White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 149 Invitation from Master Shanneng (6k big chapter, please subscribe and vote monthly)

This time it was still Mr. He who answered Jin An and the others' questions.

This matter had to be mentioned on the first day before the group of antique dealers disappeared.

The group of antique dealers promised the He family and agreed to take action against the He family to eliminate harm to Lingqian Township.

But that Zhang family stole the children's food.

But very good at hiding.

Mr. Yuan, one of the antique dealers, has never been able to catch Mrs. Zhang.

So, Mr. Yuan approached the He family again.

They asked Ms. Zhang who she hated most in her life.

You don't need to ask about this to know that the "uncle" sold the eldest lady directly, saying that the person Zhang hated most in his life was the eldest lady.

Then he explained in detail the family scandal of the He family and the conflict between the Zhang family and the eldest lady.

After hearing this, Mr. Yuan made a request, saying that the ghost fetus in Zhang's belly seemed to have given birth to a lot of wisdom. He knew in advance that an exorcist was going to exorcise it, so he was hiding now.

Now there is only one way to force Zhang to show up.

That is to find the person Zhang hates the most, wants to eat his flesh and drink his blood, and then lure the snake out of the hole.

Since the eldest lady is the person Zhang hates the most, we can only use the eldest lady as bait to lure Zhang out.

Then, Mr. Yuan asked the He family who had the eldest lady’s birthday, hair, old clothes, nails and other personal belongings?

When the eldest lady heard this, her face was as dark as frost.

If He Liangchou was still here now, the eldest lady would probably have had a seizure and let her "good uncle" step into the coffin ahead of schedule.

Mr. He continued.

Because Lingqian Township is located in a remote area, far away from the capital, the eldest lady rarely returns to Lingqian Township. She only returns to Lingqian Township on important days such as festivals and ancestor worship ceremonies.

Therefore, there are no hair, nails, old clothes, etc. of the eldest lady in the ancestral home of the He family.

As for the birth date, the eldest lady has been married into the He family for too long. Who still remembers the birthday 20 years ago? Even the family tree does not have the birth date of the eldest lady.

Because the eldest lady was an outsider who married into the He family, in the man's family tree, it was written as a vassal under her husband's name, with only a simple given name and no birth date.

The bad custom of men being superior to women in the countryside indirectly allowed the eldest lady to escape disaster.

Since the eldest lady can't do it, she can only settle for the next best thing. The second person Zhang hates most is the entire He family.

Among the many people in the He family, the person they hated most was naturally He Liangchou who divorced his wife ruthlessly.

He Liangchou shot himself in the foot.

You will not live if you do your own misfortune.

In order to exorcise Zhang and the ghost fetus in Zhang's belly as soon as possible, and hearing from Mr. Yuan that there was no danger, He Liangchou couldn't care about anything, so he went all over himself and gave everything he had to the antique dealers. .

I just hope he can be safe as soon as possible.

And the day after the group of antique dealers obtained He Liangchou's birthday, hair, nails and other items, those people disappeared inexplicably in Lingqian Township.

However, following the disappearance of the group of antique dealers, the incident of premature birth and stillbirth of pregnant women in Lingqian Township also subsided.

Therefore, people in Lingqian Township are speculating whether the evil spirits have been successfully exorcised?

At that time, everyone in Lingqian Township was immersed in joy. Even the He family temporarily forgot about the antique dealer asking He Liangchou for birth dates, nails, hair and other items.

If the old Taoist priest hadn't brought it up again today, they wouldn't have thought of it yet.

A group of old men in the He family have now seen the abilities of the old Taoist priest, and feel that the Taoist priest in front of them is definitely better than Mr. Yuan in his ability to judge people. Therefore, they all regarded the old Taoist priest as an expert, and treated him like a distinguished guest with fear and fear. They humbly asked for advice on how to save their eldest brother He Liangchou?

As the saying goes, when you are fifty, you know your destiny, and when you are sixty, your ears are attuned.

The older people get, the more they believe in the old Taoist priests’ metaphysical techniques of Feng Shui, Yin and Yang, fortune telling, and physiognomy.

The old Taoist priest was not really a careless, narrow-minded person who refused to save anyone. He did not hide anything and told everything he knew.

"According to my old guess, there are only two possibilities for why these people took birth dates and body hair and skin belongings."

"One is really to slay demons."

"Secondly, these antique dealers have a grudge against the He family..."

Before the old Taoist priest finished speaking, he was immediately interrupted. An old man from the He family shouted that it was impossible!

