White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 141 Madam Hongmen’s Banquet at Jin’an (5k big chapter, please subscribe and vote monthly)

He Mansion.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The lower courtyard where the laundry room of He Mansion is located.

After Jin'an's spirit returned, he took the old Taoist priest with him and planned to go directly to the hiding place of the Wutong God.

Li Weiwei, who had been sitting nearby feeding mosquitoes, watched Jin An and the old Taoist priest hurriedly leave the hospital, and he also hurriedly brought others out.

When he learned that Wutong God had been executed.

Jin An was about to take the old Taoist priest to find the Wutong God.

Li Huwei was surprised: "I see that neither Taoist Jin An nor Taoist Chen have ever left the courtyard. How did Taoist Jin An exorcise the five-tong god?"

"How did Taoist Jin'an know the location of the Wutong God Tablet?"

"Li Weiwei, you came just in time. I just need you to help me get the Wutong God's shrine." A coolie came to the door automatically. Jin An directly called Li Huwei to go with him to find the Wutong God's shrine. .

When Li Weiwei heard this, he immediately became arrogant and high-spirited, not to mention how energetic he was.

He has always wanted to hit the evil spirit once.

This is a rare opportunity to have such a close encounter with the Wutong God, so naturally I patted my chest and recommended myself to Jin An.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, don't worry. I will endure hardships and stand hard work. I am willing to go up and down the mountain of swords and fry pans for Taoist Jin'an. That is just a drop in the bucket among the many advantages that I, Mr. Li, have. Taoist Jin'an, please do your best to teach me."

Li Weiwei became more and more excited as he talked.

Then he couldn't wait to ask Jin An, where did the cunning Wutong God hide the throne?

Jin An was amused by the words of the fat guard named Li. This guard Li was so humble just to fight against the evil spirit once.

"There's no need to go up the mountain of knives and go down to the oil pan."

"I need to ask Guard Li to go up to the latrine beam to get the Wutong God's throne for me."

Jin An looked at Guard Li with a smile.


Go up, go up to the latrine beams?

To be honest, even he was surprised when Jin An Yuanshen left his body and chased him to the latrine.

Even these evil spirits actually understand that the most dangerous place is the safest place, and they actually hide the god's statue in the latrine.

It's just that they don't bury the gods in the filthy soil where the turbid air sinks and hides the most evil.

Instead, it was hidden on the rafters of the hut.

Except a little smoked.

It can be considered the safest place in He Mansion.

As expected, it was indeed a latrine that harbored filth and evil. Jin An had a new understanding of this sentence this time.

Clang Clang Clang.

Swords clash.

When the group of people came to the hut used by the servants and stood far away, they could smell the strong smell of smoked meat.

Li Weiwei, who was eager to fight against evil spirits, looked unhappy on the spot.

He wanted to find another nursing home to climb into the hut and pick the god tablet.

As a result, he turned around and looked behind him.

All the nursing staff hid behind Jin An and the old Taoist priests, and refused to climb into the huts even at any cost.

Who knows, this hut has been in disrepair for a long time, and the beams have been soaked. Could it be that someone was covering the walls with excrement when they were halfway up because they were overwhelmed?

Everyone shook their heads like a rattle.

No matter what, he refused to go.

"Tou, you are hard-working and willing to work hard for Taoist Jin'an. This is just a drop in the bucket of your many advantages. We all respect you, Tou, and we know that you are not as good as Tou, so we will not compete with you, Tou." This is an opportunity for Taoist Jin'an to go up the mountain of swords and get off the hot pot."

"Tou, you can go with peace of mind. We have ordered people to prepare water and barrels, and we will pick you up at any time."

A group of guards from He Mansion sold Guard Li directly.

Guard Li was so angry that he cursed.

In the end, he had to bite the bullet and climb the latrine beam.

"Taoist Master Jin An and Taoist Chen, please remember deeply the sacrifice I made today, Mr. Li, and one day in the future you must lead me to fight against evil spirits and fulfill my lifelong wish."

After the fat man Li Huwei finished speaking, with a tragic and righteous expression, he took off his belt and tied his mouth and nose tightly, and rushed to the execution ground generously with the wind rustling and Yi Shuihan.

In fact, if Li Huwei really wanted to find any nursing home to obtain the Wutong God's throne, the nursing homes under him would naturally not disobey the order.

However, Li Huwei did not use his superior status to force others to take the title of Wutong God for him.

Next, as soon as Guard Li left, he never came back.

