White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 143 Jin'an turns into a cow:

After hearing the rumors about Headless Village.

Jin An fell into deep thought.

"Wei Li, do you know where the Xuankong Road and Taoyuan Village are?"

Jin An raised his head and looked at Guard Li in front of him.

Hua Hua——

Hua Hua Hua Hua——

The rain outside the house continued to fall.

Not only did it not stop, but it actually continued to rain harder and harder. It rained so hard that even the house seemed to give off a musty smell.

Guard Li shook his head.

Even he looked depressed.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, I also want to know where the headless village is."

"But I have been asking among the people for so many years, but I have never found the exact location of Wutou Village."

Jin An was amused by Guard Li who was not afraid of death.

Is this person really brave?

Or is the reaction a step slower than ordinary people?

Ordinary people would have no time to hide from the evil spirits, but he wished he could come ten times a day, every day.

"But..." Li Huwei was breathing heavily as he spoke.

He said mysteriously: "I found out the specific location of Wutou Village. It is probably somewhere between Wushan Ridge and Cang'er Mountain."

After hearing Li Weiwei's words, Jin Anxin's head moved.

Fatty Li, the guard, saw the thoughtful expression on Jin An's face. He rolled his eyes and said cleverly: "Taoist Master Jin An, you are asking about Wutou Village. Are you planning to go to Wutou Village to fight evil spirits? No, it's to exorcise evil spirits?" "

"Taoist Master Jin'an, please relax. I will leave the matter of Wutou Village to me, Mr. Li. I will definitely find the exact location of Wutou Village."

"I just ask Taoist Master Jin'an and Taoist Chen to take me, Fatty Li, to Wutou Village, so that my fat body, Fatty Li, will not be in vain. In the future, I will also be able to be as fat as me." The fat ladle raised in vain brags that I have brought it to see the prosperity of the world and to encounter evil."

Jin An: "Moo, moo, moo."

Guard Li: "?"

Old Taoist priest: "!"

The old Taoist priest looked at Jin An in shock.

No wonder when you first came to Fucheng, little brother, you couldn't stop staring at the big stone cow. Little brother, your true body is not a human being, but your true body is a scalper spirit?

Is this little brother finally turning into a cow?

Even Chi Jian, who was staring at the rain in a daze, turned to look at his master.

Jin An was calm and calm, his expression was as usual, and he said very calmly to Li Huwei, who had a confused expression: "Okay, I have blown the cowhide into Li Huwei's belly, so Li Huwei should not always think about hitting evil spirits." It’s about the spirit.”

"Even I don't dare to say that I can be 100% sure about exorcism. If you, an ordinary person like Li Weiwei, go to the Headless Village, aren't you going to die?"

"Li Wewei, you yourself said that the Headless Village is like a cursed village. Anyone who steps into the village will eventually return to the village and become the next Headless Villager."

Guard Li: "!"

Old Taoist priest: "!"

The two of them were really confused now, and they were both shocked by Jin An's arrogant words.

If Jin An doesn't take Guard Li with him, it's all for the sake of Guard Li.

As he said, who knows who he will bump into next time. If he bumps into someone powerful, he won't even be able to protect himself. Jin'an won't be able to take care of an ordinary person like Li Wewei.

Wouldn’t it be nice to live the rest of your life in peace?

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

But Jin An still underestimated Li Huwei's stubbornness. After hearing Jin An's words, Li Huwei not only had no sense of crisis, but his eyes lit up: "Are you going to become a headless dead man in a headless village?"

"Taoist Master Jin'an, do you think I, Mr. Li, will become the corpse king of the headless village with my skills?"

After hearing what Li Huwei said, Jin An actually thought about it seriously: "If Li Huwei is very capable, it is really possible for him to become the zombie king of the whole village. Then we will have to rely on Li Huwei to protect us."

"During the holidays, Lao Dao and I will also go to Wutou Village to visit Li Huwei and burn paper incense for you, the Corpse King Li Huwei."

Guard Fatty Li was so impressed by Jin An's praise that he narrowed his eyes with joy and his expression blossomed with joy.

"It seems that I, Fatty Li, have to insist on training myself every day these days, and strive to develop a strong ability in front of Xiawutou Village. Isn't there a saying that says, 'When heaven assigns a great responsibility to a person, he must first work hard for his will and his muscles. , His skin is hungry and his body is empty."