The He family has always been harmonious and kind to others. In the past few drought years, they even opened warehouses and distributed grain to help many villagers in Lingqian Township. There is absolutely no way they can turn against others.

At this time, Mr. He scolded his third brother to shut up and not lose his etiquette. Then he apologized to the old Taoist priest and handed over his hand, asking the old Taoist priest to continue talking.

The old Taoist priest didn't react much. Instead, he took advantage of the interruption to secretly take a sip of tea to moisten his throat, and then continued to talk while shaking his head: "The reason why I guess, old Taoist, is that this group of antique dealers have something to do with the He family. Qiu, I believe everyone in charge of the He family has seen it. The eldest wife and uncle are the best proof. These people are clearly here to rob the fortune of the He family. It is not necessarily the people in the ancestral home of the He family who have offended That group of people may also be some business enemy that Mr. He Guihe offended when he was doing business abroad."

"The eldest lady is in charge of all the internal affairs of the He family. If the eldest lady is in chaos, the He family's ancestral house and the backyard of the He family will catch fire, which will cause a big blow to Mr. He Guihe's business. These antique dealers initially wanted the birth date of the eldest lady. , probably for this purpose. Fortunately, the eldest lady’s birth date was well kept and was not leaked easily.”

"Those people saw that Madam's side was not going to work, so they had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and turn their targets to other senior officials of the He family."

At this time, Jin An and the eldest lady both looked at the old Taoist priest.

Both of them felt that bringing the old Taoist priest (Taoist Master Chen) with them this time was the right thing to do.

Otherwise, no one among them would be able to discover the true intention of the group of antique dealers to secretly build the plank road.

Especially the eldest lady, there was a look of surprise on her face.

The old Taoist priest's concealment impressed all the family members present.

However, the old Taoist priest has a rigorous character, otherwise he would not be able to travel around for so many years and still be intact.

After the old Taoist said so much, he finally added: "Of course, these are my personal conjectures."

"What is the real situation? We have to find the group of antique dealers to know the truth. It cannot be ruled out that the group of antique dealers are really dedicated to eradicating evil for the people. There is indeed a way to find Zhang who steals children's food to exorcise evil spirits."

This high-level family meeting of the He family lasted for half an hour. After learning all the changes in the Zhang family in detail, Jin An took the old Taoist priest and Xi Jian and left the study for the time being.

Because what follows is mainly about talking about some internal affairs of the He family, which are all lengthy and mundane matters. Jin An has no interest in getting involved in these, so he makes an excuse and says that he is going to the Zhang family's Dazhuangzi to check if there are any other missing clues. , left the study room early.

Guard Li did not leave with them.

After all, Guard Li still had to stay to protect the personal safety of the eldest lady.

Hearing that Jin An and the others were going to investigate the Zhang family's village, Mr. He also appointed a direct bloodline of the He family to act as a temporary guide for Jin An and the others.

"I have met several Taoist priests. My name is He Yiming, and I am He Gui's uncle. If the Taoist priests want to know anything, or want to go to Lingqian Township to investigate, I can guide them. "

"I have grown up in Lingqian Township since I was a child, and I know everything about the situation around Lingqian Township."

The visitor was a Confucian scholar in his thirties with a short beard.


Thirty-year-old uncle?

Speaking of the seniority ranking in the countryside, Jin An missed his 80-year-old distant nephew, who was a classmate in junior high and high school, and who always liked to supervise his class monitor sister-in-law.

After a brief self-introduction, Jin An learned that this thirty-year-old uncle was a teacher in Lingqian Township.

Although he obtained fame in his early years, because he was a scholar who would rather bend than bend, he could not get used to the black and white of the court and the many parties, so he later simply resigned and returned to the countryside to become a teacher.

At least children don't have that much money.

Recently, the strange incidents caused by the Zhang family have caused panic in Lingqian Township, and the children have stopped attending private schools. Therefore, He Yiming, who had nothing to do, offered to be the guide for Jin An and others.

Jin An was impressed by his uncle He Yiming's pure scholarly mind. These days, there are not many people who do not strive for fame, fortune, glory and wealth.

There are very few people with pure nature like Uncle He Yiming.

The group of people had a harmonious atmosphere along the way, talking and laughing. Unfortunately, Lingqian Township was now in decline and there was not much to do, so after the group left the He family's ancestral home, they headed straight to the Zhang family's village.

When they arrived at Zhangjia Dazhuangzi, they saw that the door of Zhangjia Dazhuangzi had been sealed again.

