White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1511 Oriental Blue Dragon Shaoyang Bureau Town Treasure

The Four Symbol Bureaus of Duantianjiedi are -

Shaoyin bureau, Shaoyang bureau, Taiyin bureau, and Taiyang bureau.

The treasures of the Sun Bureau are Southern Lihuo Suzaku,

The town objects of Shaoyang Bureau are Dongmu Qinglong,

The town objects of Taiyin Bureau are Beishui Xuanwu,

The town object of Shaoyin Bureau is the White Tiger of Xijin.

Deep in the Guixu Divine Realm, the eye of the East China Sea is a bottomless pit.

The first level of the pit is the wilderness world.

The second level is the Yinshan world.

The third level is the wild and vast basin world, also known as the Dragon Burial Land.

The basin is endless as far as the eye can see, and is covered with lush primitive jungles. These ancient trees are vigorous, and the old vines are as thick as human arms. It gives off an aura of vastness and vastness.

At this time, it was dark outside, but it was broad daylight in the Guixu Divine Realm, because the sun setting outside was slowly rising into the sky here.

According to legend, the Guixu Divine Realm is the source of the rising sun and moon.

However, in this seemingly vibrant primitive jungle world, it is eerily silent, with no signs of flying insects, birds or beasts.

This abnormal silence, which is completely different from the vibrant forest, gives people a deeper sense of ominousness.

And deep in the primitive jungle, there is a huge dragon cave, also known as the Dragon Burial Ground. It is covered by the poisonous miasma of dragon corpses all year round. It is so poisonous that even Shinto masters can be poisoned.

Dragon Cave is the longan of the basin. There are two large lakes in the longan location, one is called Ghost Lake and the other is called Holy Lake.

Whether it is a ghost lake or a holy lake, there is a Tubo temple built on the lakeside.

However, the situation of the Holy Lake is special. Under normal circumstances, you cannot see the Tubo Temple. This is the second time for the old man who made livestock and the headless monk to visit the Guixu Divine Realm. Along the way, they were guided by a familiar driver and successfully found the Tubo Temple next to the ghost lake. .

Tubo ruled Jiuyou, and a Tubo temple was built next to the ghost lake. The purpose was obvious, to protect the town of Shaoyang Bureau and prevent evil spirits from destroying the Tubo temple.

However, the Tubo temple was empty. Before the builders could erect the statue of Tubo in the temple, an accident occurred and the project was stopped.

This is an empty temple.

It is an incomplete Tubo temple.

However, the entire Tubo Temple has been completed. You can see the life stories of Shaoyang Bureau Zhenwu in the murals of Tubo Temple.

That is a strange woman who has been different since she was a child. She survives fire, floods, and wars. She cannot be killed by water, fire, swords, and she will be resurrected quickly every time she dies.

The legend and deeds of this strange woman quickly spread among the people. People built temples for her and burned incense to worship her. They believed that she was the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fairy who was left behind among the people and could bring blessings to the world.

But year after year passed, the people's prayers had no effect, and natural disasters continued one after another. So the people began to regard them as monsters and monsters, painted ghosts wearing human skin. Because of fear, people began to drive away women.

At this point, the mural style undergoes a drastic change. What used to be bright-colored murals changed from here to dark-style murals. The strong visual contrast seems to express an important turning point in life...

As her deeds spread, alchemists from all over the world began to search for her, hoping to use her to make human elixirs and immortality elixirs. More and more people believed that eating a piece of her flesh would make them immortal and immortal. , and can even emerge and ascend on the spot.

This year, the woman was just sixteen.

After a long time, this strange woman experienced many lives and deaths, and saw many ugly people. Then, the dark mural painting style changed again to a bright painting style...

This is a grand sacrificial ceremony. Four huge sacrificial teams set off at the same time, each heading to the southeast, northwest and northwest.

One of the sacrificial teams rode a huge divine boat that could turn into a rainbow in the sky, arrived at the end of the East China Sea, and sank a heavy bronze coffin into the bottomless valley of the East China Sea.

The bronze coffin sank quickly after sinking into the sea due to its own weight. The woman wearing a golden sun mask who was imprisoned in a bronze coffin was drowned in the sea again and again, and was resurrected in the deep sea again and again. This cycle continued until she sank at the bottom of the East China Sea and never saw the light of day, accepting loneliness and silence forever. , forgetfulness, coldness, and the pain of the constant cycle of life and death...


After reading the life story of the Shaoyang Bureau Zhenwu, the erratic figure standing in the void once again demolished the Tubo Temple, destroying the only remaining trace of the Shaoyang Bureau Zhenwu in the world with his own hands.

Future generations are not allowed to remember the existence of the Four Symbols Bureau.

Not to mention being admired by anyone in the world, Bo Tian felt grateful for the sacrifices of the four great treasures.

This person did not hesitate at all when he demolished the Tubo temple. He showed cold-bloodedness and no compassion for human beings.

Although the old man who made livestock kept his eyes down and said nothing during the whole process, the muscles in the corners of his eyes trembled uncontrollably a few times, indicating that he was a little wary of the other party.