Li Huwei said with great confidence.

Now the old Taoist priest was really confused.

The ideas of young people nowadays are too out-of-the-box.

Jin'an is still refusing to risk Li Weiwei's life, but why are they already talking about the scene after the death of Corpse King Li Weiwei?

Although Li Huwei was fishing during the day.

But he must go back to He Mansion at night, firstly because there is a curfew at night, and secondly because there are many clowns at night.

And just after Li Huwei left, when it was dark and the curfew was approaching, and the Taoist temple was about to close, another person hurried in from the Wu Zang Taoist Temple.

This person was an acquaintance of both Jin An and the old Taoist priest.

"Daozhang Chen, my second brother is too sad again. He is talking about his son Ma San in a daze. My second brother can't listen to anyone's words now, so he trusts you the most, Daozhang Chen. Please help us comfort my second brother, Daozhang Chen. Let's I can’t thank you enough, Mr. Chen.”

It turned out that the person who came was Mr. Ma's younger brother, who was about the same age as the old Taoist priest. He looked anxious.

The old Taoist priest who was having dinner hurriedly finished the last few bites of dinner and then left the Taoist temple with Mr. Ma's family.

Before leaving the Taoist temple, the old Taoist priest left a message to Jin An that if he came back too late tonight, he would not come back. He would just stay at Mr. Ma's house overnight and come back at dawn tomorrow, so that Jin An would not have to stay up late to wait for him. .

Seeing the two people leaving in a hurry and disappearing into the night, Jin An felt sorry for Mr. Ma's tragic experience.

Two days later.

It has been raining for several days, and it is rare to have a sunny day today.

The weather has been hazy for several days, and even the people in the city seem to have a layer of gloom in their hearts. And as the weather finally cleared up, the sky was clear and blue, and people all over the city had more smiles on their faces, and their moods became much brighter.

This day.

The person who came from the He Mansion was none other than Xiaolian, the maid beside the eldest lady.

"Taoist Jin'an, the eldest lady has invited me today, saying that what Taoist Jin'an has been longing for has been found. The eldest madam invites Taoist Jin'an to go to He Mansion to see if it meets Taoist Jin'an's needs."

Jin An was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly told the old Taoist priest to stay and see the Taoist temple, and remember to feed the silly sheep a meal of carrots. Then, holding back a feeling of enthusiasm, he followed the maid Xiaolian and couldn't wait to go to the He Mansion to meet the elder. lady.

He Mansion.

This is Jin'an's second visit to He Mansion.

But these days are different.

Everyone in the He family was very respectful to Jin An, the lady who had received a grand reception as a distinguished guest.

The large study room of He Mansion.

When Jin An arrived, he found that several people were already sitting in the large study room.

In addition to the familiar eldest lady, old housekeeper, and Fatty Li's bodyguard, there was another middle-aged man dressed as a swordsman in the big study room.

I don't know if it was because people feel refreshed during happy events, but Jin An felt that Fatty Li's guard was fatter today.

The old housekeeper also seemed younger.

The eldest lady, well, the eldest lady looks even better today. She is as dignified and gentle as a young lady who is not yet married. Her skin is crystal clear and her every frown and smile is bright and white.

As for the middle-aged swordsman with a strange face, Jin An understood his identity after thinking for a moment.

This should be the person that Madam found who is willing to sell spiritual martial arts secrets.

Soon after, after a brief introduction, Jin An's conjecture was indeed verified.

The middle-aged man calls himself Wang Zhang, which seems to be a fake name chosen casually and cannot be taken seriously.

He does have a spiritual martial arts secret book for sale.

But after listening to some of the other party's requests, Jin An frowned.

Only the top half?


The main purpose of the eldest lady inviting him here today is to ask Jin An to check the authenticity of the spiritual martial arts secret book. If it meets Jin An's needs, she will buy it.

"I wonder what this spiritual martial arts secret book is called?"

"Can I take a look first?"

In the large study room, Jin An and the middle-aged man sat face to face, one on the left and the other on the right.

The other party was straightforward and wrote a few pages of paper on the spot, and then asked the old housekeeper of the He family to submit it to Jin An.

"This secret book of spiritual martial arts is called "The Holy Art of the Heavenly Demon". There is a move in "The Holy Art of the Heavenly Demon" called the Heart Demon Tribulation. During the battle between the enemy and the enemy, you can attack the mind and spirit by looking at each other, and seduce the demons in the mind and body. You can't extricate yourself from the illusion, so you can catch the enemy by surprise and attack them unprepared, and win with one move."