Several local heroes were standing guard at the door of the house.

Jin An's eyes were thinking, and it seemed that the eminent monk from Bailong Temple had left...

As a private school teacher, He Yiming is also a well-known person in Lingqian Township, so after He Yiming came forward to talk for a few words, the heroes of Lingqian Township removed the seal and let them in.

However, according to the Yali procedures, one still has to be accompanied by a local hero to enter.

Speaking of which, Jin An had already had a rough look at the general situation of Zhangjia Dazhuangzi when he was halfway up the mountain.

Therefore, Jin An has a general understanding of the layout of Zhangjia's Dazhuangzi.

After entering Dazhuangzi, he first went to the kitchen.

There are two kitchens in Zhangjia Dazhuangzi, one is the east kitchen and the other is the west kitchen.

As the former in-laws of the He family and the Zhang family, He Yiming has been to Zhangjia Dazhuangzi several times. According to He Yiming's explanation, the east kitchen of the Zhang family is responsible for the Zhang family's meals, while the west kitchen is responsible for cooking for the servants.

Zhangjia Dazhuangzi is a large courtyard with three entrances.

Normally, this place would have been bustling with dozens of people.

But now it is empty, desolate and desolate.

The courtyard is covered with fallen leaves and has not been cleaned, the flower beds are overgrown with weeds, and there are bare branches. Many of the side rooms are covered with dust and covered with layers of cobwebs. There is no one in the Nuo Da Village, it is empty, desolate and cold. Deserted.

This is not what a Yangzhai should be like.

Not popular at all.

It would be an understatement to call it a spooky haunted house.

There were even holes in many door frames and doors and windows caused by stones, and a lot of stones fell in the yard. Jin An guessed that these stones were the villagers venting their inner anger by throwing stones at Zhangjia Dazhuangzi.

"Ms. Zhang started acting strangely. She was discovered by a servant entering the kitchen in the middle of the night to steal food, and biting all the chickens in the chicken pen to death. I wonder if it happened in the east kitchen or the west kitchen?"

Jin An turned to look at the Xiang Yong who had been accompanying him all the way.

Xiang Yong replied: "Taoist Master, Zhang was discovered by several servants in the west kitchen that night."

So, a group of people came to the west kitchen.

But this place is clean and there is no blood stain. After all, the incident happened for a long time, and even if there were any traces, they would have been cleaned up by the Zhang family long ago.

Nowadays, there is not a single livestock in the chicken pens and pig pens where the livestock are raised. I don’t know whether it was eaten by the ghost fetus in Zhang’s belly that grew in appetite day by day, or whether it was divided up by the greed of people...

The local hero seemed to have figured out the purpose of Jin An and the others' trip. Seeing that Jin An had been checking the kitchen and the chicken coop, he finally couldn't help but said: "Master Shanneng who came from Bailong Temple just now has come to Zhang Family. Zhuangzi has seen it, and even Master Shanneng from Bailong Temple said that he found no abnormalities in the Zhangjia Grand Zhuangzi.”

The implication of this Xiangyong's words was that he looked down upon Jin'an and the old Taoist priest, saying that they were looking for trouble and it was unnecessary.

After all, when it comes to Bailong Temple, it is the number one temple in Fucheng.

The reputation of Bailong Temple has spread throughout the whole state, and everyone knows that Bailong Temple is the number one Buddhist temple in the city.

Even the eminent monks of Bailong Temple said that Zhang family's Dazhuangzi could not see any abnormality, so there must be no problem for Zhang family's Dazhuangzi.

"It seems that Mr. Yuan, one of the businessmen who came to Lingqian Township to collect antiques, is a really capable person. Ever since that Mr. Yuan promised to get rid of the evil in Lingqian Township, no more fetal deaths have occurred in Lingqian Township. ”

"Even if the Dazhuangzi of this family really hides something dirty, it must have been exorcised by Mr. Yuan and the others."

Xiangyong said with sincere admiration and admiration.

But Jin An acted as if Xiang Yong's words had not been heard. Next, he continued to inspect Zhangjia Da Zhuangzi one by one.

It's a strange thing to say.

If all the dozens of members of the Zhang family had really fallen into Zhang's belly, how come there wasn't even a single one struggling with blood?

Mr. Zhang bit the chickens in the chicken pen to death and ate them all over his face, leaving blood all over the floor.

The blood volume of the human body is more than 10 to 20 times that of poultry. If you want to kill a person, blood will inevitably flow all over the ground. And if you want to kill dozens of people, you can't hide the amount of blood that you want to. It can't be washed away even if you wash it with water.

