White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1417 Martial Arts Immortal and Qingxi Master

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone's eyes darkened and their brows furrowed slightly.

Although no one said anything, it could be seen from the slight frowns that everyone was not optimistic about the future situation in the Taoist Yellow Courtyard.

As soon as he came out of the Juehu Tomb, Jin An immediately asked the statue of the Thousand-Eyed Taoist Lord to use his clairvoyance to search for the whereabouts of the great leader, great elder, and Master Zunzhu.

The Thousand-Eyed Daojun Statue said that those places were unusual and that its magical power was blinded and it could not see anything.

Because he was concerned about the safety of the great leader and the great elder, Jin An grabbed the statue of the Thousand-Eyed Taoist Lord and hurried towards the corpse pit.

The rest of the people also went to the corpse pit together.

Jin'an was rushing all the way, and before he reached the corpse pit, he saw the corpse pit in almost ruins from a distance in the sky.

The Corpse Pit is a grand canyon. Corpse energy accumulates like clouds in the Grand Canyon and remains there all year round. In his eyes, the Corpse Pit looks like an earth-shattering fierce battle has just occurred. Many parts of the canyon have collapsed and there are buried ruins everywhere. , Corpse clouds and dust clouds entangled themselves, and the scene in the Grand Canyon could not be seen for a while.

The condition of the corpse pit is worse than that of Juehu Tomb.

The corpse qi in the corpse pit is poisonous and accumulates all year round. It is extremely poisonous. If an ordinary person touches it, the corpse poison will break out, and the whole body will turn into thick water. Even if you are a master of cultivation, you must be cautious when entering it. If you accidentally inhale a few more breaths of corpse gas, you will be poisoned and die suddenly.

Moreover, these corpse qi are the filthy and resentful substances of the most evil and evil spirits in the world, which will also cause great damage to the spirituality of the magic weapon. If the magic weapon is not spiritually strong, even the magic weapon will fall into it.

Jin An frowned. He was about to rush into the corpse pit, as he was concerned about the great leader and elder. When he saw a few groups of divine flowers shining in the corpse aura deep in the corpse pit, Jin An's brows were filled with joy.

"But you, the Great Hierarch and the Great Elder?"

"You are all okay, is anyone injured?"

There was an immediate response from deep in the corpse pit: "Taoist Master Jin'an, we are fine."

It was the voice of the great leader and great elder, and Jin An was delighted.

In the blink of an eye, those groups of divine flowers had safely rushed out of the corpse cloud and landed in front of Jin An. It was the great leader and great elder who entered the corpse pit to restrain the corpse king.

Behind these two pseudo-fourth realm powerful men, there was also a group of people. These people looked embarrassed, and some did not dare to look at Jin An. They were the people from the Tianshi Mansion who were scattered in the corpse pit and the Weeping Ridge.

The people from the Tianshi Mansion thanked the Grand Master and the Grand Elder, and then handed over to Jin An and said, "I have met Marquis Shenwu." Then they left in a hurry and went to Qianku Temple to join the other people from the Tianshi Mansion.

Seeing the concern in Jin An's eyes, and personally coming to the corpse pit to look for the two of them, the Grand Master and Grand Elder were touched, and moved expressions appeared on their faces.

"Taoist Master Jin'an's concern for us is more heart-warming than the desert sun."

"Yes, the only thing that can compare to this is probably the Holy Fire of my religion."

Afterwards, the two of them saluted the masters of Yujing Golden Tower with their right hands clenched and placed on their chests, thanking Kangding for their friendship and hoping that the friendship between the two countries would last forever, like the sun in the desert that lasts forever.

This was not the time for greetings. Master Zunzhu had not been found yet. Now that they had found the great elder and leader who were safe and sound, everyone went to Weiling Ridge to find Master Zunzhu.

On the way, everyone also got a rough idea of ​​the situation in the corpse pit.

When the mute Weird came to the corpse pit, the great elder and the great leader immediately sensed the approaching danger, gave up on the corpse king who had been delaying, and evacuated deeper into the corpse pit, leaving the corpse king to fight against the mute Weird. .

The Corpse King refused to give up the corpse pit as a training ground easily, and led thousands of corpses in the Corpse Pit to resist the foreign invaders. The final outcome was as seen before. Everyone, including the Corpse King, was in despair, and there were no bones left, not even the corpses. The pits were reduced to rubble.

However, they realized something was wrong early on and took refuge in the depths of the corpse pit. The great leader and the great elder escaped the disaster by using the corpse energy deep in the corpse pit to cover up the aura of the living.

Being able to clear out the corpse pit by oneself in such a short period of time, even the pseudo-fourth realm corpse king could not escape. On the way, everyone speculated what they encountered this time, their strength was so terrifying.

According to the introduction of King Lao Ling, Weiling Ridge is a mass grave where the sound of mourning continues for a long time. However, there are so many graves in Weiling Ridge that it is difficult to find which family is crying.