There was no movement in the hut for a while.

The old Taoist priest started to get a little worried, and secretly asked Jin An if Guard Li had really fallen into something like that? Then he said that this is wrong. If a person really falls, there must at least be a scream and a splash of water, right?

Jin An: "?"

A group of guards from He Mansion said: "?"

Everyone's face was dark, why did the old Taoist priest's words sound disgusting!

After waiting for a while, Jin An was a little worried and was about to go into the latrine to look for Guard Li in person, when suddenly, there was an ouch, followed by a boom and dust flying.

The latrine, whose wooden beams had been soaked, collapsed under the load.


Everyone was shocked.

Fortunately, before the hut collapsed, a fat figure as agile as a cheetah with a belly of wine ran out of the dust with a gray face.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, I'm so lucky to have lived up to my destiny, haha, I finally got the Wutong God's position, and I, Mr. Li, finally came out alive!"


The fat Li Huwei was so excited that he felt like he was surviving a disaster and had narrowly escaped death.

It's just that when Guard Li ran closer, the smell of smoke on his body was really unpleasant.

The statue of Wutong God is a black wood carving.

Five brothers are carved on the wood carving, and then the names of the five brothers are written one by one.

It's just that at this time, each of the five brother wood carvings is covered with cracks, as if they could be broken into pieces with just a little force.

What happened next was much simpler. The old Taoist priest had already ordered people to find lychee tree branches, set up firewood, and burned the Wutong God's shrine on the spot.

Now in the fifth month of the lunar calendar, lychees are about to ripen. It is not difficult to find lychee trees. He happens to have his own lychee trees planted in the large manor.

"I know that burning lychee trees can bring out evil spirits. According to folklore, lychees are summer fruits with strong fire energy. If you eat too much, you will easily get angry. Therefore, the lychee tree also has a lot of yang fire, and yang can overcome yin. It has the effect of warding off evil spirits."

At this time, Li Weiwei, who had changed his clothes again and was keen on bumping into evil spirits every day, added excitedly.

As the Wutong God's throne was burned.

This time, the evil in He Mansion has finally settled.

Soon after, Mrs. He Mansion, who had not shown up until now, took the initiative to receive him, accompanied by her youngest daughter He Yushu, and thanked Jin An and the old Taoist priest.

He also offered to keep Jin An and the old Taoist priest for one day, and set up a private celebration banquet tomorrow to personally thank Jin An and the old Taoist priest.

The next day.

The eldest lady seemed to have mentioned something unintentionally at the banquet: "Taoist Master Jin'an, are there many Taoist practitioners like you?"

Jin An didn't understand for a moment: "What specifically does the eldest lady mean?"

The eldest lady bit her lower lip and said, "For example, like Taoist Master Jin An did last night, you can walk through walls and doors at will, and freely enter and leave other people's sleeping rooms?"

After the lady finished speaking, she glared at Jin An with some resentment.



How could Jin An not understand at this time?

Madam, this is not a celebration banquet today, this is clearly the Hongmen Banquet.

Fortunately, Jin An responded in time, and he casually said: "Madam, please rest assured, the Yang House is not a Yin House, and it is not a place where wild gods, unclean things, and prostitutes can move in casually."

"As long as the door god couplets are posted at the front door, or a ballast device is hung in the balcony to ward off evil spirits, if the owner does not take the initiative to invite the gods into the house, those wild gods and evil spirits will not be able to enter."

"As long as the eldest lady has the couplets of the door gods on the door, the artifacts in the house will always be kept clean and fresh. Don't let the artifacts get dusty, otherwise they will not work."

Jin An spoke with great righteousness and awe, and made nonsense.

In short, he kept silent about the fact that he had entered the eldest lady's room and the rooms of everyone in the He family.

The Hongmen Banquet was just put off by Jin An.

Later, the eldest lady ordered someone to bring the money that had been prepared. Jin An took a look and saw that there were two hundred taels of silver notes.

This is double the reward originally promised.

Jin An only took what he deserved and returned the extra one hundred taels of silver notes to the eldest lady.

Seeing that the eldest lady was about to speak, Jin An first smiled and said: "Madam, if you are interested in making money, don't be in a hurry. I mainly have something to ask for."

The eldest lady was surprised. She looked curiously at Jin An, who was wearing a Taoist robe with five internal organs and had unfathomable strength. She asked Jin An what he wanted.

So Jin An said: "I would like to use Madam He's connections and abilities in the city to help me find out if there are any martial arts figures in the city who want to sell spiritual martial arts secrets. No matter what the level, I want them."

