emperor from the beginning!"

"When I get out, can Taoist Jin'an give me a Five Blessing Emperor's Plague Dispelling Talisman?"

Jin An paused slightly, then nodded: "Okay."

Zhang Zhuzi was grateful: "Thank you, Taoist Master Jin'an."

Jin An's strange behavior just now was not because he felt sorry for a plague-repelling talisman, but because he was surprised that Zhang Zhuzhu took the initiative to ask for the Five Blessing Emperor's plague-repelling talisman. Is this an anomaly?

One is that this is the Taoist Huangting interior scene after the death of the real immortal, and the other is that Zhang Zhuzhu is the dead person he brought back to life with his corpse exorcism technique. These are all variables.

If Zhang Zhuzhu really believes in the Five Blessings Emperor, does he mean that he is a true immortal who insists on believing in the Five Blessings Emperor? Or does Zhang Zhuzhu believe in the Five Blessings Emperor?

But Zhang Zhuzhu was already dead, and everything he saw before him was transformed from the inner scene of the Taoist Huangting after the death of the real immortal.

There are so many variables at this level that even he can't predict what the outcome will be.

At this time, the underground space was as bright as day. The two extinguished the torches and came to the foot of the big tree. As the two arrived, the gathered corpse fire pests were affected by the aura of the Five Blessings and flew away automatically, leaving an open space.

Surprisingly, no footprints were found under the tree.

Jin An frowned and thought, not because he was surprised why there were no footprints here. They had already guessed that something unclean was following behind. What he was thinking about was, where was that black shadow standing at that time?

Jin An imitated his stance while thinking.

When he found the position, he just stood up and noticed something was wrong under his feet: "There is something down here, it's not all soft soil."

Jin An used a scabbard instead of a shovel and swept away the top layer of soil, revealing a stone slab.

Because the stone slab had been buried underground for many years, it was stained with a lot of soil. It took a lot of effort to clean the soil. They saw that there was a layer of relief on the surface of the stone slab, and the carving was actually the thousand-armed statue they had seen at the entrance to the secret passage.

This stone slab was incomplete, and I didn’t know where it was moved from. The corners were uneven, and the statues were uneven, but this still didn’t stop Jin An from recognizing at a glance that the statue of the Thousand-Armed God was carved.

After all, I had just seen this statue recently, and it was impressive.

The stone slab was as big as a door panel, half a finger thick, and weighed over a thousand kilograms. As he continued to clean up the surrounding soil, Jin An noticed another detail. There was actually a well under the soil, and the stone slab was exactly at the top of the well.

Zhang Zhuzi was surprised: "Hey, is this the wall of a well? Why is there a well here?"

He helped dig the soil together, and now both hands were covered in mud.

Jin An's eyes flashed coldly, and he didn't know what he was thinking. The next moment, he pushed away the stone slab with his palm. This was a dry well, and the dry well was filled with white corpses.

They are all human bones that have turned into white bones.

Judging from the degree of decay of the clothing of these corpses, it is estimated that most of the corpses and clothing have rotted away, and only a small number of corpses still have some rags and pieces of clothing. These people in the well should be the first batch of people to be killed.

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