"When practiced to the extreme, it is said that it can hurt people's souls. But that is only limited to legends. It is very difficult to create spiritual martial arts. My ancestors were only one step away from succeeding in the deduction, and then pushed our family's strength to a higher status in one fell swoop. , it’s a pity that until the end, I was unable to create a higher martial arts realm.”

The middle-aged man introduced.

After hearing the other party's introduction, Jin An instantly understood.

Isn't this "if looks could kill, the other person would have died hundreds of times already"?

This killing look is similar to Brother Fu's Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman. If the two are matched properly, they will be even more powerful and complement each other.

In the battle of gods and souls, you may be able to achieve unexpected and amazing results.

However, when he heard such a high-profile name as "Tian Mo Sacred Technique", Jin An laughed happily. It seemed that not only Wang Zhang's name was fake, but also the name of "Tian Mo Sacred Technique". Fake, just talking nonsense.

The other party probably wanted to deceive those Chu brothers who didn't understand anything.

Anyone who can deceive is one.

Because only those wearing gold and jade have a strong sense of style, they can take advantage of the opportunity to drive up prices.

As for the ancestor mentioned by the other party, if you listen to the words in reverse, the ancestor with great intelligence should have failed in establishing spiritual martial arts in the end, went crazy and died violently...

At this time, the old housekeeper had handed over the pages of the manuscript that the other party had silently written to Jin An.

Jin An took the manuscript and looked through it.

No matter how you say it, Jin An has become one of the first-class masters. He has three first-class martial arts secret books in his possession, and his vision is naturally different from what it used to be.

Although it was only a few pages of manuscript, and it was still a rough outline with deletions and deletions, Jin An understood everything after thinking about it for a moment.

Jin An frowned.

When the eldest lady saw Jin An frowning, she thought that Jin An was dissatisfied or that the spiritual martial arts secret book was fake. She immediately asked Jin An: "Taoist Jin An, is there any problem with this spiritual martial arts?"

Jin An did not immediately answer the first lady's words, but after thinking about it carefully, he said: "There is nothing wrong with this spiritual martial arts, it is really true."

The eldest lady's face relaxed, and then asked: "Then why is Taoist Jin'an frowning again? But he is not satisfied with this spiritual martial arts secret book?"

This time Jin An looked at the middle-aged man sitting across from him: "This "Tianmo Sacred Art" should not be top-notch, right? Even third-rate martial arts is barely good, right?

After hearing what Jin An said, the other party just wanted to get angry and refute Jin An angrily.

"Mr. Wang, you don't need to rush to refute me."

"The success rate of this inner demon tribulation should be very low, right?"

"To be more precise, it should be very low, right?"

"Can I ask Mr. Wang, what is the success rate of this inner demon tribulation?"

Jin An asked three times in a row, causing the other party, who was originally looking fierce and pretending to be angry, to sit silently without saying a word.

When Jin An saw that the other party had no intention of answering, it was clear that he wanted to buy or not and just wait for the fish to take the bait voluntarily.

It's none of my business if you get fooled.

These days, spiritual martial arts secrets are scarce in the world of martial arts, and he is determined that Jin An will not easily miss this rare opportunity.

Faced with the other party's arrogant attitude, Jin An was not angry or angry. When doing business, some people bargain and some raise prices. This is normal.

Whoever loses his mentality first will lose first in business.

Jin An held the manuscript in his hand and continued to speak tepidly: "Furthermore, this "Sage of Demons" has a major weakness. Only those with a determined mind can practice it."

"If the opponent's willpower is strong, but your own mental concentration is not as good as the opponent's, not only will the failure come back, but you will also be trapped in the illusion of inner demons. It can be regarded as a martial arts that injures the enemy eight hundred and damages one thousand."

"That's why I say that this spiritual martial art of "The Holy Art of the Demon" is barely even a third-rate martial arts. It can only have some miraculous effects when fighting against people of the same strength. But this kind of miraculous effect itself has a high failure rate. Rate. Once you encounter a master, you will definitely die."

This "Demon Holy Skill" really has too many shortcomings.

Moreover, the other party only sold the first half of the fragment.

It can be said to be very tasteless.