"To be honest, madam, this spiritual martial arts is related to my cultivation, so I have been longing for a spiritual martial arts secret book."

"But because I have a weak foundation in Fucheng, I have been looking for it in Fucheng for more than a month, but I still haven't found the spiritual martial arts secret book."

"That's why I thought of using the connections between the eldest lady and the He family to help me find a spiritual martial arts secret book. I don't have any restrictions on the secret book. It doesn't matter the level, as long as it is a spiritual martial arts secret book."

"Madam only needs to find the seller of the spiritual martial arts secret book for me and introduce the seller to me. As for whether I can buy the secret book in the end and what price I need to pay, I will personally negotiate with the seller."

"Whether this is successful or not, I, Jin An, owe the eldest lady a favor."

Jin An's words are true.

He has indeed been looking for spiritual martial arts secrets or Taoist soul cultivation methods in Fucheng for more than a month.

But it has been to no avail.

Secrets of spiritual martial arts have always been scarce in martial arts circles. After all, they are related to the most mysterious spiritual realm of the human body, and it is difficult to create spiritual martial arts.

Even if the establishment is successful, they will treat it as a treasure and treat it as a family heirloom. The sect's supreme martial arts will not be passed down to anyone except the direct disciples.

Ordinary third-rate martial arts, second-rate martial arts, major martial arts sects, and martial arts families are already very precious to themselves.

Secret books like spiritual martial arts, which are rarer and more valuable, even the most common and least popular martial arts, are regarded as treasures.

After all, the He family are ordinary people. Jin An doesn't ask the eldest lady to find the Taoist spiritual soul for him to cultivate his mind. That is too unrealistic.

So settle for the next best thing.

Jin An only asked to find a spiritual martial arts secret book.

Unexpectedly, the eldest lady shook her head slightly, and Jin An thought that the eldest lady was unwilling to help him. However, the eldest lady actually said: "Taoist Jin An saved the lives of our mother and daughter last night. If you help He House, you are helping He House. Saving our mother and daughter means saving our mother and daughter. Taoist Jin'an has saved my life, so how can I do something ungrateful and ask for any favors from Taoist Jin'an."

"Priest Jin'an, please rest assured. I will definitely pay more attention to your matter. Today, I will immediately ask branches and branches across the country to pay attention to this matter for you, Mr. Jin'an. If I can help you, Taoist Jin'an, it can be regarded as repayment." Life-saving kindness.”

I don’t know if it was Jin An’s misunderstanding, but Jin An always felt that there was something in the eldest lady’s words.

When the eldest lady said the above words, she always looked at him intentionally or unintentionally, and then at her little daughter He Yushu sitting next to her.

The eldest lady is a strong woman.

Otherwise, the He family, which has hundreds of people in Nuo, would not be kept in order.

The eldest lady said that if you don’t want Jin’an’s favor, then you definitely don’t want Jin’an’s favor.

Seeing this, Jin An no longer persisted, and could only keep the eldest lady's favor in his heart.

This Hongmen Banquet, ahem, a celebration banquet, it was considered a feast for the guests and the host. In the end, Jin An took the 100 taels of silver notes given by the eldest lady as a profit, and the old man and the young man left He with a full meal. Mansion.

When Jin An and the old Taoist priest left He Mansion, it was already afternoon and the sun was setting.

After the old man and the young man left the He Mansion, He Yushu, the third lady of the He Mansion, was sending her mother back to the house for a lunch break. She couldn't help but praise Jin An: "Mother, Taoist Jin An is a rare gentleman. When you receive a salary, you don’t ask for repayment, and you don’t covet any of our family’s money.”

"Taoist Jin'an has a simple heart and noble moral character. The key is that Taoist Jin'an is highly capable and admirable. He is more than a hundred times better than those fake Taoist priests and monks who came to the house a few days ago to cheat on food and drink. A thousand times.”

The eldest lady looked at her little daughter who was chirping like a happy little magpie along the way and always refused to listen. She said angrily: "It's only been one night, and Jin'an Road is long and short, and Jin'an Road is long and short."

"Mother, my daughter is just telling the truth." Third Miss He Yushu said coquettishly to her mother.