So even though he was very dissatisfied with the other party's successive demolition of Tubo Temple, he could only endure it silently.

"In addition to the Ghost Lake Tuber Temple, there is also a Holy Lake Tuber Temple in the Land of Longyan. The Tuber Temple on the other side of the Holy Lake is complete, but certain conditions are required to see the Holy Lake Tuber Temple." The old man who made livestock I want to break the Shaoyang situation as soon as possible and leave the Guixu Divine Realm as soon as possible, and plan to continue to lead the way.

Unexpectedly, the other party said: "Don't worry, take us to the Corpse Immortal Heavenly Official Yuan Ban's corpse monument first."

The old man who made the livestock had no objection and led the people to find the corpse-preserving monument.

Said to be a corpse-preserving monument, it was actually a tombstone erected by the Corpse Immortal Heavenly Official for himself. His coffin was dug open, the bones were incomplete, and the tombstone was overturned.

"We did not dig up the coffin of Corpse Immortal Heavenly Official Yuan Ban. This was the case when we found this place before. Over the years, we have not only found the Guixu Divine Realm, but those people were all killed by the Tubo Temple in the Holy Lake. The God Card in the Holy Lake Tubo Temple is said to be able to kill even gods. Its effect is similar to that of the God of Conferment. Anyone who enters the Longyan Basin without permission to search for the Shaoyang Bureau's treasure will be welcomed into the God of Killing Card. Card, become one of the fierce gods guarding Shaoyang Bureau, and will not be reincarnated forever, so I advise you not to touch Tubo Temple. "

"If it weren't for the martial arts immortals, maybe all of us would have been trapped and died in the Guixu Divine Realm that time." The old man who made the animals mentioned Jin An countless times along the way, and his words were full of praise for Jin An. , with the intention of killing someone with a borrowed knife.

As expected, the continuous praise of Jin'an along the way attracted the attention of the figure in the void: "We have heard about the martial arts immortals of this generation in Kangding Kingdom. In the Holy Land of Wusheng and the Immortal Mountain, the martial arts immortals specialize in uprooting the thousand-year-old beasts. teach."

"But the martial arts immortals can't get on the stage. When you help me break the Four Symbols of Duantianjiedi and break the shackles of the three extremes in the world, you will officially enter the fourth realm. When the time comes, more martial arts immortals will come. In your eyes Their lives are like ants, not worth mentioning."

"Only when you reach the fourth realm can you break out of the limitations of a frog in a well and see a higher world, just like an elephant looking down at the ants under its feet."

The old man who made livestock looked fascinated.

The fourth realm is a dream that generations of proud people long for but cannot reach.

There are as many talented people as the sands of the Ganges River in history. Every dynasty has no shortage of talented people. However, so many geniuses survived from youth to old age, and finally died in coffins. They did not wait until the fourth realm, and finally lay in coffins with regrets for the rest of their lives.

The Burao Mountains are all non-human beings and can live forever. Even the thousand-year-old Yuan Demon has more than one or two. The Burao Mountains have been searching for clues to the Four Symbols Bureau of Jue Tian Jie Di for thousands of years, planning for thousands of years, and survived until the Burao Mountains were destroyed by the righteous way of the world, but they still remain the same. I couldn’t wait until the fourth realm.

Thinking that the regret that so many geniuses, dragons and phoenixes among men, could not see, would be seen in himself, and that he could break the four-dimensional situation and create a new history with his own hands, how could the old man not be fascinated by it?

It can only be said that the figure in the void is indeed very good at deceiving people.

No wonder he kept converting the old man who made livestock to him and worshiping him as a god.

His eyes turned back to the Corpse Suppression Monument.

The front of the corpse-suppressing stele is engraved with the experience of Yuan Ban, the heavenly official of the Corpse Immortal, after he entered the realm of Guixu. The text on the back is engraved with the content of his last divination before his death.

The Yuan family, where Corpse Immortal Heavenly Official Yuan Ban belongs, is proficient in celestial phenomena, Feng Shui, and Qi Sect Dunjia, and claims to be a branch of the Mo Sect.

But in Yuan Ban's generation, the Yuan family has reached unprecedented heights, and has the ability to predict the fate of the Empire State Building, just because the Yuan family has a Yuan Ban.

Life in this world is not yet over!

Who comes and who dies!

Thirteen years after Zhengde is the time when the Yang pole and the Yin arise, the sun and the moon fall, and the world reverses itself!

I hate being born at the wrong time!

One move in chess!

Although this is not the first time I have seen the hexagrams on the back of the Corpse Suppression Monument, my mood changes every time I see it.

"The Emperor of Kangding hid it from everyone this time and secretly formed an alliance with the secret envoy of the Rakshasa Kingdom. The two countries joined forces to eliminate the thousand-year trouble. The destruction of the Steppe Khanate will at least secure border stability for Kangding for three to four hundred years. "Emperor Kang Zhao obviously has thousands of years of strategic talent, and the Kang Ding Kingdom is at its most powerful. Why would the Corpse Immortal Heavenly Official Yuan Ban predict that next year will be the year of the fall of the Kang Ding Kingdom?" The old man who made livestock frowned, and then asked Xiang Xiang. Does the headless monk know the reason?

