White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1551 Buddha says you are innocent, so I will destroy Buddha

Outside the capital, the people entering the city frequently looked at the two people standing outside the city.

One person is a white, clean and delicate young monk. His whole body is brilliant, with Buddha lotus growing on his feet, and he carries the kind and holy aura of our Buddha's compassion to save all living beings.

The other person is an old man wearing a green shirt.

The fair, pure and delicate little monk was so good-looking that even the female Bodhisattvas who came into the city couldn't help but turn around and take a few more glances.

The idea that Buddhism's four major elements are all empty has become empty talk here, but the three poisons of Buddhism - greed, anger and ignorance - are prevalent here.

"Monk Kongkong, you are such a slut."

"Waiting for a martial arts immortal to do something like this. What's there to do with the hearts of these ordinary people? If you want to play, just play big. Go and have a try with the martial arts immortal."

The old man who made livestock snorted coldly, thinking that Monk Kongkong was too ostentatious.

Isn’t there a folk proverb: A big tree attracts the wind, and a big brain attracts bricks.

This is the first time I saw a headless monk with a head on his neck. The headless monk, also known as the Kongkong monk, put his hands together, and there was Buddha light rubbing between his palms: "Form is emptiness, emptiness is form."

"Everything is Dharma, just like the bubbles of a dream."

"Life is a boundless sea of ​​suffering. Only by removing the false and retaining the true and revealing your true nature can you see where your own path is in the boundless sea of ​​suffering. As long as they are willing to believe in me, what if I take these female Bodhisattvas out of the sea of ​​suffering?"

"Lipo Lipo Emperor, Qihe Qiuhe Emperor, Dharani Emperor, Nihora Emperor, Pilini Emperor, Mahajia Emperor, Zhenlinggan Emperor, Shaboha."

Monk Kongkong was reciting the "Seven Buddhas' Mantra to Extinguish Crime".

Obstacles of sin can be eliminated, the fourfold and five counter-sins can be eliminated, and future generations will no longer suffer great suffering.

It's just that this "Mantra of the Seven Buddhas to Extinguish Sin" was read from the mouth of a monster monk, each mouthful of compassion to save the world, the picture is both absurd and weird.

"Old animal maker, why don't you also believe in me? I will help you understand the supreme Buddha Dharma together. Without me to guide you, no one can understand the profound meaning of Buddha Dharma, because I am the Buddha."

Such shocking remarks coming from the mouth of Monk Kong Kong are highly rebellious and insulting to Buddhism.

Just as Monk Kongkong was reciting the "Seven Buddhas' Sin-Destroying Mantra", a small commotion suddenly broke out at the gate of the capital, which distracted some of the passers-by's attention.



The Biwan carriage drove out of the capital, followed by several teams of Criminal Investigation Department personnel.

"Headless monk, isn't your head broken? Who gave you the courage to preach in the capital, and who allowed you to preach the Dharma in the capital?"

As the Biyan carriage approached, a cold voice came from inside the carriage, interrupting Monk Kongkong's chanting process on the spot.

Because the people sitting in the car seemed to be able to judge life and death with one sentence. They revealed that the headless monk was a fake Buddha who borrowed his head to continue. His head fell to the ground on the spot and his head was separated.

The handsome little monk's head was bleeding from all his orifices, and lines of blood shot out from his neck. His head fell to the ground with a thud.

At this time, the head was not even half elegant, but only hideous and terrifying. It looked like a head that had been torn off by force. The owner of the head still carried the resentment and pain of his life. This was not the head of the headless monk, but the original head of the headless monk. The headless monk snatched it from somewhere. Moreover, the head was highly decomposed, the face was black and black, and was infested with maggots. He had been dead for a long time.

From one extreme to the other at once, the people who came to Beijing had never seen such a terrifying change. Screams broke out and they fled in panic.

Most of the female Bodhisattvas who were reluctant to leave the handsome young monk were so frightened that they fainted to death when faced with the sudden change.

"Wu, martial arts immortal." The expression of the old animal maker changed, and then his expression darkened, his eyes gloomy.