Kenuo is a large Zhangjia village with dozens of side rooms. Each room is clean and there is no trace of blood left.

The disappearance of the family in this picture is a bit...too sudden!

Finally, the sky became darker and darker, and Xiangyong didn't want to stay in the deserted Zhangjia Dazhuang at night. After Xiangyong's urging several times, the group of people walked out of the Zhangjia Dazhuangzi.


The door of Zhang's house was closed, and the few Xiangyong re-sealed it and left in a hurry.

Obviously these people don't want to be on duty at this unmanned village that is even more spooky than a haunted house after dark.

When Jin An walked out of Zhangjia's Dazhuangzi, his back trailing the last ray of the setting sun's blood, the old Taoist priest couldn't help but ask Jin An: "Little brother, I saw you starting from the Zhangjia West kitchen and frowned. And every time When you check a place, little brother, your brows will become even more furrowed. Even after walking out of Zhang's house, your brows have not relaxed. Little brother, have you discovered anything?"

Jin An shook his head.

"Didn't find it?"

"Then little brother, why are you frowning all the time?"

The old Taoist priest became even more curious.

Jin An pondered all the way, as if he was thinking about something. When the old Taoist priest felt like a monkey scratching his head and couldn't help but want to ask Jin An again, Jin An finally spoke at this time: "As early as when the motorcade passed by the gate of Zhangjia, , I have used the Qi Watching Technique on the Zhang family a long time ago, and as a result, the Zhang Family was completely clean under my Qi Watching Technique, without any Yin Qi, evil spirit, or death Qi."

"According to common sense, if people have died or evil has occurred in a place, then this place should be surrounded by death energy or residual Yin energy."

Jin An pondered and continued: "In order to eliminate the doubts in my mind, I just entered the Zhangjia Dazhuangzi and used the Qi gazing technique to carefully check every place in the Zhangjia Dazhuangzi. This house is indeed too clean. , there is no Yin Qi or death Qi. It’s as clean as if dozens of members of the Zhang family were eaten by Zhang’s ghost in one night, but not even a drop of blood remained.”

"It's precisely because the Zhang family is so clean that there must be a monster when something goes wrong."

"I have two guesses in my mind for the time being..."

When Jin An said this, his voice paused slightly.

He glanced at He Yiming beside him.

Jin An deliberately avoided He Yiming and whispered to the old Taoist priest: "One of the guesses is that the Zhang family has never been troubled by evil, and the Zhang family has never been pregnant with ghosts. Someone is pretending to be a ghost in secret."

"As for the purpose, it's probably for the eldest lady or the He family."

"As for another conjecture..."

"The Zhang family's village was deliberately cleaned and all traces were deliberately erased. They did not want outsiders to discover the real secret hidden in the Zhang family's village and the Zhang family. This secret is likely to be very involved, so big that the other party would not hesitate to do this. It takes a lot of effort, but all traces must be erased.”

"The biggest problem here is undoubtedly the group of antique dealers who stayed at Zhang's house for three nights."

"They have three days to clean up the traces, which is enough to erase everything."

It's not that Jin Anxin is inferior to He Yiming and deliberately avoids He Yiming.

But he was in a different place, so he had to be careful in everything. He couldn't trust any outsiders except the old Taoist priests and sharp swords.

After listening to Jin An's analysis, the old Taoist blinked at Jin An, also avoiding He Yiming, and whispered: "Actually, in the He family's ancestral house, the old Taoist still had one sentence that he had not finished..."

"That group of antique dealers probably came for the eldest lady. It is estimated that their initial plan was to plant a ghost fetus in the eldest lady's belly. But it is a pity that the eldest lady is auspicious and has the help of Feng Shui bureau under the guidance of an expert. , and finally turned disaster into good fortune."

"But I don't dare to say this in front of the eldest lady. After all, this kind of thing is somewhat inappropriate for a woman who values ​​chastity most. Besides, I have seen the eldest lady's face. The eldest lady's palace of wealth and silk is prosperous. The Migration Palace is prosperous and prosperous, which is the sign of a prosperous noble person. He will continue to prosper. It may seem that he will suffer several disasters in a short period of time, but in the end he will be able to turn the misfortune into good fortune."

"Perhaps it is because the eldest lady has a noble appearance that she will be in trouble for death. For example, if a ghost fetus is planted in the eldest lady's belly, the ghost fetus will grow into a more powerful ghost fetus if it takes the noble life of the eldest lady. ."