When we arrived at Weeping Ridge, as expected, the place was destroyed into ruins just like the corpse pit.

Almost all of the graveyards on the mountain have been dug up. Mounds of fresh loess and grave pits can be seen everywhere. Coffins and straw mats for burials are scattered all over the mountains, and bones are paved into a forest.

This is called digging the grave thoroughly.

A closer look shows that none of the graves in Weiling Ridge have been spared.

"It is said that nothing more tragic than the excavation of Juehu's grave. Looking at the situation here, this place can be called Juehu Mountain. No one can be spared." Xuanlei Zhenren has a big mouth and a square nose. He speaks in a loud voice and is full of energy.

As soon as they arrived at Weiling Ridge, they saw a familiar figure, Master Zunzhu, wearing a red monk's robe and a cockscomb hat on his head.

Master Zunzhu was followed by a group of disgraced people from the Tianshi Mansion. The people from the Tianshi Mansion were all like chickens, with wilted heads and droopy brains, and they followed Master Zunzhu in a depressed manner.

Just when they found Master Zunzhu, Master Zunzhu also discovered them immediately. Master Zunzhu put his hands together and smiled and looked at everyone.

"Master Zunzhu." Jin An fell excitedly.

"Jin Anima." Master Zunzhu smiled and nodded.

Master Zunzhu looked Jin An up and down, and the elder's kindness and approval in his eyes became stronger: "Jin Anima seems to have another adventure this time, and his cultivation has made great progress."

Jin An quickly said humbly: "It's all temporary, temporary. Compared with seniors like Master Zunzhu and Yujing Jinque, my small achievements can't dare to do anything in front of Master Zunzhu."

Master Zunzhu just looked at Jin An and smiled without saying a word, and the look of approval in his eyes remained undiminished, as if he was praising Jin An for his improvement in cultivation, but it didn't mean this, but had other deeper meanings.

Jin An felt like he was standing in front of Master Zunzhu, as if no secret could be hidden. This feeling happened not once or twice. Master Zunzhu always gave him the feeling that Buddhism is unfathomable.

Next, Jin An asked about Master Zunzhu's experience in Ciling Ridge.

The mourning sound in Weiling Ridge comes from an old man who cannot find a home and cries in the wrong grave. Master Zunzhu originally wanted to help the old man find the grave where his relatives were buried, but after a long investigation, he could not find the grave of his relatives. With further understanding, I discovered that the old man's life experience was not as simple as it appeared. The old man crying at the wrong grave was actually the result of the resentment of the ownerless bones under every grave in the mass grave.

Those who were buried in mass graves had no homes. They had long been buried in nameless tombs without monuments. For too long, no one had come to pay their respects, and every one of them was filled with resentment. These dead people have soaring resentments and stagnation, and over time, these resentments turn into a resentful ghost.

This old man was born out of the resentment of a group of homeless and dead people, so of course he couldn't find a home.

However, this old man who cried at the wrong grave will no longer have to worry about finding his home, because the old man and the dead people in the mass graves all had their graves dug up and their bodies were beaten to the point of being beaten to pieces.

Master Zunzhu had a family Buddhist artifact on his body and received help from his ancestors to avoid disaster. Those people in Tianshi Mansion also got a little exposure to Tantric Buddhism and survived.

The surviving members of the Tianshi Mansion, after thanking Master Zunzhu for saving their lives, went to join the other Tianshi Mansion people.

Seeing that all the outsiders were gone and only the familiar ones were left, Jin An's expression became serious: "Master Zunzhu, your Dharma is profound, have you seen what kind of terrifying legend is coming this time?"

Master Zunzhu sighed: "Just another pitiful and helpless person."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone present turned solemn and they asked Master Zunzhu what else he saw?

Master Zunzhu: "At that time, I was reciting Buddhist sutras in the Buddhist vessel to save this mountain of dead people. I didn't see what came this time. It was my mind that sensed a helpless and painful emotion."

Jin An pondered, and then said: "No matter what it is, if we really encounter it, the best result is that everyone is fine this time."

The leader of the Zoroastrian Cult also said at this time: "Yes, we should also thank it for helping us clean up the corpse pit and crying ridge, so that we can focus on exploring more places."

After everyone exchanged some more information, they started to go to Lei Zhi Mu to join the people from Tianshi Mansion.

Lightning struck the wood.

When Jin An and the others arrived, the Tianshi Mansion was already waiting here. Several old faces including Po Junhou, Lao Ling Wang, and Luo Tian were there. They also saw the Tianzhu and Rakshasa people.

Seeing the group of people landing on the ground, Po Junhou and Lao Ling Wang nodded, and then looked at Jin An deeply, seemingly with deep meaning.