The headless monk kept chattering away, taking more and more eccentric views on Buddhism. He did not answer the old man who made animals.

This year is the twelfth year of the Conquest of Virtue.

Taking advantage of the heavy snow disaster, the Kangding Kingdom and the Rakshasa Kingdom formed an alliance to attack the Grassland Khanate, sweeping through the grassland warriors along the way. Once the winter was over, it would be the beginning of the new year, and it would be thirteen years of conquest.

That's why it is said that every time the old animal maker sees the corpse-suppressing monument, his mood changes.

The figure in the void snorted coldly: "There is a saying in Feng Shui, the Yang pole is born as the Yin pole, and when it reaches its peak, it will decline. Nothing is impossible."

After the old man who made livestock pondered for a moment, his eyes shone brightly: "Does this mean that we have great hope of defeating Shaoyang this time?"

"Then what are you waiting for? Break the Shaoyang situation as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams. Let's go to the Holy Lake Tubo Temple."

"Old animal maker, you are obsessed with appearance. Why don't you learn from me, Monk Kong Kong? Your head is empty, your heart is empty, and your thoughts are empty. Without your head, you will have no eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. Sight, hearing, troubles, and pains of the fourfold and five disobediences will be gone. Sooner or later, I will be able to break through the constraints of the world and transcend my true self," the headless monk said ventriloquist.

Oh shit.

No one in the team is normal.

One is not afraid of karma, and even dares to demolish the temples of gods, and then persuades me to believe in him as a god all day long; the other is a practitioner who is so stupid that he has lost his head, and still wants people to convert to Buddhism all the time. If you want to practice Buddhist magic, you must first do it. Self-decapitation.

The old man who made livestock was cursing in his heart at this time. From this look, he was the only normal person in the whole team.

The old man who made animals rolled his eyes and said: "Headless monk, please take care of your own head first. Don't let anyone find the location of your hidden head and destroy your immortal body."

The head must not be decapitated.

How can you enjoy this colorful world if you have your head cut off?

The figure in the void said: "The Shaoyang Bureau is not in a hurry."

The old man who made livestock frowned: "Before we came to the third level of the Guixu Divine Realm, you kept urging us to get on the road. Now that we have found the dragon's eye on the third level of the Guixu Divine Realm, the Shaoyang Bureau is right in front of us. You are the one who is not in a hurry."

"What does this mean?"

The figure in the void sneered: "In order to increase the chance of success in breaking Shaoyang's game, we need to find another helper."


The old man who made the animals looked puzzled at first, then surprised, and finally shocked.

With a look of surprise on his face, he looked at the coffin that had been dug up. Broken wood and human bone fragments were scattered on the ground, and half of the grave of the Corpse Immortal Heavenly Official Yuan Ban was found.

"Do you want to help the Corpse Immortal Heavenly Official Yuan Ban return to the Yang state?"

"Isn't his body incomplete? Even if you have the power of life and death, human flesh and white bones, you can't return a human body out of thin air, right?"

The old man who made livestock became more and more surprised as he talked.

A pair of brows were also frowned tightly, almost into a straight line.

"Huh?" Even the headless monk stopped nagging people to convert to Buddhism and looked surprised.

Although the headless monk has no head and no eyes.

Next, the two people quickly saw the methods of the Void figure.

The figure in the void raised his hand and pressed in the void, and saw the sound of earth shaking coming from the dug-out grave of Corpse Immortal Heavenly Official Yuan Yuan. The grave soil continued to pile up on both sides and quickly piled up.

Meanwhile, the bottom of the pit keeps getting deeper.

After digging dozens of feet underground, they finally unearthed something. It was a black coffin buried vertically.

The coffin was surrounded by spikes and thorns, and the coffin was entangled with several dragon-shaped bronze stakes and nailed deep underground.

"Thorns belong to gold in the five elements! Bronze dragon pillars also belong to gold! Metal is a special weapon against wood. To mobilize the troops like this is to kill all the people in the wooden coffins and crush them to death without leaving any room." The old man who made the livestock let out a low cry. .

One can imagine how horrified he was at the scene before him.

The old man who made livestock felt that his right eye kept flashing: "And this is a vertical burial coffin! In vertical burial graves, the yin cannot disperse but gather yin. This is a serious disaster!"

The figure in the void raised his hand: "If you are willing to die and live, if you don't crush yourself to death and merge with the death energy of the dragon corpse in the dragon burial ground, how can you avoid being digged up and dug up several times?"

After hearing the explanation, the expression of horror on the old animal maker's face did not recede but increased. He looked solemnly at the phantom figure and asked the other party how he knew that the Corpse Immortal Heavenly Official Yuan Ban had used the Golden Cicada to escape from his shell and that the real coffin was still intact?

The voice of the man in the void was vague and ethereal: "I have transcended this world long ago and know the past, present and future. Believe in me, I will not only help you break through the fourth realm and rebuild the Everlasting Mountain, but I will also share with you the secrets of the past, present and future that I know."

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