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely not choose to practice this spiritual martial arts in a thankless way.

With this time and energy, practicing ordinary third-rate martial arts or second-rate martial arts will be more self-protective and more efficient than practicing the "Tianmo Sacred Art".

But there is no way. What Jin An urgently needs right now is spiritual martial arts secrets. No matter how bad they are, he has no chance to pick and choose.

Fortunately, he has the imperial seal!

Jin An was determined to obtain this secret book of spiritual martial arts, so he would repeatedly belittle the "Sacred Art of the Demon" in an attempt to anger the other party so that he could bargain more easily.

Mr. Wang Zhang opposite him looked at Jin An in surprise.

Unexpectedly, at such a young age, Jin An's knowledge and insights into martial arts are not at all weak, and he even has profound insights into martial arts. Just by facing a few rough manuscripts, one can figure out the advantages and disadvantages of "The Holy Art of the Demon".

Facing Jin An, who seemed not to be coaxed at all, Mr. Wang Zhang remained silent.

It looks like whether you want to buy it or not, I am sure that spiritual martial arts secret books are scarce, and I am sure that you are in short supply of martial arts secret books.

"I wonder at what price Mr. Wang plans to sell this "Devil's Sacred Technique"?"

Mr. Wang Zhang, who was sitting opposite, finally spoke this time. He glanced at Jin An in confusion: "The eldest lady of the He family hasn't told Taoist Jin An about you yet?"

"Long before Taoist Priest Jin'an came, the eldest lady had already negotiated a selling price with me. This "Sage of Demons" is only for barter. I am in urgent need of a century-old medicinal plant that heals wounds."

"As one of the three major medicinal material dealers in Fucheng, He Mansion happens to have such a century-old medicinal material used for healing."

"The eldest lady of the He family has agreed to my request. As long as Mr. Jin An is satisfied with the "Sage Skill of the Demon" and the secret book of Palm Eye Passing is true, he will agree to Wang and I's request for barter."

Jin An unexpectedly glanced at the eldest lady.

He naturally understood what the centuries-old medicinal materials used for healing meant, but he didn't expect that the eldest lady would actually take the initiative to pay for the deal for him.

However, when he heard that the other party did not make any excessive demands, but only asked for a century-old medicinal plant, Jin An felt that the deal was very cheap.


It's just too cheap.

Of course, the main reason for this is that Jin An is accustomed to eating century-old medicinal herbs. When he gets the century-old ginseng and the century-old polygonum multiflorum, they are just like chewing candies and snacks.

A hundred years of medicinal materials are nothing more than a hundred yin virtues.

Just the last time Jin An eliminated demons from the Five Powers God in He Mansion, he gained a thousand yin virtues at once. This is a business without capital.

"Since the eldest lady has already negotiated the price with you, sir, it is inconvenient for me to keep lowering the price, so as not to damage the reputation of the He family and the eldest lady. I first thanked the eldest lady for her kindness to me, but this great gift from the eldest lady It is too valuable to me and I cannot accept it.”

"It's a coincidence. I happen to have a century-old medicinal plant that meets Mr. Wang's requirements. Mr. Wang, can you wait for me for a moment? I'll go back and get it."

As soon as Jin An said this, it was the eldest lady's turn to look at Jin An in surprise.

The eldest lady, with rosy and white skin, moist red lips, and a mature charm, opened her lips lightly. She was about to speak, but before she could say anything, Jin An flatly dissuaded her: "Madam, I have no merit. Not rewarded."

"I have thanked Madam for her kindness in advance, but I really cannot accept this valuable gift. Otherwise, what is the difference between me and those hypocrites who are trying to repay their kindness and covet the property of He Mansion?"

"I have kept it in my heart for your kindness to help me find the spiritual martial arts secret book today, and I will never forget your kindness to me today."

In fact, Jin An's family happens to have hundreds of medicinal herbs.

He returned to the Taoist Temple and spent a penny on the way to buy a high-end gift box. After returning to the Taoist Temple, he sealed a century-old medicinal plant, sealed it in a high-end gift box, and returned to He Mansion.

And the subsequent barter transaction went smoothly.

Finally, the eldest lady hosted a banquet for Jin An and Mr. Wang Zhang. When the banquet was over, Jin An couldn't wait to return to the Taoist temple with the incomplete secret book in his arms, planning to enshrine it and practice the spiritual martial arts secret book!

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