"This Taoist Priest Jin'an is indeed of high moral character. He does not seek repayment of favors, nor is he greedy for money. His character is trustworthy. As for whether he is simple by nature, even your mother and I were almost deceived by his mouth at the banquet just now. "

"He only told half-truths and half-falsehoods. He only said that we should not take the initiative to invite gods to come to the door, and not just invite some Taoist monks with evil intentions to come in. But let him fool us. Last night, he entered our mother's room. Regarding the matter, I see that Taoist Jin An not only entered our mother and father's bedroom last night, he probably entered all the clansmen's bedrooms, women's bedrooms, and servants' bedrooms in my He family. "

The eldest lady seemed to be speaking with a bit of shame and anger. She sighed and cursed Jin An.

"Yushu, there is no man in the world who is not lewd, unless he is not a man, but the father-in-law in the palace."

The eldest lady educated her daughter with earnest words.

To prevent her daughter from being deceived by a boar, she broke the heart of an old mother.

After talking about Jin'an, the eldest lady talked about another thing: "But mother guessed that not everyone with masters like Taoist Jin'an can freely enter and leave the master's room at will. She should have told mother yesterday. It has something to do with the notice I put down. When that notice is posted, it is equivalent to asking God to come in and open my He Mansion to Taoist Priest Jin'an without any reservation. From now on, it seems that things related to the seal and the announcement to the world, Don’t be careless.”

The eldest lady is a smart woman and guessed the key to the matter.

After Jin An and the old Taoist priest left He Mansion, they went straight to the Five Zang Taoist Temple without going anywhere.

However, on the way, the old Taoist priests were always curious about the content of the letter that the eldest lady showed them.

Previously, because we were in He Mansion, there were many people with mixed eyes, and we were worried that the walls might have ears, so the old Taoist priest did not take the initiative to ask Jin An about this matter.

He had been holding it in his heart for two days, but it broke him out.

Now that he has left He Mansion, the old Taoist priest finally couldn't hold back anymore and asked.

Jin An did not hide this from the old Taoist priest, because the first lady wanted to tell him and the old Taoist about this.

"Madam already knows who invited the God of Five Powers into He's house. That person is Mr. He's evil aunt."

"Mr. He is a filial man and likes the bustle of the He Mansion and the neatness of the family. Therefore, after Master He became rich, he did not alienate his relatives. Instead, he brought his relatives into the He Mansion and arranged some business matters."

"Master He's uncle has been running the medicine shop outside. He was worried that his first wife would be too tired from traveling around with him, so he asked his first wife to stay in He's house and enjoy peace of mind."

"It's just that this aunt of Mr. He doesn't know how to be grateful at all. She pretends that she is Mr. He's aunt. She is high-profile and domineering in the He family. She doesn't take others seriously and often acts domineering. . One time she happened to be seen by the eldest lady, but she refused to obey the discipline. She even took advantage of the fact that she was from Master He's uncle's family. She didn't take the eldest lady as a foreigner in her eyes and dared to contradict the eldest lady in the He mansion. "

"The final fate of this simple-minded Mr. He and Aunt He can be easily imagined. How could she be able to defeat the eldest lady? After she suffered a loss at the hands of the eldest lady, she has always held a grudge and wanted to take revenge on the eldest lady. "

"So with the help of her husband, she stole Mr. He's seal. According to the custom of her hometown, she asked the gods to enter He's house to avenge the eldest lady for her."

"But she didn't expect that what she invited was not the God of Five Powers, but the sinister evil spirit who deceived the world and stole the name. As the head of the family, the eldest lady is used to being majestic and strong. In addition, the Feng Shui Bureau in He Mansion has been passed by a master. Guidance, these five evil spirits did not dare to offend the eldest lady, the head of the family, and suffered a lot. Of course, at that time, the eldest lady did not know that a fake "Wu Tong Shen" had entered the house, and only thought that there were ordinary evil spirits. Sneaking into her dream, finally a thunderbolt exploded in her dream, driving away the evil spirits in the dream. I guess it was the Feng Shui Bureau in He Mansion that was protecting the Lord at that time."

"The 'Wutong Shen' was originally evil and sinister. After such a backlash and injury, he turned to take revenge on Mr. He's aunt. In those days, Mr. He and his uncle were not in the house because they were busy with business, but they were not in the house. There was singing and dancing in the wife's room every night, and as time went by, she became more and more dissolute, and even the servants in the house began to spread some rumors. Later, the eldest lady directly led people to rush in to catch the adulterer, but the adulterer was not caught. Mr. He But the eldest aunt was so frightened that she lost her soul and became stupid."

"This kind of thing is naturally a family scandal and should not be made public. Mr. He's uncle and crazy aunt were later sent back to the countryside..."

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