White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 151 Dragon King Terrace

The waterways of the underworld.

It is the Jiuqu Huangquan Road in the underworld.

The waterways in the Yang world are densely covered, connecting the world and the eight wastelands, just like the Huangquan Road in the underworld, which can welcome the dead everywhere.

Just like that sentence was verified——

All rivers in the world ultimately lead to the same destination.

The soul-inducing boat moved forward all the way, and after passing through Lingqian Township, it continued to drift outwards, and soon merged into a tributary of the Yinyi River.

After another half a day passed, the soul-inducing boat merged into the main stream of the Yinyi River.

Jin An rarely spoke unless necessary and remained silent along the way.

Whether it was the old Taoist priest, Mr. Yin Yang, or the big old man under the white coffin murderer, they all told him again and again that the water in the underworld is the Jiuqu Huangquan, and there is great terror under the Jiuqu Huangquan.

So after going to the underworld, be quiet! Quiet! Quiet! Don't make any loud noise!

In order to avoid alerting some great terror underwater and causing the fatal disaster of capsizing the soul-inducing ship.

Jin An has always kept taboos in mind.

Since entering the main stream of the Yinyi River, as the Yinyi River has become wider and the two banks are further away from the center of the river, the fog on the river has completely blocked Jin'an's vision, making it impossible for him to see the situation on the shore.

Before, in the tributary, the two banks were narrow, and he could barely see the blurry outline of the scenery on the bank through the fog area.

It is completely invisible now.

The surroundings fell into complete silence, emptiness and silence.

Except in the mist world, there seemed to be many men, women, old people, and children whispering in his ears without stopping.

The boat seemed to be shrouded in mist, and it was densely packed with people...

It seems as if there are countless white ghost figures floating and hovering in the invisible mist above the head...

Fortunately, the current Jin An is no longer the inexperienced Brother Chu two months ago.

Facing those mysterious whispers in the mist that lead to depravity, he continued to meditate on spiritual martial arts, constantly sharpened his spirit, will, and soul, and consolidated his mind. The interference of the mysterious whispers from the outside world to his mind was minimal.

Unless he takes the initiative to die.

Unless he takes the initiative to get in touch with the mystery.

The reason why Jin An said that the soul-inducing boat under his feet was leading them to Fucheng was because after half a day, he actually saw the familiar big turning point of the Yinyi River.

This big bend is one of the most dangerous places in the Yinyi River section. It has sharp bends and turbulent underwater currents. If you are not careful, there is a danger of the boat capsizing and killing people. The sails on the Yinyi River are like woven sails. Every year, several boat capsizes happen here at Daguaikou, which is a bit evil.

It's like there is a hell gate here.

Every year some human sacrifices are eaten.

Therefore, some shipping dealers in the past called it the "Big Ghost Pass".

When Jin An came to Fucheng for the first time, this big intersection happened to hit a landslide, which delayed navigation for a day.

But the most famous thing about this big pass in recent times is naturally the time when the Yinyi River stopped flowing, exposing thousands of caves under the river bed, and finally drowned hundreds of soldiers and local warriors.


The sound of rushing water at Daguaikou reached my ears like thunder.

Although he had not actually seen the big turning point due to the fog, Jin An clearly felt that the speed of the soul-inducing ship under his feet had accelerated a lot.

The water flow became more rapid.

It makes people worry that this small soul-drawing boat will be overwhelmed by a big wave and be hit at the bottom of the river at any time?

Master Shanneng, who had been silently steering the boat at the stern, noticed that Jin An was looking intently at the approaching big turning point in front of him, and seemed to be very curious about the big turning point that he was about to pass through.

Master Shanneng looked at Jin'an who was looking around curiously, and asked with kind eyebrows: "Today during the day, when the poor monk was waiting for the Taoist Priest at the ancestral home of the He family, he heard from the eldest wife of the He family that Taoist Jin'an had just arrived in Fucheng two months ago. I don't know. How much does Taoist Jin'an know about this big corner?"

Jin An thought for a while and replied: "When we first arrived in Fucheng, we happened to encounter a landslide in Daguaikou, and we were stuck in Daguaikou for a day. I heard the boatmen and merchants who often travel to Fucheng talk about it. There are several other names for this Daguaikou, such as 'Guimenguan' and 'Daguikou'."

"I heard that the water in this place suddenly became turbulent, and some people would fall into the water and die every year. Over time, it became known as this place with awe of ghosts and gods."

Jin An did not turn around.

As the water flow became more and more turbulent, he began to hold on to the hull of the boat, watching nervously as he watched the big turning in the mist getting closer and closer, and the closer and closer rumble like the galloping sound of thousands of troops.

Master Shanneng, on the other hand, seemed unaffected and was still steering the ship steadily, with his hands as steady as a mountain without even a single tremor.