"Master Zunzhu, the Great Hierarch, and the Great Elder helped each other in a righteous way. When their subordinates came back, they reported it to me. I thanked three of them first. After this incident is over, I will hold a banquet at the Tianshi Mansion. Thank you personally." Po Junhou, who was full of evil spirits, raised his hands and said polite words.

"Marquis Pojun's words are serious, it's just a simple effort." Master Zunzhu said with a smile, without having too much communication with Marquis Pojun.

Master Zunzhu, the Great Leader, and the Great Elder are all close to Jin An, and they all know that Jin An has a bad relationship with the Tianshi Mansion, so the three of them deliberately distance themselves from the relationship with the Tianshi Mansion.

Po Junhou has lived for two generations. He has matured into a mature man and has a deep city. How could he not see the subtle relationship between them? After nodding, he did not continue to talk to the three of them.

On the contrary, it was the Tianzhu man who claimed to be the incarnation of King Hari who walked on earth, who attracted Jin'an's attention.

The face of this Tianzhu man has aged into a teenager. When we first met, he was a young man in his early twenties, and now he has a mature face in his thirties. The age span is so big that the difference can be seen at a glance. Moreover, this person is full of energy and has a rosy complexion. He is not as weak and dying as before when his soul was seriously injured and his body was coughing up blood. He has not been seen for a long time. Unexpectedly, this Tianzhu man recovered from his injuries so quickly. Jin An Wei be surprised.

But after pondering for a moment, he saw the reason.

The reason why this man recovered so quickly from his injuries should be related to the fact that King Hari received gifts from the gods.

King Hari was a king of his generation. Because he believed in the gods devoutly, he was rewarded by the gods and granted immortality. The possibility of immortality is unlikely. The life essence is vigorous and the life span should be longer than that of ordinary people.

This incarnation of King Hari recovered so quickly from his injuries, probably because he sacrificed part of the life essence given by the gods in exchange for a short time to recover from his injuries, so as to avoid dying from his injuries in the unknown and dangerous Taoist Huangting interior location. .

This can also explain why he looks like a teenager after not seeing him for a long time.

But so what?

An incarnation of the gods King Hari has been pulled down from the altar by him, and a sun god Surya has been knocked to his knees three times by him.

At this time, these two Tianzhu people were no different from bereaved dogs in Jin An's eyes. They could only hide in the Tianshi Mansion team and did not even have the courage to say a word to him.

"Is it them?" Master Qing Xi asked Jin An. The "they" here refers to the two Tianzhu people.

"Yes." Jin An nodded, and then recounted his findings.

When Jin An looked at the two of them with cold eyes, the two of them were also staring at Jin An with gloomy eyes. Their deep hatred for Jin An could only be described as wanting to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

Messenger Sulie, who was staring gloomily at Jin An, suddenly changed his expression and turned to Master Qing Xi who was talking to Jin An. His already gloomy expression became even uglier.

"What's wrong, do you know that woman?" King Hari asked incarnate.

Divine Envoy Surya was so angry that his face turned livid: "The damn martial arts immortal gave the ancient god's fire that was stolen from me to the woman standing next to him!"

"The martial arts immortal actually used my ancient god's fire to please women!"

Divine Envoy Suriya was so angry that even his soul was so angry that he felt dizzy. The martial arts immortals repeatedly humiliated him in front of him. He felt that the martial arts immortals must have done it on purpose. The purpose was to break his spiritual practice and make him deeply Trapped in countless inner demons.

The two of them communicated in Tianzhu language, and no one understood what they were saying. They could only see that their expressions were as gloomy as dark clouds and their eyes were evil.

"Prince Ling, do you know the Taoist-robed woman standing next to the martial arts immortal? I think they have a close relationship. Are they Taoist couples or members of the same sect?" Divine Envoy Surya, who was extremely uncomfortable with his thoughts, turned to ask the old man King Ling.

Old King Ling followed his gaze and saw that it was Master Qingxi, so he briefly introduced the identity of Master Qingxi: "This Master Qingxi has a high seniority in Yujing Golden Palace. Strictly speaking, he is also a martial arts practitioner of Zhengyi. When immortals see her, they will all call her uncle."

"Even if I meet Master Qing Xi, I still have to be a little humble."

Divine Envoy Surya and the incarnation of King Hari both showed surprised looks. They looked at each other in surprise. Divine Envoy Suriya asked in surprise: "I see that she is full of vitality and her blood is young and energetic. It doesn't look like she is the same person as us." How can a person who is young and not old in this era be so senior?"

After thinking for a while, Old King Ling said: "This matter is deeply involved. A deceased veteran of Yujing Jinque brought back a baby girl when he traveled around the world and accepted him as the only closed disciple. He is the real Qingxi you see in front of you. Because that elder has a very senior position, Taoist Zhanmu and Qingfeng Taoist of Yujing Golden Palace are respectfully called Master Uncle, so Master Qingxi also has a seniority in Yujing Golden Palace."

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