White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1426 A different

Under the protection of the Buddhist scriptures, I saw that most of the killing power of the righteous supernatural power was offset, and the damage caused was not as great as imagined.



Everyone in the Tianshi Mansion was shocked.

The movement there also attracted the attention of Jin'an and Yujing Jinque. Master Xuanlei, who was proficient in Chunyang Thunder Technique, flicked his sleeves and threw a palm thunder towards a ball of hair in the water.

A similar scene happened again.

The gloomy black hair in the water, which can cause people discomfort, flips over, and the front side sinks under the water, and the back side emerges from the water. But the back side is not the back and the back of the head, but the front face of a monk with twelve ring scars permed on his head. .

Under the protection of Buddhism, the monk's thunder method, which was originally very harmful to exorcise evil spirits, was swallowed into his belly without any harm.

Next, the Grand Leader and the Grand Elder tested it one by one. It was also the same scene. The two of them had a clear understanding of the magical power of the Hair-Eating Ghost.

Jin An is not exaggerating at all.

This hair-eating ghost can really learn Buddhist magical powers and improve his realm by eating the hair of Buddhist disciples.

This is somewhat beyond people's understanding of ordinary ghosts.

"Isn't this the rat spirit or rhinoceros spirit that steals Buddhist sesame oil? It's just that this is a hair-eating spirit that steals the trouble roots of temple disciples." Master Xuan Lei was surprised.

Then, he snorted coldly, and thunder exploded from his fingertips. This time, the thunder was even more dazzling, and it was several times thicker than before.

The "monk" in the water followed the same method and swallowed the lightning with the help of Buddhist magical powers.

But this time the thunder in the palm cannot be compared. The real realm of Xuan Lei has broken through to the late stage of the third realm. Once he takes it seriously, even a real Buddhist master will not dare to say that he can swallow the thunder in the palm without any problem, let alone this water. The Buddhist monks here are just pretending to be gods.



As soon as the monk in the water swallowed the thunder and lightning from his palm, he saw that the monk's belly was instantly hot with molten iron, and then turned red and transparent.

Then I saw lightning moving rapidly under the skin. Wherever the lightning passed, the skin became red and thin, cracked like porcelain, and spread rapidly throughout the body.


The skin and flesh on the "monk's" abdomen suddenly exploded, and five golden lightning bolts shot up into the sky, carrying the blazing thunder energy, strangulating the "monk" into pieces.

After killing a hair-eating ghost, Master Xuanlei said coldly: "It's probably at the late stage of the second realm."

Experts from all sides took action one after another, easily killing one after another of the hair-eating ghosts. Indeed, they were all in the second realm, and not a single one of the hair-eating ghosts was in the third realm.

Faced with this result, everyone, including Master Xuan Lei, instead of relaxing their vigilance, frowned, feeling that this trip to clean up the hair-eating ghosts went too smoothly.

Even the water-eating ghost has three realms, but the hair-eating ghost that can eat the shaved hair of Buddhist disciples to increase magical powers cannot only be in the second realm, and its strength is not as strong as the water-eating ghost.

Even a three-year-old would be able to tell that something was wrong with this uncharacteristically abnormal situation.

"Hmph, I would like to see what these hair-eating ghosts want to do."

"Prince Ling, Elder Luo Tian, ​​you lead people to guard the rear and clear out all the hair-eating ghosts in sight."

The old Marquis of the Tianshi Mansion coldly issued an order to kill a hundred thousand people. The evil spirit brought about by the murder was like a black whirlwind in the underworld that soared into the sky and dispersed the fog above the river. The situation within a few miles around could be clearly seen.

Evil spirit can suppress evil spirits.

It is precisely because of this reason that the folk custom of hanging pig-killing knives, execution ground ghost-headed knives, and military camp weapons at the door to ward off evil spirits.

It doesn't stop there.

The extremely vicious murderer was even afraid of ghosts. He was so full of evil energy that ghosts would not dare to come within ten steps of him.

Although the old Marquis does not have the virility and masculinity of the martial arts immortal, the overwhelming evil spirit that he has brought with him in his life of killing people and suppressing the killing power of cows, ghosts and snake gods is no weaker than that of the martial arts immortal.

Therefore, the old Marquis does not need to take action. He only needs to release a part of the evil spirit to clear the fog of the underworld and drive away any ghosts and snakes that dare to peek at him, so that all evils can be eliminated.

The Rakshasa and Tianzhu people, who are both the strongest in the pseudo-fourth realm, saw that the Tianshi Mansion, which specializes in Feng Shui and stargazing, could actually produce a powerful killing god like Pojunhou, and looked at Pojunhou's back. His eyes couldn't help but sparkle with a hint of light. However, there was no expression on his face, and he seemed to have his own plans.

The experience in the Taoist Huangting interior location made everyone clearly understand that not a single detail here should be underestimated.

The level of weirdness here far exceeds that of the outside world.

While the Tianshi Mansion was increasing its vigilance, Yujing Jinque was also increasing its vigilance and began to speed up the cleanup of the food-eating ghosts.

Just as he was worried, something happened again, and the floating corpse he was riding suddenly stopped.

"Why do I feel that we have been standing still? Have you noticed that those crooked-necked dead trees on the river bank have been there from just now to now, and they have never been far away."

"Huh? It's really true!"

"What's going on? Why did these floating corpses suddenly stop moving?"

"Perhaps, we have encountered a corpse carrying boat." A cold voice sounded, and others followed the sound, and it was Jin An who was standing on the edge of the floating corpse.

At this time, Jin An looked at the dark river, his pupils as dark and deep as the river, as if he wanted to see through the truth under the river.

"Corpse ship?"

Some people looked thoughtful, while others looked at Jin An with confusion.

Not everyone is like Jin An, who travels around the world, slaying demons and demons, and has experienced many incidents. The vast majority of people here only know how to practice in seclusion all year round, and do not have a deep understanding of some strange things among the people.

"Most of the corpse-carrying boats are caused by drowning ghosts in the river who are dragging the boats away and want to overturn the boats to find the scapegoat."

Jin An explained: "This river is too deep and you can't see the bottom at a glance. Although I don't know how deep the river is, I can imagine that there must be groups of hair-eating ghosts surrounding the floating corpses at this time! These hair-eating ghosts bite the hair of floating corpses and want to drag us into the water!"

As if to fulfill Jin An's conjecture, the other uninhabited floating corpses drifted along the current as usual. Only the few entangled floating corpses they were riding on stayed in place.

Not long after, the floating corpse they were riding on started to sink, and something dirty tried to drag them into the water.

This dirty thing must be a food-eating ghost!

Faced with this unexpected situation, the people from the Tianshi Mansion jumped back and forth between the floating corpses, switching to ride on the floating corpses.

The number of corpses floating in the river was so dense that there was no need to worry about transferring without floating corpses. This not only avoided the risk of being dragged into the water, but also did not delay the journey on the corpses.

However, Jin An did not choose to leave.

But Jin An did not leave, including the great leader, great elder, Master Zunzhu, and the elders of Yujing Golden Tower.

"I don't care whether you are a hair-eating ghost or a water-eating ghost. I want to see who is stronger between you and the devil of the underworld." Jin An's eyes were filled with cold light and he snorted heavily.

"The next step is up to you."

Jin An looked at the statue of Thousand-Eyed Taoist Lord.

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