White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1536: The Fortune-bringing Copper Coin Tree, an experienced animal-breeding expert

Jin'an asked Li Dajin, the owner of Penglai Inn, to take him to the room where Li Yan lived.

Li Dajin really treated Li Yan well. He took good care of this young man who lost his parents early and arranged a small room for him to live in.

The small room was not big. People could see everything at a glance. There were only simple furnishings such as a bed, a table, and a wardrobe. However, in the spice shop in Beijing, where every inch of land is valuable, being able to own such a small room was already envied by many people.

After Li Dajin's initial resentment, he calmed down and watched Li Yan clean up the place where he lived. For a while, he had a lot of feelings: "Don't be afraid of being laughed at by the adults. I thought I would be a good talent, and I found a good seedling, so I was willing to give all the good things to Li Yan. I often feel proud of myself because I am a good talent..."

"I didn't expect that things in the world are unpredictable..."

"Not only am I not a good talent, but I also pushed Li Yan into the fire pit. If I hadn't brought him to Beijing, he would live in poverty and hardship in the countryside, but at least his life would not be in danger..."

Li Dajin said self-deprecatingly.

The old Taoist priest patted Li Dajin on the shoulder and comforted him: "Everyone has his own destiny. You and I have a sky above our heads. We are struggling among all living beings. How can we help others change their destiny? Just do our best."

Li Dajin was grateful: "Thank you for your comfort, Taoist priest."

Jin'an looked around the room, raised his hand and grabbed the air, and a few blue bricks in the corner of the wall exploded, and a tin box flew in from the air.


The tin box fell to the ground with a heavy muffled sound.

The tin cover was shaken open, revealing the neatly stacked copper coins inside. A string of copper coins is one or two taels of silver.

Except for the old Taoist priest and Fatty Li, everyone else in the room was surprised by Jin'an's foresight.

Only the old Taoist priest and Fatty Li knew that in addition to being a martial arts immortal, Jin'an was also a Shinto master. In the eyes of a Shinto master, he could easily see the snakes, rats and ants underground.

An object as big as a tin box could not escape the search of a Shinto master.

"It seems that these copper coins are the money Li Yan received for his life, the stolen money earned by helping people dispose of corpses." Fatty Li was going to count how much stolen money there was, but when his fat hand was about to touch the copper coins, he retracted it.

Fatty Li asked Jin'an cautiously: "Master Jin'an, if we touch these copper coins, will it also be considered as money for our life?"

The old Taoist interrupted: "That's not the case. This is the capital city, with Taoist temples and monasteries everywhere, and countless Taoist masters. If the copper coins with evil spirits were circulated in the capital city, they would have been discovered and the matter would have been exposed."

Fatty Li slapped his forehead: "Really, Master Chen is still sober."

After Fatty Li's praise, the old Taoist immediately beamed with joy, and the two of them exchanged glances with Fatty Li.

After counting, there were a total of 63 strings of copper coins in the iron box, which was 63 taels of silver.

"It's true that making money from side jobs is fast. A servant in an inn can accumulate such a huge fortune in a short time, which is comparable to the annual income of a ninth-rank clerk." Fatty Li sneered.

The old Taoist priest also echoed, "These sixty-three taels of silver may not be enough to open a larger restaurant, but after returning to the countryside to open a small restaurant, as long as you don't spend excessively and know how to increase income and reduce expenditure, it will be enough to live a comfortable life for a few years."

"It can only be said that Li Yan is not destined to be noble, or that the money he made from his windfall will eventually be wasted."

A servant can actually save such a huge fortune in a short time, but no one will envy Li Yan's speed of making money.

This kind of money that reduces one's life and makes money from side jobs can't be kept for a year, no matter how much you earn, it's useless.

You have to be able to earn it and spend it.

Jinan threw the copper coins on the ground, like throwing away dung, and then let the old dog smell the smell on Li Yan's mattress first, and then smell the smell on the copper coins, to help him find out which copper coins have repeated smells.

Jinan explained: "After contact with the three people who threw the corpse, there will be some smell on their body. These copper coins have been in the hands of the three people who threw the corpse. As long as we find the overlapping smell, we can find the three people who threw the corpse."

Fatty Li shouted in surprise: "I understand, Taoist Master Jinan wants to use the sensitivity of the dog's nose to smell out the hiding place of the three people who threw the corpse."

Who knows.

Jinan shook his head.


"That's too slow, and it's easy to alert the enemy. It's too time-consuming. I plan to use the Taoist technique of 'searching for things' to catch people directly."

Jinan's answer made the old Taoist priest, Fatty Li, Deputy Commander Sun and other brothers from the Criminal Investigation Department present all brighten their eyes.

The brothers of the Criminal Investigation Department will never forget how Jin'an used the Taoist technique of picking up objects from a bag to rescue his kidnapped colleagues from the hands of the Indians and the Rakshasas.

When they heard that Jin'an was going to perform miracles again, they immediately became excited and looked forward to it.

Fatty Li laughed excitedly: "Sure enough, following Taoist Jin'an to solve cases can always stimulate and encounter evil spirits, and it can also broaden your horizons."