When he was in the East China Sea Guixu Divine Realm, the image of divine power that Jin An had planted in his heart was so great that when he entered the fourth realm to see Jin An again, he still couldn't help but recall what he had experienced in the East China Sea Gui Xu.

After discarding the head, the Buddha's light of the Holy Spirit in the headless monk's body not only did not fade away, but the Buddha's Dharma became more abundant. The golden light of Dharma illuminated his whole body like gold. There was Buddha's light flowing under the thin skin and tender flesh, and many Buddha lotuses grew from his feet.

Walking around the world with a mortal head on your head is a sign of being entangled by cause and effect. The fire of cause and effect blocks your own Dharma Zen fire. Not only is it useless, but it is also harmful.

The reason why the headless monk "borrowed" a dead head was to make it easier for him to walk around the world. He surrendered to Yuan Guoshi. He was a high-ranking official in the imperial court and had to have the dignity to be seen by others.

"Thanks to the martial arts and immortality, one has to be headless and mindless, all four elements are empty, and the whole body is relaxed. With the head, there are ears, eyes, mouth, nose, sight, hearing, and troubles. Buddhism is no longer unconventional, and begins to be constrained by secular Buddhism." The headless monk laughed. Laughing, clasping his hands together, his whole body was covered with powerful Buddha light, and his voice came from ventriloquism.

The headless monk is already good-looking, white and pure. At this time, the Buddha's light envelopes his whole body, and Buddha lotus blooms bloom on his feet, making him look like a golden cicada reincarnated into the human world.

He obviously has no head, but instead of feeling scary and evil, his body gives people the solemn and holy inspiration of the precious elephant, and he feels a feeling of worship in his heart.

"Martial Arts Immortal, Yuan Guoshi ordered us to come all the way from Eternal Mountain to cooperate with you to explore the Cave Heaven Paradise together and maintain the dignity of the court. You and I are now colleagues in the same dynasty. Why don't you invite us to ride together to the Widow's Village Cave Heaven Paradise."

The headless monk walked toward the Bi'an carriage with Buddha lotuses growing from his feet, wanting to get on the carriage and ride with Jin An.

"Bold, headless monk, do you know who I am?" The curtain of the Biyan carriage was opened, revealing Jin An sitting in it. His aura was as calm as a mountain, and he was not affected by the headless monk and Zaohu, who had already entered the fourth realm. The influence of old people's breath.

"I am both the Marquis of Shenwu and the commander and supervisor of the Criminal Investigation Department. You, the headless monk, did not kneel down to greet me when you saw me. I suspect that you are committing treason. This is one of the charges."

"The emperor is guilty of the same crime as the common people. You, the headless monk, are bloodthirsty. I don't care whether you surrendered or were recruited, and I don't care whether you are the emperor's man or someone else's man. Since you killed someone, you should be punished according to the laws of this dynasty. This is the second charge."

"You keep saying that you have surrendered to the court, but you are still evil, wantonly killing people, knowingly breaking the law. The third charge is to increase the legal crime by one level. "

"You spread evil words in public to confuse the public and use evil methods to control people's hearts. This is the fourth charge. "

"You have no temples or monasteries, and you have neither the certificate of ordination issued by the court nor the certificate of precepts issued by the Zhenguo Temple. You spread evil Buddhism and heterodox teachings in public, violating the management of monks and nuns. This is the fifth charge. "

"Headless monk, your crimes are too numerous to list. I will punish you for all five crimes. Do you feel wronged?"

The headless monk recited the Buddhist scripture "Seven Buddhas' Mantras to Eliminate Sins" in his ventriloquism. As a result, the more he recited the Buddhist scripture, the more dazzling the Buddha's light on his body became.

The headless monk laughed loudly: "There is no Bodhi tree, and the mirror is not a stand. The Buddha nature is always pure, where is the dust."

"The Buddha said that if I don't have a head, I will not have eyes, ears, mouth, nose, sight, and hearing troubles, so I, the monk Kongkong, have nothing to worry about."

"Then I will destroy Buddhism." With these seven simple words, Jin An sentenced the headless monk to death.

He killed the headless monk.

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