"It's like living in a sycamore tree, a pheasant can become a phoenix."

"It's just that they had calculated a lot but failed to realize that He Mansion's Feng Shui scheme was not simple. Not only did it save the eldest lady's life, but the evil spirit worshiping the Wutong God eventually backfired on the Zhang family. Instead of sheltering the sycamore trees, they lived there. He became a pheasant in the henhouse, a little tortoise in the shallow water.”

"This is called losing your wife and losing your troops."

"In the end, little brother, you came forward and took the Wutong God's tablet out of the toilet and burned it, so that they didn't even have the chance to turn over the cards again."

The old Taoist priest and Jin An, two cunning old foxes and little foxes, looked at each other with meaningful eyes.

They have already seen the truth behind this matter thoroughly.

"Go, why did you ask me to find it from the toilet and burn it? Every wrong has its own owner, and every debt has its owner. That Wutong God is obviously the one you proposed to burn with lychee branches, the old Taoist priest."

Jin An felt that what the old Taoist said was ambiguous.

The old Taoist priest straightened his back and defended himself sanctimoniously: "How could it be that I, the Taoist, burned it? I was just a suggestion, just an opinion. In the end, it was Guard Li who climbed into the toilet and dug out the beams of the toilet, as well. Li Huwei personally found the Wutong God's tablet burned with lychee branches."

Jin An wholeheartedly agreed: "Yes, there is a wrongdoer and a debtor, and it was all Li Huwei's fault."

The old Taoist priest also added: "Li Huwei is upright and not afraid of dragons and tigers' dens. He is a role model for our generation and is respected by thousands of people."

Poor Guard Li.

He just took the blame in such a confused way.

However, although it seems to be close to the truth, there are more problems in front of us.

Where did Zhang go?

Where are those antique dealers now?

Has the Zhang family fallen into the hands of that group of antique dealers? What is the truth that the other party wants to erase in the Zhang family?

"Little brother, just now Xiang Yong was in a hurry to go to the office and rush us out of the Zhang family. After nightfall, why don't you sneak into the Zhang family again at night to see if there is anything unusual about the Zhang family at night?" The old Taoist priest said As if thinking of something, he asked softly.

Jin An shook his head: "I've finished everything I should read during the day."

"If there were any clues, they would be gone after so many days."

Nowadays, Lingqian Township is in a slump in popularity. It is rare to see a few people on the street. Even if you occasionally see a few sparse figures, they all leave in a hurry.

So Jin An's plan to walk around and appreciate the customs and customs of a foreign place could only come to nothing.

Finally, head straight back home.

Return to the ancestral home of the He family.

However, just when Jin An, the old Taoist priest and others returned to the He family's ancestral home, they saw an unexpected person.

An old monk with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, wearing a Buddhist cassock, and with such ruddy vitality and blood that he didn't look senile at all, was waiting for him at the ancestral house of the He family.

The old monk had been waiting for them for a long time.

This person is Master Shanneng, an eminent monk from Bailong Temple invited by the county government from the city.

Behind Master Shanneng, there were still several government officials standing.

"Two Taoist priests, this is the eminent monk Shanneng from Bailong Temple. The two Taoist priests happened to have just left He's home. Master Shanneng happened to come to visit the two Taoist priests in person. Originally, I wanted to order someone to go to Zhang. I informed the two Taoist priests, but Master Shanneng finally dissuaded me from doing so, and Master Shanneng has been waiting for some time."

Seeing Jin An and the old Taoist priest come back, the old man of the He family quickly stood up and welcomed them to their seats.

The eldest lady was also present and nodded to the two of them.

"I wonder why Master Shanneng came to see us specially?" Jin An looked curiously at the eminent monk of Bailong Temple in front of him at close range.

Master Shanneng looked at the group of old and one young Taoist priests in front of him in surprise. Unexpectedly, Jin An was the leader, and it was the youngest Jin An who asked him.

But fortunately, Master Shanneng, as an eminent monk, has high concentration in meditation. After singing the Buddha's name, he chatted and laughed as usual and asked Jin An if he had found anything in Zhang's house.

Jin An shook his head.

Master Shanneng seemed to have known that this would happen, so he stated the purpose of his visit: "Since we have found no clues in the underworld, the poor monk plans to use the fetuses that died innocently and tragically to make the next trip to the underworld to find out the whereabouts of the real murderer and Zhang. His whereabouts."

"I wonder if the two Taoist priests are willing to go to the underworld together to find the real murderer and Zhang?"

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