Under the steady helm of this eminent monk from Bailong Temple, this small, inconspicuous boat in the river was steady and steady, ignoring the undercurrent of the turbulent river beneath the boat.

Master Shanneng is like a big Buddha stone that holds the prison. The Buddha's mind is stable and his meditation concentration is as deep as the secret.

Facing Jin An's answer, Master Shanneng chanted the Buddha's name, smiled kindly and said, "Taoist Master Jin An only got half of it right, and the other half was not right."

Hearing this, Jin An looked curiously at Master Shanneng at the stern of the boat: "Master Shanneng, you are an eminent monk of Bailong Temple and you live in Fucheng all year round. You must know more about this big bend than I do..."

"How about Master Shanneng tell me what's so special about this big corner?"

Perhaps it was because of Jin An's considerable achievements at such a young age and his calm attitude in dealing with things that Master Shanneng cherished his talents.

While steering the helm, Master Shanneng patiently answered Jin An's questions: "The names such as 'Guimen Pass' and 'Da Gui Kou' that Taoist Master Jin An just mentioned are just awe-inspiring names for passing ship traders. In fact, among the local people, there is another Special name."

"It's called Dragon King Terrace."

"Dragon King Terrace?" Jin An was startled.

Master Shanneng nodded and said: "On the green hill above our heads, there is a temple. That temple is called the Dragon King Temple. In front of the Dragon King Temple, there is a Dragon King Tower used by local people to pray for good weather."

"The poor monk once had the opportunity to read the official annals. According to the records in the official annals, the construction of the Dragon King Terrace has a long history."

"According to legend, a long time ago, this big corner was more noisy than it is now, and the water was even more dangerous than it is now. Like an evil dragon, it churned up rivers and seas every day, making waves. People died every year, and boats capsized every month. As soon as the rainy season came, there would be floods. , causing unspeakable suffering to the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait."

"Later, a Feng Shui expert passed by this place. He said that there was an underwater dragon palace under the Yinyi River. In the dragon palace lived a sleeping dragon king. The dragon king yawned casually in his sleep. For the ship merchants and merchants on the river, For fishermen, it is a devastating disaster. Moreover, the Dragon King will wake up from hunger once every year when the rainy season comes, and continue to fall into a deep sleep after eating enough living people."

"After listening to the Feng Shui master's words, the local people wanted to spend a lot of money to find a temple builder to build a Dragon King temple at this big intersection. They would worship the Dragon King during every year and festival and pray for good weather."

"What a coincidence, that Feng Shui master happens to know some skills in building temples."

"After he received heavy rewards from the local people, he began to build a temple on the top of Daguaikou Mountain. He also drove in several dry bone piles and built a Dragon King Temple and Dragon King Terrace on the foundation of the dry bone piles. ."

"That Feng Shui master is really good at it. With the completion of Longwangtai, the raging water at this big turning point has been suppressed. Although there will be several floods every few years, they are never as violent as before. ."

When talking about this, Master Shanneng sang the Buddha's name and finished talking about the origin of Dragon King Terrace.

Dry bone pile, isn't this a zombie!

Jin'an had only heard of using living people to lay foundations and bridge piers with living piles. This was the first time he heard of using zombies to build foundation piles to nail the Dragon King, and then building temples on the corpse ground. This Feng Shui master is indeed very good at it. I wonder how much of this folk rumor is true or false?

If it is true, this Feng Shui master is really a strange person.

In other places, when people on both sides of the river face annual flooding, they build river temples, He Bo temples, and Dragon King temples...and then offer sacrifices every year to worship the River God, He Bo, or the Dragon King, praying for good weather and good weather. Gods, don’t dare to provoke gods.

Such as offering sacrifices to bronze vessels, fine wines, delicacies, stone carvings, etc., and even many places have developed the practice of sacrificing living people to the river god He Bo...

Or they kidnapped and trafficked young girls, and threw themselves into the river every year to marry the river god Hebolong King, and other stupid and unscrupulous things.

But that Feng Shui gentleman actually did the opposite...

Even if he disrespects the gods, he actually takes the lead in laying foundation piles with dry bones, suppressing evil with evil, and nailing the Dragon King, but instead suppresses the Water Dragon King in the Dragon Palace?

According to normal logic, should we kill the River God Hebolong King from the beginning;

Why don't you offend the river god Hebolong King in the first place, just accept it and worship it every year to pray for good weather?

Why does Jin An think this folk rumor is a bit illogical?

"Master Shan Neng, is there really a Dragon King in this world?"

"If there really is a Dragon King, will it really be a Feng Shui master who leads some ordinary people who have no occult skills and can be easily crucified and surrendered?"

"That Feng Shui master is not afraid that he will offend the Dragon King to death. The Dragon King will escape from the trap one day, and then he will kill the people of Jiang'an who suppressed him, the disciples and grandchildren of the people of Jiang'an, and his descendants. Eat clean?"