Only Li Dajin was confused in the room, but he heard one thing, Fatty Li looked very wrong, who likes to encounter evil spirits.

While talking, Lao Gou had already picked out three copper coins with the strongest smell from a pile of copper coins and scratched them in front of Jin'an's feet.

He held his head high and his chest puffed out, with a proud expression of asking for credit.

Jin'an stomped his feet on the ground, and the three copper coins were shaken up to a high place. He shouted three times: "Long, long, long."

The three copper coins fell to the ground at the same time, and they all fell to the ground on the facade, firmly embedded in the gaps of the blue bricks. The next moment, the three copper coins were seen sprouting and growing.

From sprouting to seedlings to a tree as thick as a human arm and then growing into a strong copper coin tree, it only takes three blinks of an eye.

The branches of the copper coins are lush and leafy, and the thick crown of the tree is covered with strings of copper coins. The yellow light of those copper coins flashes in front of the eyes, making people dazzled and fascinated.

Ding Ling Dang Cang——

The tree full of copper coin strings collided with each other and made crisp and sweet sounds. These sweet sounds seemed to arouse some kind of desire in people's hearts.

"What a money-making tree!" Li Dajin exclaimed in shock, bringing the confused eyes back to reality.

Looking at the copper money tree covered with strings of copper coins, for a moment, Jin An felt as if he had returned to Chang County in a dream and saw the green money willow tree in Chang County that has been a scourge for thousands of years.

Jin An's gaze was firm, and he pushed away other distracting thoughts in his mind. His eyes began to wander back and forth among the trees full of copper coin strings, searching for them. Then he picked off three human-shaped copper coin strings one by one and threw them to the ground.

As soon as the three strings of human-shaped copper coins fell to the ground, the bronze texture on the surface faded away, turning into three human-shaped corpses with bloody flesh, and a stench hit their nostrils.

At the same time, the three copper money trees in the house fell apart as quickly as rotten wood, decaying and disintegrating in the blink of an eye. The copper coins were still copper coins, nothing had changed. The three copper coins embedded in the gaps between the blue bricks were still the same. Standing intact in place.

Although it was not the first time that Jin An had used the Taoist technique of detecting objects, the effect was different every time depending on the medium used to perform the technique. Fatty Li and Deputy Commander Sun were still so shocked that they held their breath. , speechless the whole time.

Fatty Li and the others were all like this, and Li Dajin, the owner of Penglai Inn, behaved even worse, with his mouth wide open and the expression on his face filled with shock.

After recovering from the shock, he took a deep breath, vomit!

All the people in the room retched and ran out of the house. They rushed out of the door one after another, and were suffocated by the stench of corpses.

Only Jin An didn't run away and squatted down to examine the body carefully.

The other people from the Criminal Investigation Department who were staying outside the house watched everyone rushing out. They asked curiously what was going on and what happened. They wanted to get closer to see the situation. As a result, before they even got close to the door, they were beaten by someone who smelled worse than a rotten egg in the summer. The stench was blown away.

"Where did the sudden body odor come from in Li Yan's room?" These people were puzzled as they covered their noses and fled.

Not long after, the old Taoist priest, Fatty Li and others walked into Li Yan's house again. At this time, these people filled their noses and ears with yellow talisman paper in a funny way.

And his cheeks were bulging. It was probably because the old Taoist priest took out his homemade detoxification pills from his Tai Chi Bagua bag and distributed them to everyone, which can detoxify the stinking corpses.

Jin An, who was frowning and doing the autopsy seriously, was also amused by the funny looks of these people: "You can just plug your noses because of the corpse odor. Your ears can't smell the smell. How can you still smell the corpse smell with your ears?"

Because he had the detoxification pill in his mouth, Fatty Li spoke vaguely: "Master Chen said that corpse odor is not only a smell, but also a highly poisonous miasma that blocks all the seven orifices. Be careful that the detoxification pill fails and a whole room of people is eaten in one pot."

Jin An glared at the old Taoist priest and heard that the old Taoist priest was deliberately teasing people.

He had already experienced how powerful the old Taoist priest's self-made detoxification pills were when he first entered the martial arts world. It could detoxify corpses that have been smelling for hundreds of years, let alone a few recently dead rotting corpses.

Even the old dog's nostrils and ears were stuffed with yellow talisman in a funny way, and he followed the others cautiously into the house.

When the old Taoist priest and the others came close to him and squatted down to inspect the body as he did, they saw a strong smell of Sanyang wine on their bodies. It was obvious that the yellow talisman paper stuffed in their noses and ears had been soaked in Sanyang wine. .




"how so!"

When several people saw the three highly decomposed corpses on the ground, they all gasped, with shock and horror on their faces.

Judging from the body shape and age of the three people on the ground, they all matched Li Yan's confession. They were the three people they were looking for.

The three people died in a very evil way.

The corpse was fresh, still a little warm to the touch, and looked like it had just died. However, the body was completely black and exuded a foul odor. This was typical of a person's skin turning black due to blood coagulation a few days after death, and the body had already become rotten.

