White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1558: Learning the inside story of Shaoyang Bureau

"Zhao Zhu Zhenren, why do you want me to be careful about the new national master?" Jin An rode on the back of the bull and looked back at the sky behind him.

At the end of the naked eye, there is a soul in the sky lifting up the physical body and hanging it leisurely far behind. There are good people and Shinto masters following all the way, wanting to continue to watch the fun.

Da Qing Niu was driving very fast, and the dust was flying all the way. At this time, the capital could no longer be seen.

Da Qingniu, who had transformed into a master of animal beasts, solemnly said: "Martial Arts Immortal, you have offended the national master today. It is for your own good that I, the real master, will remind you that if you want to fight against the national master, your cultivation level must at least break through to You can’t return to Beijing until the middle of the fourth realm.”

"Although you are a martial arts immortal, with the power of Yang Nian, you can suppress the divine soul, but the background of the national master is far beyond your imagination. The middle stage of the fourth realm only allows you to have the power to protect yourself in front of the national master, but if you want to kill The death of the national master is not enough."

"So you must seize this opportunity to visit the Cave Heaven Paradise. Don't miss it whenever you have the opportunity to improve your cultivation. Practice well."


Seeing the seriousness of what Master Zhuo Zhu said, Jin An became interested: "I wiped out the Burao Mountain, and today I killed the headless monk and captured you. Master Zao Zhu not only did not bear your grudge against me, but also tried every means to provoke me and the new Imperial Master. Instead of going out for a fight, you became worried about my safety and betrayed the new Imperial Master so quickly? "

Master Zao Zhu shook his huge bull's head, sprayed white air from its nose, and said angrily: "I am just bad, but not crazy, and certainly not stupid!"

"The Imperial Preceptor and his gang are all fucking lunatics. Not only are they moody, they even dare to demolish the Tubo Emperor's temple! The deeper you get involved with the Imperial Preceptor and that gang of lunatics, the heavier the consequences will be. Sooner or later, there will be backlash. I am a real person." I have long been looking for an opportunity to betray him!”

"Martial Arts Immortal, you are different. You are principled and fair in your actions. You are not the kind of capricious madman. At least you don't have to think too much about intrigues and life-and-death calculations!"

"Tubok Emperor Temple?"

"Tell me what's going on?"

Jin An raised his eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, at this juncture, Daqingniu's two brass bells rolled their eyes and hesitated to speak again.

Under Jin An's repeated intimidation, Da Qingniu said dejectedly: "I can say that, but the martial artist immortal must swear that you will spare my life after listening to this, and you will never kill me and sell meshikou beef jerky."

The more cautious Da Qing Niu became, Jin An knew that the implications were greater, so he couldn't help but frown a little: "Say."

Daqingniu saw that Jin An did not swear the oath easily, but he let out a breath. Although Jin An did not swear not to kill him, he did not threaten to kill him. Jin An wanted to consider whether to keep him based on the actual situation. .

Jin An seems to have not expressed his stance, but in fact he has already expressed his stance. This kind of principled attitude is the vow he needs.

"Martial Arts Immortal, do you still remember the prophecy on the corpse-suppressing monument in the Guixu Divine Realm of the East China Sea?"

"The thirteenth year of Zhengde is the time when the Yang pole and the Yin arise, the sun and the moon fall, and the heaven and the earth reverse...Yuan Ban..."

A flash of light flashed in Jin An's eyes: "Him?"

Having said this, Da Qingniu simply closed his eyes and recounted his experience in the Guixu Divine Realm in the East China Sea, including Yuan Ban's resurrection from the dead with the help of immortal bones.

"It turns out that the mastermind behind breaking the Four Symbols Bureau of Sealing Heaven and Earth is you, Master Zhuangzhen! You are so awesome, old man!" The statue of the Thousand-Eyed Taoist Lord flew up to the sky, and his eyes widened in shock.

The big green bull just felt a little proud, boom!

Without any warning, the big green bull knelt on the ground. He felt that Jin An, who was sitting on the bull's back, became as heavy as a giant mountain. He was caught off guard and was almost crushed by the bull's back, breaking it into two pieces.

The masculine spirit of the martial arts master is as heavy as a mountain on the soul. Being pressed against the soul makes the soul of the animal master extremely uncomfortable.

Zhuangzhenren Yuanshen begged for mercy: "Martial arts immortal! I know that breaking Shaoyang's game is a heinous crime, but even if I don't break Shaoyang's game today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, sooner or later someone will break Shaoyang's game, as long as there is one person who is obsessed with the fourth realm. , this cage of heaven and earth cannot hold the human heart!"

"You slaughtered this real person today, how can you still slaughter the hearts of all the people in this world!"

"It is said that everything in the world is for profit. That's how people's hearts are. If people don't do it for themselves, heaven and earth will destroy them. It's useless for you to kill me. If you want to kill, just kill everyone in the world!"

"Besides, I broke the Shaoyang Bureau. You can't blame me alone for breaking the Four Symbols Bureau of Duan Tian Jue Di. No one knows when the Taiyin Bureau was broken!"

The soul of the real person who created the animal shouted in dissatisfaction.

The Thousand-Eyed Taoist Statue first marveled at how powerful the new Imperial Master was, and then looked with disdain at the big green bull who was kneeling on the ground by Jin An: "Master Zhuo Zhu, you didn't understand your true identity until you were about to die. What is the capital crime?"

"If you hadn't broken the Shaoyang situation, Master Qingxi would not have fallen ill and is still in a coma. The Martial Arts Immortal went to Cave Heaven Paradise this time. Do you think it was for those Broken Immortal Jade? Martial Arts Immortal It’s to save Master Qing Xi.”

"What, Master Qingxi fell ill?"

The big green bull, which was panting under the pressure of Jin An before, knelt down and wailed, suddenly stood up firmly with its hooves on the ground: "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry to the Cave Heaven Paradise to save Master Qing Xi."

It turns out that Zhuo Zhuren’s previous show of weakness was all deliberately disguised.

Wanting to gain Jin'an's sympathy by pretending to be weak.

A good one is to retreat in order to advance.

When it comes to playing tricks on the city government, it is these old guys.

"Zaoxu Master, you told the truth so quickly. Aren't you really worried that I'll kill you in a rage?" Zaoxu Master turned against us so quickly that Jin An still had doubts about him.

The big blue ox said solemnly: "The one who broke the Shaoyang situation and brought Yuan Yiban back to life, I suspect he is not from my clan! In fact, I suspect he is not human!"

"No matter how big the hatred between Bu Laoshan and you, the martial arts immortal, is a matter within our clan. Now there are outsiders intervening. How can I go along with them and do something worse than selling out my clan members?"

Jin'an's expression was sharp: "Outsiders? Do you have any evidence?"

The big blue ox saw a bunch of tender grass on the side of the road while on the road. He couldn't help but nibble on it because of his appetite. He ruminated on the tender grass and pouted his mouth, saying: "I have never seen such a madman. He even dared to disrespect the Tubo Temple and demolished the Tubo Temple without any scruples. It seems that he doesn't worry about the cause and effect at all."

"I heard that you, the martial arts immortal, demolished the temples and Buddhist temples of the Indians. When you demolished the temples and Buddhist temples of the Indians, did you worry that the Indian gods would punish you?"

Jin'an seemed to be thinking.

Then, another question was raised: "After Yuan Yiban came back to life, how could he be related to Emperor Kang Zhao?"

"Why did Emperor Kang Zhao trust Yuan Yiban so much and appoint him as the new imperial teacher?"

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