Faced with Jin An's three consecutive questions, Master Shanneng naturally shook his head, unable to tell whether this folk rumor was true or false.

For example, county annals and prefectural annals record abnormal weather conditions, droughts, floods, and various natural and man-made disasters. When faced with various natural and man-made disasters, the people are ignorant and inevitably use exaggerated words to promote the way of heaven and theology. There are many examples of this in history. .

"If there is really a dragon king pressing down under the Yinyi River, Master Shanneng, do you think that the Yinyi River suddenly stopped flowing overnight a month ago, and then mysteriously restored its water level overnight? Could it be that this dragon king escaped from the trap and was there? Cannibalism for revenge?”

Jin An suddenly made a bold guess.


As soon as Jin An finished saying this, he found that the boat he and Master Shanneng were riding on had entered the mouth of Daguai.

Jin An suddenly felt that his whole soul was not in good condition.

This is really a crow's mouth.

Jin An quickly shut up, not daring to speak nonsense at this time, lest the crow's mouth really work and suffer some unreasonable disaster.

At this time, Jin An realized that even Master Shanneng had kept silent.

Instead, focus on steering forward.

The water under your feet became more and more turbulent, and the undercurrents attracted the soul-inducing ship one after another. One after another, turbid waves half a man's height broke into the cabin, as if a pair of big hands wanted to capsize the soul-inducing ship.

At this moment, the soul-inducing ship seemed to have fallen into the stormy black abyss, swaying left and right, being fiddled with violently, as small as a rootless duckweed, and extremely fragile.

But fortunately, Master Shanneng, an eminent monk of Bailong Temple, has always been steady at the helm of the pole. Although the soul-inducing boat undulated violently in the sharp bends of the river, like the waves of ten thousand peaks, it was always stable under the eminent monk's helm, and the speed was smooth and smooth. Move quickly with the current.

Forge ahead bravely.

In Buddhism, we pay attention to cultivating one's mind and one's nature.

At this time, the soul-inducing boat is moving forward steadily in the violent storm, just like the bright mind of a Zen monk. If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? If the Buddha's mind is clear, I can cross to the other side.

The soul boat was rushing through the rapids of the Big Turn. At this time, they had entered the narrowest part of the Big Turn.

The narrowest part is not even ten feet wide.

If one is not careful, the ship may be destroyed and people may be killed.


Jin An's expression changed!

When the soul-inducing ship entered the big turning point, the sound of whispers from many people suddenly increased several times in volume.

Many people were whispering in his ears, including desperate screams, evil fighting sounds, and vicious curses... The deeper the soul-inducing ship went deeper into the Big Crescent, the whispers became louder and louder, as if in the fog on the ship at this moment. , in the mist above his head, there were countless pairs of unwilling ghosts peering at him, staring at him nakedly.

The whispers turned into angry roars, howling ghosts, eardrums stinging, and headaches like splitting.

"The Great Emperor of Five Thunders and the Protector of Pure Yang, you lonely ghosts still dare to spy on me!"

Jin An visualized the calamity of inner demons, and combined with the five thunder evil slaying talismans on his body, at this moment, his thoughts were beating with pure Yang, and he was not afraid of ghosts and gods.

Thunder method is the first of all methods.

Wherever Jin'an's eyes pass, it's like the Five Thunder Emperors inspecting the underworld, and the demons retreat.

Only then did the roaring sounds of countless innocent souls in his ears stop.

"How many innocent souls are buried under this big intersection!"

"The cries were so loud that they drowned out the sound of thousands of troops galloping across the river!"

Jin An's head sank.

Who knew!

At this moment, Master Shanneng suddenly said in an urgent tone to Jin An: "Something is coming. Master Jin An, please don't look back!"

"Be careful what you carry back to the underworld, and look for a scapegoat to return the favor in the human world!"

This was the first time that Jin An heard Master Shanneng's voice so urgently.

Jin An's soul froze. This was not because he was frightened, but because the Yin Qi around him suddenly rose sharply. Even the Liujia Yang Shen on the Liuding Liujia Talisman on his body was unable to protect his soul due to the strong Yin Qi.

Is there really a Dragon King impaled by a dry bone pile in this big corner?

If it were an ordinary person, the more you tell him not to look back at this time, the more likely he will be unable to help but look back curiously.

Jin An suppressed his curiosity to look back and continued to move forward in the turbulent river with the violent ups and downs of the soul-inducing boat.

Fortunately, after we passed the narrowest part of Daguai Kou, we saw a bell mouth in front of us, the mountains on both sides opened up, and the rapid water flow on the river gradually began to calm down.

They had successfully exited the most dangerous turn, and the negative energy on the ship had dissipated.

After continuing for some distance, and when he felt it was safe enough, Jin An remembered to ask Master Shanneng what on earth was following them just now?

Is that Dragon King causing trouble? Is there really a Dragon King?

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