The grotesque appearance of the corpses did not stop there. All three of them had bellies as big as pots and thick necks. Before they died, the three of them had been digging at their mouths with their hands.

"There seems to be something in their mouths?" The old Taoist priest was bold and reached out to fiddle with the deceased's mouth. He actually took out a copper coin from the deceased's mouth.

"Eh?" The old Taoist priest exclaimed in surprise. He ignored the stench and inspected the corpses one by one. Unexpectedly, he took out copper coins from the mouths of the corpses.

"They had money in their mouths and their expressions were painful before they died. Could it be that they died from asphyxiation after swallowing money?" Fatty Li was surprised.

"You can tell by just cutting open their stomachs." Jin An was very neat. As soon as he finished speaking, the sword flashed and he opened the stomachs of the three people as big as a vat on the spot.

Dang Dang Dang——

It was the sound of coins rolling to the ground.

But they saw that the stomachs of the three of them were filled with copper coins, and their flesh and blood torsos were filled with blood-stained copper coins, which overflowed to their throats, and all their internal organs were missing.

The old Taoist priest frowned: "Thanks to us arriving in time, my little brother took action in time to save Li Yan, otherwise Li Yan would have followed in their footsteps and suffered the backlash of human desire..."


"Their bodies are still warm. They must have died suddenly not long ago. It was Li Yan's incident. The other party knew that we would track down these three people sooner or later, so they killed them first and silenced them. We were one step too late!"

Fatty Li punched the ground and cursed unwillingly: "Master Jin'an expected that the other party might kill to silence him, and he had already used Taoist magic to snatch him, but we were still a step too late!"

"Who is the other party? He is so rampant in the capital and has been dormant for so long, but we didn't notice it!"

Jin'an suddenly stood up, then grabbed Li Dajin and walked out of the house vigorously: "Tell me, where is the carriage that Li Yan used to transport Nanyang spices?"

He was racing against time with the other party.

This time he caught a big fish, so how could he let it escape easily.

Li Dajin was so nervous that he hesitated: "The commander... wants to find a horse to pull the carriage?"

Seeing Jin'an nodding with a bad look, Li Dajin said with a stiff face: "To be honest, the horse just died yesterday..."


Jin'an's eyes were a little colder, with a hint of murderous intent.

Li Dajin was nervous and hurriedly explained: "I don't know what strange disease the horse has had recently. It has not eaten or drunk anything for several days. It has been starving and skinny. It just died suddenly yesterday."

"Every word I said is true. If you don't believe me, you can ask the government. It's hard to handle such a big horse carcass. I'm afraid that it will have problems if I sell it to the butcher as horse meat. If I want to transport it out of the city and find a place to bury it, I need a pass from the government. The horse carcass is still in the stable and has not been transported out of the city for burial. The commander has a sharp eye. You can know whether my words are true or false by performing an autopsy on the horse carcass."

Li Dajin did not lie. The starved horse was found in the stable of Jin'an Zao Inn.

The cause of death of the horse is not complicated. It died of poisoning. The tongue is black, the gums are ulcerated, and the mouth is full of foul smell. If the possibility of human poisoning is ruled out, it should have eaten the Yin Qi poisonous grass by mistake at the place where the body was dumped, and finally died of poisoning.

Because Li Yan mentioned a detail, he used to drive away alone after delivering the goods to the location. But the coffin delivered the last time was too heavy, so he was called to help carry the coffin. During this period, the horse was tied in place and was likely to eat poisonous weeds by mistake.

The place where the corpse was dumped must be a cold and remote place, and poisonous weeds like this kind of growth environment the most.

"You are lucky this time. Thank goodness I didn't sell it to the butcher for a low price, otherwise I wouldn't be able to pay for the compensation even if I demolished your Penglai Inn."

After Jin'an examined the horse corpse, he first said to Li Dajin, and then said to Fatty Li: "Fatty Li, go to the kitchen to get the butcher knife. I want to butcher the horse and bring Li Yan with me."


Everyone present was shocked. Butchering the horse, is this going to take Li Yan... for surgery?

Fatty Li didn't ask why, and left in a hurry and came back in a hurry, with a butcher knife in his hand.

Jin'an is not the kind of inhumane murderer, and of course he doesn't want to butcher the horse, a living person, Li Yan.

With his superb knife skills, he peeled off a piece of horse skin perfectly, then drove away the irrelevant people, and then he put the horse skin still attached to flesh and blood on Li Yan.

The first animal transformation!

A living person, in full view of the public, turned into a colt with four legs facing the ground, with the spirit and body in one, and there was no flaw.

"What are you doing, little brother?" At this time, even the old Taoist priest couldn't figure out Jin An's intention.

Jin An snorted coldly: "Whether it's a living person or a dead horse, I have dozens of ways to pull out these evil spirits who like to hide their heads and show their tails!"


Jin An patted the colt that Li Yan had turned into and ordered: "The old horse can still recognize the way. Even if you have become a stupid person without any intelligence, your instincts are still there. Take us to find the place where the body was dumped, find the murderer, and atone for your sins, so that you can suffer less in the future when you go to the Yama Palace."

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